The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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5 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22 1926 NORTHAMPTON CHICOPEE GOSHEN AMHERST BROOKIELD SMITH COLLEGE at mile in width CONWAY ATHOL ft the colrain TABLES TURNERS ATES chil BIS1LOP UNABLE TO ATTEND SUNDERLAND $5 Tables ft QharlefHatl rjka Hall TSuildmj WARE had SHELBURNE ALLS Revolied fl BELCHERTOWN of Christmas carols MILLERS ALLS WEST SPRINGIELD action powerful suction and a motor driven brush school SUIELD The cleaner with the ball bearing motor and brush that of Mrs Clough music $250 Down Balance on Ea'sy Terms and ENIELD I (Demonstrations on Main loor) NORTH WILBRAHAM orbes Wallace Inc WESTHAMPTON Christmas Services in Christ Church Cor SOUTHWICK CHRISTMAS DAY 8 and 10 A SOUTHAMPTON ft all sis the of and will be held Tuesday the the the us of in notary club of a Christ 'ft bishop of re host of his 30 arming sold his Mrs Kid now housed in three portable build ings at the Bridge street school and three at the Hawley grammar school There are eight rooms in the annex The marriage intentions of Robert erron of Williamsburg and Gladys Penftiman of this city have been filed at the office of the city clerk Henry Riley of Suflield is one of the automobile drivers whose licenses to operate have been suspended for a year by the state motor vehicle de partment serv on the the fl Aace and ave box child from and and pro SAW CUTS HAND ONE INGER AMPUTATED ft ft the splendid values our for has and En Mr and Airs quietly observed The dog is not only one of best friends but may be his oldest for ancient remains show that it was one of the first animals domesticated Buonos Aires Doc 21 Emily Jay 15 daughter of United States Em bassador Peter Augustus Jay" died here after an operation for appendici tis ft 'ft ft RIVER 112 Dny or Night Colrain Dec 21 The Christmas ex ercises and tree for the children of the Congregational church will be held riday evening Santa Claus will be present and distribute gifts among the children Donald Cary of Williams college Reuben Call of Massachusetts Agricul tural college and Elinor Gilchrest of Russell Sage college are at their homes for the holidays The community Christmas tree has been placed on the common and will be lighted every evening this week Tliis is under the auspices of the Boy Scouts The annual parish supper and busi ness meeting of the Congregational society will be held Thursday the 30th Word has been received from Mr and Mrs Walter Kemp telling of their safe arrival in Crescent City la They made the trip by automobile giving of their tithe and make others happy The urges all to continue the and bring the spirit of Massachusetts Bar annual meeting ofWorcester Satur GLEAS UNER4I HOME 2705 tllaln Street I'iione River 452 The lighted tree will be on the green in the Center The Methodist church will have a Christmas party lor the Sunday school pupils and their parents Mon day night the 27th in Sunday school rooms The town meeting held Thursday afternoon voted to borrow $3u00 and to purchase a snowplow for $125 Oliver Steadman of East Brook field road was elected master of the grange to succeed Airs Mary Thackaberry whose term expires at the end of the year The exercises presided over by Herman superintendent of the school people of the parish are In attend it ft Sent Postpaid IRST LOOR i the The carols usual a wonderful of welcome just the price Epworth league and of the Methodist have their Christmas tomorrow evening at Shelburne alls Dec 21 Miss Lucy Hale is spending her Christmas vacation at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Almon Hale onWellington street All Sunday schools In the village will hold their Christmas tree pro gram riday night at 7 The community Christmas tree ex ercises will be held on the Methodist church lawn on riday night at 630 A general Invitation is extended to all to be present and enjoy the sing ing Southampton Dec 21 The Congre gational church Sunday school will have its Christmas party in church parlors riday night choir and young folks will sing to shut ins and on the green as i PRIEST OBSERVES 25TH YEAR ORDINATION MRS EDWIN VAIL DIES ATER LONG ILLNESS George Ladeau Injured as He alls May Save Other APPOINTED ASSISTANT CASHIER AT BANK MANY STUDENTS LET EARLY OR HOLIDAYS SHAKESPEAREAN PROGRAM GIVEN of the church school will be 430 Wednesday Miss Lila and her asistants have an attractive party Each of the elementary grades will GETS SIX MONTHS OR DESERTING AMILY The Christmas party for the dren of the irst Baptist church will be held tomorrow evening at 630 o'clock A program will be given by the children of the primary depart ment Robert rost the poet who has a three appointment to the faculty of rmh rst college will oc cupy with Mrs rost the home of Mrs Charles Wellington at the corner of Lincoln avenue and Amity street for the three months beginning Janu ary 3 Dr and Mrs Henry ernaid of Amity street will leave tomorrow for Bryn Mawr where they will visit their daughter before going south for the winter months Dr ernaid will attend the meetings of the American Scientific association in Philadelphia early in January Chureh Elects Officers Sunderland Dec 21 At the annual meeting of the Congregational church the following officers were elected: Primary department: Sunday school superintendent Mrs Arthur Hub bard: clerk Theoren Warner treasurer Chester Warner auditor Merrill Warner deacons Charles Hubbard rank Williams: pru dential committee Andrew Warner George Pomeroy Walter Wil liams Northampton Dec21 Clarence and Ibeslie Jordan Henry Wellspeak and flaymond Wheeler all of Williams burg were charged in the district vourt this morning with cutting Christmas trees on property of Perley Jdorgan at Cummington without per mission They pleaded not guilty and their cases were continued to January ft for hearing Waclaw Niederiecki was fined Jin for beating John Mordas Raymond Crandall of Southamptonwas given a suspended fine of £25 for ftruelty to domestic animals LORENCE COUPLE MARRIED 62 YEARS Thompsonville Dec 21 George La deau employed in the carpentry de partment of the Bigelow Hartford i Carpet plant while at his work yes terday afternoon accidentally slipped and in falling his hand came in con tact with a circular saw and was badly lacerated Be was rushed to the emergency hospital of the company and Dr James Breslin the com pany's doctor found it necessary to amputate the middle finger on the right hand Although the other fin gers and thumb wore badly mangled the doctor has hope of saving them As Dr Breslin has made a special study of surgery it was not necessary to take Mr Ladeau to a hospital for treatment PREMIER DUPLEX! The cleaner with double Joseph lc The funeral of Joseph lc 65 of 39 Wyman street Chicopee who died at his home early yesterday morning will be held tomorrow morning at 830 at the home followed by a high mass of requiem at St church at 9 Burial will be in St Stan islaus's cemetery Mr ic is survived by his widow Magdalena five sons Charles and Anthony of Passaic Peter of Utica Stanlay of Chicopee and rank rodema of West Spring field one daughter Mrs Sophie Alunc zka of Chicopee and a sister Mrs Caroline Augustyn of Three Rivers Marriage Intentions The following Intention of marriage was filed yesterday at the office of the Chicopee City Clerk Charles La Kiviere Martin maconem or street Holyoke a brick layer Miss Nancy Arighr of 32 Mead nue isk employe There will be a midnight Ice in Grace church Chicopee Christmas eve beginning at 1130 and there will be a service at 10 Christ mas day and on Sunday communion service will be held at 730 and 1045 The club will meet this afternoon at 2 with Mrs Charles II Prfndle of Springfield street Miss Elizabeth JI Butterick will give a pa per on and Miss Ann Smith will give one on Richard Burton" ft ft Eastern Star Elects Star of Eden chapter order of the Eastern Star elected the following of ficers last night: Worthy matron Miss Elizabeth arquhar of Gilbert ville associate matron Mrs Lottie Maxwell worthy patron Clayton Maxwell secretary Miss Mary Southworth treasurer Mrs Lillian A Sanford conductress Mrs Catherine Robinson associate conductress Miss Marion Damon There will be a community Christ mas tree program at irst Congrega tional church at Ware Center at 7 Thursday night in which the church Sunday school Ware grange and all people of the community will take part ltrs James Kane of West Main street attended a reception at the chapel of the sisters of St Joseph at Springfield today at which her niece Miss Anna Walsh took her first vows to become a sister of the order Southwick Dec 21 Raymond A Griffin a senior at AJassachusetts Agricultural college is spending his vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs Cooley A Griffin Stanton Phelps a' teacher of lan guages at the West Nottingham academy Colora Md is spending his vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs Charles II Phelps CHARLES WARNER DIES AT SPRINGIELD suggest variety Gifts at you want to pay Alle ged to Have Cut Christ mas Trees on Perley Mor Kidd duet Was a Lover and from Shakespear's You by Mrs Grace Davis Beau the garden Of good quality plate plain or hammered one of on Henry Payette Dead Henry Payette 28 died last night no was a native or Oakdale and lived at Easthampton 15 years leaves his father Adelard of River a brother Omer and two ters Mrs Robert Cashman and Miss Blanche Payette Mrs Mary Merrigan "Dead Mrs Mary Merrigan widow of Taw rence Merrigan died this morning at her home on Pleasant street John Lucier uneral The funeral of John Lucjer was held this morning at St Mary's church requiem high mass being celebrated by Rev Neary A solo was sung by Mrs Helen Carey The honorary bearers were the following members of Easthampton council' Knights of Columbus: Charles Misner Patrick Lynch John Doyle James Murphy rank Guernsey and Ariste leury The active bearers were Thomas Sul livan James McMahon Thomas Mc Carthy Edward Murphy Pasquale Daniello and William Machel Burial was in St Bridget's cemetery Injarcd When Automobile Overturns Belchertown Dec 21 James Lens on is confined to the house with three broken ribs sustained when his auto mobile overturned on Jabish hill Sat urday afternoon The others in the car with him were uninjured The accident was due to ruts in the snow and ice and not to carelessness in driving The invitation dance scheduled for Thursday has been postponed The trusteees of Clapp Memorial library will meet at the Boom tomorrow evening at 7 for the yegylar quarterly business The Center grade school will hold its Christmas exercises Thursday aft ernoon at 1 at the grade school au ditorium The seventh and eighth grades will give a short play and Christmas carols while the other grades will present a cantata under tne direction teacher The Junior Sunday school church will tree exercises 730 at the vestry Harry Dodge has been drawn as juror for the next sitting of the su perior court The stores will be open Wednesday Thursday and riday evenings this week also Wednesday afternoon The high school will hold Its Christmas party with the usual tree girts tomorrow evening at 8 IRST CONGREGAT1ONALISTS TO OBSERVE CHRISTMAS Teachers officers and members of the irst Congregational church will hold their Christmas party tonight at 730 At this gathering each class will put on a Christmas stunt which it has been reheasing will bo Walker All the vlted to The Christmas party for the smaller children held at Sickler planned member receive a small gift A group of choral singers that will take part in tho community Christmas tree exercises on the common riday met in the parish house of the church last night to rehearse under the direc tion of Robert Hitt assisted by Mar cus Bullard one of the who will play on that night It is hoped many other groups will join this one The program of exercises at the community tree will be pre sided over by Lewis Erickson and will Include sounding of by the Goldenaires community sing ing lead by Robert Hitt invocation by Rev Jackman address by Rev Lombard and benediction by Rev Harold Snape Rev II Oldfield reports that results of greet your neigh bor week are beginirg to bo heard by members of the committee in charge Petty annoyances and grievances in some cases have been forgotten and frowns have been changed to The chairman of the committee was told by onG worker in the town that your neighbor week" has taken hold because this year people as never before are services to committee good work good will to a great climax at 7 ri day evening on the town green RIDAY 8 Christmas Eve Carols by the Choir will conduct the services assisted by Rev 8 Anderson of Montague Herbert Siniili Honored Herbert Smith superintendent of tire Threadwell Tool company was the guest of honor at a banquet last night attended by about 50 of tho employes Mr Smith was presented a smoking stand An entertain ment was given by some of the em ployes Mrs Eva Chevalier uneral The funeral of Mrs Eva Chevalier was held this morning at Sacred Heart church with a requiem mass celebrated by Rev A Nowak Burial was at Turners alls Klwanis Club Speaker Rev John Whiteman spoke to the members of the Kiwanis club at their meeting today on Real Spirit of meeting was a Christmas party with a special mu sical program Skating Rink looded Tho new skating rink at the west side was flooded today and it is hoped will now be ready for use after a good freeze Harold Ames ormerly Teller Given New Position at irst National Northampton Dec 21 Harold Zraes has been appointed assistant cashier of the irst National bank a new office the creation of which was made necessary by the growing busi ness ot tne winK Air Ames was merly a teller at this bank tindInce been an income tax assessor office manager for the Norwood gineering company Enfield Dec 21 Mrs Brown will be at the I ft Letter of Appreciation Principal John Hart o5 tho Hawley grammar school has sent to Goldstein Bros a letter of appreciation because of the moving picture entertainment given at the Calvin theater for the Hawley grammar school drum coipsWhich yielded more than £150 Judge Mason Re elected Judge John Mason was re elect eu treasurer of tne association at the the association at day Undertaken Personal Service rank Winslow Warren Under wood Charles Roadstrand VV GRAHAM Corp Tocal Notices plants Red and pink begonias cyclamen Jerusalem cherries ferns and carnations Greenhouse Wood side Ave fAdvertisment Was Leading Tobacco Grow er or 30 Years' Moved Away Recently Suflleld Dec 21 Charles War ner 64 a resident and one of the leading tobacco growers and general farmers for more than 30 years until his removal to Springfield about six months ago died in that city late last night at the home 115 Peer street after a short illness with pneu monia Mr Warner was Rooky Hill Ct January 14 son of Thomas and Caroline Warner and was educated schools of that town His farm was located at what is known as Rising Corners Of an unassuming nature Mr Warner mado a friends In this town during stay here lie gave up a few months ago when he property here A month ago he bought a new home where he died last night Mr Warner leaves his widow who was Miss Mary Rose a brother John Warner of eeding Hills and several nieces and nephews The funeral will be held at the home 115 Peer street Thursday aft ernoon at 1 Rev Scott arley pastor of the Second Baptist church of this town will officiate Burial will be in the family lot in lhe West Suf field cemetery Established 60 Years SHEA CO Chlropre alls uneral Direetnrs We are as near as your telephone any where any time day or night Phone Chicopee IIS John Shea Manager Rider ournier Dead Turners alls Dec 21 Peter purnlcr for over 40 years a well known and highly respected resident of this town died at the arren hos pital Sunday night after an illness of several weeks He was a native of Canada but came to this country when a boy or a time he lived at Great alls II and Georgetown before coming here where he followed his trade of blacksmith His wife died 20 years ago since which time he had made his home with his children He is survived by three sons Clovis and George rank of Northamp ton and a daughter Mrs Arthur Mar tineau of this town A half brother Joseph ournier of Lowell also sur vives The funetal will be held to morrow morning at St church Rev AV Casey officiating Burial will be in St cemetery The public schools will close Thurs day afternoon for the Christmas va cation and will reopen on Monday January 3 Airs Josephine Hoff of Upper Mont clair was the speaker at the meeting of the Missionary society of the! Congregational church this eve ing which was held at the home of Mrs Carl Miller on High street The annual meeting of the Crocker institution for savings at the banking rooms 28th at 1030 The meeting of the today was in the form mas party Members were paired off to give each other gifts and the gifts presented and speeches made were very funny The diningroom of tho inn was handsomely decorated and there was special music 'The com mittee in charge were Charles Hazelton Irving Bartlett John McLaughlin Raoul Bourdeau and John arnsworth born a 1S62 a Spencer in the Suffield Death of Wesley Leonard Conway Dec 21 Wesley Leonard died at His home Sunday after several illness resulting from a para lytic shock lie was the son of Seth Leonard or many years he con ducted a shoe repairing shop and for a long time ho had boon a faithful caretaker in the Howland and ine Grove cemeteries Air and Airs Leon ard observed their golden wedding an niversary last winter Besides his widow he leaves two married daugh ters anil several grandchildren also a sister Mrs Call of Colrain and two sisters Airs Sarah II Pease and Mrs rank Wells and a brother Henry Leonard of Conway The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 at the home and burial was made in Grove cemetery The annual Christmas party of the Sunday school of the United church will be held riday evening at 730 in the vestry of the Congregational church Walter selectmen's room Wednesday afternoon from 330 to 430 to pay school bills The library will be open Thursdayluring the usual hours instead of on Saturday for this week only The club will meet next week Thursday afternoon at 230 with Airs William Peeso The public schools will close on Thursday until January 3 for vaca tion OUR WILLIAMSBURG i MEN PLEAD NOT GUILTY ft ft ft Rev Bourassa Says Solemn High Mass at Notre Dame Church Easthampton Dec 21 Solemn high mass was celebrated at Notre Dame church this morning in recognition of the 25th anniversary of the ordina tion of the pastor Rev Bourassa to the priesthood Tho mass was celebrated hy ather Bourassa as sisted by ather LaRivier of Beverly a college mate of ather Bourassa as deacon and ather St Alartin as sub deacon Rev Alfred Millette was seat ed in lhe sanctuary A congratulatory sermon was preached by ather St Alartin A celebration by Notre Dame parish was held at the town hall to night in honor of ather Bourassa AVesthampton Dec 21 Susan delia Anablo Loud widow of Charles Loud died at her home Sunday morning She was tho daughter of Samuel and Wealthy Anable and was born at South Worthington Septem ber 25 1847 She married Charles Loud on September 5 1871 There werq four boys rancis Arthur Wil bur and Alger Two of these are living Arthur who lives at home and rancis of Westhampton Tho fu neral will be private at the home Wednesday morning at 1030 Rev Henry Ives of NewbuYy Vt offi ciating Was Teacher Before Mar riage Had Spent Winters in lorida Recently Thompsonville Dec 21 Airs Anna Stanley (King) Vail 62 wife of Dr Edwin Vail of Enfield street died this afternoon at 5 after a long Illness Airs Vail was taken ill in ebruary while at her winter home at Allami la and since that time her health had been on a gradual decline Airs Vail was a daughter of the late Rev Horace King and Airs King early settlers in this town and was born September 23 1864 She received her early education in the public schools in this town and later attended Mount Holyoke college from which she was graduated ollowing her graduation from college she taught school in this village three years from which posi tion she resigned to take a position as teacher of Latin in the Springfield High school and remained in that po sition until her marriage to Dr Vail 30 years ago She was a woman of rare culture and of most pleasing dis position During the past 12 years she had spent the winter months at Aliami where her husband has exten sive real estate interests which de prived her of taking part in the activ ity of organizations in this village Her father died several years ago i and the death of her mother about three years ago who always accom panied Airs Vail and her husband on the southern trips wasa shock to her from which she never fully recovered Her husband established the Dr Vail sanitarium in this town many years ago which institution is favorably' known throughout the country and at various times numbered among its patients many noted people Besides her husband she Is survived by two sons Dr Ramon Vail of Miami la and Dr Thornton Vail of this village who is chairman of the Enfield town school committee The funeral will be held at the home on Enfield street Thursday afternoon at 2 and the service will be conducted by Rev Glenn Coykendall rector of St An Episcopal parish The burial will lie in the burial lot in En fleld street cemetery I i folk and strangers crossing the county bridge from Holyoke to South Hadley were treated to a beau tiful sight tonight on seeing the mu nicipal Christmas tree brilliantly dec orated with varied colored lights set up on town hall lawn It is planned to have community singing at the tree on Christmas eve Sin i til Wilson Alias Alary AT Smith daughter of Air and Mrs rank Smith of Hitch co*ck street became the bride of Ralph Wilson son of Air and Airs red Wilson of this town tonight at the German Reformed church Rev Stuebi performed the ceremony us ing the double ring' service Nearly every member of the St Rose circle Daughters of Isabella was present at the Christmas party of the circle held last night in the par ish house of St church The hall was decorated with wreaths and sprays of holly and an electrically lighted Christmas tree stood in one end of the hall Airs Julia leming was awarded the dozen of eggs given by Airs Oscar and prizes wire also won by Airs Cox and Airs James Lacey The program included singing of Christinas carols and solos RHEUMATISM NEURITIS AND PARALYSIS SUERERS C4II WAI OH VAllJABbE INOR MATION Thousands Have Secured Relief by This Method SUNDAY 8 11 415 Pageant of the Nativity ull Choir James Keating Was Ar rested at Chattanooga Tenn on Bigamy Charge Greenfield Dec 21 James Keat ing arrested at Chattanooga Tenn on a charge of bigamy and brought to Greenfield for desertion of his wife and child was before district court this morning and sentenced to six months in the house of correction by Judge Ball He had previously been found guilty of the charge Keating first attracted notice when it was re ported to local police that while in Kansas City on a honeymoon trip he had been robbed of a large sum of money On investigation It was found he already had a wife and child liv ing here Christmas Rush Starts The local postoffice is experiencing an unprecedented rush of Christmas business necessitating a greatly in creased force to handle it Tho funeral of Airs Susan Al Lo gan who died yesterday will be held tomorrow afternoon at her home on Grinnell street Rev Dr A Pratt Death of ormer Resident Alillers frails Dec 21 Dr Clarence Cudworth 45 died at his home at Winsted Ct yesterdaw following an illness of 13 weeks Dr Cudworth was born In South Londonderry Vt and received his education at Cushing academy and at Hahnemann Aledical college in Chicago He first practiced medicine at itchburg later moving to Alillers alls Seven years ago he went to AVinsted He leaves his widow Mrs lorence Becker Cudworth and one sister Alias Bessie AT Cudworth a teacher at the White Plains High COMMITTEES NAMED IN TEXTILE TROUBLE The textile industry committee of the Board of Trade met in the Board of Trade rooms recently Chairman AIcDonnell announced the appointment of several committees The commit tee on securing data and information relative to property values 'of the textile mills is composed of: Judge Kirby Emerson Gaylord John A Scanlon Joseph Grise Ames Carter John Knight This commit tee will endeavor to seek all informa tion as to enable it to determine the fair market value of the property of the Dwight Manufacturing company and the Chicopee Alanufacturing cor poration in order determine whether 6r not these properties have been over assessed The committee to operate in the matter of curtailment of municipality expenditures consists of: rank lint Dr letcher Paul Starzyk John Granfleld A Lud den and O'Neil Sr This com mittee will endeavor to assist munici pal authorities in the curtailment of munipipal expenditure which the com mittee believes will be necessary in case it Is later determined that the property of the textile mills are re assessed at a lower value Both com mittees are now working and will re port at a meeting of the general com mittee which will probably be held earlier part of the next week Mr and Mrs William Bard 77well Observe Anniversary at Home Northampton Dec William Bardwell the 62d anniversary of their wedding at their home on Pine street lorence today Air Bardwell and Aliss Alma Smith were married at Shelburne lails December 21 1864 and lived at Shelburne alls until 1872 when they came to Mr Bardwell was for many years in charge of the dye house of the Corticelli Silk com pany He served in Civil war in Co 52d Massachusetts regiment Air aiAMrs Bardwell have two sons Earl of Great alls Mont and Ralph of lorence In the absence of Bishop Thomas Al O'Leary who has been called away by death of a relative Algr John Conlin will represent the at the solemn pontifical mass quiem which will be said this morn ing at 10 for Rev Albert Robillard who died suddenly after be ing stricken soon after administer ing the last riies to a young woman who was fatally Injured when struck by an automobile Sunday night Rev Joseph Chicoine of Leominster will be the deacon of the mass and Rev George Gagnon pastor of St Georges church of which Rev Robillard was curate will be subdeacon Rev Alessier Ieomlnister will be the thurifler the alcoiytes will be Rev hilbert Terrien of Aldenvllle and Rev Alfred Afillette of Easthampton Lici iii es The license commission has revoked rbe licenses of Harry Deuel com mon vlctuajer 5 Strong avenue and John TV Wasilczyk holding a special Sunday license at 288 Pleasant street New Annex Will Open The new annex to the Bridge treet school will be occupied by six classes when the public schools re open January 3 These classes are SOUTH HADLEY ALLS Community Christmas Tree South Hadley alls Dec Scenes rom Plays With Mu sic Club Enter tainment Amherst Dec 21 es from Alidsummer and with incidental music musical selections mado up the gram Shakesperean given before the Woman's club yesterday' afternoon under the auspices of the literature and music sections of the club The entire program was as follows: Trio Blow Thou Winter Wind" by Airs Ralph Sturtevant Mrs Albert Bergeron and Airs Bertram Moody: tho witch scene from music sung by Aliss Elsie Cooley Airs Bergeron Airs Moody and Airs Civille Pray and Mrs rank A Cad well Airs John Rogers Airs Dickinson and Mrs Hary Hubbard pantomiming the witches trio is taken from Two Gen tlemen of and sung by Mrs Bergeron Airs Aloody and Airs Sturte vant scemKfrom "Alidsummer with Airs Arthur Phillips taking the part of the fairy and Miss Ruth Redman as Puck and Aliss Anna Kidder playing the "airies uance His Lass Like It" mont and Aliss Cooley scene from and with tlie part of Romeo taken by Airs Clif ford awcett and that of Juliet by Aliss Alary Bigelow and incidental music by Aliss Kidder piano selec tion from Tempest by Harry Kidder and Aliss Elizabeth der TWO SEDANS CRASH TOGETHER OUR HURT Ware Dec 21 Sedans operated by George West of Pleasant street and by Joseph Ledeaux of Spencer were in collision tonight about 830 near the Ware Grain and Coal company plant on East street both cars being badly damaged The owner of tho Spencer car Joseph Guilbeault of Spencer received a cut in his scalp two young women passengers in the car were slightly cut by flying glass and West received severe bruises on his left leg The driver of the Spencer car told Chief Buckley he saw a dog going across the highway in front of his car so applied the brakes and the car started to skid West saw the other car slipping and he applied his brakes but his car also skidded slightly so the machines sideswiped each other Loen Notices Arrangements now made for compulsory insurance and 3 927 registration plates Rich ard Specht Rodgers Ave River 3800 or River 7u54 Miss Ida Silloway formerly of Elmdale street will serve her patrons at the Park barber shop parlor River 8159 Adv Regular meeting Unity council Knights of Columbus Wednesday night at 8 Park avenue West Springfield TRYBA OR EIGHTH TIME IS PRESIDENT Michael Tryba was re elected for the eighth successive term as presi dent of the Chicopee Polish National alliance branch 702 second larg est branch in the organization which itself is the largest Polish so ciety in America Other officers chos en were: Vice president Szymon Paprocki recording secretary Stanley Kowaleski financial secretary elix urtek treasurer ATichael Zabik and trustees Dr Bursinskl and John Alalinoskl It was announced by the president that a drive would soon be launched In an effort to increase the membership to 1200 3 la 0 last a lifetime without oiling Tlie cleaner that will cut her working hours in two and add more hours to her leisure Give her this Christmas the gift that will delight her not only on Christmas day but on every other day in the year! Goshen Dec 21 The community Christmas tree will be held in the Me mocial hall Thursday night There will be a program of songs and recita by the school children a Christ mas tree with gifts and a candy and fruit for every town This Graceful Sugar and Creamer Our Popular Priced GIT Only ew Hundred Remain or Last Chapel Service Exodus Less Spectacular Northampton Dec 21 There were only a few hundred students left at Smith college when the Christmas re cess began this morning at 1150 Ap parently all tho rest had been saving one or more of their seven nights to use for the holidays Students who for one reason or another were on the list nnd had lost the privi lege of cutting formed a largo part of the remnant that attended chapel this morning A small group of the faith ful however marched in with signs pinned on their coats When their I wearers were seated properly faculty was able to read list but love keeps Last year students were not allowed to cut classes immediately before or after holidays Consequently the en tire college left Northampton in an interval of two or three hours The exodus this year started as early as riday and was comparatively imper ceptible The end of the Chtistmas recess is January 7 with the opening of chapel EASTHAMPTON INAUG UHATION EXERCISES Jlayor and City Connell Mill Take Office January 3 Northampton Dec 21 The inaug uration of Alayor AVilliam Al Welch ftnl the city council of 1927 will take Tdace Alonday night January 3 at Memorial hall After the inaugura tion exercises the city council will meet at the council rooms in the city hall for organization SOUTH DEERIELD da School Exercises South Deerfield Dec 21 The pri mary Sunday school had Christmas exercises Sunday afternoon at the Congregational church They were assisted by a chorus of 30 voices from tlio older group Thursday night at the auditorium of the parish house at 730 the children will have tlieir Christ mas tree and party and invite parents ana interested friends to attend ire Threatens Home ire startetl in the chimney at home of Stanley Boso formerly Jackson place yesterday morning burning a large hole in the roof Tlie fire department was culled and ex tinguished the blaze Clear I and Io Destroy Gypsy Moth A strip of land at West Deerfield called Old World" is I being cleared of scrub oak by a force 'of men to jirevent further spread of the gyp sy moth Both old and new growths are infested Tho strip of land meas ures about 200 feet in length and half a 'f DIED fbTCI Tn city 2tst Mary A Tletr her 8 widow of George letcher home of hr daughter Mrs Elizabeth of 23 Standish street uneral at parlors ot Dleklnson treeter companv 30 State rtrnet Thursday at 130 Surfal at Palmer in this city 19th rank Xlardy 0 of 49 Acushnet avenue uneralt Byron funeral home G34 State street Wednesday at 815 a High mass of PfOulem at St church at 9 a ru Burtal St cemetery NIMPLE At I'rovldcnre 2Hh JCharPS 'William Kemple 71 uneral serv ices at 14 Seventh street Thursday after TKxm at 2 Burial will be in Oak Prwe cemetery At Chicopee alls 19th Miss Mary Malone uneral at the home 83 JBeIrher street Wednesday at 830 a liinh mass of requiem at St church at 9 a Burial in St cemetery Vhlcopee alls MINER In this city the 20th Samuel Miner 52 uneral services In chapel 37 39 Howard street Thursday at BmKL Burial In Oak Grove cemetery At Washington 19th Pharles VA Meehan late judge of district fcourt of Washington and husband tof Genevieve Gleason Meehan uneral from the undertaking parlors of ampson Son Thursday morning at 813 requiem high mass following at the HoJv ame church Rt 9 Burial in St Memetery riends Invited UHE jn this city 21st Mrs Esther JGurdon) Ruhe wife of Daniel of 24 rtnce street 59 uneral services from By funeral home 683 State street riday afternoon time to be announced Burial at Hillcrest cemetery ormerly a resident of Scranton and Stroudsburg Ta Ir cities please copy TAYLOR Tn this city 20th Mrs Jennie flTaylor at the home of her daughter MrsJdward Ruxton 92 Marengo park uneral Mt funeral chapel Wednesday at in VANSLYCK Tn this city Itthr John Van Blyck 7 1 of 101 Tenth street uneral tervico at fun ral home 684 State Ntrept Wednesday at 11 a Burial in Oak Grove cemetery TOWN MEETING AILS TO SECURE QUORUM Ware Dec 21 The first test of the decision of Ware voters to demand an attendance of at least 100 voters at a special town meeting to transact busi ness legally came tonight and the result was a postponement of the meeting until Alonday night as only about a third of the number necessary appeared at the court room The business to have been transacted was tho transfer of funds from depart ments which have a small surplus and the appropriation of unexpended funds in the town treasury Cass Employes' Christmas Party Athol Dec 21 The Cass association held a big Christ mas party last night at the factory rom 7 to 9 a party was held with games moving pictures and refreshments of Ice cream and cake A Christmas tree added to the gayety of tjie occasion and there was a distribution of gifts by Santa Claus impersonated by William Bemis He was assisted by Hazel Sinclair and Chirp ly Nawlski rom 9 to 12 in new factory which adjoins the old the adult observance was held at which time the new building was aj prppriately dedicated Tho prograrfi included juggling and sleight of band by Air Tornquist dancing by Mar guerite and Doris Dahne Charleston by Lillian Dwyer rancis Vincent and Derosier songs and clog dancing by Irving Yatter and Waltei Porter A six piece orchestra fur nished music for dancing which con tinued until a late hour The program for the community tree on riday evening at tho A is as follows: AIuslc by Star band assembly call lighting of Christmas tree singing "America the music by band: song Mrs Louise Laughton music by band Christmas carols: Spangled Banner" distribution of gifts THOMPSONVILLE HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTI Grange Host to Over 100 Kiddles Night Brookfield Dec 21 Alore than 100 children were the guests tonight of Brookfield grange at the annual chil night meeting at town hall Christmas exercises and an entertain ment by tho pupils of the Blanchard school A play Surprise Christ was presented in charge of Aliss Lillian Brewster and Miss Theresa Aliller The arangements for the night were in charge of Miss Mar guerite Ryan and Miss Bessie Her bert North Wilbraham Dec 21 The Pioneers club held open house to their parents and friends in the parish house last night Sixteen boys were present making the perfect at tendance Reports were road by the various committees and demonstra tion of drills followed The boys were given a first aid demonstration by Dick Libby from West Springfield Refreshments were served and Pioneer received a gift from the tree which they decorated Gerald Stone won the prize in the buzz contest Property ing ft ft i'i a 1) ft I I i if.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.