What Happens if I Overpay my Credit Card? | Chase (2024)

You likely know the consequences of not paying your full balance. At best, you may owe some interest; at worst, paying less than the minimum may lead to fees and negatively affect your credit score.

In short, not much happens when you overpay. It may not be good or bad, but you just reduced your checking or savings balance by paying your credit card company more money than you needed to. The main indicator on your credit card will be a negative balance. A very important part of your credit card statement is the statement balance, and that's calculated at a specific time every month. Usually, an overpayment is all about timing, and there are different ways overpayments can happen.

Different ways to overpay a credit card

Here are some ways you might overpay your credit card:

  • Making a mistake when typing: If you accidentally enter the wrong amount, you might pay more than you intend or a higher amount than your statement balance.
  • Receiving a refund for a purchase: If you pay your balance, then get a refund right after, you'll end up with an overpayment andprobably a negative balance on the credit card.
  • Redeeming credit card points: If you redeem your points for a statement credit, this will go directly towards your credit card balance. When the full balance is paid and the redemption isn't factored in yet, the result can be an overpayment.
  • Paying the wrong credit card: People who have multiple credit cards and pay several at the same time may pay a credit card's balance on another credit card. For example, Card X might have a $1,000 balance and Card Y might have a $500 balance. The person may accidentally pay $1,000 to Card Y.

Can I overpay with automatic payments?

Your automatic payment won't cause you to overpay as long as you set it to pay your full balance. In addition, if you manually pay your full balance before the automatic payment takes place, the automatic payment shouldn't take place. The payment system should recognize that you don't have a balance, so there will be nothing to pay.

Can I overpay my credit card to increase my credit?

Overpaying doesn't increase your credit limit, and in the rare cases it happens, many card companies limit the amount you can overpay your credit card.

If I overpaid my credit card, what happens to my credit score?

Overpaying your balance generally won't do anything to help improve your credit score or help make up for missed payments.

I have negative balance on my credit card — what do I do?

You can handle an overpaid credit card statement easily. The simplest method is to let the negative balance roll over to your next statement. That overpayment will subtract from your new charges, resulting in a lower statement balance.

If you'd rather have the money back now, you can contact your card company and ask for a refund. To learn more about the ins and outs of credit card payments, check out our payment FAQs.

What Happens if I Overpay my Credit Card? | Chase (2024)


Can I get my money back if I overpay my credit card? ›

If you overpaid by a large amount, you might want to get the money back. The process of requesting a refund for overpayment varies by issuer, but you can typically complete it online. When the issuer receives your request, they have seven business days to send you the funds.

What happens if I put extra money on my credit card? ›

In most cases, an overpayment on your credit card isn't likely to cause any problems. However, if it results in a significant negative balance, you could trigger a fraud alert. A large negative balance can sometimes be a sign that someone is laundering money.

What happens if I accidentally paid too much to my credit card? ›

What to Do After Accidental Overpayment. If you've overpaid by a small amount, there's no need to fret. You can use the balance towards your next month's spending. However, if the credit remains untouched for six months, your credit card company is legally required to make an effort to return that money to you.

What happens if I have a positive balance on my credit card? ›

A positive balance on your credit card, also called a credit balance, is an overpayment or refund on your card. It's an amount that belongs to you, so it's the opposite of an amount you owe. Your next purchases will simply be deducted from the positive balance until your balance drops to $0.

Can I overpay my credit card to increase the limit? ›

An overpayment will not help boost your credit limit, not even temporarily. Your credit limit remains the same – you'll just have a negative balance that will be applied toward your next statement. Details like credit score and income are usually factored into a credit limit increase.

Is it bad to have a negative balance on a credit card? ›

What happens if you have a negative balance? Ultimately, nothing really happens if you have a negative credit card balance. It doesn't hurt you. But still, you want to check in on your account regularly to make sure you don't wind up with a negative balance.

Should I pay off my credit card if I have extra money? ›

“Every single day your high-interest debt goes unpaid, it's costing you money — a LOT of money — in interest,” Krawcheck says. Instead of putting your extra cash toward an emergency fund, she suggests that focusing all of it on credit card debt first will save you more in the long run.

Can I overpay my Capital One credit card? ›

Q: What happens if I overpay on my Capital One credit card? A: If you try to overpay online, Capital One will not give you that option; however, if you have sent your payment in the form of a check, for instance, then the payment will be applied in full and you'll have a credit balance.

Can I get my money back if I overpay my credit card at Bank of America? ›

A Bank of America credit balance refund is a reimbursem*nt for paying more than the total balance owed on a Bank of America credit card. For example, a cardholder who has a balance of $500 but pays $600 can get a credit balance refund of the $100 that they overpaid.

How much more than the minimum should I pay on my credit card? ›

If you can't pay your statement balance in full each month, Capital One suggests paying as much of the balance as possible. Paying even double the minimum amount can help significantly.

How to get rid of negative balance on credit card? ›

It's not often that you'll have a negative balance on your credit card, but don't fret if it happens. If you use the card for everyday purchases, you can get that money back simply by making purchases—the card issuer will cover them until you reach a $0 balance.

What happens if you get paid twice by mistake? ›

An employer can write to an employee to let them know about overpayments and to request the money. You'll need to check your employment contract to see whether overpayments are covered.

Can you reverse a credit card refund? ›

Once a refund has been made, it is permanent. The credit card or direct debit account will need to be charged again if the transaction was refunded by mistake. Re-processing the transaction will require the full credit card or account number.

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