6 Ways to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early (2024)

Why pay more than your car is worth when you can pay off your car loan early?

About seven out of 10 people borrow money to buy their cars, and a car loan is one of the largest financial obligations you can have.

If you’re oneof them, you may have a loan that will take you 60 or 72 months to pay off. That’s fiveto six years! That’s toomuch interest to have to pay. So we want to help you get out from under that loan faster andsave money on interestby giving you 6 ways to pay off your car loan early.

How to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early


This may seem like a wash, but if your lender will let you do it, you should. With a payment every two weeks, you’ll end up making 26 half-payments per year. That adds up to 13 full payments a year, rather than 12.

If you have a 60-month, $10,000 loan, you’ll save only about $35 in interest, but you’ll repay the loan in 54 months rather than 60. That’s six months of your life back and can be an easier transition if you get paid every two weeks.


Instead of just paying what is recommended,round your payments up to the nearest $50 to help repay your car loan more quickly.

Say you borrowed $10,000 at a 10% interest rate for 60 months, then your monthly payment is $212.47. With that payment, you’ll repay your car loan in 60 months, having paid $2,748.23 in interest.

However, if you decide to round up and pay $250 a month, you’ll repay your car loan in 47 months, having paid only $2,214.69 in interest —saving you $533.54!


This is the one-time version of rounding up. But it doesn’t matter when you do it.

Let’s say you borrow that same $10,000 over 60 months at 10% interest. If you make an extra payment of $500 a year, you will repay the loan in 49 months, having paid $2,279.35 in interest —a savings of $468.88 in interest.


And the savings just continue. By making at least one, larger additional payment a year, you’ll save even more in interest. Just remember, the earlier you make your big payment the sooner you’ll pay off your car loan. The early bird gets the savings, or however it goes.


Some lenders will let you skip your payment once or even twice a year. Resist the temptation. Skipping payments will lengthen the term of your loan and cost you more in interest.


This is where you take your loan and negotiate a new monthly payment and pay-off date. Only do this if it gets you a lower monthly payment and/or a sooner pay-off date (re: term).

Otherwise, refinancing makes little sense. You don’t want to lower your monthly payment and lengthen the term of your loan because you’ll end up paying the same principal and a lot more interest.


Even if the outstanding balance of your car loan is large, it’s unlikely to be your loan with the highest interest rate. That honor tends to go to credit cards, the average rate of which is about three times higher than the average auto loan interest rate.

Think about focusing onpaying off your credit cardsbefore focusing on your car loan to save the most money andraise your credit score.

But if you’re focusing on your car loan, we hope this has helped you create a winning strategy towardbecoming debt-freeand even keepa few extra dollars in your pocket as you pay off your car loan early!

6 Ways to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early (2024)


How to pay off a 5 year car loan in 3 years? ›

Below are the methods you should consider to pay off your car loan faster:
  1. Refinance your car loan.
  2. Split Your Bill Into Two Biweekly Payments.
  3. Make a large down payment.
  4. Round up your car payments.
  5. Review additional car expenses.
Oct 4, 2023

How is the best way to pay off a car loan early? ›

Once you have an idea of how much you could save, you can take advantage of a few methods to pay off your car loan faster.
  1. Refinance with a new lender. ...
  2. Make biweekly payments. ...
  3. Round your payments to the nearest hundred. ...
  4. Opt out of unnecessary add-ons. ...
  5. Make a large additional payment. ...
  6. Pay each month.
Jul 18, 2023

What happens if I pay an extra $100 a month on my car loan? ›

Your car payment won't go down if you pay extra, but you'll pay the loan off faster. Paying extra can also save you money on interest depending on how soon you pay the loan off and how high your interest rate is.

What happens if I pay half of my car payment? ›

By paying half of your monthly payment every two weeks, each year your auto loan company will receive the equivalent of 13 monthly payments instead of 12. This simple technique can shave time off your auto loan and could save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in interest.

How do I pay off a 6 year car loan in 3 years? ›

Once you've decided you are going to pay down or pay off your loan early, there are five ways to reach your goal:
  1. Make a full lump sum payment. ...
  2. Make a partial lump sum payment. ...
  3. Make extra payments each month. ...
  4. Make larger payments each month. ...
  5. Request extra or larger payments to go toward your principal.

Is it better to make two payments a month on a car loan? ›

Splitting the payment in half and paying twice a month (semi-monthly) saves money. Why? On an auto loan, interest compounds daily. By paying half your payment early, you actually cut down the principal faster, thereby reducing the corresponding compounding interest you'll pay over the life of the loan.

How to pay off a $15,000 car loan fast? ›

5 ways to pay off a car loan faster
  1. Consider refinancing your current car loan. ...
  2. Make biweekly instead of monthly payments. ...
  3. Round up your payments. ...
  4. Find extra money for payments with a budget. ...
  5. Review your car add-ons.
Oct 31, 2023

What is the car payment on a $30,000 car? ›

A $30,000 auto loan balance with an average interest rate of 5.0% paid over a 6 year term will have a monthly payment of $483. In total, the loan will cost $34,787 with $4,787 in interest.

How much will my car payment go down if I pay extra? ›

Paying extra on your auto loan principal won't decrease your monthly payment, but there are other benefits. Paying on the principal reduces the loan balance faster, helps you pay off the loan sooner and saves you money.

Can you pay off a 5 year loan early? ›

If, for example, you get a personal loan with a term of 5 years, your lender might charge a prepayment penalty if you pay off that loan in 3 years or less. Others might charge a prepayment penalty if you pay it off in any amount of time less than the full 5 years. Prepayment penalties differ by lender.

How can I pay off my 5 year loan faster? ›

5 Ways To Pay Off A Loan Early
  1. Make bi-weekly payments. Instead of making monthly payments toward your loan, submit half-payments every two weeks. ...
  2. Round up your monthly payments. ...
  3. Make one extra payment each year. ...
  4. Refinance. ...
  5. Boost your income and put all extra money toward the loan.

How to get out of a 5 year car loan? ›

How to get out of a car loan you can't afford
  1. Renegotiate the loan. Best for borrowers who are on the brink of becoming delinquent on their auto loan — especially if they are on otherwise good terms with their lender. ...
  2. Sell the vehicle. ...
  3. Voluntary repossession. ...
  4. Refinance your loan. ...
  5. Pay off the car loan.
Apr 1, 2024

What are the biggest disadvantages of financing a car for 5 years instead of 3 years? ›

Not all cars lose value at the same rate, but, on average, new cars lose 40 percent of their value after five years. If you decide to trade in your vehicle or sell it, you may find yourself upside down on your loan, owing more than what it's worth.

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