The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

if THE ZiL (ESVILLE TIMES RECORDER. i PROSPERITY SALARIES I TWO SUITS (Coatiaud rron Tmgm Oa) Taste Right And Yet It is the Same He Was FOR DAMAGES Filed in Common Pleas Court Saturday. Kmnlrmor with so much Ke ish After Dinner, Last Night, Out of the annual salary to be $(XX) for the initial grade, $S0O for the second grado, and for the four suMwdiujr grades $8K, $1,1100, nsiectively; and of providing for the advancement of clerks and carriers in first-class offices from the $im initial grade to $300 after one year's service to after two years' service and to $1,000 after thi-ee years' service; and for the advancement of clerks and carriers in second-class offices to $801) after one year's service, to after two vears' All Pianos and Organs takea in exchange during Dter to be cl-arei out at VERY LOW. FECES If you do not feel disposed to invest in a newjphno, come in and buy one of these second-hard NORMS FILES ANSWER TO DAMAGE SUIT. Very Same Box, Too.

1C I Another Turn in the Illegal It Xsat th. Segar It's tat Stomach. Every smoker has experienced this tutmtllni ennilUlnn of th fitnmnrh and Bond Sale Matter Busy Day in Courts. Tie WSIMmEfeiie liver, the result usually of Imperfect digestion of food. And the blurue Is usually put on the and not where it belongs.

632 Main Streef, Zaneslille, Mo LIMITED 11 i i SERVICE 110108 GUPM THE. GRANT Mff A suit for damages ia the amount of $10,000 was filed In comnn.u pleas court Saturday by Frank O. Scott agalns the Wheeling Lake Erie Ry. Co. for injuries alleged to have been received on June 13 of the present year while in ihe employ of the company.

The petition states that hllj Scoit was employed as a braKcman and engaged in coupling cars at Ayers' switch, near Madden's siaiion, his Ici't foot was caught between the draw bars and mutilated In such a manner lat the member had to be amputated at the instrp. Scott Is represented by At torney C. C. Lemert. FOR FALSE ARREST.

Another suit for damages was filed Saturday by AMorney C. C. Lemerf, representing Eva Schullman, against John W. Keller and The New York Finance Co. Plaintiff alleges that on Dec.

1 she was arrested on an aflldavit Will be Instilled on the C. E. Interurban You Can't Beat It That's just exartly what we moan nhout our -or meal anl 1 lllllcllCS. Yotl got tilt! ltt'Ht of every tiling, DrojH-rly eookttil and served promptly. (Jive us a trial anil it' a eineh we'll jret your business ever FROM ZANESVILLE TO INDIANAPOLIS Mm filed In the local police court by fendant charging h-r with obtaining Making Direct Connections on All Divisions Two Trains Per Day.

money under fai pretenses. She was released Dec. 18 and now prays for men are usually high livers, hard workers mentally, living under ihigh. pressure and high draught, and it doesn't take a great deal to der the stomach or render the liver torpid. They should make It a practice to use some tried and reliable remedy like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, that damages to the amount of $5,000 for al leged false arrest.

FILES ANSWLT. THE Herbert J. Norris on Saite-duy film' answer In common wpt to i'i Knock louder at your door just now than at any previous time this sea-son, and we Vant to bo tho mcan3 of giving you warmth protecticn from the ccld weather to come by offeriup; seasonable merchandise at lower prices in order to reduce stock be-fore our annual inventory. Ctoaks amdl Furs Notwithstanding the heavy sales of this department during the Christmas sales we have still in stock a fine assortment of Jackets, Coats, Skirts, Neck Fur, Muffs and Fur Coat3 that will be Bold at greatly reduced prices from now till inventory time. damage suit recently brought agaim--i wfll aid Nature and not force It and -H take care of the sudden attacks eute indigestion.

him by Albion J. Andrews. The suit Coffee Kitchen Is for damages as the result of a col lision between the Andrews buggy am ihe Norris auto. The plaintiff allege that he sustained injuries In the col 18 Schultz Opera Block. lision which whs the result of th carelessness of the driver of the auto, In the answer Mr.

Norris alleges that if Mr. Andrews was injured, It. was the rfsult of his own carelessness. negligence, Hnd recklessness, and that and OomffoG If any Injuries wero received hy plain 'Iff, It was without fault or negligent' In anyway whatsoever on the part of 1 fendant, wherefore defendant prays ie use of. these tablets Is not to be funded with the patent medicine Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a patent medicine, but are com-i ol the very elements which na-j provides jthe healthy stomach to the work of digestion pepsin, itase, golden seal, etc.

There Is no In their preparation they are pure and therefore all the i rises ihem. matter how disordered the be, It will right itself if given tnce Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets food where the stomach can't, abused stomach and Intestines and offer renewed strength to irn nt elands and muscles, workers can rely on Stuart's psia Tablets, no matter how the strain. All druggists carry the fifty cent packages, or If efer a free trial package can be sending your name and address A. Stuart Company, 71 1 building, Marshall, Mich. that tho cause of be dismissed at the costs of the plaintiff.

FILE DEMURRERS. Jan. 2, wfll see "limited" service installed on all the lines owned and operated by the Indiana, Columbus Eastern Traction Co. This was given out officially from headquarters at Indianapolis, I nil. It has been arranged to run two limited trains per day on each division of the road, each limited train making connection wiith the trains of the next division, making practically a limited service from Zancsville to Indianapolis or any other point.

With two trains per day and the charge for limited service no more than the regular fare the eleotrlc lines of Ohio and Indiana promise to become lively competitors of steam roads. A dispatch from Indlanaisilis, the headquarters of the system, says: "The Indianapolis and Eastern Traction Co. and the Indiana, Columbus (Ohio) and Eastern hsve arranged for a through limi.ed tty service between here, Richmond and Dayton, beginning next Tuesday. There will be two limited trains eich way daily. One will have here In the mornings el a'clock arriving at Dayton ut 11:30 o'clock and making connections there with cars for Springfield.

Columbus and Zanesvllle. The second limited train will leave here for Davton at 2 o'clock. No extra charge will be made All Wool Blankets in white, Grays, plaids, with handsome borders, In prices $3.50 to $5.00. Cotton Blankets, all cors, from 35c to $2.00 a pair. Crib Blank-ets for children, 45c to $2.00 a pair.

Comforts, cotton filled, silkoline and sateen covering, from $1.00 to each. On the grounds of insufficient cause for action. Samuel Rutledge, Ireusurer of Muskingum county, filed a demurrer PERSONALS. Mr. H.

T. llarn and fuinlly or avenue are viitlng friends In Wellsvillo. Mrs. Howson of South Seventh street is entertaining Mbs Carrie Dailey of Muriel I a. Mr.

Charles Allen of New York city is tha gtiet of IiIh father, Mr. G. A. Allen of the east pike. Mr.

.1. Harvey Gclst, of. the A. K. Starr shoe dennrtnif nt, has returned from New York city, whor* he transacted business for the house.

Miss Anlia Geyer of Munsflnld has returned to her home after a short visit with friends In this city. Miss Edith Denny and Miss Mary McCloud of Helknap street spent Sunday with friends In Newark. to the action brought recntly by Prosecutor E. E. Power In relation to the Illegal bond sale.

Plaintiff Is rep resented by Attorneys Mcllenry and MAIN AND FOURTH STREETS Rlbble. A demurrer was filed by Attorney Mcllenry and Rlbblc representing Hie Dlaintlft In the case of Francis Swingle et. administrators vs, muse Emmanuel Eppley. to the second de fense In the defendant's answer. MINOR MATTERS.

Churles J. Murdock, against whom i damage suit was filed recently by 'Squire Levi Stockdale on the grounds Is London's worst month During a "good'ear the rnay hive to breathe only 3' a very "bad" year he may ndttre as many as SO. Lon-ntless coal fires, mingling mist, concoct the Londoner's liu. The great majority of lie metropolis begin to form 7 and 8 in the morning, just it fires are being lighted. T7T! T7" 1 1 rm a of alleged false charges, bus filed a motion to strike out purr of the peti inms uvjuuu uni on the limited cars.

Baggage will be carried free of charge and children between 5 and 12 will be charged in.f UCUUULL Miss Maa Uaines of Coshocton visited friends In this city over Sunday, i Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Yocum of Newark are the guests of relatives In Zanesvllle.

1 I Mrs. Roy Dilley of Richmond. I lion of the plaintiff. fare. Lewis H.

Lane, through his attor neys, Winn Bassett. has brought at "The Indianapolis and Eastern will tlon against the American Surety Co, put on two new cars on Its line be Starts Wednesday of New York, et. praying for Judg' tween here and New Castle, the np men), to the amount of $4,989.58 with schedule going Into on New Interest from Oct. 1, 1906. to recover Year's day." is the guest of her mother, Mrs.

H. C. Lindsay, of Convers avenue Miss Ell" CunnltiRham of Dcaver-town Is the guest of Mrs. Mailer of North Seventh street. on a previous Judgment of $.1,681.15.

IN PROBATE COURT. J. E. Wlgion. administrator of the estate of the late Mary Price, filed first and final account.

HARRY THAW HASWONOVER Our 20th January Invoice Sato Ant! Our 3rd Annual Gift PacUayc Sale Combined Isaiah Marple made application for letters of administration In the estate of the late Edith Marnle. John E. Moore made application for the sppolntment as guardian of John W. Moore, an alleged Imbecile. A marriage permit wrs Issued Satur Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Miller of Adams-ville mad are the guests of friends in Cambridge. Miss Anna DaiiKherty of this city spent Sunday with friends at New Lcx-Ing'ou.

Miss Grare Collins of -ill street is the guest of relatives at Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. H. C.

Wilson of Bel-hire spent Sunday with friends in Zanesvllle. Mrs. Hattin Chester has returned to her home at Dayton aft -r a very pleas day to John H. Wright, miner, and HIS MOTHER She consents That He go to Mabel Gibson, both of Trlnway. OSTEOPATHS' Terra DONTONDER Sinless Extraction AYSPECIALS $5.00 up (jold) $3.50 up i 50c up ork $3.50 up rk fully guaranteed, strictly modern and Examination and con-a tree.

0, EJePOE IAHf STREET, From Court House, 1 Trial Expert Says He's a Lunatic. Bigger, Brighter, Better and Greater than ever for 1007. A harvest for the rich and poor alike. Don't think of missing a "slice" of this unprecedented liberality. Ifi a battle royal between Shoes and Dollars.

The Shoes must go and the Dollars come before we invoice, February 1. Keep your eyes on our show windows, store front and bargain counters. Absolutely. CONVENTIOB ant visit with her sister, Mrs. Krauk Jones, of Center street.

Mr. II. M. Stanbery and son Harry I New York, Dec, A of Hoiewell have returned to their State Society Holds Annua! McLane Hamilton, the alien home after a short, visit with Mr. Marion Stanbery of Marietta street.

the warmest shoe bargains ever offered in Ohio, ist, returned' from a trip t( Miss nrigham of Sheridan street hiis Ijondon on the steamship Ca Meet in Columbus Saturday. from Clneliinall, where she visited friends. ronia today. Shaking of Har ry K. Thaw, who is soon to he Mr.

Harrison Drtimm has returned to Columbus. lc. 30-(Speclal)- tried for the murder of Stanford White, Dr. Hamilton, who his home at, Ilo well after visiting his son, Mr. W.

E. Drunini, of Hall The Ohio Osteopath! society held Itt iiinual convention at the Chittenden some time ago examined Thaw, Every FzzZtt See cm. WZ Package rzr mm Mr. Mild Mrs. f.

F. Kiilkner of Clove- tiotel this citv Saturday. An intrresi lug nice) log was held Hlid tho follow said: oil' olliciirs elected for the eiisuiiif land have been the guesu of Mrs. Kulkner's aunt. Mrs.

Charles flram- "Thaw is in a dangerous ley, of Ie street. President, Dr. II. B. Worstcl, or t-an- predicament.

It is the lirsl Lon; vice presmcni. irr. it. rj. mini-dead of Delaware; secretary, Dr.

G. H. lime in the Juslory ot our Mr. John of Gahnnna Is the gii'st nf his slKir, Mrs. Charles Cosncr of Upper Sandusky; treasurer, country that a lunatic wants to Hramley, of I l)r W.

S. erce of J.lmu. nr. r. (irwwell of Newark, was chosen oh Baby 113 Charles E.

Madden has relumed to CHANGE OF TEH i bo executive committee, MRS. BE2THA VARSON Cleveland after siiendlng the hnlldays try Ins own case. In my opinion, Thaw is worse than Czgol-osz. I think District Attorney Jerome would accept with his grandmother, Mrs. M.

A. Coff man. Linden avenue. SUES FOR DIVORCE London's 8wt Guidon uses 50,00" csns of sugsr annually for Jam making. PLEASANT SURPRISE.

EDWARD. Tinrlon. HO. The foreign o.Tice A IIU rary entertainment will be giv plea of insanity." 1 Hi-iiIm Warwiii, through her H. Mier, DM suit for dl- On Ohio River Western Railway, Sunday, Jan.

6, 1807. announces that King Edward has approved tho appointment of James llryre as amlMiseador to the Unlc-d en on New years evening by the pupils and teaeher of Falrvlew sehool. vop hiwbiilid, ti1 le- Wjr-soii, Siiiarday. Extreme rVy is al- Dr. Hamilton said that lie tad met Thaw's half-brother SUtcs.

Mrs. Nellie Faller of N-wnorf. Ky Thirty of Mrs. Amanda grounds for the 'tarprce. in London and he understood A verv successful revival Is beltiR Train leave Zanvil 7:45 g.

who has been the guest of relatives In ondiirted at the Moxahala avenue M. Shrum's Friends CaU. fjfaft. AGAIN want to send some to lends. Why not try studio in the Magin- Stewart is king of icture makers, for he expression.

id night. Sign this city lft on Sundav evening to Join that nil of tlio prisoner's broth ad J. 4.t p. m. hurc hy th pastor.

Kev. u. v. ihii- er husliand. Mr.

Matthew raller. of Trains arrive at Zanesvllle a. ers and sisters were in favor of Iv-ingelli ch'trch will I vle of old year In the Ev Frletuls to th- iininter Mi Tl rni dlde las rmsn hold last 1eld. Two pentons nave wen Washington, D. C.

serv ni. au'Ll: 10 p. m. erted and great interesr is neimr lis being taken rare of, but on Mrs. Amanda snriiMni siamr'ay 'Veutng enniasiiiie.

lbs affair th a Misses K-ten and Minnie Thorn of this evnilng at 7:.10 o' clnuk. The Hirlatmi's tr will be lit anln in the meet nis. 'i that If. K. Thaw had won over mplete surprise.

The evening was vlll continue alt thl week. All n.l the Chrlstmss nroitrara 'h No ch.mge in Sunday trains. E. E. HOOXEr, aiiperintendent TransportHflou.

welcome. sjtent In nuiidr i'ftjt mother to going on trial. ronverwt'on, w.h(K he given aw In. Al! -si cJdlal.v invited. .1, i verc en near Rlx Mills have returned to their home aftr soendlng a merry Chrlt-mas with thHr sister.

Mm. Charles W. Thompson, of Crooksvllle. Mrs. Tliomss O'H'srn of tbeO'lleurn elghs siwtidlttg dsrs with ilr.

Z-. a. Hit of itjw'. i) 9 ill nti fcl-culd'Not Fe.l So a tinn enly f't bflf? rftener no: ti broke ti T-i f.i ji- amj jirl. si.

wtller, vf rjul K-ute No. 6, a IZ fjuud Joys v' I In .1.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.