Should I Pay Off My Equipment Loan Early? - Team Financial Group (2024)

Should I Pay Off My Equipment Loan Early? - Team Financial Group (1)

Debt can cause stress, especially if you have multiple outstanding loans. So, paying off an equipment loan early can seem like a no-brainer — but you might be surprised to learn there are certain situations when it can hurt more than help.

In this article, we’ll first discuss whether you can pay off an equipment loan early, and then we’ll get into whether or not you should. Ask yourself these questions as you decide when to pay off your commercial equipment loan.

What Type of Loan Do I Have?

Your answer to this question determines whether or not you can save money by paying off your loan early. Different types of loans may not incentivize early payoffs or may even include an early payoff penalty.

Amortizing Loan

With an amortizing loan, you make periodic payments that apply to both the principal balance and interest. Typically, payments on amortizing loans mostly pay down interest during the early part of the term. As the loan term goes on, more of each payment goes toward your principal balance.

Paying off an amortizing loan early can save you from having to pay future interest. However, some lenders include an early payoff penalty in the loan contract since an early payoff will cause the lender to lose out on interest.

Should I Pay It Off Early?

It can be beneficial to pay off amortizing loans early. Check whether your loan has an early payoff penalty built into the loan agreement.

Non-Amortizing Loan

A non-amortizing loan is a type of loan that usually has no fixed payment schedule. Instead, you pay off the principal balance in a lump sum. The amount of interest in a non-amortized loan is fixed, so no matter when you pay off a non-amortized loan, the lender gets the same amount of total interest.

Should I Pay It Off Early?

It may be possible to pay off your non-amortized loan early, but doing so won’t save you any money in interest payments.

RELATED: The Beginner’s Guide to Commercial Equipment Financing

Do I Have Sufficient Funds to Pay Off My Loan?

Once you’ve determined whether you can benefit from paying off your loan early, you need to consider whether you can afford to do so without jeopardizing the financial stability of your company.

I Have Just Enough Funds to Pay Off My Loan

If you tie up all your cash by paying off a loan early, you could put the entire stability of your company’s finances at risk. And even if the worst doesn’t happen, you might end up just having to take out another loan before long when you find you can’t afford to maintain your equipment or acquire new equipment. So, you want to make sure you’re not using all or most of your available cash reserves to pay off your loan early.

Should I Pay It Off Early?

No. Using all your available cash to pay off a loan can jeopardize the financial stability of your company.

I Will Still Have Funds in Reserve After Paying Off My Loan

If you can safely pay off a loan while still keeping a healthy cash flow for your business, it could be worthwhile to pay off your loan early. This is especially true if you have other types of loans or debts in addition to the equipment loan and you want to minimize your debt service coverage ratio.

Should I Pay It Off Early?

It may be worth paying off your loan early if your company will still have a healthy cash flow after the early payoff.

Should I Pay Off a Commercial Equipment Loan Early?

Now that you’ve established whether you can pay off the loan early, it’s time to look at why you want to do so. Even if you have an amortized loan with no early payoff penalty and the funds to pay off your loan early, it doesn’t mean an early payoff is the right move for your business. Whether you should pay off an equipment loan early depends on how it will affect your company’s long-term health.

Valid Reasons to Pay Off an Equipment Loan Early

    • Save on interest: Paying off a loan early can save you money in the long run. If you have the available funds to pay off the loan, the money you were planning on putting towards additional interest is now available for other uses.
    • Improve financial strength: Multiple loans can negatively affect your debt service coverage ratio and your business’ credit score. If you want to make your company appear financially stronger to your stockholders or potential new business partners, paying off a loan may help.
    • Get peace of mind: Reducing your debt feels good. Getting rid of outstanding debt can open up new options and help you look toward the future.

Bad Reasons to Pay Off an Equipment Loan Early

    • It’s the easiest loan to pay off: If you have another loan that has higher interest rates, paying off that loan before your equipment loan should save you the most money in interest payments.
    • You have enough cash right now, but you haven’t looked too far ahead: Even if you think you have enough available cash to pay off your loan comfortably, make sure to think ahead as far as you can and anticipate possible expenses. Using your extra money to pay off a loan turns a liquid asset (cash) into an illiquid asset, meaning you can’t use that money for any other purposes.
    • You don’t have much credit history, and you assume paying off your loan will help: For many new businesses, establishing a credit history is a big challenge. Banks and other lenders may hesitate to lend your company money. Once you’ve secured a loan, continuing to make on-time scheduled payments on that loan will help build your credit history more than an early payoff.

Team Financial Group Offers A Variety of Equipment Financing Options to Fit Your Needs

At Team Financial Group, we offer leases and finance agreements that we can customize to fit your unique business needs. We’re dedicated to helping our clients grow and thrive by providing efficient and flexible financing options and personalized service.

Ready to get started? Applying is easy! Justvisit our application page, fill out your contact information, and one of our commercial financing experts will get in touch to help walk you through the application process and determine which option is right for you.

If you have questions or concerns you want to address before you begin the application process, we can help. Get in touch with us by calling616-735-2393or by filling out ourconvenient online contact form.

The content provided here is for informational purposes only. For financial advice, please contact our commercial financing experts.

Should I Pay Off My Equipment Loan Early? - Team Financial Group (2024)


Is there a downside to paying off a loan early? ›

If you pay off the personal loan earlier than your loan term, your credit report will reflect a shorter account lifetime. Your credit history length accounts for 15% of your FICO score and is calculated as the average age of all of your accounts.

Is it better to pay off equipment? ›

Valid Reasons to Pay Off an Equipment Loan Early

Save on interest: Paying off a loan early can save you money in the long run. If you have the available funds to pay off the loan, the money you were planning on putting towards additional interest is now available for other uses.

Does OneMain Financial have prepayment penalties? ›

If you want to pay off your personal loan early, you can do so any time and OneMain will not charge you a prepayment fee. To pay off your loan early, you can: Make a one-time payment for the total outstanding balance. Pay an extra amount when you make your regularly scheduled monthly payment.

Can you pay off an EFA loan early? ›

For example, in a 60-month term, the customer is responsible for all 60 payments. However, the customer can pay those 60 payments off at any time without a penalty. Unlike a principal and interest loan, early payments on an EFA do not reduce the amount of finance charges owed.

Do banks like it when you pay off loans early? ›

Some lenders may charge a prepayment penalty of up to 2% of the loan's outstanding balance if you decide to pay off your loan ahead of schedule. Additionally, paying off your loan early will strip you of some of the credit benefits that come with making on-time monthly payments.

Does your credit score drop if you pay off a loan early? ›

When you close the account, you will now have fewer open accounts and less account diversity. If you paid your loan off early, your history will reflect a shorter account relationship. This can result in a decrease in your credit score.

Should I keep my loan or pay it off? ›

It's often a better idea to pay off debt before saving extra money. That's because you won't have to pay big interest charges once the debt is gone, and that's likely to add up to more than you'd earn in your savings account.

Is it better to finance or pay cash for equipment? ›

If purchasing a new piece of equipment means giving up most of your working capital, financing can be an effective solution. You can still set money aside for each monthly payment, but you don't need to commit to a major financial decision all at once. Instead, your organization remains financially flexible.

Is equipment financing considered debt? ›

Second, because equipment financing is typically used to obtain costly equipment, the debt obligation incurred represents a significant financial commitment.

How to get rid of OneMain Financial loan? ›

To cancel your loan, please contact the branch listed on your loan agreement or call (800) 961-5577. If you purchased a vehicle or other item with your loan, OneMain does not require the seller to cancel the sale or release the funds back to you.

What happens if I default on an OneMain loan? ›

If you take out a loan or credit card with OneMain Financial and cannot repay the money, OneMain may take legal action to try to recover the debt. After a certain period, the company may file a collection lawsuit with the court. If OneMain Financial files a lawsuit against you, it wants to get a judgment against you.

What bank owns OneMain Financial? ›

OneMain in its present form is the result of Springleaf Financial's acquisition of OneMain Financial (formerly CitiFinancial) from Citigroup in November 2015, with OneMain becoming the surviving brand.

Does it look good to pay off loan early? ›

The impact depends on what else is in your credit report. "You may find it drops a little, especially if you don't have other active installment loans – such as a mortgage or car loan – reporting to your credit reports," Detweiler says. Once you pay off a personal loan, your credit report will show the loan as closed.

What happens if I pay my loan out early? ›

A prepayment penalty is a fee that some lenders charge when borrowers pay off all or part of a loan before the term of the loan agreement ends. Prepayment penalties discourage the borrower from paying off a loan ahead of schedule (which would otherwise cause the lender to earn less in interest income).

Do you have to pay extra to pay off a loan early? ›

Most lenders will charge an early repayment fee should you wish to pay off a loan early, but the important factor is how much the charge will be. While there is no set fee for early repayment charges, it is often around one or two months interest for the loan.

Is it good to repay a personal loan early? ›

Yes, it can be a good idea to repay your personal loan early as you will be charged a less interest on the loan amount. Also, once you clear your loan early, not only will you be able to save considerable, but your overall credit score will also improve allowing you to avail another loan if necessary.

Why did my credit score drop 40 points after paying off debt? ›

It's possible that you could see your credit scores drop after fulfilling your payment obligations on a loan or credit card debt. Paying off debt might lower your credit scores if removing the debt affects certain factors like your credit mix, the length of your credit history or your credit utilization ratio.

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The Bottom Line

The decision to pay off a loan early is highly personal and should be weighed carefully. While saving money on interest is undoubtedly a benefit, consider the potential downsides to paying a loan off early, such as any prepayment penalties in your loan terms, before making a final decision.

Why is it cheaper if you finish your loan payments early? ›

The lender makes money from the interest you pay on your loan each month. Repaying a loan early usually means you won't pay any more interest, but there could be an early prepayment fee. The cost of those fees may be more than the interest you'll pay over the rest of the loan.

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