The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER -TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18. 1879. to scent, to Let, For Sale, Lost or Found, Strayed or Stolen, not exceeding Four Lines, will be inserted in both editions for 25 cents. FOR SALE. FEATHER 35-pound Large Feather Feather Beds, only PORTER $0.00.

Orders by mail sent C. O. D. J. Y.

Manufacturers of Feather Dusters, 144 and 146 Ontario up-stairs. FOR acres SALE OR heavy-timbered land EXCHANGE-320 in Marathon county, Wisconsin; hard wood ridge. or Apply C. 11. to WYLIE O'MARAH, Cleveland, MATHEWS.

New Philadelphia, Ohio. FOR Longwood SALE--HOUSE avenue, No. 30; AND lot 00x235 LOT-On feet; two-story frame house, 16 rooms, all modern improvements. Lot on Vine street, with a frontage on Ilarmon; 2 houses, 1 fronting on each street; sire of lot 30x122; frame houses in good condition. Lot on Brighton street, No.

11: size 03x157. Lech of the above 1 offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. They are part of the estate of Nathan New, bankrupt, and must be sold. For terms apply to my attorneys, Mix, Noble White, or to the undersigned, A. 1.

SANGER, Assignee of Nathan New. Bankrupt. MISCELLANEOUS. Judicionsly Invented in $25 to $50001 tion Wail for A fortuues the founds- every week, and pays immense profite by the New Capitalisatiou System ofoperating in Fullexplanation ou applicaLIon to ADAME, BROWN Uroad N. 69 Cards, name in gold and jet 10c.

Clinton Gold, Crystal, Lace, Perfumed and Chromo Clintonville, ('t. nT5 STEA Established in the year PASSAGE 1851. Railroad AGENCY- tickets East and West, first and second class, good on any express train, at the lowest steamers excursion to or rates. from Passage tickets for all mail line Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool, Derry, Bristol, Cardiff, Piymouth, Bremen, London, Glasgow, Queenstown, Hamburg, Paris, Havre, at considerably reduced rates. Drafts on the old country now lower than ever at Wagner's European Passage, Foreign Exchange and Raiiroad Ticket Office, No.

178 aud 180 Superior street, opposite Weddell House. J. C. WAGNER BRO. PECIAL -The Holmes Sccurity Bank, Ontario street, is prepared to make LOANS on diamonds.

watches, gold and silver goods of all kinds at lowest rates. Also they have $20,000 worth of the above aul3 articles, which must be sold in the next 60 days. POSITIVELY and RADICALLY cures all BLOOD DISEASES, no mutter how bad or of how long standing. Cases supnosed to be incurable especialsolicited. Testimonials of cures by Dr.

John Tripp's Blood Purifier sent to PURIFY any GOODSELL, address. Western DR. T. Agent, H. 2 Seneca street.

Cleveland, 0. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Rests, Fire Screens, A Banner Screens, PINE TOP TABLES, FOOT STOOLS. MANTEL BOARDS, PAPER BASKETS, UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, Made up at Lowest Possible Prices by the A. S.

HERENDEN 1. FURNITURE 00., Christmas Presents. FURNITURE. FURNITURE The Eureka Parlor Bedstead, Ouly $35. We take pleasure in announcing that we Folding have assumed Bedstead.

the When agency closed of it is not distinguished this wonderful from an ordinary Bureau, yet contains all Ele- the Bedding and Springs of a luxurious bed. gantly finished with French Panels. It is only $85.00. Vincent, Sturm Barstow, sole Agents, Nos. 114.

116 and 118 Water Street, MILLINERY. Bargains! Bargains BARGAINS! I IN; EVERY DEPARTMENT. Our Entire Stock Marked Down Owing to the warm weather and lateness of the season we have determined to mark down our entire stock of MILLINERY GOODS. Ladies will find it to their advantage to call and see our styles and prices. Sloss Brothers, Popular Millinery Store, 235 AND 237 SUPERIOR STREET.

NOTICE. TREASURER'S OFFICE, COUNTY, CLEVELAND, Nov. 17, 1879. TAX The at tention of tax payers is called to the following provisions of the law now in force regulating the collection of taxes: Section 4 of the statute of April 2d, 1850, reads: "When one-half of the taxes aforesaid charged against any entry in a tax duplicate in the hands of a County Treasurer shall not be paid on or before the twentieth day of December next after the same shall have been so charged, or when the remainder cf such taxes shall not be paid on or before the twentieth day of June next thereafter, tho County Treasurer shall proceed to collect the same by distress or otherwise, as may at the time be prescribed by law, the together amount with a penalty of five per contum on of taxes 60 delinquent." Section 2d of the act of March 12th, 1844, provides that "the County Auditor shall accept from the Treagures, in big return of delinquencies no assignment of cause for such delinquency of landed estate, except that the owner is a nonresident of the county, that such premises were erroneou ly taxed, that no personal 1 property could'be found or that property when seized was not sold for want of In a recent d- cision of the Supreme Court of Ohio it is held that a failure to comply with these provisions of the statntes renders the Treasurer's return a nullity. In order, therefore, to enable the Treasurer to make a legal return, he will be of compelled to issue his warrant for the collection sible delinquent real estate taxes as soon as DOgall after the 20th day of December and the 20th da? of June.

In view of these facts half owners of their should call pro aptly and a pay the property taxes. All the books are now ready first and there should be 110 delay. M. G. WATTERSON, novi8-bt County Trensurer.

PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS Union FOR Telegraph CROSSvites proposals until 12 o'clock, noon, Company inMonday, December 15th, 1879, for 330,000 inches feet thick, of seasoned White Pine lumber, Pull particulars will to be be mnado into vross-arms. the Telegraph, which can be found in the Journal of the undersigned or can be seen at by any otllee application of the to had Western Union Telegraph Company. WAI. HUNTER.

New York, Nov. 14th, Superintendent of Supplies. 1879. TE or wish to HAVE purchase ANYTHING TO SELL anything advertise in the PLAIN DEALER, Licocland Plain Dealer. DAILY, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY.

TO THE PUBLIC. The rapid and steady increase of the circuation of the PLAIN DEALER, it being the only English Democratie daily in the city, males it a valuable advertising medium. Businegs men and all wishing to enlarge and increase their trade should advertise in the PLAIN DEALER. Parties desiring to rent or sell houses, to buy or sell real estate, desiring hired help, should advertise in the "Wants" department of the PLAIN DEALER. BUSINESS MaN desiring "Local Notices" of business, trade, or notices of any nature, will please leave word at our Counting Room.

Orders for the Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weakly can be left at the PLAIN DEALER of. fice, Seneca street. New Advertisem*nts. Euclid Av. Mouse--The Gladiator, E.

Y. R. Hull- P'orter -Clothing. J. W.

-Feathers. Co. -Clothing. W. A.

Northrop D. (. Waterson-Taxes for 1879. TO ADVERTISERS. The attention of all businoss men is directed to the PLAIT DEALER nOW as a medium of advertising.

It has nerer before had so large a circulation, and the business men who appreciate the situation ought to take advantago of it by judicious advertising. are to get a dose of their own The Portland (Maine) Argus Agent DEALERIwart organs are still in perturbathan their double-leaded leaders tbursts oxcite pity. When assured We cance will be done strictly according to tion. precedent, their terror appears to be ed rather than allayed. Why is this? Ladic in the condition of the accused parlace, surance agitation that the the Court Court sought would to see allay that water Pas dono.

"Justice, your Honor," exthe prisoner, "justice is just what I A ful led that is the condition of our cannot do extreme- betBoots hem than repeat the we usual judicial incontemporaries street. following sentence: "May the Lord rey on your soul. Two tesignation of Mr. Frederick Sewtween issistant Secretary of State is said route been occasioned by his desire not Pittsbur Atlantic ger involved in the scandal in re m. and his cousin, the crooked Consul Genout charhina.

Others say that he resigned Evarts turned over all the labor to Chew in order that he might have leisure practice and pleasure trips. A dent says that. Mr. Ssward could EUCLID AVENUE OPERA WHITCOMB." It is just as difilcult to describe Mr. Denman Thompson's acting as it is to analyze mood one finds himself in after witnessing the performance.

Seeing what was to be seen and hearing was to be heard we looked upon the multitude around us last evening and found here a thoughtful expression, there a sad one, and elsewhere a puzzled look, but in every instance they was fairly masked by an element of stupendous satisfaction, which afforded a good opportunity for those who love the study of human nature. If Mr. Thompson's phenomenal success can be attributed to one cause more than another, we pronounce that cause to be an appeal alike to the popular taste in its high, low or a a a average stages of cultivation. There is no distinction because his extrenio simplicity which is his greatest charm, will not permit of it. You "Joshua Whitcomb" a charactorization which republican America will always delight in, because its exact counterpart is perfectly doveloped on every page of our pioneer history.

What a simple grandeur there is about the very appearance of "Uncle Josh?" Who is there that would doubt the honesty of such a man? 'The quaint speech, the wonderfully natural movement, the homely garb-all appeal at once to the purest of human sympathies, and that is why the audience laugh when he laugbs and cry when he cries and--must it be said? feel that they are better men and women for it. The Opera louse has seldom seen such a Monday night audience as the one that gathored last evening. The upper portion of boiling was simply packed, while below the crowd compared well in size with any that hag congregated the present season. If this show of interest in the distinguished comedian can be called out in the most disagreeable weathor we are afraid Manager Hanna will have his hands full, should tho remainder of the week prove to be pleasant. But as to the performanco: Mr.

Thompson was chiefly supported, as in several seasons past, by Miss Julia Wilson who appears in the role "Tot." This young lady is admirably suital to the character she assumes, her clever acting winning for her a widesprea I reputation. She sings well and betrays versatility that many au older professional might envy. "Roundy," a bootblack is well interpreted by Ignacio Martinetti, who introduces with "Tot" a dancing specialty that artistic, Mr. George Bean as "Cy Prime, nigh onto eighty," was amusing in the extreme, and tho characters of "John Martin," "Frederick Dolby" and "Bill Johnson," were well sustained by Mr. C.

Clerk, Mr. Walter Gale and Mr. R. Benson, respectively. Miss Isabella Coo as "Nellie Primrose," Miss Virginia Bray 83 "Susan Martin," Miss Edna Weeden as "Mrs.

Johnson" and Drs. D. Nourse as "Aunt Matilda" also deserve a word of praise. company is a strong one and under the most complete control. "Joshua Whitcomb" will hold tho boards the remainder of the week.

Real Estate Traugrors. The following transfers of real estate have been filed for record since our last re port: William Blockriedo and wife to David Latimer-Front OIl Penn street, 32x115 feet; $2,500. David Intimer to William -Sublot No. 56 and the worth half of lot No. 57 in Mueller and Meyer's allotment; also thirty feet front on Orchard $3,000.

Auguste Soggel et al. by C. C. Lowe, master, to Felix Nicola--Front on Columbus street, 10 feet: $1,067. Dorothy Morris to John -Part of original 100 acre lot No.

330; $2. Peter Hecker and wife to Albert P. RootPart of sublots Nos. 10 and 25 of Hickey's subdivision Cleveland; of $270. original lot No.

344, formerly Last Frank Srp and wife to Edward Belz, trusteo-F'ront on South avenue, 23 and feet: $1. Edward Belz, trustee, to Mary Srp-The above described preperty, quit claim; $1. John M. Wilcox, Sheriff', to F. E.

BeyerFront on Quincy street, 10x140 feet: $187. George Weckerling and wife to M. A. McAdams, front on Quincy street, feet; $1,250. Lydia Lamson to Henry Bowers--Part of original lot No, 45, Bedford; 840.

F. Sanderson and wife to Stoughton Bliss -Lots Nos. 1 and 2 in L. J. Southern's allotment, east Cleveland village; $2,300.

Fritz lay by John M. Wilcox, Sheriff, to Christian Kimmel-Sub-lot No. 25 in the subdivision of part of original lots Nos. 253, 281, and 297, Newburgh; $134. N.

(. Porter to Ellen S. of an acre of land in lot No. 13, $217. Charles W.

Moses to T. Page and Edgar J. Rosecrans- Sub-lot No. 19 in Walworth's $1,200. sub-livision of part of tract No.

10, Euclid; A and I Nicholas Meyer and wife to Joseph Wolf wife-About 49 feet front on Brighton street: $440. E. R. Bauder, Mastor, to Daniel GardnerProperty on Dorland avenue: $100. Jamies M.

Curtiss and wife to Townsend P. Habs-Front Oil Newell street, 73x132 feet $1,011. George W. Tibbitt and wife to Charles D. O'Connor-Thirty-seven and a half fect along Webster street; quit claim; 3100.

1. S. Converse et al. to Fred J. Miller Subdivision lot No.

71 and the westerly half of subdivision lot No. 7 in Case's sublivision; $3,500. Daniel Alt to (leorge Miller -Lot No. 21, track No. 2, Independenco; 4550.

Stolen Tools Recovered. The house of Jay Wright, No. 7 Judd street, was searched by the police last evening. A lot carpenter tools, belonging to Thomas Dowling, valued at $30 00, vas recovered, also a lot of other tools, supposed to be stolen, were taken charge of. of bitters; Dyspepsia it don't require whisky in the shape and outside the requires more gentle medicine, Pad is what is stomach, The Egyptian Liver needed, MARINE NEWS.

Port Record. Arrivals. Nov. 17. Schr Delaware, Buffalo, muse.

I'rop D. W. Rust, Escanaga, ore. Schr E. P.

Beals, Marquette, ore. Prop Newburg, Buffalo, mise. Prop Oscar Townsend, Ashtabula, light. Schr J. D.

Sawyer, Escanaba, ore. Schr F. J. King, Escanaba, ore. Clearances, Stmr Northwest, Detroit, mdse.

Prop Newburg, Chicago, nilse. I'rop Oscar Townsend, light. Stmr Keweenaw, Saginaw, mdse. Schr Thos. Parsons, Detroit, coal.

Prop St. Paul, Alpena, Indse. Schr Mary Lyons, Milwaukee, coal. AROUND THE LAKES. PORT HURON, Nov.

17. -Weather boundSchooners Goshawk, Maumee Valley, Pierpont. Passed down--Prop Jay Gould, Juniata: schooners Scotia, O. A. Bond, Magruder, Comanche, Annie Af.

Peterson, lower E. Harman. Wind northeast, gale; weather cloudy. PORT RT HURON, Nov. up and weather bound -Propellers Nebraska, Japan and J.

R. Whiting; schooners Bahama and E. C. Hutchinson. Passed down-Propellers Argyle, Buffalo, Vienna and consort, Glasgow and barges, Bay City and barges, William Cowie and barges; tug Laketon and W.

barges, J. W. Bennett and barges; steamer R. Clinton; schooners James I. Case, Cortez, Camden, H.

G. Cleveland, W. R. Hanna, Vampyre and W. B.

Allen. Wind northeast and heavy; weather cloudy. The following further particulars of the capsizing of the schooner C. G. Breed, of which mention was made in yesterday's issue of the Buffalo Courier: "The schooner C.

uby, Reed, bound from Detroit to this port in Londo argo of wheat, when about seventy tickets st Non, by was north struck of Point Au Pelee Friday be able All the by a heavy squall and spect for' named Frank Davis, the were exception of crew, with drowned. King (v consisted of the captain and Seven cago by s'he sailor Frank Davis saved his life by au ofing bropeller to the rigging, and was picked up Milwaukee, Captain W. H. $0,000 an and brought to this port. The schoonthe Palml was owned principally by Mr.

Jesse ringe befell, interest of in Detroit, her. Captain Rose having "Tell Dishels of wheat, Her which cargo was consisted consigned of this umbs. W. F. Fiske Co.

We could not aswas the rhether thevessel or cargo was insured. left, whit wing is the residence, list of 63 the Baker crow: Captain, oflice for 'irst street, gle. Inate, Second James Vincent, of CleveWilliam sion to I)- leaves a wife two children. could inate, tend Smith, of cAllister, seaman, of Port Colburn, Ex- Gorwife but no children. John McLeod, expressins, single.

James Lawler, of Ireland, in-law Tho relatives friends in this country. says his cavis, of Butlalo, saved. greatest self to WEATHERWISE. that it WE in are Ohio. the ovations and Prognostications.

to me!" MORNING OBSERVATIONS. Rose 1 SIGNAL CORPS OFFICE, CLEVELAND, Nov. 18. Agent wollowing is the result of the United States Signal Corps observations taken at 7:35 (Washington mean time) this morning: The area of low pressure which was reported as being central in Arkansas has moved eastward considerably south of the Lower Lake Region, the center being further south than our circuit extends. The barometer reached its lowest point here about 2 a.

10. and is now commenced rising. In the Northwest higher followed by falling pressure is reported with decidedly lower temperature, fresh westerly winds becoming light with clowly weather. In the Upper Mississippi Valley, stationary or erally higher clear pressure, weather falling and fresh temperature, northwest winds. In the Upper Lake Region, lower pressure is reported, with stationary temperature, generally cloudy weather and occasional rain 01' snow areas, with light northerly winds.

Over the Lower Lake Region, falling followed by rapidly rising pressure, falling temperature, cloudy and stormy weather, with rain turning into snow, winds increas ing to fresh and brisk and in some instances reaching gales, backing from northeast to north and northwost. Tho temperature will fall over this section to night. Rain and snow fell during the night at Albany, Buffalo, Detroit, Erie, Marquette, Oswego, Rochester, Sandusky and Toledo. The maximum velocity of the wind up to 0:19 d. m1.

to-day was as follows: Cleveland, 32 per hour; Sandusky, 49 miles; Erie, 32 miles; Port Huron, 30; Toledo, 25. Amount of rain fall at Cleveland during the night .84 inches. Tho pressure is highest at Yankton (30.72); and lowest at Erie (30.07.) Temperature this moruing was as follows: Cloveland, 80; Alpena, 28; Breckenridge, 1S; Cheyenne, 10; Chicago, 88; Detroit, 32; Grand Ilaven, 25; LaCrosse, 20; North Platte, 13; Pombina, 19; Sandusky, 30; St. Paul, 25; Yankton, 16. Lines down at Duluth and Fort Garry.

NOON PROGNOSTICATIONS. WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE CHIEF SIGNAT, OFFICKR, WASTINGTON, Nov. 18 A. M. The maximum temperature at Cleveland in the shade up to 3 p.

m. to-day was 30 degrees minimum temperature, 33. For the Lower Lake Region rising, possibly followed by falling barometer, northeast winds, backing to westerly and diminishin force, and snow followed by slightly colder and partly cloudy weather. Steamer St. Louis Burglarized.

A satchel full of clothing, owned by Rigdon, of the steamer St. Louis, lying below the Main street bridge, valued at $25, was stolen off the boat last night. An overcoat owned by L. lirth, valued at $8, was stolen at the same time, Eighth Ward. The Republicans are disappointed over the Eighth ward election.

They thought they would be able to get up division over there so that they could slip in a Councilman, but they were disappointod. The Democrats elected their candidate by 8 handsome majority. Mr. Moore received 207 votes and C. L.

Russell 95 votes. A Vicious Cuss. Some unknown person threw 8 large stone through the window of A. Frank's residence. No.

34 King street last evening. Baker's Breakfast Cocoa is a general favorite. Medical men recommend it as preferablo to tea or coffee for nervous OF delicate constitutions. Sold by leading grocers everywhere. Watch Stolen.

Mr. L. Wherry, of No. 537 Case avenue, while at work in a new house on Prospect street Tuesday had a $15 silver watch stolen out of his pocket. Team of Horses Stolen, A pair of horses attached to Belz Mueller's beer wagon, were taken from in front of Feihl's place on Water street last evening.

Horse and Buggy Stolen. II. Brooker, 154 Brownell street, had his bay mare and open buggy taken from the corner of Superior street and Sterling avenue, last evening. enjoy health ton take Lindsey's Blood If you want have a gool appetite and Burglary, The residence of Horace Kelley, No. S88 Willson avenue, was burglarized last night.

Two satin dresses valued at $400 were stolen. tracts That We Kuow, cold, It you asthma, are suffering with a severe cough, bronchitis, consumption, loss of of voice, the tickling throat in the throat, or any affection or lungs, we know that Dr. ate King's reliof. Now We Discovery know will give you immediof hundreds of cases it has completely cured, and that where all can other show medicines one halt had failed. No other remedy as many permanent cures.

Now King's to give Now you satisfactory proof that Dr. Discovery will cure you of sovero asthma, coughs bronchitis, and rolls, hay. fever, consumption, throat hoarseness or any Cobb lung disease, if yqu will call'at street, Strong, you drug store, 100 Superior or a can get a trial bottle for ton cents regular size bottle for $1, THE COURTS. UNITED STATES COURTS. for libellant.

W. B. Stone vs. scow Decree COMMON PLEAS COURT. William V.

Shed et al. vs. the city of Cleveland. for injunction argued. William Whelan vs.

A. Montpelier. -Still taking testimony, the motion for non-suit made and argued on Saturday having been overruled. John Corrigan vs. Michael -Jury out.

Thomas K. Perkins vs. I. E. Chubb et al.On trial.

Ohio vs. Gus Granger, indicted for robbery. -Jury out. POLICE COURT. Drunk.

White, John Mark, Daniel Snyder, James Vetrovee, Thomas Granger, Henry Kerber, $2 and costs, committed till paid: John Forest, Daniel O'Leary, costs; Alfrod Mercer, Patrick Thonias Moore, Thomas llocan, William' Bnckley, Loui; Lewis, W. J. Coleman, W. R. Boyd, Louis Voght, Isaac Baker, H.

B. Petrie, James Daniels, William Smith, Adam Moser, $3 and costs, committed till paid; Maggie Long, Ben Talbot, two days' imprisonment; Frank Rooney, Jane Ryder, Mary Doyle, $5 and costs, committed till paid. Drunk and -Frank Schradler, $3 and costs; Nicholas McCrystal, $3 and costs, committed till paid. Petit larceny. -Jay Wright, $75 and costs, committed till paid, Workhouso thirty days.

Assault and battery. Crozier, ThomRS Martin, cases withdrawn by prosecutor and costs paid; Frank Able, defense and prosecutor each pay half costs; George Wringleberry, Alexander Patterson, dismissed on payment of costs; Frederick Thoman, $5 aud costs, committed till paid. Visiting house of -Charles Robinson, dismissed. Disturbance. -Conrad Meyer, $1 and costs; Charles Lettles.

Destroying property. -Lious Lewis, nolled. Violating pound ordinance. -Mary Flynn, Mary Myler, $1 and costs. Violating sidewalk ordinance.

-L. Tiffany, $3 and costa, committed till paid. Carrying concealed weapons. -Charles Lettles, 45 and costs, committed till paid. PERSONAL MENTION.

Paper, 5,000 White leads, paints and colors, tons 6,000 Drowned. Mrs. Van Cott is in Pittsburgh. Mr. J.

A. Yorston, of. Cincinnati, is sojourning at. the Weddell. William Lawrence, of this city, was first mate of the Breed, which was recently lost.

Mr. D. Doren, of New York, General' Superintendent of the Western Union Telgraph Company, is a guest at the Weddell. lIon. S.

S. Bloom, of Shelby, will probably be the Democratic nominee for Speaker of the Ohio House. Mr. Samuel E. Adams has been retained as counsel for Noller, indicted for murder.

Mr. Noller may be sure of being well defended. It is conceded that as a criminal lawyer Mr. Adams has no superior in this part of Ohio. -Herald, Mr.

Will Backus, a prominent young gentleman of the West Side, well known in society circles, was recently united in marriage with Miss Sadie A. Mullen, an estimable young lady who has a large list of acquaintances in the city. Everett Clemons, Superintendent of the motive power on the Lake Erie Western Railroad, is stopping at the Kennard House. Dr. Clemons Was formerly of Cleveland, but 'is now a resident of Fremont.

Rev. Dr. Eells, who goes to Cincinnati to LIl a Professor's chair in Lane Theological Seminary, has been in the ministry twenty -eight years and a pastor of five dirferent churches, his last charge being the First Presbyterian Church Oakland, California. He was formerly of Cleveland. Amongst the arrivals at the Kennard House are: F.

M. Moss, IT. R. Finley, New York; Frank Spaulding, Boston; S. Hopkins, F.

V. Davis, Chicago; K. Ross and wife, Pittsburgh; R. Nelson, Ishe penning, Frank T. Webb, Philadelphia; Robert Johnson, Cardiff, England; James Ash, Buffalo.

A Tear's Transactions. The following figures give an idea of the amount of business transacted in this city during the year ending with October 31st: Made in ClevelandPig iron smelted from stone coal, tons. 09,000 Bar and sheet iron, 50,350 Boiler iron, 8,915 Stove castings, tolls 10,000 Cars wheels and car castings, 15,000 railroad rails, 80,000 Steol railroad rails 78,000 15 Steam 100 Steam 220 Sewing 13,000 Steamboats (Lake Erie) valued at 3 Barrels of lime Barrels of refined 3,000,000 Pork packed (men employed, 319,000 Crude material brought into ClevelandCoal, tons. 1,500,000 Iron ore, 600,000 Lumber, feet. 325,000,000 Building stone and grind stones, 150,000 Barrels of crude 2,750,000 lig iron, 100,000 Flour manufactured here, 300,000 Alo and beer manufactured here, 180,000 At half-past nine o'clock last evening a man who is supposed to be a Mr.

Riley, of Rockport, while crossing the bridge at the foot of Front street, and in attempting to get out of the way of a pony engine which was coming after him, stumbled, fell in the river and was drowned. His body has not yet been found. Give it Up, West River street, from Columbus to Detroit streets, is reported in a filthy condition -dirt to the depth of ten inches in some places and staguant water. The question recurs: lave we a Street Commissioner? Attention, Mose! The catch basin at the corner of Waverly and Detroit streets, is reportedin a filthy condition. The patrolman adds: "Mose Simmons don't do as well with the catch basins of late as he has in times gone by." Attend to your business Mose! Mr.

Couldn't Find the Number. Kennedy, driver of express wagon No. 17, was engaged by lady to take trunk from the Union depot to No. Cedar avenue yesterday. The driver was unable to find the number and brought the trunk to the Central station, Uninvited Guests.

A private party at Dir. Kohl's dwelling, on Columbus street, held last evening, was broken up by 8 party of roughs. They were locked up in the Fifth precinct station. Minusan Overcoat. Dr.

W. N. Reynelds, of No. 236 Superrior street, had an overcoat, valued at $18, stolen from his boarding place, 429 Euclid avenue, last cvening. Safe, reliable, harmless and cheap is Dr.

Bull's Cough Syrup. We therefore do not wonder at the popularity of this old family medicine. The prico is only 35 cents a bottle. Will Recommend No Other, man lady who has ever tried the famous Gerremedy, the Vienna Female Tea and Pills, will ever recommend any other to her friends. For chlorosis, whites and monthly irregularities it is a positive specific.

Wholesale by Strong, Cobb retail by 8. P. Churchill. DIED. Sunday ovening, November LIon.

B. W. Jenness, in the year of hi ago. Funeral from his late residence, 113 Pros pect street, Wednesday, November 19th, nt 12 o'clock m. Friends of the family are invited.

Tho remains will be taken East for Interment. TF YOU HAVE A STOCK OF DRY Goods, or of Boots and Shoes, or of Hats or thing Caps, or else, of that Hardware, vou wish or of Millinery, or of any to sell, Advertieri FINANCE AND COMMERCE FINANCE. The Local Money Market. CLEVELAND, November 18. The local money market presents no new features to Discounts are in fair domand.

The banks report business rather quiet, the business in (liscounts being confined principally to their regular customers. New York and foreign exchange in fair request. Clearances about as usual. GOLD AND BONDS. Corrocted daily by E.

B. Hale Bankore, No. 111 Superior street.) The closing prices in this market for gold and government securities, are given in the following tablo: Buying. Selling Sixes of 1881, New 5s, 109 New New 4s, coup. and 103 To-Day's New York Bond and Stock Market.

By Telegraph to the P'LAIN DEALER, 1 p. m. dioney at per cent. Sterling Excharge steady at Silver in London Der ounce; silver bar here 1155g. Gold and Subsidiary Silver Coin per cent.

discount. Governments quiet and steady. Railroad Bonds inactive. State Securities dull. Stocks were heavily pressed for sale in early dealings and declined 7 per cent.

for Misssuri Pacific and per cent. in the general list; to-ward midday there was a recovery of percent. Rock ..148 Panama 168 Cleveland Pitts. 105 pillinois St. Louis San F.

Kansas 3-413 St. L. S. F. 56 St.

1. N. 0. 1st prefered 71 St. NIO pre Union Pacific Kansas Pacitic Northern Houston Northern Pac pre.

60. Boston Air Western Air Line pref. Atlantic Pac Tel 47 I S'. L. K.

U. Toledo Wabash. 53 St. L. K.

C. N. p. Adams' Express .107 Burlington Qu'y Wells. Farro Co 103 New York American Express (liarlem S.

Lake Canada Southern. Michigan Central. 96 Northwestern Erie Northwestern pref 104 St. St. 50 St.

Paul St. P. Sioux City Delaware 883 St. P. S.

C. pref. Morris Delaware New Jersey Central Ohio Mississippi. 3134 Ches'cake Ohio. Ohio Diss.

pref. 61 20 C. 82 (. I. Ind.

Cin. Lafa'e. Bur. C. R.

61 Hannibal St. Joe Iron Mountain Han St. Joe bref Fort Chicago .100 Nash 88 Chi. Alton pref 113 The subjoined table -also corrected by B. Hale to day's opening and closing prices of the active stocks dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange: Opening.

Closing Western Pacific Adams' Express Wells, Fargo Co American Merchants' U. S. 54 54 N. Y. 47 Preferred.

751 Michigan Central. Union 90 00 Lake 104 N. J. 881 SSE Illinois a 92 105 105 Chicago Alton. C.

C. C. Canada Southern. Rock St. Toledo Wabash.

571 Ohio 33 31 Lack. Atlantic Pacific 473 Hannibal St. 398 Preferred. COMMERCE. The Local Flour, Grain and Produce Markets.

CLEVELAND, November 18. barrel in car lots: 750 barrel in large lots. is firm at 22238c as the average for good to choice grades. demand HAY--Tho for baled. market We steady and firm; good 13.50 by car lots: do quote Timothy at $11.50 0.15.00 by the bale from store; VINEGAR-Pure Straw firm for packages.

White cider Wine. 12c? 17018c. gallon and pay TALLOW -Steady at CUe for choice lots. mixed FEATHERS lots -P'rime live Chicken goose per 1b; Gore: fruit GREEN APPLES--Market firm, For good hard per barrel, DRIED APPLES--There is some demaud at for good 187v. Southern DRIED PEACHES -Unchanged at for peeled 34 ic for unpeoled, balves.

HICKORY CHESTNUTS good quality at 32.00 02.25. for large NUTS--In good demand at Latest Home Markets--Transactions at the Board; CLEVELAND, Nov. 18. than The Grain market was less activo to-day it has been for some days, tho opening and closing figures in other markets being No changes of any importance in the local markets, everything is moderately firm and no changes in quotations since yesterday. The bad condition of the country ronds has a tendency to make the price of baled Hay firmer; the quotations are from store and on track.

Butter remains about the same and the market well stocked, a good article can be a purchased at Eggs are firm and are quoted at for guaranteed stock. Potatoes are moving out lively and good Peachblows are firm at 83.25€3.50. Onions are good requoted at 50055c from the store. Sweets. are quest and firm at $2,25 per bbl.

Pork is unchanged in fair demand, but has an upward tendency. There is considerable gaine in market Ducks have the call and bring 50c. Cranberries are in good request and sell readily for Green Apples are moderately active and good winter stock brings Poultry is picking up somewhat during the cool weather; Chickens have the call at The following are tho wholesale selling prices, which are carefully revised and corrected each day. The report of the sales of Grain always indicates the prices from store unless otherwise designated: FLOUR--Market firm. City makes, XXX best White Wheat, 87.25; XXX White and $0.75.

Amber Wheat, XX No. 1 Amber Wheat, XX COUNTRY BRANDS- -White XX, Red and Amber, 00; Ked $5 2505.50; Spring, $5.50 a6.75; Wisconsin soft, 9.00, Minnesota, $0.002 Patent Process, $7.000 held RYEFLOUR-Steady and in good demand: at 0 MILL Coarse Middlings, $16.00 per $16.00: ton: Second Fine, Fine, Shorts, Bran, $14.00: Chopped Feed, $19.00 2,29.00. No. 2 WHEAT -No. 1 red held at $1.27 for mixed.

do. and $1.25 for No. 3: $1.26 tor No. 2 No. 2 do: OATS--Firm 383 at 37c for No.

1 state: 353 for for white. 50: for CORN-Market firm at 49c for low mixed: high do. at 82 a 850 for choice No. 2. BARLEY BUCKWHEAT -There 23.25 cwt.

at Toc Western is and some inquiry; State held Canada 80c. PORK BEEF--Steady at $10.00 barrel for mess. Extra Mess, Short Mess. Prime. $9.25.

Short Clear $11.75 tierces; LARD-Market very firm; city rendered in SMOKED in kegs; country rendered Hams, MEATS--Are held very flrm; Bacon, Heavy Dried Hams, Ge; Shoulders, Hams Beef, 10c; Country made BUTTER-'The do Bacon 5e: do Shoulders 250 for good to market is firm; held at choice; for choice and mon very nice; low grades held at for comheld at to medium; for prime; Creamery State. for Ohio; York barrels EGGS--Firm and crates. at for fresh stock in firm the best qualities are held at stock is POTATOES- Market steady winter per bushel steady SWEET at strong and prices POULTRY--Demand 50per fair: barrel, Very firm. light and the prices firmer; Chickens. live, hold are the receipts at Geese Turkeys each: Ducks dressed, nominal re' with a fair Danvers 4 barPEAS demand and firm market.

-Firm at $1.00 for Wisconsin and Marrowfats. figures: CEMENT- Akron, Quiet but firm at the following Louisville, Buffalo, Portland, Fayetterille, dale, $1.30. Bosenfor Salt SALT--The at wholesale following in this are the present figures alb 82.25; bags, Dairy FF 28, Lairy 10t 100, bags, 3 Dairy 60. market: FF Dairy, Ground Diamond F. Solar.

$1.75: $1.75: Coarse' Diamond C. $2.25: bags, $2.75: small sacks, Soc; Ashton, per sack. Iliggins, per sack, Fine 31.35 Onondaga. per bbl. new, A discount Michigan tme salt, new, of de per barrel is al lowed on salts in large orders for cash.

medium BEANS--Firm, hand picked Marrows SEEDS -Market land 1irm: picked Navy Clover held at $5.00 tor medium; for pea vine: Timothy per bushel: Clover 10.00; Hungarian Red Grass Ton 1.00: Orchard Grass Millet $1.30. demand: OILS--Market 80c for firm; raw aud Linseed 83c active and in good for bolled. ard White, PETROLEUM car lots quiet but steady; Stand104c, 130 Standard Prime, White, 120 dog. 175 dog. 100; Water, 160 deg.

deg. Indiana 150 test, 12 at. LEMONS firm and light stock; held 4 per box: receipts aro very sinall ORANGES- -Prices Arm. but the stock. is fair; held at WHITELLIE-Firm 8.50 per 5.00 per box.

A ent steady; held at 80c about the same, though there was a tendency toward lower prices all The quotations at closing to day were as follows: No. 1 Red $1.20, No. 2 $1.27, No. 3 $1.25, No. 3 mixed $1.20.

Wo cannot seo why there should be a falling off of three cents on home quotations when the outside markets, which practically govern this market, remain about the same. The only good reason that can be assigned for the change is the fact that the quotations should have been lowered a shade The following are the receipts and shipments reported to-day: Receipts-Flour, 524 Wheat, 1,800 Corn, 900 Oats, 11,800 Barley, 2,700 Potatoes, 2 cars; Butter, 191 Eggs, 8 Coal, cars; Hogs, 001 head; Cattle, 18 head; Cheese, 53 boxes; Flax sced, 1,44:3 bags. Shipments--Flour, 125 Wheat, 500 Oats, 500 Coal, 9 cars; Meats, 8 cars; Lard, 1 car; Coal, 2,710 tons. At the Stock Yards Hogs were quoted at and Cattle tho same as usual yesterday instead of allowing them to remain unchanged. Stock Market.

CLEVELAND, Nov. 17. by Fritz Owen, Live Stock Commission Hogs--Total receipts 2,700 head; market firm and active; choice heavy, medium, light, rough, Cattle--Receipts, 17 and hoifers, Sheep Receipts, head; in market fair; steers, cows fair to good, Groceries. HUGARS. Granulated ExtraC w'ite.

108 Ex. you'w. Cut Loaf Sugars A SOAPS, Cleveland Chemical 3560 Pyle's0. American Castile. White German, white and Bell's Buffalo Soap, 100 cakes In $5.00 Forest City (pressed 6.00 Bell's do do 5.00 Oakley's do do 7.50 Eureka do do 5.00 do do 5.25 TEAS, Young Imperial FOREIGN FRUITS.

Choice now layer Figs, new Raising. ...42.40 Prunes, old, TurValencia do 07c MOLASSES. New Porto Rico. Cuba 35650c GREEN COFFEE, ROASTED COFFEE. Rio 18c Fragrant Arbuckie' 19c RICE.

Rangoon 8ALERATUS. DeLand's Chemical. Healthy TC Gold 8c 6c CANDLES, 15c STARCH, Peari White Pure. 7e Silver Coro Fish. White Fish, 4 half 4.50 Trout, 4 half bbl.

4.00 Ciscoes, 8 half bbl 3.25 Pickerel, 3.75 Pickerel, No. 2..... 3.00 Herring, 2.00 Mackerel, 1, half 8.00 Mackerel, No. 1, mess, new. 10.50613.00 Mackerel.

No. 2, half 5.55 Mackerel, No. 2. half 5,75 Mackerel, No. 3, hai? 4,50 Cod, French cured 4.75 Salt Cod.

George's Bank, 3P 4.50@4.75 Water Herring, bul. 6.50 Salt Water Herring, half 3.00 Smoked Halt ut, Box Herring, No. 1, now. 28035c Outside Markets by Telegraph to the Plain Dealer, NEW YORE. lands NEW YORK.

Ncv. Flour quiet: middling up20.000 bbls: sales 13,000 bbls: Western receipts moderate demand; 4.15: extra state extra Western Flour quiet at round-hoop Ohio Rye lower and winter Hole lower; receipts 196,000 about Wheat-Spring bush; cember, sales 80,000 bush No. 2 spring, seller De dull: receipts $1.35. Rye quiet: State 88(890c. Corn at for 103,000 bush; sales 10,000 bush.

Canada $1.00. mixed Western. Barley (lull; busn: sales 30.000 Oats quiet; 73,000 bush at for mixed for for white. Pork dull at Western; new iness. Beef firm.

Lard dull at $7.3 for steam rendered. Butter crushe Cheese 1. 7013c. Eggs Whisky $1.15. Sugar for i 1 bulk: refined Petroleum Crude, 4c Sc.

Tallow BUFFALO. sellers L'UFFALO, generally Nov. 18. -Wheat quiet; buyers and Milwaukee at $1.20. apart: sales 8.000 bush No.

1 mixed Western. Corn nominal; for No. Western. Oats dull; 370 asked for No. Freights Eye and Burley neglected.

Canal wheat to New opened light; shipments at for York. HIGHWINES. NEW YORE. Nov. $1.15.

BALTIMORE, CINCINNATI. Nov. Nov. Whisky steady at 81.09. 1.12.

quiet at $1.120 Sr. Louis, Nov. $1.10. CHICAGO, Nov. $1.10.

MILWAUKEE. the noon MILWAUKEE. board Nov. closed firmer at declined for No. $1.17 for hard; ber; 1: for No.

2 and Noremfor No. 3: Decomber: for No. January; ceipts 15.200 rejected; re Corn weak at bush; shipments 113,800 bush. No. 2.

Rye dull at No. 69c 2. Oats firm at for 70: for No. N. for No.

1. Barley dull at CHICAGO. 2 spring CHICAGO, $1 Nov. 18. -Wheat weak and lower: No.

Corn weak at 15; December January January: 413c May! cash; Oats firm December; 394e and higher at cash; Barley December; May. Rye cash; $9.90 bid Pork heavy at $10.00 Lard weak and lower November; $9.00 bid December. January. at $0.70 bid cash; LIVERPOOL. 13s.

LIVERPOOL. Wheat- Nov. Western P. M. -Flour spring red winter white wheat Western Oats 6s8d.

Barley club 5s3d. Corn allow 41s. Pork 663. Lard37s. Bacon LIVE 4,000 NEW head; YORK.

market Nov. to-day ever with sharp demand cows current rates poor last to week; light heifers and dry and extra good steers prime tised 350 fat steers at the latter exporters tops Kentucky steers, 1,550 is average. Sheep for and 20 at Lambs- Receipts to-day 5,000 head; market firm 5.75 for lambs. per 100 ids for sheep and head; both live and Swine -Receipts to-day 12,800 45; dressed dressed in demand; live hogs livo include 1 sales of $1.37 aud 1 car car light Ohio hogs, average, at age, at $4, Kentucky hogs, 10G 10 aver- hoad; CHICAGO, shipments Nov. 17.

2,100 Receipts today 2,000 3.90; choice shipping heavy shipping mixed packing light head; stronger; more Receipts active to-aay and firm; 4,000 head; shipments 900 head; $3 9504.10. Cattleers and feeders native butchers' 4.50; stock- cows shipping 81.60@3.00; to day 700 a bulls Sheep -Refew good at head; market lifeless; sales of a ST. around; Louts, good Nov. to choice heavy shipping feeling steers all $4 1.80; light corn do fed 81.3004.60; grass Texans heifers do cows and and Lambs -Fair receipts 1.500 head. Sheen choice to fancy to $3.2503 good muttons EAST 50; receipts 800 head.

LIBERTY, Nov. fair to-day to 1,803 head: supply very light best Hogs- Receipts to-day 47,085 common head: Yorkers Receipts 84.00@4.10; to-day 1,000 Philadelphias Sheepthan last week. head; selling higher DRY GOODS. Pardridge 301 303 Enclid Avenue. Iato just received a new invoice of LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR at reasonable low figures, IRE SELL A Good quality Gents' Shirts and Drawers at 250 apiece.

A better quality at 40c apicce. Our Gents' 30c Red quality is the best money can buy. and Flannel $1.50 Shirts and Drawers at $1.25, apiece. Ladies' Pants and Vests apiece do at. 50c apiece Children's Underwear from 15c up.

apiece HOSIERY, HOSIERY, to PARDRIDGE 301 303 EUCLID AVENUE. HOSIERY. men's are and still Children's the cheapest Hosiery in Ladies', Oleveland. Gentle orn every Saturday at 9:30 E. R.

HULL'S CLOTHING ANNOUNCEMENT. if. E. R. HULL Is at home, and will be glad to sec everybody and their boys for the next sixty days.

CHILDREN'S SUITS In endless variety, from three dollars up, the medium and finer grades being simply clegant. In Children's Overcoats Our stock is unapproachable, varying in price from two dollars and a quarter to ten dollars. Boys' Suits and Overcoats in the same proportion. Twenty different patterns of separate Knee Pants from Fifty Cents to Three Dollars. STRICTLY ONE PRICE! E.

127 129 Ontario Street, near the Public Square, CARSON CLOTHING HOUSE GENTLEMEN, If you are in want of CLOTHING go where there is a big stock, selling at prices that will convince you that it is a bargain, JAS. W. CARSON 257 SUPERIOR STREET, Is the place. UNDERWEAR. White Wrappers and Drawers, Scarlet Wrappers and Drawers, Fancy Wrappres and Drawers.

One of the Best Assortments of MEN'S Winter Underwear IS AT Jas. W. Carson 257 Superior St. nv18 DOLLAR STORE. a AURORA DOLLAR STORE.

Wo are constantly adding new ready extensive assortment styles of to our alBamboo Rocking Chairs, to $2.00 with Brussels from 75c Frames for Upholstering All Chairs, sizes for Upholstered Children, with Misses, Brussels, for 75c Ladies to $2. and Gents. GREAT BARGAINS IN FRAMES CORNICES. od GILT the rery best CORNICES, quality of inch, gilt. for $1.00, warrantPOLE WALNUT CORNICES, CORNICES, inches FRAMES, all the regular complete sizes with rings, $1.

all wide, $1,00, hand and odd sizes made to constantly on desired, from 25c to $5.00, order, at any price Pockets, Assortment of Brackets, Wall Large Towel Book Racks, Shelves, Hat Racks, Comb Slipper Pockets, Cases, from 25 cents to $1.00. Marble Top Tables, $1.00 IF. W. WARDWELL 00. 210 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, 0.

PROPOSALS. TELEGRAPH FOR WHITE CEDAR Telegraph Company invites Western Union o'clock noon, proposals until 12 for furnishing Monday, about December 22d, 1870,. graph Poles, to bo delivered 88,000 at White Cedar Telethe and Cleveland, Full particulars Chicago, Toledo Journal of the Telegraph, which be can found in by application to the undersigned be had at any office of Western Union or can be seen Company. WM. Telegraph New York, Nor.

1879. Superintendent of Supplies, nov18 or UBSCRIBE Weekly PLAIN for the Daily, Tri-Weekly AN AMUsem*nTS EUCLID AVENUE OPERA TIOUSE. Ono Weak only Commencing Monday, and November 17th, Six Nights Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, DENMAN "THOMPSON AS Joshua Whitcomb, THE YANKED FARMER, AS PLAYED CY HIM 13 Weeks in New York, 105 Times in Chicago, 103 Times in San Francisco. Secure your seats. TERION Monday.

November 24th, for one week, CRICOMEDY CO. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Four New Books. An Earnest Trifler. A brilliant, entertaining, sensible novel.

$1.25. The Twins ot Table Mountain And Other Sketches. By BRET MART. $1.25. Scaled Orders, A PHELPS.

book of excellent short stories, by STUART Old Friends and New. A "Little Classic" book stories, by SARAn O. JEWITT. of $1.25. delightful short receipt For sale of by price all by the Booksellers.


author of will run through six or more AROOSTTOCK," which. SERIAL STORIES by T. B. numbers. James, SHORT STORIES of the and Henry most entertaining character.

and highest and SAYS, CRITICISMS, TRAVEL SKETCHES, POETRY, ESarticles important topics and POLOTICS, Y. SOCIAL SCIENCE EDUCATION, whatever interests American and ablest and most engaging readers, by the writers. A Fine Portrait of Dr. Holmes has been prepared for Atlantic subscribers. with superb life-size a year, vortrait in of advance.

postage Holines, Lowell, free; Whittier, portraits, Bryant or three Longfellow, portraits, with two traits, with all five portraits, $7.00: four pordraft or registered should letter, be to made by money Remittances $9.00. order, nov15 Houghton. 8t Osgood Boston. FURNISHING WE ARE MAKING MORE SHIRTS To Order than ever this season of the before year. at The Reason Why that we are Making a Better Shirt.

for the money than any other house land warrant a perfect fit. T. C. JOHNSON. 14.

Public Sanare. NEW STYLES MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS IN Black and Blue Cheviots, Fancy Cassimeres, All Grades and Prices. NEW STYLES Boys' SCHOOL SUITS AND OVERCOATS. W. A.

NORTHROP 00. 189 Superior Street. tise, IS THE TINE TO ADVER- of of be five the not the of sible da? half and for the the at in in.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.