OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (2024)

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OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (2)

After years (and years) of waiting, Insulet is finally on the cusp of launching OmniPod 5 – a system that combines the OmniPod disposable patch pump with a Dexcom G6 CGM and an algorithm that automatically raises and lowers basal insulin delivery. Compared to other commercially-available hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems such as Tandem X2 with Control IQ and Medtronic 770, OmniPod 5 has some features to get excited about.

But before we get into that, here’s a bit of background.

The OmniPod 5 System

Product-wise, OmniPod5 uses new Bluetooth-enabled pods that have the HCL algorithm built in. They are the same size and shape as traditional pods, holding up to 200 units of insulin. The OmniPod 5 mobile app is required for setting up each pod, linking the pod with the current glucose sensor, and bolusing. Once a pod is initialized, the app is not required for automated basal adjustments to take place. Initially, the app will only run on a compatible Android phone. For those who don’t have a compatible phone, Insulet will provide a basic phone that can only run the OmniPod 5 app but cannot be used for anything else. This is similar but not exactly the same as the current OmniPod Dash programmer. Insulet reports that loved ones will have access to the user’s data with an app that is similar to the OmniPod View app.

The algorithm built into the pods makes automated adjustments to basal delivery every five minutes based on current and projected glucose values derives from the CGM. This is called a “model predictive algorithm”. The magnitude of the adjustment is based on historical insulin usage and the perceived insulin sensitivity of the user. The target glucose value used by the algorithm is customizable to be anywhere from 110-150, in 10 mg/dl increments. Different targets can be set for different times of day. One “override” option is available: the HypoProtect feature temporarily sets the target to 150 and minimizes basal insulin delivery for situations such as exercise.

To start using automated insulin delivery, the user only needs to enter their Dexcom G6 transmitter’s serial number into the app. There are no limits on the amount of insulin one uses, no calibrations required, and no waiting days for the Automated Mode feature to kick in. Initially, the algorithm applies the user’s usual basal settings as a foundation. After the first two to three pods are deactivated and new ones are activated, the algorithm makes more robust self-adjustments and adapts the foundational basal program based on the user’s needs over the past several days. After about nine days of use, the new foundational basal program is set.

When not in Automated Mode (during sensor warmups for example), the system reportedly reverts to “standard” basal delivery. As of the publication of this article, Insulet has not provided answers as to what “standard” basal delivery means exactly. They also have not provided answers regarding what happens if the app is lost or deleted.

As with other HCL systems, boluses remain the responsibility of the user. The OmniPod 5 app allows the user to utilize their preferred insulin-to-carb ratios, correction factors, targets, and duration of insulin action for bolus calculations. Taking things one step further, the app automatically increases or decreases bolus amounts based on CGM trends. If the glucose is rising, the bolus may be increased by as much as 30%. If falling, it may be decreased by as much as 100%.

Study Outcomes

The major “pivotal” research study designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of OmniPod 5 showed significant benefits for both children and adults with type-1 diabetes. Time in-range (the percentage of the day spent between 70 and 180 mg/dl) improved from a baseline of 51% to 71% in children when transitioning from standard diabetes management to OmniPod 5, particularly when using a glucose target of 110 mg/dl. In adults, time in-range improved from 66% at baseline to 75% when a target of 130 mg/dl was used.

Time spent in a state of hypoglycemia also improved, from 2.3% to 1.7% in children, and 3.4% to 1.1% in adults. The number of hypoglycemic events was cut in half in children and by almost two thirds in adults. Even less hypoglycemic events and time in a hypoglycemic range occurred when higher targets were used.

Participants in the study used OmniPod 5 in Automated Mode more than 97% of the time, indicating that it was relatively easy to maintain and use the system. There were no major problems (adverse events) with the system, nor were there episodes of severe hypoglycemia or DKA during the course of the study, which ran for 14 days with 36 users ages 6-70.

What It All Means

Safe to say, Insulet has put together an HCL system that is safe and has the potential to improve glycemic control for most users with little to no additional work on the user’s part. That positive balance of benefit vs. cost is quite important. What is most exciting is that we will finally have a commercially-available HCL system that does not require use of a tubed pump. Sure, for those with decent tech skills and a penchant for sticking their nose up at the government, we already have the DIY Loop and APS systems that can hack into the old radio-enabled “eros” pods. But OmniPod 5 is a system that is truly ready for the masses. It appears to be easy to learn and use and incorporates the most popular sensor in the type-1 market.

But it’s not all sunshine and buttercups. There are a number of potential downsides to OmniPod 5 that should be taken into account when choosing an HCL system:

Downsides to OmniPod 5:

  1. iPhone users will be forced to carry an extra device to run the OmniPod 5 app. At least for the time being… Insulet has plans to make the app compatible with iPhones in the not-to-distant future.
  2. Extended (square/dual) boluses will not be an option. This can be a serious detriment when consuming large, high-fat or low-glycemic-index foods, as well as for those who have impaired digestion. All OmniPod 5 boluses must be delivered in full, all at once. This can cause hypoglycemia soon after consuming a slowly-digesting meal, followed by a delayed rise. Already, Tandem offers extended boluses in their HCL system, and the DIY Loop app allows users to specify the digestion/absorption time of each meal. Hopefully, Insulet will follow suit at some point.
  3. I’m all for adjusting bolus doses based on the direction the glucose is headed going into meals. Our practice has been teaching that concept since CGM was first introduced. But adjusting the original bolus dose by a percentage rather than by a flat amount is asking for trouble. Let’s say your glucose is rising rapidly going into a meal. You will need x-number of units to offset the rise, based on your insulin sensitivity. However, based on OmniPod 5’s approach, if you’re having a very large meal, the bolus will be increased by significantly more than if you’re having a small meal. The same thing will happen if the glucose is falling: the magnitude of the adjustment hinges on the number of units in your original bolus calculation. That has the potential to either not prevent a high/low or cause a high/low within the next several hours.
  4. “Adapting” the user’s foundational basal settings based on a few days of data can be problematic. If an individual’s basal needs during those evaluation days are not representative of their typical needs, the basal program will be opposing the algorithm’s efforts to achieve glucose stability. If a person becomes progressively more or less sensitive to insulin due to things like growth, weight gain/loss, pregnancy or lifestyle changes, there is no indication that OmniPod 5’s algorithm will be able to adapt. This places an unnecessary stress on the system.
  5. You cannot alter the basal program when Automated Mode is in use. No temporary basal rates or alternate profiles (which are doable with the Tandem system). Other than the HypoProtect feature, no other overrides are possible (Loop allows for unlimited customizable overrides). This will create challenges during situations such as menses, stress, intense exercise, illness/infection, and consumption of alcohol or high-fat meals.

Who, When and Where?

Insulet submitted their application to the US Food & Drug Administration back in December, 2020. It usually takes the FDA 4-6 months to render a decision, so hopefully approval will be received towards the middle of 2021. The submission requested approval for ages 6 and up, but Insulet has already begun a follow-up study to evaluate the product in children as young as 2 years old.

Initially, Insulet plans a “limited” rollout – which means they will restrict access to a manageable number of patients who are treated by clinicians with adequate resources to train, educate and manage patients on the new system. A full rollout will likely take place a few months later.

Since there is nothing quite like personal experience, we at Integrated Diabetes Services plan to give OmniPod 5 a try as soon as we can get our grubby little hands on it. Stay tuned for more updates.

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By Gary Scheiner|2021-10-13T16:00:15-04:00March 22nd, 2021|Categories: Thinking Like A Pancreas Blog|12 Comments

About the Author: Gary Scheiner

OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (4)

An award-winning Certified Diabetes Educator, Masters-level Exercise Physiologist and person with type-1 diabetes since 1985, Gary Scheiner has dedicated his professional life to improving the lives of people with insulin-dependent diabetes. He was named 2014 Diabetes Educator of the year by the American Association of Diabetes Educators.Gary has authored six books: You Can Control Diabetes (1997), Think Like A Pancreas (2004, 2012, 2020), The Ultimate Guide to Accurate Carb Counting (2007), Get Control of Your Blood Sugar (2009), Until There’s A Cure (2012), Practical CGM (2015) and Diabetes-How To Help (2018), as well as dozens of published articles related to diabetes education for consumer and trade magazines and diabetes websites. He speaks at local, national and international conferences on a multitude of topics in diabetes care. Gary is certified to train on all models of insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors and hybrid closed loop systems, and has personally used every system that is currently on the market.

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  1. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (10)

    Maria Pichara June 10, 2022 at 5:44 pm - Reply

    My Doughter is using omnipod 5, and we have put the second pod now. It works fine, but on highs , first days the algorithm hasnt been agressive enought for stopping rise of glucose, and when we bolus for correction the algorithm just decrease basal so the bolus doesnt low the glucose. Im hoping when we put her third or fourth pod, the pump will function best with highs .

    • OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (11)

      alicia downs June 22, 2022 at 3:59 pm - Reply

      The pod does tend to get more aggressive with time, but we also find the need to adjust settings, particularly insulin action time and carb ratios to get the system to work effectively.

  2. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (12)

    Ana Cosio July 15, 2021 at 8:42 pm - Reply

    Do you happen to know if the device they will provide to iphone users will be the same one they provide for the Eros or the Dash Omnipod?

    • OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (13)

      alicia downs July 26, 2021 at 6:33 pm - Reply

      HI Anna
      The device provided for Omnipod5 is essentially the same as the Dash controller (Built on the same android phone model) currently in use. and the pods would have to be the blutooth Dash style pods to be compatible.

  3. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (14)

    Tom W June 16, 2021 at 2:44 am - Reply

    Thanks so much for the overview-I had tried through many channels getting details like you provided with no success. Also glad to contemplate the negatives. Thanks!

  4. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (15)

    Bobbi Jo Jenkins June 10, 2021 at 10:16 am - Reply

    I have used both the Medtronic Mini med G530 and the Omnipod. I am so excited for this new system to come out. It has been life changing not having tubes to pull out and get hung on every corner. I love the omnipod and can not wait for it to get even better. This may take a little getting used to but it will be great!

  5. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (16)

    Alicia Owens May 20, 2021 at 2:26 am - Reply

    I work in an environment where I cannot have a cell phone. I understand Insulet will provide the locked down phone to run the app. Do you know if they plan to continue that option, even once iphone compatibility is released? Also, do you know if the user can switch between the basic app only phone (at work) and a compatible phone (all other times)? I do this now with the Dexcom G6 receiver and my iphone.

    • OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (17)

      alicia downs June 15, 2021 at 3:15 pm - Reply

      Hi Alicia
      They will continue to offer a controller device like the Dash for the Omnipod 5 systems.
      The controller used to active the pod is the ONLY controller that can be used on that pod. so we can’t switch controller to phone mid pod, but at pod change we can switch. it is unclear how switching controllers would impact insulin delivery at this time.

  6. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (18)

    Lennart May 2, 2021 at 6:16 pm - Reply

    Thank You for the insights of the OmniPOD 5 system. What you write above is probably the most describing article I found on the web so far. I might be considering a system change later this year, and the system 5 might be one candidate. I also have a Tandem X2:slim on my reading list.

    When it comes to reading, there IS a User Manual for the Tandem pump since it been available for some time, but I am very curious for the manual for the OmniPOD 5 pump. I mean, a real 300+ page *.pdf file that not only tells me the possibilities of the pump, but also describe how the user in detail interact with the system.

    -Does it, in your knowledge, exists such a document?

    The system is still waiting for approval as I understand, but part of the system it should be some documents that also must be “approved”. So any hint for a nice big pdf document would be nice. Does it exist yet?


    • OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (19)

      alicia downs May 10, 2021 at 5:47 pm - Reply

      Hi Lennart,
      those documents are all sealed until the pump gets FDA approval, even individuals in the clinical trial can not release them.
      We all are in the “wait and see” boat together.

  7. OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (20)

    Frank Oesterling April 18, 2021 at 1:51 pm - Reply

    Being a pod user for fifteen years and mostly pleased with their advantages..
    I am becoming displeased with their refusal to list brands and versions of
    (Android) to use ??
    Being a current iPhone user I would
    Prefer not to ‘wait’ so how to I choose
    a new Android if I don’t know what is
    Comparable !!!! I considered Samsung
    Galaxy A21 but Omnipod refuses to
    confirm or deny options!!!

    • OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (21)

      alicia downs May 10, 2021 at 5:53 pm - Reply

      With you on that Frank, we are all eagerly awaiting FDA approval so these kinds of details can be revealed.

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OmniPod Gears Up to (Almost) Close the Loop - Integrated Diabetes Services (2024)
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