Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

'V i 14 Reno Evening Gazette Friday, October 17, 1969 j'V Pearls from Earl Wilson Advice from Ann Landers Freedom to be a slob Diller to join 'Hello I -WHAT ARE Vbi3 tolM3 ONE of MY SERVICE!) I MR-SPATULA, HERE? I'M STILL TALKlM3 HANGUPS s) JLZi v'flLj THERE! l4 rwtnvt fllOf'Q OfTOln lmmit DEAR ANN LANDERS: Some I PPST THE PENTAGON" 7 WELL, AT LEAST ONE I I DeAB nrrUPAMT s- NOW PERSON IS THfNKN I ltAK THIS EVERTONE IGNORES OF NEW YORK Phyllis Diller said "Yes" when David Merrick popped the quesiton to her would she like to take over Pearl Bailey's part in "Hello, Dolly!" this New Year's Eve? "If we can work out the money," added Phyllis, the Lima, 0., glamour girl. Her husband, Ward Donovan, now appearing with her at the Americana Royal Box, would probably also join the cast. LETTER NX JL Kv WONDER WHAT DON'T YOU 4 UCV IT KING GUZ WANTS WELL, HE'S RIGHT FIND OUT WHILE OKAY SEE YOU "CI, UUA, T'SEt ME ABOUT.3 1 OVER I RUN A FEW '( OOOLA. LATER. WAIT UP! JJ Shirley MacLaine's finished writing her book about, her observations while working around the world it isn't dirty nor even sexy but she's not sure whether she wants, to publish it.

She's not sure it's good enough. "I'm not a writer," she told me at Danny's Hideaway. "But I wrote it myself." All you guys with mustaches and you girls with mustaches, too: Australian psychiatrist Dr. Neville Parker claims after a 2-year survey that men with mustaches nearly always have sex problems. Bridget Hanley, the Candy Pruitt of the ABC "Here Comes the Brides" TV show, was in 21 when she discovered that producer-director Cy Howard had just been there and she saw red.

"Five years ago," she said, "when he was doing a pilot Complete Gazette television log newspapers don't care what they print. My teen-agers just waved under my nose an article from the Sunday supplement that put my campaign for orderliness back thirty years. I read it twice to make sure I wasn't seeing things, The article said it is o.k. for kids In ho slonnv it's Dart 4 I Ti i oi growing up. mury itdvea her clothes on the floor so what? If Jimmy leaves his bike out in the rain forget it.

It just proves that they don't attach much importance to material things. The piece continued, "Hooray for the new value system! It's better than ours was!" The article states specifically that mothers aren't supposed to nag kids about making their beds or putting their clothes where they belong. "Be blind," the article said. "Don't nag about trifles. The freedom to be sloppy is a teen-age right." Ann, you are our final hope.

If you agree with this article I'm going to slit my throat. -PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER THEY SPELL MOTHER DEAR MOTHER: One of the liveliest freedoms of all is the freedom to disagree. And I do wholeheartedly. That article will undoubtedly be heralded by exhausted mothers as an excuse to give up the fight. But I implore you to hang in there, Mom.

It takes work and perseverance to teach children to be orderly. Today's sloppy kid is tomorrow's- nood-nik husband or lousy housekeeper. "New value system" my Aunt Minnie. Sloppy means lazy and there is nothing of value in that. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last night my husband and I visited with a couple who live up the street.

When we came home he said, "Please don't ask me Win at NORTH (D) AAQ7 AJ3 10 8 4 KJ54 17 WEST A J8532 VQ1092 Q75 9 EAST AK9 VK7654 32 10876 south A1064 V8 AKJ96 AQ32 Both vulnerable West North 1 N.T. 3N.T. 5 Pass East Pass Pass Pass Pass South 4 A 6 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 10 Here is another hand from the August ACBL Bulletin. This one is from the brilliant pen and fertile imagination of Victor Mollo, and illustrates some of the differences between rubber bridge and duplicate. He explains that North and South had a part-score of 60 but once they got started bidding they couldn't seem to stop short of the slam.

South looked over dummy and was quite pleased with his con tract. Assuming reasonable breaks in all suits, he could count 12 tricks if either the diamond or spade finesse worked. He would probably come out with 13 tricks if they both did. South happened to be a pessimistic expert and he thought a trifle further. Suppose neither finesse would work? Could he make it? ftkBMBadh kdi -ajgroa j.

ca, Ik. t.m. us. r. on.


STnPM ANP LOOKINl' FOK HIS A BA.R BRlh4S THE Mfr- -IT WW SHALL. I TELL. RAIL PAPERS TG I I CH I HIM YOU'VE LEFT FOR EP-AH, HIS W'-tmJP Pi IWi fV THAT MONTH-LONG OFFICE kx VT CHk ZJ CAMEL TOUR OF THE n.f jg SAHARA YOOVE SEEM If" A WOULD YOU in AND CONTRARy S0M PARSNIPS? TTTTTN ggf iS 1 7 Si ps- I I I h9f COURSE THAT'S I YOU'VE TRANS-A NOT EVEW THE. I iki ALOVEABLEHAWGrr PORKWOVPp- FORMED HMvV J-Tr I f4cV OHfALLWflMTV DLL 1 CAN'T 5TAMC? for 'The Daughter of My Friend I dressed as sexy as I could for an audition. He I looked at me and said, 'WHAT jlS IT A BOY OR "I snapped at him, 'Wait'll get my glasses and I'll I also told him, 'You re so involved, you couldn't be objective if you Not to my amazement, I never saw him again." In the interest of peace, I told her that Cy was kidding.

Nevertheless, Bridget now a big star with millions of fans said. "I'd like to see him again. There are some more things I want to tell him." The duch*ess of Windsor confided to Francine Farkas that when she was Wally Simpson of Baltimore, she and "Mr. Simpson" used to give dinner parties. "In fact, that's how I met the Duke," the duch*ess said, adding with a smile, "That may have been his first good meal." I'D RATHER BE LIGHT TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Jeffrey Martin tells of the man who couldn't find an apartment, so he bought a house trailer.

Now he can't find a place to park. WISH I'D SAID THAT: The best years of a woman's life are when she can wear a sweater that's too tight, a bikini that's too small, and a dress that's too expensive. 9:00 8 10 Where Angels Go Trouble Follows (c) 10:00 Gun Fire at Indian Gap 11:00 5 Darby's Rangers 11:30 6 In Old Los Angeles 8 Passage West 10 Perfect Furlough (c) 13 Pony Express (c) 1:00 6 Missile Monster 8 Cloak and Dagger (c) 2:30 6 Specter of the Rose 4:00 6 The Man Who Died Twice SATURDAY MORNING 6:25 13 News (c) 6:30 3 Across the Fence (c) 13 Agriculture U.S.A. (c) 7:00 2 Casper, (c) 3 Heckle and Jeckle (c) 10 Sunrise Semester (c) 13 Film Feature (c) 7:30 2 13 Smokey Bear (c) 8 Agriculture U.S.A. (c) 10 Kaleidoscope (c) 5 News (c) 8:00 2 Chattanooga Cats (c) 3 Movie 4 Here Comes the Grump (c) 5 Existence (c) 8 letsons (c) 10 Classroom 70 (c) 13 Cap'n Delta (c) 8:30 4 Pink Panther (c) 5 Super Heroes (c) 8 10 Bugs Buny-Road Runner (c) 9:00 2 13 Hot Wheels (c) 4 H.

R. Pufnstuf (c) 5 Movie 9:30 2 13 Hardy Boys (c) 3 Banana Splits (c) 4 Adventure (c) 8 10 Dastardly and Muttley (c) 10:00 2 13 Sky Hawks (c) 8 10 Penelope Pitstop ICJ 10:30 2 Gulliver (c) 3 4- Jambo (c) 5 Movie 8 10 Scooby-Doo (c) 13 Focus on Education (c) 11:00 2 13 Pro basketball, Detroit Pistons vs. Milwaukee Bucks at Milwaukee (c) 3 4 Flintstones (c) 8 10 Archie (c) 11:30 3 4 Underdog (c) SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 3 Here Comes the Grump (c) 4 Heckle and Jeckle tc) 5 Roller Derby (c) 8 10 Monkees (c) 12:30 3 Pink Panther (c) 8 10 Wacky Races 1c) 1:00 2 13 College football pre-game (c) 3 H. R. Pufnstuf (c) 4 Film Feature (c) 5 Movie 8 10 Superman (c) 1:15 2 13 College football, California vs.

UCLA at LA (c) 1:30 3 Skippy (c) 4 TBA 8 10 Jonny Quest (c) 2:00 3-College Bowl (c) 4 Film Feature (c) 8 10 Pro Football Highlights (c) 2:30 3 Wile Kingdom (c) 4 Insight (c) 3:00 3 Movie 4 Toward Tomorrow 5 12 O'clock High 8 Roller Derby (c) 10 Movie 3:30 4 Voice of Agriculture (c) 4:00 4 Safety Corner "5-Pro Football Highlights (c) 8 Twilight Zone 4:30 2 High school football, Carson vs. Wooster (c) 3 Movie 4 Educating our Children 8 Country Carnival (c) 10 Bill Anderson (c) 13 Outdoorsman (c) 5:00 4 Film Feature (c) 5 All Star Wrestling (c) 8 Mannix (c) 10 Wilburn Brothers (c) 13 Wagon Train (c) 5:30 4 T.H.E. Cat (c) 10--Porter Wagoner (c) GAXEKr POLLAN- Activity Guide. to thm Stnrt. LIMA SfrT.

23 OCT. 3- 4-5-6 7-13-56 SCORPIO l. i i LU uvtl uit-i again. i why. The woman finished her husband's sentences, corrected his grammar, interrupted him with "No, dear, it wasn't like that at all.

It was this way." She belittled him and put him down every time he opened his mouth. These people arc socially prominent and the man is well thought of, but his wife makes such a nothing of him, it is embarrassing to be in their company. Please print this letter and the name of the city. I don't have the nerve to tell the woman why we will not go to her place again or invite her to ours. Thank you.

-HAD IT DEAR HAD: Here's your letter but I'm not printing the city. Every town in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Mexico has wives who fit your description. Let the battle-axes ask themselves, "Could this be me?" CONFIDENTIAL TO CLUTCHED: What you really want is someone to tell you not to marry the man, so I'll be the one. His track record is a poor one. And yours isn't anything to write home about either.

Furthermore there are too many obstacles and neither of you has a history for tenacity or endurance. What can you build with this man besides an ulcer? And you've got that already. Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the Reno Evening Gazette, P.O. Box 280, Reno, Nevada 89504, enclosing a self addressed, stamped envelope.

John F. Kennedy was the first presidential candidate to visit all the states. bridge The answer was yes, provided diamonds would divide 3-2. At trick two, our pessimist ruffed a heart with a small trump. At trick three, he led the six of diamonds toward dummy.

West rose with the queen and shifted to a spade. South went right up with the ace and ruffed dummy's last heart. Then he cashed his ace and queen of clubs. The next step was to enter dummy with the 10 of diamonds, in order to play out the king and jack of clubs. Not only did this pull East's two remaining trumps but it also allowed South to discard his two losing spades.

The ace, king and jack of diamonds accounted for the last three tricks. Just for the record, a spade lead would have beaten the slam. CARD SENSE The bidding has been: West North East South lClb. ISpd. 3 Dia.

4 Hrt. 9 Pass Pass Pass Pass You IDia. 2 Hrt. 3Spd. 5Dia.

Pass Pass Pass Pass South, hold: S-K8 7 6 H-A2 D-K-Q4 C-J853 What do you do now? A Pass. Your partner has settled for game and you have gotten a lot of mileage out of your 13 points. TODAY'S QUESTION East has bid one heart over your partner's diamond response. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow where ya cut. SIDEBURNS!" 2-KTVN, Reno, (ABC) 1 KCRA, Sacramento (NBC) 4 KCRL, Reno, (NBC) 5 (c)-KlVU, Oakland 2 (ind) 6 (c) KUHL, Reno-Sparks, FM music 7 (c) KXTV, Sacramento, (CBS) 8 K0L0, Reno, (CBS) 9 (c)-KTVN, Reno, (ABC) 10 (c) KOLO, Reno, (CBS) 11 (c)-Music, News (24 hours) 12 c)-KCRL, Reno, (NBC) 12 (c)KCRL, Reno, (NBC) 12 (C) KCRL Reno, (NBS) (c) Comm ity Antenna FRIDAY AFTERNOON 2:00 2 11 Newlywed Game (c) 3 4 Bright Promise (c) 8-10 Secret Storm Ic) 1:30 2 Dating Game (c) 3 AAovie 4 Letters to Lau9h-ln (c) 6 Cartoons ft-10 Edge of Night (c) 13 Divorce Court 3:00 2 13 General Hospital (c) 4 What's My Line? (c) 5- Password (c) 8 Movie 10 Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C (c) 3:30 2 13 One Life Live (c) 4 Divorce Court (c) 5 Popeye (c) 10 McHale's Navy (c) 4:00 213 Dark Shadows (c) 3 Batman (c) 4 Joan Rivers (c) 5 Flipper (c) 10 Mike Douglas (c) 4:30 2 McHale's Navy 3 Lost in Space (c) 4 Mike Douplas (c) 5 Tarzan (c) 6 Film Feature 13 Giiligan's Island (c) 5:00 2 TV Homes (c) 6 FM Music 8 Perry Mason 13- I Love Lucy 5:30 2 Truth or Consequences (c) 3 Dick Van Dyke 5 McHale's Navy 6 FM Music 10-13-News (c) FRIDAY EVENING 6 00 2-3-8-10-13 News (c) 4 News 5 Star Trek (c) 6:30 234- -8- 10 News (c) 13 Perry Mason 7:00 2 Sportsman's Corner (c) 4 News 5 81 Love Lucy 10 What's My Line? (c) 7:30 2 13-Let's Make a Deal (c) 3 4 High Chapparal (c) 5 Beat the Clock (c) 8 10 Get Smart (c) 8 00 213- The Brady Bunch (c) 5 What's My Line? (c) 8 10 Good Guys c) 8:30 2 13 Mr.

Deeds (c) 3 4 Name of the Game (c) 5- He Said, She Said (c) 8 10 Hogan's Heroes (c) 9:00 213- Here Come the Brides (c) 5 Delia Reese (c) 810- Movie 9:30 Film Feature 10:00 2 13 Jimmy Durante Presents the Lennon Sisters (c) 3 4 Brackens' World (c) 5 News 6 Movie 11:00 23 8 10 13 News (c) 4 News 5 Movie 11:30 2-Joey Bishop (c). 3 4 Johnny Carson (c) 8 10 13 Movit 1:00 3 5 News (c) 6 Movie 8 Movie 1:30 13 Cheaters 2:00 13 News (c) 2:30 6 Movie 4.00 6 Movie TODAY'S MOVIES 1:00 5 Brute Force 6 Satans Satellites 2:30 3-The Third Voice 3:00 8 Enchanted Valley STAR mi By CLAY ARIES HAH. Your Daily According 2 1 I if DENNIS THE MENACE gB? 5nHr i i i 1 ill ri 111 ii. 1 1 a i i- v. ii To develop message for.SoturrJoy, 8-32-43-661 69-75-79-81 reoa woras corresponding to numbers of your Zcfliac birth sign.

Jbfel MTJ I SL 01 1 WA 1 (s r-TI I Hi -kfl 1 THAT'S A RELIEF 31 On 61 In 32 Preparations 62 Comingi 33 They 63 Keep 34 Allow 64 Just 35 To 65 For 36 Development 66 Successfully 37 Backing 67 Purse 38 Is 68 A 39 A 69 Friend 40 Could 70 Help 41 You 71 Dissolve 42 May 72 Romance 43 Friends 73 Your 44 Possibly 74 Can't 45 Pride 75 Come 46 Short- 76 Business 47 Shore 77 Finances 48 Of 78 Or 49 Benefit 79 To 50 Con 80 Good 81 Light 52 A 82 Personal 53 To 83 Or 4 Any 84 Be 55 Your 85 Mating 56 Rtajonoble 86 Thing 57 Happy 87 Money 58 Interfere 88 Bothered 59 Day 89 Expense 60 Burden 90 ObHar II ifalu 1 XV I l-l I UW1 I i y. i Aft. 20 1 Don't 2 Friends 3 Don't- 4 Push 5 An 6 Advantage 7 Gomed 8 Magnify 9 Your 10 Problem 11 Or 12 Action 13 Be J4B.r 15 Moke 16 A 17 Timely 18 Secret 19 Require 20 Of 21 Should 22 Promisee 23 Be 24 Don't 5 This 26 Taken 27 People 28 Luck 29 Seek 30 Don't I HAY 20 12 21-23 26 j'31-39-80-86 GEMINI MAI 21 jTN14-20-28-42 ly0-73-77 CANCER L. JUNE 21 2-15-22-33 H44-51-63 LEO JULY 23 i AUG. 22 t- 8- 9-1M 1-46-62 VIRGO AUG.

21 itri. it 41-50-66-71 OCT. 23 HOY. 21 p0-34-45-53iTi 58-61-85-87WJ SAGITTARIUS HOY, OfC. 19-27-35-471 54-60-83-89 3 1 CAPRICORN JAN.

It Vlt 16-17-36-40? k9-55-67 AQUARIUS if 25-38-52-57 59-65-72 PISCES 1018 24-29-37-43 64-74 R4.MV- .22. ,2, Mil iWGooi (g) Adverse )Netmd '76-78 82-901 Sil SSMLfc. IIuhI "Be careful I'm growin' -i i.

Reno Gazette-Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.