The share of Americans paying over $2,000 a month for a mortgage has nearly tripled in just 2 years (2024)

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  • The percentage of Americans paying $2,000 a month for a home mortgage has skyrocketed in two years.
  • In 2021, the figure stood at 18%. This July it hit 51%, Black Knight data showed.
  • Almost one in four homebuyers in July had payments above $3,000.

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The housing market remains unaffordable for many Americans, and high mortgage rates in particular present an expensive headwind.

Data released by mortgage data and analytics firms Black Knight on Wednesday shows just how pricey it's getting for many US home buyers.

Roughly 51% of homebuyers face monthly mortgage payments of $2,000 or more, up from18% just two years ago. Not only that, but nearly a quarter of homebuyers have payments above $3,000 — up from 5% in 2021.

"Just when did the $2,000 monthly mortgage payment become the norm?" Black Knight Vice President of Enterprise Research Andy Walden said. "We've been talking about affordability for quite some time now, but this [data] puts the situation in stark relief."


The Federal Reserve's 11 interest rate hikes since March of 2022 have helped push mortgage rates to two-decade highs, though home prices haven't fallen off as they typically do when rates climb. As a result, current homeowners are reluctant to move for fear of giving up the lower rates they secured before.

In July 2023, the average monthly principal and interest payment for borrowers with a 30-year fixed loan was $2,306, before additional taxes and insurance costs, according to Black Knight.

That's the highest monthly P&I payment on record, and it's climbed 60% over the last two years.

Meanwhile, the Case-Shiller US National Composite Home Price Index showed home prices climbed for the fifth consecutive month in June. The measure currently sits just 0.02% below the all-time high hit last summer.


"Rates aren't just hampering prospective homebuyers, though," Walden said. "While tappable equity levels have returned to near-record highs, rising rates are having a clear impact on how — and how much — equity mortgage holders are willing to withdraw from their homes."

The share of Americans paying over $2,000 a month for a mortgage has nearly tripled in just 2 years (2024)


The share of Americans paying over $2,000 a month for a mortgage has nearly tripled in just 2 years? ›

Roughly 51% of homebuyers face monthly mortgage payments of $2,000 or more, up from 18% just two years ago.

Is $2000 a month mortgage high? ›

$2,000 Mortgages Are More Common Than You Might Think

After factoring in property taxes, the data reveals that it's still possible to buy a house in a little more than half the country — 28 states — with a monthly budget of $2,000.

What percentage of people pay off their mortgage early? ›

40% of Americans Pay Off Their House — Are They Doing Better Financially? For most Americans, a home mortgage is the biggest financial obligation they will ever have. A traditional mortgage spans 30 years and is often in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, so the interest charges can be enormous.

How much is a $2000 a month mortgage? ›

With $2,000 per month to spend on your mortgage payment, you are likely to qualify for a home with a purchase price between $250,000 to $300,000, said Matt Ward, a real estate agent in Nashville. Ward also points out that other financial factors will impact your home purchase budget.

What happens if I pay an extra $2000 a month on my mortgage? ›

The additional amount will reduce the principal on your mortgage, as well as the total amount of interest you will pay, and the number of payments.

How to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years? ›

Options to pay off your mortgage faster include:

Pay extra each month. Bi-weekly payments instead of monthly payments. Making one additional monthly payment each year. Refinance with a shorter-term mortgage.

What age do most Americans pay off their mortgage? ›

But with nearly two-thirds of retirement-age Americans having paid off their mortgages, it means that the average age they have gotten rid of that debt is likely in their early 60s. Stats from, for example, suggest the age is around 63.

What percentage of Americans own their home without a mortgage? ›

In 2022, nearly 40% of U.S. homeowners owned their homes outright, according to Census Bureau data analyzed by Bloomberg. In total, 33.3 million single-family homes and condos were mortgage-free, a 31% increase compared to 25.4 million homes a decade ago.

What is considered a high monthly mortgage payment? ›

To determine how much you can afford using this rule, multiply your monthly gross income by 28%. For example, if you make $10,000 every month, multiply $10,000 by 0.28 to get $2,800. Using these figures, your monthly mortgage payment should be no more than $2,800.

What is the average cost of a mortgage per month? ›

Data from the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER)'s 2022 Annual Cost of Living Index shows that the national average monthly mortgage payment is $1,768. This figure differs from the median monthly payment in the U.S., which is $1,532.

Is $1500 a month too much for a mortgage? ›

The monthly income rule

“You want to make sure that your monthly mortgage is no more than 28% of your gross monthly income,” says Reyes. So if you bring home $5,000 per month (before taxes), your monthly mortgage payment should be no more than $1,400.

What is the average monthly payment on a $250000 mortgage? ›

Monthly payments for a $250,000 mortgage

On a $250,000 fixed-rate mortgage with an annual percentage rate (APR) of 6%, you'd pay $1,498.88 per month for a 30-year term or $2,109.64 for a 15-year one. It's important to note that these estimates only include principal and interest.

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