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Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018MAYO CAMPUS Part-time Courses

Please return completed applications to:

Lifelong Learning Office, GMIT Mayo Campus Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo

Tel: 094 9043156 or 9025700 Email: [emailprotected]

Social Media:


At GMIT we are committed to supporting Ireland’s drive to achieve its ambitions for recovery and development within an innovation-driven economy. It is essential therefore to create and enhance human capital by expanding participation in higher education.

At GMIT we are progressively responding to the challenges in this area by increasing our provision of flexible, online and lifelong learning programmes, providing greater

opportunities for continuing professional development and changing of employee skills and competencies and improving the interface between higher education and further education and training.

At our Mayo campus, we offer programmes on a variety of levels across a diverse range of subjects. We cater for a broad cross-section of the region, providing adults with learning opportunities for personal, vocational and continuing personal development.

Our lifelong learning office is waiting to provide advice to, and answer queries from, prospective students.

Dr Fergal J Barry President

Hello everybody,

Thank you for looking at our Lifelong Learning offerings on the Mayo Campus of GMIT.

We hope you find something of interest which will allow you to develop your knowledge, skills and competencies with us. We offer a variety of programmes and modules. Often by taking a module with us is the first step to a very rewarding development as an individual.

Not only can you study at the different levels on the National Framework of Qualifications but you can also do this at a pace that suits you. We have a variety of approaches to delivering different modules and you will get an opportunity to select what suits you best. Our staff are available to vie appropriate advice and students often start with one module and finish with a nationally recognised award.

To view the programmes on offer, please visit:

We would be delighted to meet with you at any of our Open Evenings in September and January.

Mr Michael Gill Acting Head of Centre, Mayo Campus


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018





Contents 2

INTRODUCTION 4What is lifelong learning? 4

SPRINGBOARD PROGRAMMES 6What is Springboard+? 6

Certificate in Construction Management (Springboard SPA) (Level 6) 6

Certificate in Sales and Customer Service with a Language (French or Spanish) (Springboard SPA) (Level 6) 7

NURSING, HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE 8Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing for Registered Nurses (Level 8 – Add On) 8

Certificate in Recovery in Mental Health (SPA) (Level 8) 8

Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care QQI (Level 7) 9


Advanced Excel 2016 10

Creating Mobile Apps for Android 11

HUMANITIES, HERITAGE & CULTURE 12Revolution and Republic: Irish History in the Twentieth Century (Level 6) 12

Archaeology: Medieval Art and Architecture (Level 6) 12

Guiding (Level 6) 13

Foundation Course in Counselling 13

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 14

WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Certificate Courses 15

Wild Atlantic Way Wine Discovery Series 16


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT 17BA in Human Resource Management (Level 7) (Year 2 Entry) 17

Certificate in Law and HR (SPA) (Level 7) 17

Certificate in Supervisory Management (SPA) (Level 7) 18

Certificate in Managing Operations (SPA) (Level 7) 19

Certificate in Management for Supervisors (SPA) (Level 7) 19

Certificate in Training & Development (SPA) (Level 7) 20

Certificate in the Financial & Economic Environment (SPA) (Level 7) 21

Employment Law (Level 7) 21

Management Accounting 1 (Level 6) 22

Government & Public Policy (Level 6) 22

Financial Control (Level 6) 23

Industrial Relations (Level 6) 23

Improving Organisational Performance (Level 6) 24

Leading Organisational Change (Level 6) 25

Contemporary Developments in Employee Relations [HRM] (Level 7) 26

Business Issues in the Context of Human Resources (CIPD) (Level 7) 26

Corporate Governance (CIPD) (Level 7) 27

Developing Professional Practice (CIPD) (Level 7) 27

Managing and Co ordinating the Human Resources Function (CIPD) (Level 7) 28

Employee Well-Being (Level 7) 29

Employee Compensation (Level 7) 29

Employee Engagement (Level 7) 30

International Human Resource Management (Level 7) 31

Digital Marketing (Level 7) 31

Marketing Practice (Level 6) 32

Marketing Management (Level 7) 32

ART & DESIGN 33Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (Level 8) 33

Higher Certificate (flexible mode) in Contemporary Art Practices (Level 6)* 34

Bachelor of Arts (flexible mode) in Contemporary Art Practices (Level 7)* 34

Art and the Public Sphere (Level 7) 35

Introduction to Contemporary Art Theory (Level 6) 36

Contemporary Art Theory 2 (Level 7) 37

Important Information 38

Direct Application Mayo Campus 41

Summary of Lifelong Learning Courses 2017/2018 43


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018

What is lifelong learning?Lifelong learning is about continuing to learn throughout your adult life and career. Have you a hungry, curious mind? Do you want to have your natural abilities stimulated and developed? Do you need to adapt to a changing work environment? Engaging in lifelong learning has significant individual and social benefits in terms of career development, changing career path and general personal development. At GMIT Mayo campus, we want to make learning accessible to adults in this region. Whether you want to upskill, reskill or simply take on a new challenge, there are diverse learning opportunities available to you here on the Mayo campus in Castlebar.

Choose to study in a way that suits you…If you are thinking about returning to education, there are a number of different ways in which you can begin or continue your path of accredited learning at the GMIT Mayo campus.

You can start ‘small’ by studying for a single course or module. These short courses are all nationally accredited 5 and 10 credit modules at Levels 6-8 NFQ. Courses are typically delivered on campus one night per week for 2-3 hours and over one or two 13-week block periods or semesters from September to Christmas or January to April or both. The learner can build on courses previously studied at their own pace. For each accredited course successfully completed a Single Subject Certificate is awarded to participants and credits may be accumulated towards a full degree/Special Purpose Award.

A slightly bigger commitment is involved in undertaking a Special Purpose Award. This is a GMIT and QQI accredited award in one or more courses for relatively narrow or purpose specific achievement. We also have courses available on block release basis.

Additionally you can choose to study for an ordinary degree (Level 7) or honours degree programme (Level 8). All part-time programmes are scheduled with the adult learner in mind and classes usually occur in the evening and/or on a block delivery basis.

Entry requirements (unless otherwise indicated) are a pass in five Leaving Certificate subjects including Mathematics and English or Irish. Candidates over the age of 23 may enter the Single Subject Certificate courses without prior educational qualifications. Entry requirements for specific programmes may vary and are detailed within.

Experiential learning may also be considered as grounds for entry.

Most courses are supported by our VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) Moodle. This is an online and interactive tool used as a repository for class materials and communications with students.

The lifelong learning courses offered at the GMIT Mayo campus are a resource for the whole of the community in the western region. Enrolling on one of our courses means becoming a part of the GMIT community. That means participating not just in the classroom or laboratory but making use of the range of facilities available on our campus. We hope you enjoy reading our prospectus and seeing what courses are available to you and will consider joining the GMIT community to continue your learning journey.

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Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Céard is foghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil ann?Baineann foghlaim ar feadh an tsaoil le bheith ag foghlaim ar feadh do bheatha mar dhuine lánfhásta agus le linn do shaoil ghairmiúil. An bhfuil tú fiosrach, cíochrach chun foghlama? Ar mhaith leat go spreagfaí agus go bhforbrófaí na buanna atá agat ó nádúr? An gá duit tú féin a chur in oiriúint do thimpeallacht oibre a bhíonn de shíor ag athrú? Baineann buntáistí suntasacha aonair agus sóisialta maidir le forbairt gairme, le do chonair ghairme a athrú agus le forbairt phearsanta ghinearálta le dul i ngleic le foghlaim ar feadh do shaoil. Ag campas Mhaigh Eo GMIT, is mian linn go mbeadh teacht ar an bhfoghlaim ag gach duine lánfhásta sa réigiún seo.

Déan do staidéar cibé bealach is rogha leat…Má tá tú ag smaoineamh ar fhilleadh ar an oideachas, tá roinnt bealaí difriúla inar féidir leat tosú nó leanúint de do chonair foghlama creidiúnaithe ag campas Mhaigh Eo GMIT.

Féadfaidh tú tosú ‘beag’ trí staidéar a dhéanamh ar chúrsa nó modúl aonair. Is modúil 5 nó 6 chreidiúint ag Leibhéil 6-8 NFQ iad na cúrsaí gearra seo go léir atá creidiúnaithe go náisiúnta. Go tipiciúil déantar cúrsaí a sheachadadh ar an gcampas oíche amháin sa tseachtain ar feadh 2-3 huaire an chloig agus le linn bhlocthréimhse 13 seachtain amháin nó dhó ó Mheán Fómhair go Nollaig nó Eanáir go hAibreán nó an dá cheann. Féadfaidh an foghlaimeoir tógáil ar a bhfuil staidéar déanta orthu cheana ar a ráta féin. Bronntar Teastas Ábhar Aonair ar na rannpháirtithe as gach cúrsa creidiúnaithe a chuirtear i gcrích go rathúil agus is féidir creidiúintí a charnadh i dtreo lán chéime/Dámhachtaine Sainchuspóirí.

Bíonn tiomantas beagán níos mó gceist le tabhairt faoi Dhámhachtain Shainchuspóireach. Is dámhachtain chreidiúnaithe de chuid GMIT agus QQI é sin i gcúrsa amháin nó níos mó as éacht atá caol go maith nó sainchuspóireach a bhaint amach.

Lena chois sin, féadfaidh tú staidéar a roghnú do chlár gnáthchéime (Leibhéal 7) nó céime onóracha (Leibhéal 8). Déantar gach clár páirtaimseartha a sceidealú ar mhaithe leis an bhfoghlaimeoir agus de ghnáth bíonn na ranganna ar siúl sa tráthnóna agus/nó ar bhonn blocsheachadta.

Is iad na riachtanais iontrála (mura gcuirtear a mhalairt in iúl) pas i gcúig ábhar Ardteistiméireachta ar a n-áirítear Matamaitic agus Béarla nó Gaeilge. Féadfaidh iarrthóirí níos sine ná 23 bliain d’aois cúrsaí Teastas Aon Ábhar a dhéanamh gan réamhcháilíochtaí oideachasúla. D’fhéadfadh sé go mbainfeadh riachtanais dhifriúla iontrála le sainchláir agus tá siadsan sonraithe laistigh.

Tharlódh go nglacfaí le foghlaim i ngeall ar thaithí mar údar iontrála.

Tugann an Moodle VLE (Timpeallacht Fhíorúil Foghlama) s’againne tacaíocht d’fhormhór na gcúrsaí. Is uirlis idirghníomhach ar líne é seo a úsáidtear mar thaisce d’ábhair ranga agus cumarsáide leis na neacha léinn.

Is acmhainn iad na cúrsaí ar feadh an tsaoil a bhíonn á dtairiscint ag Campas Mhaigh Eo GMIT don phobal uile i réigiún an Iarthair. Is ionann clárú ar cheann dár gcúrsaí agus a bheith mar chuid de phobal GMIT. Ciallaíonn sé sin a bheith rannpháirteach ní amháin sa seomra ranga nó saotharlann ach úsáid a bhaint as an raon saoráidí atá ar fáil ar an gcampas. Tá súil againn go mbainfidh tú taitneamh as ár réamheolaire a léamh agus as na cúrsaí a fheiceáil atá ar fáil duit agus go smaoineoidh tú ar dhul isteach i bpobal GMIT chun leanúint ar do thuras foghlama.

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Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


What is Springboard+?(including part-time courses and Department of Social Protection income support)

Springboard+ offers FREE courses at Certificate, Degree and Honours Degree level. These courses lead to qualifications in areas where there are job opportunities in the economy.

SPRINGBOARD AT GMITGMIT is the largest provider of Springboard/ICT Skills courses in the West of Ireland.

IS SPRINGBOARD FOR ME?The Springboard+ programme ( consists of courses offered under both Springboard and ICT Skills. Springboard courses are part-time courses which you can undertake without affecting your payments from the Department of Social Protection.

ICT Skills Conversion courses are full-time courses which employed or unemployed people can undertake if they can attend lectures for three days each week. Unemployed people can retain their payments from the Department of Social Protection if they qualify under the Back to Education Option.

To be eligible to participate on a part-time Springboard course an applicant must be a jobseeker AND satisfy one of the following three criteria:

1. Be in receipt of one of the following payments from the Department of Social Protection:

• Jobseekers Benefit

• Jobseekers Allowance

• One Parent Family

• Disability Allowance

• Qualified Adults of Working Age

• Carers Allowance

• Farm Assist/Fish Assist

• Widow(er)s Contributory or Non-contributory Pension

• Blind Pension

• Deserted Wives Allowance

2. Be signing for social insurance contribution credits

3. Be previously self-employed

4. People not in receipt of a payment from the Department of Social Protection that have been out of the work environment for a number of years due to childcare or other caring obligations and have a previous history of employment but may require upskilling, reskilling or cross-skilling to transition back to the workforce (“Homemakers”)

See for full eligibility criteria. See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on for more information.

Interested candidates who do not meet Springboard+ entry criteria can apply for any of the Springboard+ courses listed and pay the associated fee. All candidates will undergo an interview to determine suitability.

Certificate in Construction Management (Springboard SPA) (Level 6)

Duration: 3 days/week

Time: Timetable to be advised – Semester I & II

Fee: Free to Springboard-eligible students/ €3,000 for non-eligible Springboard students

Start date: Monday 18th September 2017

Number of Credits: 40 Credits

This programme is funded under the Springboard initiative. Springboard+ offers FREE courses at Certificate, Degree and Honours Degree level. These courses lead to qualifications in areas where there are job opportunities in the economy. Springboard courses are part-time courses which you can undertake without affecting your payments from the Department of Social Protection. See for full eligibility criteria. See the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on for more information. Interested candidates who do not meet Springboard+ entry criteria can apply for any of the Springboard+ courses listed and pay the associated fee. All candidates will undergo an interview to determine suitability.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSEntry requirement (if under 23 years) is a pass in the Leaving Certificate (or EU equivalent) with five grades which must include English or Irish and Mathematics. Applicants over 23 years are not required to have passed the Leaving Certificate (or EU equivalent). All applicants will be assessed on interpersonal skills, language skills, dexterity and mathematical skills, with places being allocated based on the results of the assessments. Preference will be given to applicants whose prior working experience has been in a manufacturing environment.

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThe purpose of this programme is to provide upskilling in the current theory and practice of sustainable building technology relevant to Construction Management. There will be an emphasis on near zero carbon construction and its impact on the construction process. The programme will consist of lectures, practicals and group work.

COURSE CONTENTModules include Construction Technology (10 credits), Building Services (5 credits), CAD and IT (10 credits), Construction Management (5 credits), Personal Development and Career Planning (5 credits) and Industry Work based Learning (5 credits). All modules will be completed prior to the work placement module.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for this programme is made direct via Springboard ( before end of August 2017. The programme will be delivered on the Mayo Campus of GMIT. Delivery will be three days per week from September to March (21 weeks). A work placement of 125 hours (3 weeks) is included in this.

COURSE FEENo tuition/registration fee applicable for participants who are currently unemployed and are eligible for funding under the Springboard programme. If you do not qualify under the requirements for a place under Springboard you can still apply for a fee-paying place on this course. For further Information please contact: Anne Wiseman, Programme Chair at [emailprotected].


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Certificate in Sales and Customer Service with a Language (French or Spanish) (Springboard SPA) (Level 6)

Duration: Part-time for 1 academic year, followed by work experience in May/June. Semester I & II

Time: 9am-1pm, Monday to Friday.

Start Date: Monday 11th September 2017

Fees: Free to Springboard-eligible students/ €2,700 for non-eligible Springboard students

Number of Credits: 50 Credits

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThe Certificate in Sales and Customer Service with a Language (French or Spanish) has been designed with input from employers to meet an identified market need for staff with sales and customer care skills plus knowledge of a foreign language.

Students of the Certificate in Sales and Customer Service with a Language will learn how to:

• Sell professionally and provide excellent service to customers.

• Use PC applications for business (word-processing, spreadsheets, presentation and desktop publishing).

• Communicate at a basic level in Spanish or at an intermediate level in French. (No knowledge of Spanish is required to take the Spanish option. A basic level of French is required to take the French option).

With regard to the language, the aim is to give students a grounding in their chosen foreign language, a cultural awareness necessary for dealing with international customers and the confidence to further develop their language skills. Graduates will be encouraged to continue their efforts to improve their language proficiency beyond the limits of the programme.

Students will also acquire a range of transferable skills needed for job-seeking and for the workplace. These include preparing and presenting for job interview, communicating professionally, team working and time management.

There will be a work experience component, which will take place in May/June and run for 6 weeks full-time (or 12 weeks part-time). This element will give students a real life experience of a sales or customer service role and an opportunity to practice their newly acquired skills. Where possible, work experience will involve exposure to the foreign language studied.

COURSE CONTENTThe programme will consist of six, 5 credit modules and two, 10 credit modules as outlined below:

• Selling, 5 credits; Customer Service, 5 credits; PC Applications, 5 credits

• Advanced PC Applications, 5 credits; French or Spanish Level 1, 10 credits

• French or Spanish Level 2, 10 credits;

• The Next Step – Transitioning to work, 5 credits; Work Experience, 5 credits

Classes will be structured around lectures, group work, presentations and skills based activities. There will be 16 contact hours per week for a full academic year i.e. 26 weeks. Peer learning will be encouraged and will involve students sharing their ideas, knowledge and experiences in the classroom and through group projects.

Classes will be timetabled between 9am and 1pm over 5 days per week. Recognising that students coming on to this programme will have diverse educational backgrounds, a half-day of induction will be provided at the start.

For further Information please contact: Celene Dunphy, Programme Chair at [emailprotected] or Tel: 094 9043112.


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing for Registered Nurses (Level 8 – Add On)

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThis honours degree programme is offered on a part-time (1 day per week, over 1 academic year) format. It is generic in design and assists in providing the necessary academic and professional competencies to practise nursing in a modern health-care environment.

COURSE CONTENTMandatory ModulesContemporary Issues in Nursing, Research Skills in Nursing Practice, Applied Physiology & Pharmacology

Applied Social Science

Elective ModulesLeadership & Management Nursing, Law & Nursing, Health Policy, Nursing the Person with long-term Illness, Contemporary Issues in Mental Health, Care of the Older Person, Family Health, The Nurse as an Educator, Health Promotion

(Students are required to choose 4 elective modules in addition to completing the 4 mandatory modules)

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSSuitable candidates for this programme will have successfully completed a nurse education programme leading to registration as a nurse on any part of the register of nurses maintained by An Bord Altranais and are currently eligible to be registered on the live register with An Bord Altranais. Applicants must have completed a Level 7 programme in Nursing Studies or an equivalent bridging studies programme.

OTHER INFORMATIONAll programmes and elective modules are offered subject to sufficient demand, available resources and approval. Students may be able to apply for exemptions at point of application.

Sponsorship may be provided by your employer. It is each candidate’s responsibility to seek clarification from his/her employer with regards to funding.

HOW TO APPLYApplication forms are available from:

Paula Barrett Dept. of Nursing, Health Sciences & Social Care GMIT Mayo Campus Castlebar, Co. Mayo

Tel: 094 9043192 Email: [emailprotected]

Course Fee€3,000 per annum

Certificate in Recovery in Mental Health (SPA) (Level 8)

A Special Purpose Awards is a HETAC accredited award in one or more modules for relatively narrow or purpose specific achievement.

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThis module will commence in January 2018 and be delivered over 13 weeks (one afternoon per week). Recovery in mental health implies focusing on the strengths and opportunities for a service user rather than the limitations and symptoms of mental illness. Such an approach emphasises the concepts of hope and optimism and are integral values in the recovery approach. The aim of this module is to enable learners to develop an in depth working knowledge of the principles and practice of recovery for the mental health service user and to critically evaluate the range of skills necessary to work innovatively and collaboratively with service users, carers, and their families and appropriate agencies. It is aimed at mental health professionals working in the area of rehabilitation and recovery in mental health.

COURSE CONTENTThis 10-credit module will enable the learner to recognise and respond to factors which contribute towards or affect mental, physical, social, psychological, spiritual, educational, political, cultural, financial and ethical needs of service users, groups, communities and families.

FURTHER INFORMATIONPlease contact Siobhan Lynch at [emailprotected] (Tel: 094 9043287).

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSThis programme is aimed at nurses who are registered with An Bord Altranais and hold a valid PIN and also Mental Health Professional registered, where appropriate, with a professional body

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043192).

Applications will be accepted for the above course up until 20th October 2017.



Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018




Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care QQI (Level 7)

Duration: 2 afternoons/week and 2 Saturdays per semester

Time: 2-7pm – Semester I & II with a 4 hour online element a week/Saturdays (10am-4.00pm) & 12 hours supervised practice development

Fee: €3,000

Places available: 30

Start date: Week of 11th September 2017

Number of Credits: 60 Credits

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSGMIT are only accepting application into Year 2 of this programme in this Academic Year (2017/18). Candidates must hold a QQI Level 6 relevant to Early Childhood Education and Care, be employed in the ECEC sector for a minimum of two years and currently employed for a minimum of 12 hours per week. Candidates must supply written confirmation from their employers that they are sanctioned to enrol and participate in the programme. For applicants who are self-employed/owners of ECEC services they must declare this with their application. Admission is in accordance with GMIT’s admissions policy.

FETAC Level 6 awards or UK/International equivalents which appear in the DCYA list of Early Years Recognised Qualifications are acceptable for submission to this programme.

GARDA CLEARANCEAll existing Early Years Educators must have Garda Clearance and furnish to GMIT-Mayo a copy of their clearance.

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThis three-year Bachelor of Arts award is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive education in Early Childhood Education and Care. The programme aims to equip the learner with knowledge, skills and competencies required for autonomous working practice in Early Childhood Education and Care. A child-led transformational philosophy will underpin the programme to build authentic reciprocal relationships with children, parents, colleagues, the community and other professionals. The programme is based on the contemporary principles of best practice as determined by Síolta, The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education (2006) and Aistear (The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework (2009). The Early Childhood Education and Care Sector has been a growth area over the last ten years. Evidence of expansion of the sector is the recent introduction by the Department of Child and Youth Affairs of a second National Free Pre-School year. Therefore, employment opportunities appear positive in the short and medium term. Graduates would have enhanced employability within the rapidly professionalising sector. Furthermore graduates would be well-placed to occupy supervisory functions within the sector, in accordance with new funding requirements.

COURSE CONTENTYear 1 (entry in Year 2017/18 only via and Child Development, Importance of Play, Creativity and Language, Building and Managing Interpersonal Relationships, Exploring curriculum, Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care, Learning and Innovation Skills, Health, Safety and Well-being, Practice Development 1.

Year 2 (entry in Year 2017/2018)Early Childhood Law, supporting enquiry with children to enact the curriculum, Sociological discourses in Early Childhood Education and Care, Childhood Development and Learning (under 3’s), Diversity and Equality, Research with Children, Learning Environments, Practice Development 2.

Year 3Leadership and Governance, Trends in Early Childhood Education and Care, Transitions in Early Childhood Education and Care, Family-Centred Practice and Supports, Outdoor Education, Employment Law, Practice Development 3 – Action Research.

HOW TO APPLYApplication forms available from:

Justin Kerr Head of Department Nursing, Health Sciences and Social Care

Tel: 094 90 43249 Email: [emailprotected]


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018




Digital Media (Level 6)

Duration: 3 hrs

Time: 6.30-9.30pm/Tuesdays – Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: Tuesday 12th September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONAn introductory module focussing upon the integration of digital media skills within the contemporary fine art environment.

LEARNING OUTCOMES1. Demonstrate the ability to develop, transform, and critically

evaluate an original idea, across a range of digital processes.

2. Display clear evidence of the ability to balance imagination and technology in the development of innovative artistic outcomes.

3. Communicate and co-ordinate clearly with others in a problem-solving context, in order to create simple moving-image sequences.

4. Demonstrate an awareness of the wide range of media processes which constitute contemporary artistic practice.

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the digital image/object and that which it depicts.

COURSE CONTENTScreenings of selected media artworks.

• Slideshows of historical and contemporary work in the art establishment Practical workshops in digital imaging with Adobe Photoshop: acquisition of sources/aesthetic transformation (colour, tone and use of filters)/scaling for applications and file formats/the use of paths and selections/layer-based compositing/preparation and output.

• Practical workshops in basic animation techniques with Adobe Flash: importing assets/stage, timeline, and properties workflows/frame composition, time, and tweening/testing and output.

• Principles of studio-production: planning, work-flow, structuring of expression and integration of sources, time-management.

• On-going studio activity and tutorials towards the completion of practical projects for assessment, in the form of both discrete video-animation and digital stills output.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Advanced Excel 2016

Duration: 3 hrs/week for 10 weeks

Time: 6.30-9.30pm/Mondays – Semester I

Fee: €320

Start Date: Monday 25th September 2017

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis module seeks to enhance the knowledge and use of spreadsheets for any information workers allowing them to independently develop data models, do calculations and create reports.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to:

1. Get acquainted and comfortable using Excel 2016’s spreadsheet capabilities to enable problem solving

2. Use spreadsheets to automate business processes

3. Summarise and manipulate data using pivot tables and charts

4. Import, summarise and manipulate large data sets using Power Pivot data analysis tools

5. Demonstrate Business Intelligence features and capabilities in Excel 2016, PivotTables and Power Pivot.

COURSE CONTENT• Excel formulas

• Data and Data Validation

• Developer Tab – Form Controls and Macros

• Protection

• Pivot tables and charts

• Power Pivot Tab

° Importing data

° Relationships between imported data

° Calculated columns

° Reports

° Analyse data

° Slicers

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Creating Mobile Apps for Android

Duration: 2 hrs/week for 13 weeks

Time: 7-9pm Tuesdays – Semester II

Fee: €250

Start Date: Tuesday 17th January 2018

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of Mobile Applications for Android devices. Students use the MIT App Inventor web application to create a series of small mobile applications for Android devices.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to:

• Understand what the basics of computer programming.

• Create a Mobile App using the MIT App Inventor web application.

• Download and install the app on any Android device.

• Understand the concept of computer program bugs and to test the mobile app to verify the functionality.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Mobile Applications

• Introduction to programming

• Introduction to MIT App Inventor

• Principles of Mobile Application Design

• Create a variety of small Mobile Applications

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Revolution and Republic: Irish History in the Twentieth Century (Level 6) (Aspects of Irish History 2)

Duration: 2 hrs/week

Time: 7.00-9.00pm/Tuesdays – Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: Tuesday 12th September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to provide a detailed synthesis of Ireland’s history from the beginning of the twentieth century until the establishment of the Irish Republic in 1949. The module will look at developments of the period in their social, cultural and economic contexts as well as in their political context.

LEARNING OUTCOMES1. Describe of the main phases of Irish history in the twentieth


2. Examine the influence of human activities: social, economic, political, cultural and religious on Ireland’s past.

3. Examine Irish history from different perspectives.

4. Debate the legacy of relevant historical periods.

INDICATIVE SYLLABUS• Cultural Nationalism 1890-1914

• Home Rule 1891-1914

• Sinn Fein

• The Labour Movement

• The I.R.B.1867-1916

• The Road to Rebellion/1916

• Ireland and the Great War

• The War of Independence 1919-1920

• Truce, Treaty and Civil War

• The Irish Free Stat 1923-1932

• Fianna Fail 1932-1938

• Neutrality

• The First Inter-Party Government/Establishment of the Republic

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Archaeology: Medieval Art and Architecture (Level 6)

Duration: 2 hrs/week, 13 weeks

Time: 7.00pm-9.00pm/Mondays – Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: Monday 15th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis module introduces the archaeology of the medieval period in Ireland (c.400-c.1540) with a particular focus on the art and ecclesiastical architecture of the period.

LEARNING OUTCOMES1. Describe the range of archaeological evidence for art and

ecclesiastical architecture in medieval Ireland.

2. Discuss the range of styles and influences that are apparent in medieval art and architecture in Ireland.

3. Explain the major chronological sequence of medieval Irish art and architecture and place these developments in their historical context.

4. Analyse specific examples of medieval artefacts and buildings from an archaeological perspective.

COURSE CONTENT• Early Irish monasteries and monastic sites, Islands and

Hermitages; Church Architecture; Round towers.

• Overview of Early Medieval Art: Insular Manuscripts, (Cathach, Book of Durrow, Book of Kells). Early Christian metalwork. Stone sculpture: development of High Crosses.

• The Vikings: Viking art styles in Ireland.

• The High Middle Ages: Romanesque architecture, new monastic orders, the Cistercians, Gothic architecture.

• The Late Medieval Period: Mendicant friaries, tombs and effigies

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Guiding (Level 6)

Duration: Block Delivery

Time: Wednesdays and several Saturdays Semester I & II

Fee: €540

Start date: Wednesday in September/October – To be confirmed

Number of Credits: 10 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONTo adopt a professional approach in the selling and interpretation of Irish heritage and landscape, with the ability to understand and anticipate the tourists needs.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn successful completion of this course the learner will/should be able to:

1. Appreciate the factors which influence their effectiveness as guides.

2. Develop an understanding of interpersonal skills and the ability to anticipate and satisfy customer needs

3. Prepare an information folder on the heritage of the local area

COURSE CONTENT• Core Guiding Skills: characteristics of the professional guide;

leadership, communication and group handling skills; significance of non-verbal communication; effective communication

• Specialist Guiding Skills – including Coach, Site, Town/City walking, Bike

• Local Perspectives: geological history and features of the area; flora and fauna; countryside management issues; key events in local history

• Health and Safety: role and responsibility of the guide; apply the safety procedures and be able to recognise potential hazards

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Foundation Course in Counselling

Duration: 2 hrs/week

Time: 7-9pm/Tuesdays – Semester II

Fee: €190

Start Dates: Tuesday 16th January 2018

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSAbility to be confidential and desire for personal growth

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course provides an introduction to counselling and an appreciation of counselling skills and practices.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Counselling. What is counselling? Why do we need

it in our lives and communities?

• Definitions and Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

• The basic skills necessary in Counselling e.g. listening skills, empathy, non-judgemental attitude, etc.

• Examining the counselling relationship on a practical basis and looking at the benefits and challenges facing client and therapist.

• Examining the role fear and stress play in our lives.

• Developing daily practices to live more in the present moment

• Practicing counselling skills using role plays and small groups

• Relaxation activities.

• Looking at educational and career options on completing the course.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

Duration: 3 hrs/week

Time: 6.30-9.30pm/Tuesdays – Semester II

Fee: €350

Start dates: Tuesday 30th January 2018

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSMinimum intermediate level English. Willingness to participate and interact with the class.

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this course is to prepare students who are non-native English speakers, to sit the IELTS academic exam. The course will explore the test paper by paper, examining in detail each task type. The course gradually builds up the skills, language and test techniques students need to approach IELTS with confidence. The course will focus on the four skills that are tested in the IELTS exam – Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.

The course is for students who have an intermediate to upper-intermediate level of English. It will suit people who wish to study in English at undergraduate or postgraduate levels, and for those seeking professional registration. After completion participants will have developed the necessary skills to sit the IELTS exam.

COURSE CONTENTTraining for the IELTS means building confidence in each part of the exam, each class will practice at least two skills. There will be individual, group and pair work within the classroom and because of this students will have the opportunity to learn from each other as well as from the teacher. Below is a guide to the topics and language areas covered.

The Listening Module• Orientating yourself to the text

• Listening for specific information

• Identifying main ideas

• Following a description

• Identifying main ideas

• Seeing beyond the surface meaning

• Following signpost words

• Following a talk

The reading module• Orientating yourself to the text

• Scanning for a specific detail and skimming for general understanding

• Identifying main and supporting ideas

• Improving global reading skills

• Summarising

• Understanding argument

• Identifying the writer’s views and claims

The writing module• Interpreting charts, tables, graphs and diagrams

• Describing trends

• Summarising information

• Comparing and grouping information

• Approaching the task

• Planning your essay

• Turning your ideas into written arguments

• Linking your ideas

The speaking module• Responding to personal questions

• Becoming more fluent

• Preparing your talk

• Giving your talk

• Understanding abstract and analytical questions

• Giving a reasoned response

IELTS EXAM FEEFee is payable separately to relevant Test Centre.

COURSE BOOKStudents will be required to purchase a course book

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Certificate Courses

Autumn/Spring terms

Autumn 2017WSET Level 1 Award in Wines

Course Duration: 6 hours plus short breaks divided over 2 nights.

Dates: Monday October 2nd and Monday October 9th

Time: 18.15-21.30 each night

For individuals new to wine study, this qualification provides a hands-on introduction to the world of wine. You’ll explore the main types and styles of wine through sight, smell, and taste, while also gaining the basic skills to describe wines accurately, and make food and wine pairings. Upon successful completion you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin.

No previous experience of Wine Tasting is necessary to register on this course.

Assessment is by a closed-book exam of 30 multiple-choice questions.

The exam will be held on the second night.

Autumn 2017/Spring 2018WSET Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits

Course Duration: 16 hours of classroom delivery and tasting activity delivered over 8 sessions.

Dates: Monday November 20th, 27rd, Monday December 4th, December 11th 2017 Monday January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th 2018.

Times: 6.30-8.30pm

• A beginner to intermediate level qualification exploring wines and spirits and suitable for those working in the industry or wine and spirit enthusiasts.

• For individuals seeking a core understanding of wines, this qualification explores the major grape varieties and important wine regions in which they are grown. You’ll learn about the styles of wines produced from these grapes as well as key classifications and labelling terminology. A basic overview of the key categories of spirits and liqueurs will also be provided. Upon successful completion you will receive a WSET certificate and lapel pin, and will be able to use the associated WSET certified logo.

No previous experience of Wine Tasting is necessary to register on this course.

Assessment is by a closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions.


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Wild Atlantic Way Wine Discovery Series

Exam Free Classes!

This Wine Discovery Series is planned to suit the Enthusiastic Amateur, the Wine Waiter and the Wine Lover

SESSION 1 Learning the Language of Tasting – Tasting Versus Drinking

During this session you will learn, in a systematic way, how to see the wine in the glass, smell it and identify the aromas, describe the sensations on the palate when you taste it and finally assemble the parts to see the wine as a whole.

To assist in this process, we will first taste some food samples and record the sensations experienced. Armed with these new found skills we will taste and compare 4 wines – two red and two white thus starting our own personal wine journal!

SESSION 2 Understanding the Label – Types and Styles of Wine

AOC, DOCa, PDO, PGI, Vdp, VDlT, Qualitaswein, etc. What can you interpret from these and the other words that appear on a wine label?

This session will help you understand the information found on a wine label and also give clues on the type and the style of wine in the bottle. Four wines will be tasted to support the learning in this session.

SESSION 3 In the Vineyard and in the Winery – Alchemy and Wizardry

Terroir, Myth or Reality.

Same grape, same winery, what makes the wine so different?

This session will cover the factors affecting Wine Style, Quality and Price.

During this session very different wines from the same grapes will be tasted to discuss the influence of Terroir or otherwise!

SESSION 4 Wine and Food Pairing – Does the interaction matter?

During this session we will test out the interaction between types and styles of wines and various foods. Hopefully this will solve the dilemma of choosing wines for the Festive Seasons ahead!

Course Duration: 8 hours of classroom delivery and tasting activity delivered over 4 sessions.

Dates: Thursday October 5th, Thursday October 19th, Thursday November 16th & Thursday November 23rd.

Times: 7.00pm-9.00pm

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYEating a substantial meal before attending a wine tasting session is important; food helps absorb alcohol so it enters your bloodstream more slowly. Please arrange your transport home in advance of session as if you participate in all the tasting you will be over the legal limit to drive.

About F.Á.I.L.T.E. Wine EducationF.Á.I.L.T.E. Wine Education is a WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Approved Programme Provider.

F.Á.I.L.T.E. Wine Education delivers a wide range of wine courses; Levels 1 to 3 WSET certified courses, Wine Discovery Courses, Staff sommelier training and Fun Wine Tasting events.

Máirín Uí Mhurchú, Principal, is a WSET Certified Wine Educator and a QQI trainer. Máirín holds the WSET Diploma in Wines and Spirits, a Certificate of Excellence in the Sales and Service of Scotch Whisky and is a member of the Irish Guild of Sommeliers.

FURTHER INFORMATIONFor detailed information about WSET Courses visit

For course prices and course requirements, contact Máirín at [emailprotected]


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



BA in Human Resource Management (Level 7) (Year 2 Entry)

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONGraduates will be prepared for a career in a modern HRM function, and also have the knowledge and skills required to proceed to further academic and professional education. This programme will produce capable, adaptable, resilient and self-confident graduates with a capacity for independent thought and judgement and a specialised knowledge of Human Resource Management. The degree is designed around six key themes, namely human resources management, human resources skills development, business knowledge, accounting and finance, and sustainability and wellness. Current academic thought and practices in the discipline of HRM are incorporated into the programme.

This is a part-time/flexible delivery award to serve the needs of those in employment and those who are balancing work, home and educational commitments. This programme is a joint collaboration between School of Business, Galway Campus and the Mayo Campus, and is offered in both locations, with some joint delivery.

Professional AccreditationThis programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD). This programme fulfils the ‘knowledge element’ of associate level membership of the CIPD. A qualification from the CIPD is the passport to a career in people management and development and is highly valued by employers.


• Applicants with a minimum of a Higher Certificate in Business (or equivalent) may be eligible for entry to year 2 of the programme OR

• Successful completion of Certificate in Supervisor Management (or equivalent)

COURSE CONTENTYear 2: Improving Organisational Performance, Employment Law, Leading Organisational Change, Work-Based Project, Management Accounting, Government & Public Policy, Financial Control, Industrial Relations.


FURTHER INFORMATIONPlease contact Clodagh Geraghty at [emailprotected] (Tel: 094 9043197)

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).

Certificate in Law and HR (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 7 hrs – Block Release (1 day per month, 4 days in total)

Time: 9.00am-4.15pm, Fridays (Semester I)

Fee: €500

Start date: Friday 29th September 2017

No. of Credits: 10 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course will introduce learners to the fundamental principles of law and human resource management. The module will familiarise students with the sources of law and will illustrate how law provides the legal framework for the business environment. The module will also familiarise learners with the fundamentals of Human Resource Management. The introduction to the law in the first part of the module will provide an essential context for the manner in which Human Resource Management is delivered. This course is classified as a Special Purpose Award (SPA).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Appreciate the role of law in business, its relevance to the working world, and have sensitivity to legal considerations in decision-making at work.

2. Classify and describe the sources of law, legal institutions and the roles of legal professionals.

3. Evaluate the legal considerations in business decision-making and to have a sensitivity to the employment law issues arising in the working environment.

4. Explain the development of human resource management theory and how theory informs practice.

5. Explain how the internal and external business environment influences human resource management, and in particular how law frames HR practice.

6. Evaluate how effective HR practice contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives.

COURSE CONTENT• Sources of Irish Law & Legal Institutions• Law of Civil Obligations• Introduction to Employment Law• Introduction to Human Resource Management• Human Resources and Employment Law Environment• The Achievement of Organisational Objectives

DATESFridays 29th September, 20th October, 10th November & 15th December 2017.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Certificate in Supervisory Management (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 2 days/month (Thursdays & Fridays)

Time: Induction: Thursday 14th & Friday 15th September

Fee: €3,000

Start Dates: 14th September 2017

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThis programme is aimed at those who have been appointed to positions of supervisory management without previous relevant education or training in the area of management, and also for those who aspire to a supervisory position. The aim of this programme is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to manage people and other resources on a daily basis in order to help achieve management objectives. This requires equipping students with know-how in the areas of personal management, communication, planning, organising, leadership, motivation and evaluation, as well as a range of business skills.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this course the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate enhanced interpersonal skills in communicating with employees and diverse professional groups, on relevant work-related matters.

2. Demonstrate the techniques, skills and knowledge for training and people management.

3. Discern the appropriate supervisory skills to be applied in a range of interpersonal and task related scenarios.

4. Develop and apply creative problem solving skills.

5. Demonstrate an awareness of planning issues related to self, others and the organisation, and appropriate implementation and evaluation strategies.

6. Demonstrate an ability to supervise specific work tasks.

7. Demonstrate an ability to analyse, interpret and present data in pursuit of solutions to specific organisational problems.

8. Demonstrate an ability to take direction, accept performance feedback and use this information to enhance own supervisory performance and that of employees.

9. Demonstrate a capacity to participate constructively, (contribute and collaborate), in a team environment, across the core business areas.

10. Demonstrate self-direction in terms of time, motivation and planning; and enhance self-awareness and sensitivity to others.

11. Develop an ability to integrate knowledge and work-life experiences.

12. Develop ability for autonomous, independent learning.

13. Evince an appreciation of the impact of individual, group and organisational factors on performance.

14. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on the application of theory to practice and own development as an effective supervisor

COURSE CONTENTThe programme comprises of the following modules:

• Supervisory Management (15 credits)

• Law and HR (10 credits)

• Financial Environment (10 credits)

• Operations (15 credits)

• Work Based Project (10 credits)

The following pages offer detail on the content of these modules, excluding the work-based project.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Certificate in Managing Operations (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 4 hrs – Block Release (1 day per month as below)

Time: 2.00-6.00pm, Semester I &II

Fee: €750

Start date: Thursday 28th September 2017

No. of Credits: 15 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONOperations is at the core of every business. This module aims to address the activities of designing and managing different processes to produce and deliver products and/or services. It will examine various strategies and concepts used in industrial sectors to transform raw materials/components/skills into products and services. This course is classified as a Special Purpose Award (SPA).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Explain the role of Operations Management and key terminology and concepts and how they apply to different business scenarios.

2. Demonstrate a knowledge of Project management in relation to managing time, cost, and quality elements, when implementing projects.

3. Explore Operational planning processes.4. Explore operations resources (capacity) planning, job design,

scheduling, and monitoring.5. Identify and assess the impact of customers/marketing/change

requirements on operations.6. Demonstrate the ability to apply Quality Control Systems,

Statistical Process Control, H&S, and 6-Sigma methodologies to control and monitor processes, products, and services.

7. Appraise Lean concepts and how they apply in aiding operations improvements

8. Explain facility layout types and how they relate to process types.9. Demonstrate an overall knowledge of supply chain management

activities and inventory management in relation to Operations

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Operations• Facility Layouts• Process Flows• Planning & controlling the Operations• Quality Management• Lean Operations (products & services)• Project Management• Operations Change Drivers

DATES28 September, 19 October, 9 November, 14 December 2017, 11 January, 01 February, 08 March, 12 April & 03 May 2018

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).

Certificate in Management for Supervisors (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 4.25 hrs – Block Release (1 day per month as below)

Time: 9.00am-1.15pm, Semester I &II

Fee: €750

Start date: Thursday, 28th September 2017

No. of Credits: 15 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis course provides a broad but detailed introduction to supervisory management with a strong focus on how the role of the supervisor is changing in today’s workplace. There is a strong emphasis on communication skills particularly interpersonal communication. The curriculum also provides learners with instruction in the general areas of management, including planning, organising, motivation and control, as well as the modern focus on teams. It serves the needs of students who either plan to enter supervisory positions or those already in management who wish to upgrade their supervisory management skills. The curriculum offers a combination of management theory and workplace-based skills in to provide learners with the necessary skills to be effective supervisors. This course is classified as a Special Purpose Award (SPA).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this course the learner will/should be able to

1. Recognise the important role of the supervisor in managing and leading a team, and how that is changing today.

2. Describe modern management theory and how it influences and supports management thinking and action.

3. Explain the role, responsibilities and general duties of a supervisor and the how he or she contributes to organisational efficiency.

4. Discuss the role of supervisors in identifying and attaining management goals and leading people.

5. Appreciate the importance of communication to the supervisory role, and develop the skills to be an effective communicator.

6. Discuss ethical concerns in business decision making and the role that supervisors play in promoting ethical awareness among employees.

COURSE CONTENT• Supervisory Management in Context:• Motivating Oneself and Others• The Supervisor as Communicator• Management theory and the Functions of Management• The Supervisor as Team Leader• Ethics and Social Responsibility

DATES28 September 2017, 19 October 2017, 09 November 2017, 14 December 2017, 11 January 2018, 01 February 2018, 08 March 2018, 12 April 2018 & 03 May 2018.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Certificate in Training & Development (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 10 Thursdays from October 2017 - April 2018

Time: 9.00am-5.30pm

Fee: €1,750

Start date: Thursday, 5th October 2017

No. of Credits: 30 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis programme will develop the skills and knowledge for designing and evaluating training programmes and develop the enhanced interpersonal skills participants require for facilitating and delivering training programmes. It is a one year academic programme which has been specifically developed for the workplace. All assessments are based on authentic training scenarios in the workplace. It focuses on key areas such as adult learning theory, instructional design, training delivery and evaluation of training programmes. To facilitate participants who are working, this is a ‘blended’ programme which includes classroom delivery in blocks of one day per month, and online learning resources and delivery. Students will also engage in significant self-directed learning. This 30 credit programme is comprised of two modules listed below.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this course the learner will/should be able to

• Demonstrate knowledge of adult learning theory and learning styles and apply associated principles in learning situations.

• Demonstrate a knowledge of the role and competencies required to become an effective trainer.

• Demonstrate enhanced interpersonal skills in facilitating and delivering training programmes to groups of trainees.

• Use instructional design theories and concepts to develop relevant training programmes to support achievement of organisational objectives and strategies.

• Develop insight into the contemporary issues in training and development.

COURSE CONTENTModule 1: Learning Theory & Instructional Design (15 credits)

• Role of training & development in the workplace

• Role of trainer

• Adult learning theory & concepts

• Learning styles and multiple intelligence theories

• Overview of instructional design

• Researching and developing content

Module 2: Training Delivery & Evaluation (15 credits)

• Anatomy of a trainer

• Training delivery

• Assessment of trainee learning

• Training evaluation

• Contemporary issues in training & development

Each of these modules can be studied as standalone modules in which case students will receive the relevant certificate for the module covered. The fee associated with each 15 credit module is €875.

DATESThe classroom hours for module Learning Theory & Instructional Design will take place 5 October 2017, 26 October 2017, 16 November 2017, 30 November 2017, 7 December 2017. The classroom hours for module Training Delivery & Evaluation will take place on 18 January 2018, 8 February 2018, 1 March 2018, 15 March 2018, 19 April 2018.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Certificate in the Financial & Economic Environment (SPA) (Level 7)

Duration: 7 hrs – Block Release (1 day per month as below, 6 days in total)

Time: 9.00am-4.15pm, Fridays (Semester II)

Fee: €500

Start date: Friday 12th January 2018

No. of Credits: 10 credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to provide students with an overview of the financial and economic context within which organisations operate. It will afford students the opportunity to appreciate the central role of the financial function in an organisation. It will also offer students an insight into the importance to the organisation of the economic environment. This course is classified as a Special Purpose Award (SPA).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Evince a knowledge and understanding of the nature, purposes, role and scope of accounting

2. Analyse, interpret and evaluate accounting information3. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of cost terms

and of how these costs relate to business decision-making4. Explain the budgetary process and its importance in

organisational control5. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the nature,

purposes, context and fundamental principles of economics and apply these principles to resource allocation decisions

6. Evince an appreciation of the role of markets in a local and global context

7. Demonstrate an appreciation of the nature of economic growth, its drivers and its limitations

8. Demonstrate an ability to contribute to debate on contemporary economic issues

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Financial Environment• Financial Accounting• Cost Concepts, Classifications & Measurement• Budgetary Planning• Cost Volume Profit Analysis• Introduction to Economic Environment• Economic Systems• Market Structures• Demand, Supply and Prices• National Income• The Irish Economy

DATES12 January, 02 February, 9 March, 13 April, 04 May & 17th May 2018.


Employment Law (Level 7)

Duration: 5 dates as below, supplemented with a face to face seminar in both November and January

Time: Semester I & II

Fee: €810

Start date: 14th September 2017

Number of Credits: 15 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis module seeks to examine the key features of Irish and European Union law applying to the Employer/Employee relationship, the legal implications of that relationship, the contractual obligations and the duties and liabilities in tort which arise between Employer and Employee as well as the range of statutory rights and duties that apply to this relationship. It aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of Irish Employment Law. This module also incorporates the requirements of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Identify the relevance and application of the sources of employment law;

2. Explain and identify the conceptual basis for employment law;3. Understand the significance and form of the employment

contract;4. Know how to manage recruitment and selection and dismissal

activities lawfully;5. Understand the purpose of employment regulation and the way

it is enforced in practice;6. To manage change and reorganisation lawfully & comply with

all legal obligations in the workplace;7. Apply and comply with employment law in a variety of scenarios.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction• The Employment Contract• Employee Information• Termination of Employment• Employment Equality Law• The Atypical Worker• Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace• Health and Safety at Work• Family Friendly Working and the Law• Redundancy• Transfer of Undertakings• Tort of Negligence• The Institutional Framework

DATES14th & 15th September, 8th December 2017, 9th March, 19th & 20th April 2018. Seminar in November and January


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Management Accounting 1 (Level 6)

Duration: See dates below

Time: Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: 14th September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONTo introduce students to the theory and practice of management accounting, primarily from a user perspective.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate an introductory knowledge and understanding of the nature, purposes, role, scope and importance of management accounting in a variety of organisations;

2. Apply a basic knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts underpinning management accounting practice in the identification, measurement and communication of economic information for managerial decision making;

3. Demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of cost concepts, including cost behaviour and the difficulties inherent in cost measurement and accumulation;

4. Apply a basic knowledge and understanding of cost concepts in the preparation of operating profit statements for single-product manufacturing firms using absorption and variable costing approaches;

5. Apply a basic knowledge and understanding of cost-volume-profit relationships in simple, single-product decision situations;

6. Apply a basic knowledge and understanding of budgeting in the preparation and interpretation of simple cash budgets and operating profit budgets;

7. Draw upon an awareness of the value and limitations of management accounting information as a support to managerial judgement.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction• Cost Concepts, Classifications and Measurement• Accounting Treatment of Costs in Manufacturing Industry• Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis• Budgetary Planning

DATES14th September, 20th October & 8th December 2017

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Government & Public Policy (Level 6)

Duration: Online delivery supplemented with one face to face seminar in November

Time: Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: TBC

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONTo provide students with a knowledge and understanding of the framework, structures, institutions, agents and processes of political governance in Ireland. The module will also examine current public policymaking in Ireland.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. To define and discuss the difference between government, politics and policy;

2. Have a knowledge and understanding of the structural and operational characteristics of the Irish political institutions at national and local government levels;

3. Be able to discuss the impact of EU membership on Irish political governance;

4. Have a knowledge and understanding of the public policy environment within which state sponsored bodies, local government, public service and voluntary sector organisations operate;

5. Have an insight into public policy decision making including implementation and process management;

6. Have an awareness of current issues relating to government and public policy making in Ireland

COURSE CONTENT1. Introduction2. Elections and Voting3. Supranational Government-The EU4. National Government5. Local Government6. Public Policy Framework7. Public Policy Instruments8. Current Issues

DATESOnline delivery supplemented with one face to face seminar in November

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Financial Control (Level 6)

Duration: 3 dates as below, supplemented with one face to face seminar in January

Time: Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: 12th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONTo develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the nature, context, role and importance of financial control in contemporary organisations, and their ability to select and apply fundamental finance concepts and techniques in support of managerial decision-making.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate an introductory knowledge and understanding of the nature, role and importance of financial control in a variety of organisational contexts.

2. Apply a knowledge and understanding of fundamental finance concepts and analytical techniques to investment and financing decisions.

3. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of sources of finance in the contemporary financial environment, including the stock exchange.

4. Apply appraisal techniques in the evaluation of capital investment proposals, as a support to managerial judgement.

5. Apply a knowledge and understanding of budgetary control concepts and practices to financial and organisational control.

6. To participate meaningfully, as members of a team, in the financial control process in organisations.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Financial Control

• Valuation

• Financing Decisions

• Investment Decisions and Capital Budgeting

• Budgetary Control

DATES12th January, 16th February & 20th April 2018 plus seminar in January.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Industrial Relations (Level 6)

Duration: Online delivery supplemented with one face to face seminar in January

Time: Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: TBC

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe module is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of Industrial Relations. It will familiarise students with the historical development of industrial relations in Ireland and the legal framework which underpins industrial relations activities. The key actors and concepts will be explored.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Explain the historical development of Industrial Relations in Ireland;

2. Understand the legal framework which underpins industrial relations activity in Ireland;

3. Understand key concepts such a Pluralism, Unitarism and Voluntarism;

4. Evaluate the role of the ‘actors’ in Industrial Relations;

5. Describe industrial conflict and how conflict is managed in the work environment

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Industrial Relations

• Industrial Relations Law

• Industrial Relations Actors

• Industrial Relations Concepts

• Trade Unions

• Collective Bargaining & Conflict

DATESOnline delivery supplemented with one face to face seminar in January

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Improving Organisational Performance (Level 6)

Duration: 3 dates as below, supplemented with a face to face seminar in both November and January

Time: Semester I & II

Fee: €540

Start date: 15th September 2017

Number of Credits: 10 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThere are two main elements to this module. The first is to provide the learner with a broad appreciation of the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating Learning & Development activities. The second element introduces the learner to how organisations can drive sustained organisation performance by creating a high-performance work organisation (HPWO). The module assesses the different conceptual frameworks of high-performance working (HPW) and examines its impact on organisational performance, competitive advantage, employee engagement and employee well-being. It provides the learner with the business case for, and the barriers to, HPW as well as the role of people management in improving organisational performance. Furthermore, the module examines the contribution of the performance management process and shows how the involvement and commitment of line managers, and the use of effective and inclusive collaborative working and communication techniques, can support the building of a high-performance culture.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Comprehend the key requirements in the design and development of learning and development activities;

2. Understand how learning & development needs can be met, and the roles and responsibilities of those involved;

3. Evaluate the outcomes of learning interventions;

4. Articulate the conceptual frameworks and complexity of high-performance working (hpw) and its contribution to sustainable organisation performance;

5. Evaluate the business case for creating high performance work organisations and understand the role of line managers in the performance management process;

6. Know how to create and sustain a community of practice to build a high-performance culture.

7. Explain the contribution of the performance management process to high levels of performance

COURSE CONTENT• Design and development of a range of learning and development


• Application and use of a range of relevant methods

• The roles and responsibilities of those involved in meeting organisational development needs.

• Evaluation of the outcomes of learning interventions

• The conceptual frameworks and complexity of high-performance working (HPW) and its contribution to sustainable organisation performance

• The business case for creating a high-performance work organisation (HPWO)

• The contribution of the performance management process to high levels of performance

• The role of line managers in the performance management process

• Building a high-performance culture

DATES15th September 2017, 12th January and 9th March 2018 plus seminar in both November and January.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Leading Organisational Change (Level 6)

Duration: 2 dates as below, supplemented with a face to face seminar in both November and January

Time: Semester I & II

Fee: €540

Start date: Thursday 14th September 2017

Number of Credits: 10 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis module aims to provide students with the opportunity to understand the challenges associated with leadership and how change happens in a variety of organisational contexts. It will examine how change is initiated, planned, implemented, and how this activity impacts on leadership within organisations.

It will explore approaches to leadership and change, drawing on the topics of power, culture, teamwork, motivation, and behaviour in relation to leading organisational change. This module will be delivered online.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Show an understanding of organisational dimensions (e.g. Power, politics, cultural, motivation, etc.) with leading change in organisations;

2. Explain the challenges of leading/managing innovative change in organisations;

3. Identify the models of change in relation to individuals, groups/teams, and organisations;

4. Comprehend resistances to change within organisations and the process to overcome these resistances;

5. Exhibit an ability as to how to participate in a management team within an organisation;

6. Examine the current business environments to identify change initiates for organisations to implement


• What is the role of leadership in managing/leading innovation and change

• Analyse the different leadership styles

• Explore Trait-based and Situational Leadership

• Explore the concept of transactional & transformational leadership

• Leading transitional change – The Beginning, The Neutral, The End

• Motivation and leadership How to develop organisation structures, considering cultures, power, people, politics, innovative leadership, and management practises in organisations

• Forming and empowering teams

• Managing diversity, taking decisions, and improving processes

Leading Change• What is the role of change?

• Change processes and Human Resources

• Environmental scanning in how the external & internal environment are drivers of change Levels of organisational change (Individual-level change, Group/team-level change and developing team-working)

• Identifying resistances to change & overcoming these resistances

• Comprehending change and change failures Change curve – Denial, Resistance, Exploration, Commit & understanding the Change adoption curve

• Cultural change

• Change agent and agency

• Ethics and leading change

DATE14th September 2017 & 19th April 2018 plus seminars in November and January.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Contemporary Developments in Employee Relations [HRM] (Level 7)

Duration: 9 dates as below, supplemented with a face to face seminar in November.

Time: See below

Fee: €540

Start date: Thursday 21st September 2017

Number of Credits: 10 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONHuman resource (HR) professionals need to understand key developments in the theory and practice of employment relations, both within and beyond the immediate organisational context. This module allows learners to build on their knowledge and experience and to develop the skills required to make informed and effective judgements about existing and emerging models, processes and practices of employment relations in local and international jurisdictions. The module is designed to encourage learners to assess and understand broader developments that influence the effective management of the employment relationship.

LEARNING OUTCOMES1. articulate and evaluate the competing approaches and

perspectives that contextualise contemporary developments in employment relation;

2. describe and evaluate the main sources of employment relations and industrial relations legislation;

3. evaluate the role of the various parties that affect the management of employment relations;

4. understand different forms and approaches to conflict behaviour in the working environment;

5. develop techniques in negotiation and conflict resolution;

6. track and assess contemporary labour market trends and data and articulate the implications for employers;

7. develop and interest in contemporary developments in employee involvement and participation

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction

• Sources of Employment Relations Legislation

• The Actors and The Institutions

• Trade Union Recognition in Ireland

• Conflict at Work & Industrial Action

• Contemporary labour market trends and data

• Contemporary developments in employee involvement and participation

DATE21st September, 26th October, 30th November 2017 (2-5pm), 18th January (11-1pm), 8th February (11-1pm), 1st & 22nd March (9-11am), 19 April (9-10am) & 20th April (9-11am) plus seminar in November.


Business Issues in the Context of Human Resources (CIPD) (Level 7)

Duration: 5 dates as per below supplemented with a face to face seminar in January

Time: 2-5pm/Thursdays – Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: Thursday 18th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONHuman resources (HR) professionals need to understand key developments in the business and external contexts within which HR operates. This unit enables learners to identify and review the business and external contextual factors affecting organisations and to assess the impacts of these factors on the HR function. The unit also examines HR’s role in strategy formulation and implementation. The unit is designed to encourage learners to adopt a critical perspective of these contexts and to provide workable organisational and HR solutions to address them.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Understand key contemporary business issues affecting the HR function within private, public and third (voluntary) sector organisations.

2. Understand the main external contextual factors impacting on organisations and the HR function.

3. Understand the role of HR in the managing of contemporary business issues and external contexts.

4. Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed.

5. Know how to identify and respond to short term changes in the business and external contexts.

COURSE CONTENT• Understand key contemporary business issues affecting the

HR function within private, public and third (voluntary) sector organisations.

• Understand the main external contextual factors impacting on organisations and the HR function.

• Understand the role of HR in the managing of contemporary business issues and external contexts.

• Understand how organisational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and developed.

• Know how to identify and respond to short term changes in the business and external contexts.

DATES18th January, 8th February, 1st March, 22nd March & 19th April 2018 (2-5pm) plus one seminar in January.


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Corporate Governance (CIPD) (Level 7)

Duration: 5 dates as below

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: 22nd September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONTo provide students with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the nature, scope and complexity of corporate governance issues, including conceptual frameworks, systems and practices in Ireland and internationally, and evolving issues and concerns.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Evince a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of conceptual frameworks and models underpinning corporate governance discourse and practices nationally and internationally.

2. Apply conceptual reasoning and practical knowledge to an analysis and evaluation of the relationship between corporations and society in a market economy.

3. Apply conceptual reasoning and practical knowledge to the analysis and resolution of corporate governance issues in contemporary Ireland.

4. Participate with confidence, as members of a management team, in the design, implementation and evaluation of corporate governance systems and practices in a variety of organisational contexts.

5. Draw upon a critical awareness of the evolving corporate governance environment, current issues and practices, and future directions.


• Corporate Responsibility and Accountability

• Corporate Governance

DATES22nd September, 6th & 27th October (9-12 noon), 7th December (11-12 noon) and 8th December (9-11am).

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Developing Professional Practice (CIPD) (Level 7)

Duration: 7 dates as per below supplemented with a face to face seminar in November

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: Friday 22nd September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONThis module is designed to enable the learner to develop a sound comprehension of the knowledge, skills and behaviours required by human resources (HR) professionals, whether in a generalist or specialist role, and as described in the CIPD HR Profession Map (HRPM). The module embraces the ‘thinking performer’ perspective and covers the competencies needed by the HR professional in a personal capacity, when collaborating and working with others, and when functioning efficiently and effectively in an organisational context. It will enable learners to assess their own strengths and identify a continuing professional development (CPD) plan, based on the capabilities required for ethical, business focused and interpersonal professional conduct.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. to identify what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional;

2. be able to perform efficiently and effectively as a self managing HR professional;

3. contribute efficiently and effectively as a collaborative member of working groups and teams and as an added value contributor to the organisation;

4. apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.

COURSE CONTENT• The effective and efficient HR professional

• The self managing HR professional

• The collaborative member of working groups and teams and as an added-value contributor to the organisation

• Application of CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan.

DATES22nd September (12-1 & 2-4), 6th October (12-1 & 2-4), 27th October (12-1), 1st December (2-4) & 8th December (12-1) plus seminar in November.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Managing and Co ordinating the Human Resources Function (CIPD) (Level 7)

Duration: 8 dates as per below supplemented with a face to face seminar in November

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: Friday 22nd September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONThe purpose of this module is to familiarise learners with human resources (HR) activities and to the role of the HR function in organisations in general terms. It focuses on the aims and objectives of HR departments in contemporary organisations and particularly on the ways that these are evolving. Different ways of delivering HR objectives and emerging developments in the management of the employment relationship are explored as well as the methods that can be used to demonstrate that the function adds value for organisations. The unit also aims to inform learners about published research evidence linking HR activity with positive organisational outcomes. The case for professionalism and an ethical approach to HR is introduced as is the role played by HR managers in facilitating and promoting effective change management

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. be able to articulate and understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary organisations:

2. determine how HR objectives are planned and delivered in different organisations:

3. specify how the HR function can be evaluated in terms of value added and contribution to sustained organisation performance;

4. evaluate the HR function’s contribution to effective change management:

5. be able to explain the role of ethics and professionalism in HR management and development;

6. identify the relationship between organisational performance and effective HR management and development.

COURSE CONTENT• The purpose and key objectives of the HR function in

contemporary organisations HR objectives and their delivery in Organisations

• The HR function and its evaluation in terms of value added and contribution to sustained organisation performance

• The HR function’s contribution to effective change management

• The role of ethics and professionalism in HR management and development

• The relationship between organisational performance and effective HR management and development

DATES22nd September (4-5), 6th October (4-5), 26th October (11-1), 27th October (4-5), 30th November (11-1), 1st December (12-1+4-5), 7th December (2-5), 8th December (2-5) plus seminar in November.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Employee Well-Being (Level 7)

Duration: 4 dates as per below supplemented with a face to face seminar in January

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: Friday 19th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTION‘A healthy, motivated and well qualified workforce is fundamental to the future social and economic wellbeing of the European Union’ (ENWHP 2007). The workplace influences health and well being in various ways. This module aims to analyse the links between the workplace and employee health and well being and to discuss ways in which health and wellbeing can be promoted and protected in the workplace.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Discuss definitions and measures of health and well being2. Appraise the relationship between work and employee health and

well being.3. Examine the historical development of employee health and well

being movements.4. Appraise the benefits of promoting employee health and well

being.5. Analyse principles and methods of promoting and measuring

employee health and well being.6. Propose plans for promoting and evaluating employee health and

well being.7. Recognise the challenges in promoting employee health and well


COURSE CONTENT• The meaning of health and wellbeing: Measuring health and

wellbeing:• The relationship between work and health and well-being:• History and background to workplace health and well-being:• Benefits of promoting health and well-being in the workplace:• Indicators of health and well-being in the workplace• Principles of promoting health and well-being at work:• Conditions for success:• Specific topics in employee health and well-being:• Challenges

DATES19th January (12-1), 2nd March (9-11), 23rd March (9-11) & 20th April (4-5) plus seminar in January.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Employee Compensation (Level 7)

Duration: 5 dates as below

Time: See below – Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: Thursday 21st September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONTo develop students’ knowledge and understanding of the design and implementation of employee compensation and incentive schemes.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. evince a knowledge and understanding of the conceptual frameworks underpinning the design of employee compensation and incentive schemes, including motivation theory and agency theory;

2. apply a practical knowledge of legal, accounting and taxation aspects to the operation of compensation and pension schemes;

3. participate with confidence, as members of a management team, in the design and implementation of employee compensation and pension schemes and practices in a variety of organisational contexts;

4. advise employees in matters relating to compensation, pensions and personal financial planning.

COURSE CONTENT• Conceptual Framework

• Legal and Accounting Aspects

• Tax Aspects

• Termination Compensation

• Pensions

• Financial Advice for Employees

DATES21st September, 26th October, 30th November, 1st December (9-12 noon) and 7th December (9-1pm)

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Employee Engagement (Level 7)

Duration: 7 dates as per below supplemented with a face to face seminar in January

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: Friday 19th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONThis unit is intended to provide learners with a broad understanding of what is meant by employee engagement, including how it can be linked to and yet be distinguished from other related concepts. It covers the components of employee engagement and the processes through which high levels of engagement can be secured and sustained within an organisation, with special reference to the comprehensive application of human resources (HR) policies, strategies and practices. The unit also introduces the learner to the principles of and applications for high performance working (HPW).

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Understand what is meant by employee engagement, including how it can be linked to and yet be distinguished from other related concepts.

2. Understand the components of employee engagement, with reference to the application of relevant HR policies, strategies and practices.

3. Understand the importance of employee engagement as a contributor to positive corporate outcomes.

4. Be able to evaluate the findings of recent studies that demonstrate the incidence of employee engagement, principally within the economy but also within relevant international settings.

5. Know how to implement HR strategies and practices intended to raise levels of employee engagement in a specific organisational context.

6. Understand the future for employee engagement, principally throughout the economy but also within the globalised world of work more generally.

COURSE CONTENT• Understand what is meant by employee engagement, including

how it can be linked to and yet be distinguished from other related concepts.

• Understand the components of employee engagement, with reference to the application of relevant HR policies, strategies and practices.

• Understand the importance of employee engagement as a contributor to positive corporate outcomes.

• Be able to evaluate the findings of recent studies that demonstrate the incidence of employee engagement, principally within the UK economy but also within relevant international settings.

• Know how to implement HR strategies and practices intended to raise levels of employee engagement in a specific organisational context.

• Understand the future for employee engagement, principally throughout the economy but also within the globalised world of work more generally.

DATES19th January (9-12), 9th February (1-4), 1st March (11-1), 2nd March (2-5), 22nd March (11-1), 23rd March (2-5) & 19th April (11-1) plus seminar in January.

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



International Human Resource Management (Level 7)

Duration: 5 dates as below

Time: See below

Fee: €270

Start date: Friday 19th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

MODULE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to provide students with a knowledge and understanding of Human Resources in an international context. It provides students with an overview of the complexities of Human Resource practices in different legal, institutional and cultural environments

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the impact of operating in an International environment on the function of HRM;

2. Demonstrate a knowledge of national cultures, their importance and limitations in International HRM;

3. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of International organisational structures, coordination and control mechanisms in the context of International HRM;

4. Critically discuss the use of various HRM policies and practises (e.g. recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, career development) in an International organisation;

5. Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of issues relating to International assignments and expatriation programmes;

6. Critically analyse current issues and possible future directions in International HRM;

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction

• The cultural environment

• The organisational environment

• Managing people

• International HRM trends and future challenges

DATES19th January (2-5), 9th February (9-12), 2nd March, 23rd March and 20th April (11-1)

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Digital Marketing (Level 7)

Duration: 2 hrs/week

Time: 7-9pm/Mondays – Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: Tuesday 16th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this course is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of digital marketing. Students will learn how to take a systematic approach to developing digital marketing strategies and will develop practical skills in implementing these strategies.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this course the learner will/should be able to

1. Assess the impact of digital technology on the practice of marketing.

2. Analyse the use of different forms of digital marketing in the development of an online presence.

3. Develop a plan for marketing a product of business online.

4. Integrate social media tools into a marketing communications strategy.

5. Use a publishing platform to build a web presence with integrated data collection and links to social media.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction to Digital Marketing

• Developing an Online Strategy

• Online User Behaviour

• Principles of Website Design

• Email marketing and Customer Database Management

• Social Media Marketing

• Online Advertising and Promotion

• Practical Skills in Digital Marketing

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Marketing Practice (Level 6)

Duration: 2 hrs/week

Time: 7-9pm – Mondays – Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: Monday 11th September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to develop students’ understanding of the practice of marketing and its application in different kinds of organisations.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate a broad introductory knowledge and understanding of the application of marketing theory in different organisational settings.

2. Explain the role of marketing research and be able to carry out basic marketing research activities.

3. Apply appropriate marketing mix theory to well defined marketing problems in a variety of organisations.

4. Identify the uses of digital technology in marketing and describe the changes that digital technology has brought to marketing activities.

5. Explain the case for sustainable marketing and the implications for marketing activities.

COURSE CONTENT• Introduction

• Marketing Research

• The Marketing of Services

• Business-to-Business Marketing

• Digital Marketing

• Sustainable Marketing

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Marketing Management (Level 7)

Duration: 2 hrs/week

Time: 7-9pm/Tuesdays – Semester II

Fee: €270

Start Date: Tuesday, the 16th January 2018

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThe aim of this module is to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of marketing management.

Students will learn to take a systematic approach to marketing management and to apply relevant theory in a variety of contexts.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the role, theories and practice of marketing management.

2. Analyse the key tasks and processes in marketing management.

3. Evaluate market opportunities and propose an appropriate marketing response.

4. Apply a structured and practical approach to solving a range of marketing problems and analyse challenges involved in the implementation and control of marketing programmes.

COURSE CONTENT• Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process

• Marketing Management Process

• Building Customer Relationships

• Making Marketing Decisions

• Managing and Delivering Marketing Programmes

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the module is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (Level 8)

(Entry Academic Year 2017/18 only)

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThe Bachelors of Art (Honours) in Fine Art degree (flexible mode) is a 2-year add-on degree course suitable for people who wish to explore or re-evaluate their practice at an honours degree level. This is a two-year follow-on course for students who have already completed a Level 7 degree or diploma in Fine Art, Art & Design, or the equivalent artistic qualification or experience. It is particularly suitable for students who have been out of college for a number of years and wish to reignite their creative drive or move their work to another level. The course provides the self-motivated learner with a supportive environment, but students will also be expected to have a studio outside of the college. Contemporary art practice is discussed in relation to their work, fostering an authentic engagement with their art practice.

COURSE CONTENTProgramme Modules: Painting, Critical Theory

Programme structureThe BA level 8 flexible mode is a two year programme delivered over one day per week (Wednesdays). A lively discussion and sharing of ideas is encouraged through group critiquing of each other’s studio work. As there is currently no provision for sculpture or ceramics on the Mayo Campus, the focus of the course will be primarily on 2-dimensional media. In year two, along with these group critiques and their studio practice, students are involved in seminars. In year one, students complete their thesis and in year two a seminar presentation is given. Professional practice, field trips to galleries and trips abroad are a feature of the two years. Credits are divided as follows: studio practice 45 credits, thesis 10 credits and seminar presentation 5 credits.

Why study Fine Art on a part-time basis?Studying on a part time basis allows people who have work or family commitments to engage with the intellectual and creative life of a college environment. This can provide a springboard for ideas, work practice and opportunities that working in isolation may not afford. It supports the maturing of self-reliance and resourcefulness by providing an environment where creative problems are discussed and new perspectives are offered.

Career OpportunitiesGraduates will be able to work as practitioners in the fields of painting or, subject to further specialisation and experience, in the fields of community art, public art, arts administration, art and design education, curation, practice/theory based research and careers linked to contemporary visual art and design culture.

Other Essential InformationApplication for the programme is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).

For programme queries please contact John Brady at [emailprotected] or on Tel: 094 9025700.

Completed application forms should be returned to: Lifelong Learning, GMIT Mayo Campus on or before 25th August 2017. Applicants will be invited for an interview and are assessed on their portfolio. Applicants will be required to present a portfolio or work for assessment and attend an interview. This statement will then provide the framework for the interview. Applicants not currently attending GMIT must present the following: Portfolio, Documentation, Slides. Further details available from the Lifelong Learning Office on 094 9043156 or via email [emailprotected]

COURSE FEE€1,920 per annum


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018




Higher Certificate (flexible mode) in Contemporary Art Practices (Level 6)*

Bachelor of Arts (flexible mode) in Contemporary Art Practices (Level 7)*

(* Entry Academic Year 2018/19 only)

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThis flexible mode programme of study in contemporary art practices over four years is suitable for those who cannot attend college on a full-time basis. It includes an option for students to take a Higher Certificate (Level 6) exit award after five semesters. This programme integrates the three strands of fine art, community engagement and the creative industries with a theoretical understanding of contemporary art in the rural context. This programme aims to equip the student with the knowledge, skills and competence required for both autonomous and semi-autonomous working practices in a broad range of art and community contexts. A primary concern will be to foster a person-centred philosophy as the basis for practice, and to equip students with the skills necessary to engage in authentic creative relationships and become both professional artists and cultural agents in the wider community. This is a student-centred programme, taught by specialist practitioners and academics through studio workshops, demonstrations, lectures, seminars, community/context based projects, online learning, field trips, group critiques and tutorials.

The programme is delivered over 1.5 days per week, Tuesday evening 5:00-9:00pm and Wednesday 9:00am-5:30pm and will commence in September 2018.

COURSE CONTENT• Core and Advanced Visual Studies

• Technical Applications

• Art History 1 & 2

• Introduction to Sociology and Psychology

• Introduction to New Media

• Print

• Digital Media

• Arts Facilitation Skills

• Professional Art Practices

• Introduction to Marketing

• Community Cultural Development

• Art and the Public Sphere

• Community/Context-based Project self-directed project.

CAREER OPPORTUNITIESGraduates will have the opportunities to work as practitioners in a variety of art practices, ranging from the fine artist, who solely practices their art, to artists working mainly in community settings, including public art commissions, and on to those working in arts-based community development, where visual art is a tool to achieve community development.

ENTRY REQUIREMENTSEntry will be in accordance with the current GMIT admissions policy. Applicants are required to complete a Direct Application Mayo Campus Form. This form is available from GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156) or download on the GMIT website

Applicants will be invited for an interview and are assessed on their portfolio.

The institute also invites applications from students who have previously deferred their studies in Art & Design at GMIT or any 3rd level institute. Applicants wishing to join the course in the second semester of third year will be required to have the equivalent of the Higher Certificate in Contemporary Art Practices (NFQ, Level 6) learning outcomes, either through prior experience and/or prior education. Applicants may be called to an information and advisory session and will be required to attend an interview prior to any offer of enrolment.

For programme queries, please contact Dr John Mulloy on [emailprotected] or on 094 9025700.

COURSE FEE€2,350 per annum


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018




Art and the Public Sphere (Level 7)

Duration: 3 hrs

Time: 6.30-9.30pm/Tuesdays – Semester I

Fee: €270

Start date: Tuesday 12th September 2017

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONThis module seeks to explore the role of art in the public sphere. It introduces the learner to contemporary theories of the ontology of the social world and of communicative action. It grounds the practice of contemporary art-making in social contexts, and examines its role in the constitution and shaping of those contexts, opening the possibility of art being a vehicle for social change

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Demonstrate a deeper and broader knowledge and understanding of the relationships between the public sphere, the lifeworld and the system.

2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the distinction between linguistic and non-linguistic sign systems, and the role of the art sign in generating a social system.

3. Have an introductory understanding of social ontology, the status function declaration, and non-linguistic means of generating social distinctions and cultural agency.

4. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the concept of socially engaged art.

5. Have a thorough familiarity with contemporary debates on art and society.

6. Have an ability to relate issues of cultural agency, community and sustainability to their own professional and personal lives.

COURSE CONTENT• The public sphere – development and history

• Communicative action

• Art and language: semiotics

• The social role of the artist

• Searle’s social ontology

• The status function declaration

• Art and language revisited

• The role of the art sign in generating a social system

• Cultural agency and human rights

• The distribution of cultural agency

• Cultural agency and contemporary aesthetics

• Cultural agency, the self and the ‘concrete other’

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Introduction to Contemporary Art Theory (Level 6)

Duration: 3 hrs

Time: 6.30-9.30pm/Tuesdays – Semester II

Fee: €270

Start date: Tuesday 16th January 2018

Number of Credits: 5 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONModule Description This module concentrates on the main themes and debates surrounding modern and contemporary art. It introduces key skills in visual analysis, the contested nature of meaning in art, the tensions between fine art and popular culture, and the changing status of the artist. The core theme is that it is not possible to understand why contemporary art takes the form it does without an appreciation of the themes and debates of earlier 20th Century art.

LEARNING OUTCOMESOn completion of this module the learner will/should be able to

1. Understand the key themes and debates defining modern and contemporary art.

2. Acquire critical skills in describing, interpreting and evaluating visual artefacts.

3. Attain an understanding of the tensions between fine art and popular culture.

4. Acquire an understanding of the changing status of the artist from the early Renaissance to the present.

5. Acquire a basic understanding of the history of aesthetic ideas.

6. Use core skills in critical analysis and thought through an understanding of the essay format.

7. Develop further knowledge based research skills to enable independent enquiry in making and viewing art.

8. Situate their own knowledge, practice and understanding within the wider cultural and historical framework.

COURSE CONTENT1. Introduction to Contemporary Art Theory programme

2. How to view an artwork: Description

3. How to view an artwork: Interpretation

4. How to view an artwork: Evaluation

5. What is Contemporary Art Theory?

6. Art, knowledge and debate

7. New art history, high art and popular culture

8. Introduction to

9. Analysing advertisements

10. Understanding photography

11. Classical aesthetics: Plato and Aristotle

12. Renaissance artists and patronage

13. From the Academy to the revolution

14. Kant’s aesthetics

15. Modernism and the avant-garde

16. Modernism and cinema

17. Varieties of modernism: Marx, Nietzsche and Freud

18. Postmodernism and the rise of identity politics

19. Gender and art: ‘Why have there been no great women artists?’

20. Gender and art 2: Gender, Art and Psychoanalysis

21. Critiques of postmodernism: Robert Hughes and Donald Kuspit

22. Conceptualism

23. Contemporary Photography

24. Film, Video and Performance

25. Contemporary art and social engagement

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Contemporary Art Theory 2 (Level 7)

Duration: 1.5 hrs

Time: 5.0-6.30pm/Tuesdays – Semester I & II

Fee: €540

Start date: Tuesday 12th September 2017

Number of Credits: 10 Credits

COURSE DESCRIPTIONModule Description Contemporary Art Theory 2 aims to develop independent research, writing, communication and presentation skills. The focus of the course will be to encourage active participation in critical discourse. Learners will experience a blend of classroom and electronic learning environments delivered through seminars and workshops, with adjacent resources and activities on Moodle. The focus of this module is the production of an extended essay based on independent research. The module has three main elements: Taught workshops on research methodology, essay writing, editing and presentation; Independent student research and writing of essays; Student Seminar presentations based on written work and studio practice.

LEARNING OUTCOMES1. On completion of this module the learner will/should be able

to Identify clearly a topic for investigation within the field of the visual arts

2. Develop analytical and critical skills through the consideration of literary and visual sources.

3. Construct a considered argument, with relevant evidence in support of the case being made whilst taking into account the broader issues.

4. Submit an academic document including standard methods of citation and bibliography.

5. Identify what questions can be asked about contemporary art practice and what conclusions can be drawn in resolving these questions.

6. Consolidate their verbal and written skills to enable a clear expression of ideas, practices and debates through seminar presentation to peers.

COURSE CONTENTThe module has three main elements:

• Taught workshops on research methodology, essay writing, editing and presentation. There will be library resources training sessions at the beginning of the year. Teaching is based upon directed study of recommended topical texts along with workshops and classroom activities on essay preparation. Weekly tutorials and a number of deadlines are set in place to encourage steady progress and to monitor student performance.

• Independent student research and writing of essays. Students will write an extended 5,000 word essay on their chosen topic, which may be a critical and theoretically-informed reflection on either their Self-directed Project or their Community/Context-based Project, or on any other aspect of visual culture, subject to their tutor’s approval.

• Student Seminar presentations based on written work and studio practice

HOW TO APPLYApplication for the course is made direct to the Institute. Please complete and return the Direct Application Mayo Campus form at the back of this prospectus. The form can also be downloaded from or contact GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar (Tel: 094 9043156).


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Open/information eveningsGMIT will host information evenings for all Lifelong Learning courses on the below dates. During these information evenings you will be able to discuss your course options in detail with course lecturers and Lifelong Learning staff and receive advice on enrolment and fee payment.

Thursday, 7th September 2017, 7.00-9.00pm for courses commencing in September 2017.

Tuesday, 9th January, 2018, 7.00-9.00pm for courses commencing in January 2018.

StaffDeirdre Garvey, Lifelong Learning Coordinator 094 9043312 [emailprotected]

Bridie Coleman/Mary McCarthy Lifelong Learning Administration Office 094 9043156 [emailprotected]

Contact detailsTel: 094 9025700, extension 3156 or 3312: Direct Line: 094 9043156 Email: [emailprotected] Web:

Social Media:

GMIT OPENING HOURS9.00am to 1.00pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday

Academic CalendarNo classes are taught during breaks in the academic calendar or Bank or National Holidays. Classes are taught as normal on all Holy Days and Conferring. All courses offered through Lifelong Learning adhere to the following dates for each semester.

Semester I:  11th September to 15th December 2017. Exams scheduled 16th to 22nd December 2017 inclusive. College Closed – Christmas Break: 23rd December 2017 to 2nd January 2018.

Semester II:  15th January to 27th May 2018. Easter Break: 26th March to 6tt April 2018. Exams scheduled 8th-25th May 2018 inclusive.

Institute PolicyEach course is offered on the condition of adequate enrolments and the Institute reserves the right to cancel or discontinue any course because of low enrolments or for other reasons deemed sufficient by the Institute. The Institute reserves the right to make the necessary changes in this schedule that may be dictated by personnel requirements or availability of facilities.

Application ProcedureApplication is made using the application form in this prospectus; the form can also be downloaded from

Applications are processed based on the date they are received. Only students who have applied and paid the fees in full may attend the Lifelong Learning evening courses. Completed application forms may be returned to Bridie Coleman, GMIT Mayo Campus, Westport Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo.

Completing the Application FormPlease complete the application form included at the back of the prospectus and write the information clearly and in capital letters. An individual record is created for every student based on the information that is provided. We only accept Irish postal addresses as a suitable correspondence address. All correspondence (including receipts or notification of change) will be made to the postal address provided on the application form.

Online Policy ApplicationStudent applications for courses/programmes (where viable) will be registered online via a secure website (from information provided on application form). The student will be emailed login details (username and PIN number) where they will be able to complete their registration and payment of fees. These login details are also used for accessing exam results for accredited courses. At the start of the course/programme the student will be given an photo ID card and details on how to login to Learn OnLine (Moodle – see below explanation on this in the College Services section).

Waiting ListsEvery course has a maximum number of students. A course is full when all the available places are taken. A waiting list is established for each full course. New applications for full courses are added to the waiting list in the order in which they are received. If a place becomes available, i.e. a current student on the course withdraws; an offer of a place is made to the next name on the waiting list. Offers are made in strict rotation from the waiting list. The course fee will not be processed for applications on a waiting list until an offer is made and accepted.

DiscountsA 10% discount will be given to a student registering for two or more courses in the same semester. This is providing that no other discount or concession has been granted on that course (s).

A 30% discount will be given to applicants who are currently in receipt of unemployment benefit/job seekers allowance. Documentation (photo ID, current letter from Department of Social Protection) must be presented in person at the time of fee. A Social Welfare card is not acceptable, as it does not indicate current status.

NOTE: Discount is only offered on courses which are single subject certificates. No discount is applicable on any of the full degree/award programmes on the part-time courses.


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018

Important Information




FeesCourse FeesDetails of course fees can be found with the course description in this prospectus or online. The fees indicated include examinations and internal assessments but do not include class materials unless otherwise indicated in the course details. Registration fees for professional bodies etc. are payable separately. An instalment plan which is designed to give students the flexibility in paying their fees will be offered.

Providing a place is still available on the course, your fee will be accepted and receipted in writing. In all cases, fees must be paid in full by second week of class.

Fee PaymentOnce an application and fee is processed, a written receipt will be posted to the applicant using the postal correspondence address provided on the application form. Students are advised to keep this in a safe place and bring it with them on the first night of classes. For security reasons, the preferred methods of payment are credit or debit card, cheque, postal order or bank draft.

Credit or Debit CardPayment can be made using credit or debit card details over the telephone or by post. For security reasons, please do not email credit or debit card details.

Bank GiroStudents on accredited programmes will be issued with a bank giro and payment is made directly to the bank. The stamped portion is then returned by student to the Lifelong Learning Office where a receipt will be issued for tuition fee.

Cash – Not AcceptedIn line with Institute policy, the Lifelong Learning Office can no longer accept cash.

InvoiceWhere the course fees are being paid for by an employer, the student should complete an application form and attach a letter of approval from the employer on company headed paper. Instead of a letter the employer may email the Life Long Learning office (attn.: Bridie Coleman) confirming their intention to pay the course fee to [emailprotected].

Refund PolicyCancelled coursesFor a course to commence, a minimum number of student enrolments are required. If this number is not reached, the course is cancelled. When this occurs a full fee refund will be processed automatically and confirmation supplied by phone/email or webtext.

Course WithdrawalsAccredited Programmes: If a student starts a programme and later decides to withdraw, a refund will be given in accordance with the GMIT Academic Regulations. A full refund is given up to 31 October, 2016. A partial refund is given up to 31 January, 2017. After these dates no refunds are given.

Single accredited module/courseIf a student starts a course and later decides to withdraw, a full refund will be given if a request in writing (or email) is received by the Lifelong Learning office within 10 days from the start of the course. A 75% refund is given if requested up to three weeks from the start of the course, after this time refunds are not available.

Age RequirementsThe suggested minimum age requirement for participating in evening classes is 16 years of age.

College Services

Moore LibraryTel: 094 9043146 Email: [emailprotected]

The Moore library has a central role on campus and we are delighted to welcome Lifelong Learning students to library services. Your GMIT student card is your library card and you can use it to borrow and to access your library account.

The library provides books, journals, databases, online journals and ebooks, exam papers and numerous Internet resources. In addition to books and journals on site in Mayo, students also have access to the collections at all GMIT campuses through inter-campus loans. The library produces print and online subject guides listing books, websites and journals for specific courses. Service guides help you with certain tasks like creating bibliographies for assignments and using resources off-campus.

Facilities include computers, printers, photocopiers, and scanners; a group study/training room and many quiet study areas. The library website at the gateway to all library related information, and it is your access point to the library online. We look forward to seeing you in person; please call in to browse, borrow, use a library computer, or indeed to relax!

Opening hours are displayed at the library entrance, throughout the campus and online through the library website. Students are advised to check these times as they may be subject to change throughout the year.

Talk to us, we’re here to help! The library is happy to provide training to students in groups and individually.

Moodle (Learn Online)GMIT uses a Learning Management System called Moodle. Lecturers use it to upload classwork material for sharing. It is also used for online discussions, quizzes, surveys, forums and for assignment submissions. You will be given a student user login and password during registration and your lecturer will guide you to use of Moodle during class.

Student ServicesThe student services team on the Mayo campus aim to provide a variety of care and supports to meet the needs of all students. It does this through the provision of the following services:

• Confidential counselling service (see below)

• Careers and information service (see below)

• Chaplaincy service (see below)

• Off-campus medical service

• Administering financial supports

• Provision of sport, recreation and leisure opportunities

• Additional learning supports via the Access Office

Counselling and CareersCounsellingBeginning, or continuing, your third level studies is an exciting time, full of new experiences, new people, etc. However, it can also be an anxious time. If you have any difficulties, call in and talk to the Counsellor. It is a one-to-one service providing confidential counselling. Problems you may experience can range from personal to social, to relationship, to academic, to financial and others.


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Careers ServicesTrying to decide on a career, applying for jobs, preparing a CV and preparing for interviews can be difficult. The Careers Service provides an arena for exploring these areas through one-to-one career guidance. The Career Service also organises the annual Graduate Careers Fair (February). The Graduate Careers Fair provides an opportunity for recruiting companies to liaise with graduating students.

You can contact the Counselling/Careers Service on 094 9043127 or email [emailprotected].

ChaplaincyThe Chaplain’s role is to assist and support students, by providing care, helping to build a sense of community and supporting the inner or spiritual life of the person. Feel free to drop in to the Chaplain for a chat. The Chaplain’s office (R112) is on the first floor beside the Counsellor’s office.

Need to talk?The Chaplain is available to speak with students in a confidential and safe environment and treats students with respect and dignity.

Illness and BereavementWithin the Institute it is possible that some things might go unnoticed. Should you be aware of a student illness, accident or bereavement, we would be grateful if you would let us know immediately.

VolunteeringThe Chaplain provides information for students on opportunities to volunteer. In addition a Volunteer Expo will be hosted on campus in conjunction with the Mayo Volunteer Centre. The Chaplain’s office also highlights information on volunteer work overseas which students may wish to access. Fundraisers are held throughout the year for countries and projects in the developing world.

Institute LiturgiesA Prayer Room (B024) is made available on campus for personal reflection. This space is also used to facilitate a range of religious services. For further details contact the chaplain.

Student Safety and WellbeingThe Chaplain works with a wide variety of committees and working groups highlighting student safety, health and wellbeing. Should any student have concerns or opinions on these matters please let the Chaplain know.

BankingThere is a campus bank (Allied Irish Banks) in GMIT Mayo Campus during the Academic Year and they also operate the ATM facility. It is located on the ground floor. Opening times are displayed at the bank.

CateringThere are vending machines available on the campus for hot drinks and snacks in the evenings. The canteen is open from 9am to 4pm each day during the Academic Year.

Parking Policy and Operational TimesThere is a parking system (see below) in operation at the Mayo Campus since September 2010:

• Pay & Display Spaces: (cost €1.50 per hour, max time 4 hours stay)

• Staff/Student Spaces: (annual GMIT permit required, cost €10 per annum for staff and all registered students), new permits will be issued following user setting up a login. This will allow user to make changes during the year for temporary car

change or new vehicle. Permit must be displayed prominently on car windscreen.

• Disabled Parking Spaces (for GMIT permit holders): 4 spaces at front reception, 5 at lower back car park and 2 at Mayo Education Centre. Disability Users are required to register for permits, warnings will be issued where permits are not displayed.

• Visitor Parking Spaces: 4 near entrance to main reception: (GMIT visitors permit required and can be booked at Reception).

The parking policy for staff/student spaces will not apply after 6.00pm on weekdays, during Public/Bank Holidays, at weekends or during the months of July and August.

The parking policy for the Pay and Display and Visitor parking areas will not apply after 6.00pm or during the months of July and August.

It is advisable for students, who attend classes before 6.00pm and wish to use the car park to purchase a permit. The necessary criteria for the issuing of permits will be (i) original driving license, (ii) original insurance certificate, (iii) proof of address, and (iv) Student/Staff ID number. Photocopies of documents will not be acceptable. Any staff member or registered student will be eligible for a permit provided the above criteria is met.

Study a Full-Time Course on a Part-Time BasisA scheme known as the Accumulation of Credits and Certification of Subjects (ACCS) allows students instead of studying an entire course – to study one or more of the subjects on any one of the 400 plus courses approved by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) all over Ireland, to gain credits for these subjects and to accumulate those credits towards a National Certificate, Diploma or Degree. All courses approved by the QQI can be offered to students through the ACCS scheme.

CreditsFor GMIT-Accredited courses, when a student succeeds in examinations for any subject on a course they gain the credits which the institute has allocated to that subject and the student receives a Subject Certificate from QQI. Credits are transferable. Any institute which is a designated QQI institution will accept credits gained by a student in any other such institute.

Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)GMIT adopted a policy on Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) in 2009 which is actively applied to all courses offered. If an applicant has completed any of the modules they may be granted exemptions for that module(s) based on prior certified learning. The process for this of this is set out in GMIT’s Code of Practice No 8 (RPL). An applicant may also apply for exemptions based on prior experiential learning. An e-portfolio tool, is currently being piloted to capture this data and simplify the application procedure.

Further InformationThe full-time courses available for study on an ACCS basis are contained in the full-time undergraduate prospectus available on the GMIT website

Customised CoursesOrganisations in the region who wish to discuss the potential for customised courses for staff or management should contact the Lifelong Learning Coordinator in the GMIT. Tel: 094 9043137 or email Deirdre Garvey at [emailprotected].


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018



Direct Application Mayo Campus

Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo Tel: 094 9025700 Email: [emailprotected]



First Name(s)

Female    Male  Date of Birth  Email

Address (Home/Permanent) Mobile

Home Phone

Country of Birth



Programme Title Year of Entry Course Code


College/Institution Course(s) Pursued (Full Title/Specialisation) From To Month/Year Month/Year Result/Date of Repeat

/ /


/ /


/ /


/ /



Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018




Establishment Dates Position Duties






Payment by:

Bank Gio:    

Cheque/Bank Draft/Postal Order:    

Cash:     Debit/Credit Card: 

Debit/Credit Card No:       

Expiry Date:   

Security Code: 

Invoice to Employer (prospective student must provide letter to this effect) Security No: 

Receipt Date:  /   /   Receipt Number:    Student ID No: G00 

Course Reference Number(s) [CRN] 

Registered by:  Registration Date:  /   /


I declare that the above information is correct and if admitted, I will abide by the Code of Student Conduct for Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology.


Date  /   /

Transcripts, as appropriate, must accompany this application (see Guidelines)


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018


Semester I11th September to 15th December 2017 Christmas Break: 23rd December 2017 to 14th January 2018

Semester II15th January to 5th May 2017 Easter Break: 26th March to 6th April 2018

Course/Subject Level Semester I

Semester II


BA in Human Resource Management (Level 7) (Year 2 Entry) 7 4 4

Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Care QQI (Level 7) 7 4 4

Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art (Level 8) 8 4 4

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing for Registered Nurses (Level 8-Add On) 8 4 4


Certificate in Construction Management (Springboard SPA) (Level 6) 6 4 4

Certificate in Law and HR (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4

Certificate in Management for Supervisors (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4 4

Certificate in Managing Operations (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4 4

Certificate in Recovery in Mental Health (SPA) (Level 8) 8 4

Certificate in Sales and Customer Service with a Language (French or Spanish) (Springboard SPA) (Level 6) – Subject to validation

6 4 4

Certificate in Supervisory Management (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4 4

Certificate in the Financial & Economic Environment (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4

Certificate in Training & Development (SPA) (Level 7) 7 4 4


Archaeology: Medieval Art and Architecture 6 4

Art and the Public Sphere 7 4

Business Issues in the Context of Human Resources (CIPD) (Level 7) 7 4

Contemporary Art Theory 2 (Level 7) 7 4 4

Contemporary Developments in Employee Relations [HRM] (Level 7) 7 4 4

Corporate Governance (CIPD) (Level 7) 7 4

Developing Professional Practice (CIPD) (Level 7) 7 4

Digital Marketing (Level 7) 7 4

Digital Media 6 4

Employee Compensation (Level 7) 7 4


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018

Summary of Lifelong Learning Courses 2017/2018

Course/Subject Level Semester I

Semester II


Employee Engagement (Level 7) 7 4

Employee Well-Being (Level 7) 7 4

Employment Law (Level 7) 7 4 4

Financial Control (Level 6) 6 4

Government & Public Policy (Level 6) 6 4

Guiding (Level 6) 6 4 4

Improving Organisational Performance (Level 6) 6 4 4

Industrial Relations (Level 6) 6 4

International Human Resource Management (Level 7) 7 4

Introduction to Contemporary Art Theory (Level 6) 6 4

Leading Organisational Change (Level 6) 6 4 4

Management Accounting 1 (Level 6) 6 4

Managing and Co ordinating the Human Resources Function (CIPD) (Level 7) 7 4

Marketing Management (Level 7) 7 4

Marketing Practice (Level 6) 6 4

Revolution and Republic: Irish History in the Twentieth Century (Level 6) 6 4


Advanced Excel 2016 4

Creating Mobile Apps for Android 4

Foundation Course in Counselling 4

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) 4

Wild Atlantic Way Wine Discovery Series 4

WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) Certificate Courses 4 4


Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018

I am glad someone thought of the idea of providing lifelong learning in GMIT Mayo. It meant as a stay at home mother of 3

in my late 40 s I was welcomed into GMIT Mayo and supported to realise my life long dream of studying art. This was possible for me for 3 reasons-firstly because my course was offered on a part time basis – a day a week, secondly the college campus was geographically accessible – only 8 miles from the rural village where I live. Last but not least, as mature students are really valued in GMIT Mayo I was greatly encourage by GMIT staff to achieve my potential. As a graduate with a BA in Art and Design I feel I can now take up my place as a producer and consumer of culture, I am connected to the world locally and globally, I have a pile of new friends and a desire to learn more. I encourage you to sign up, it’s a transforming experience and anyone can do it!

Cas McCarthy 6th Year, Art & Design Degree GMIT Mayo Campus

After being out of formal education since I completed secondary school but having built a successful career as a supervisor it was great

to go back to education and get a certificate to recognise these achievements.

The course gave understanding and practical tools to use on an everyday basis as well as a good background to supervision as a tool used in business.

The course is well geared to people currently or actively looking to enter the world of supervision and has a great mix of practical role plays/presentations and textbook/online learning. It is also possible to complete this course whilst having a full time job and busy family life!

In all a very enjoyable and educational course facilitated very well by the lecturer and guest speakers.

Noel Fahy SPA Cert in Management for Supervisors

As a manager, I was looking for a course that would upskill and broaden my knowledge. I was delighted to discover that the GMIT Castlebar was

running a supervisory management course and that it had such a comprehensive module content. Returning to third level was a challenge but the combination of online and in class learning allows students to schedule the workload around your other commitments. The lecturers were so helpful and provided great support and encouragement and were always on hand to help with any queries. Studying at GMIT Castlebar has been a great experience. The supervisory management course has strengthened my skillset as a manager.

Stacey Holian SPA Cert in Supervisory Management











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Lifelong Learning Office, GMIT Mayo Campus Westport Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo

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Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018 - · PDF fileG A LWAY | M AYO | LETTERFRACK | MOUNTBELLEW Lifelong Learning Prospectus 2017-2018 MAYO CAMPUS Part-time Courses Please return - [PDF Document] (2025)


What is lifelong learning pdf? ›

Lifelong learning is described as the process by which individuals continue to develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes over their lifetimes.

What is life long learning in Google Scholar? ›

The lifelong learning approach is an educational phenomena that includes all life processes from birth to death and all activities that aim to develop individuals' knowledge, skills and competencies (Lengrand 1989, Celep 2003, Güneş 1996, Cassin 2002, Freref 2004, Commission Européenne 2008 & European Commission, 2002) ...

How do you prove you are a lifelong learner? ›

How can you show that you are a lifelong learner in an interview?
  1. Share your learning goals.
  2. Highlight your learning achievements.
  3. Reflect on your learning challenges. Be the first to add your personal experience.
  4. Ask insightful questions. ...
  5. Express your enthusiasm.
  6. Here's what else to consider.
Dec 4, 2023

What are the 4 pillars of lifelong learning? ›

According to UNESCO's Learning: The Treasure within (1996), education throughout life is based on four pillars: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be.

What are the disadvantages of lifelong learning? ›

Despite the countless benefits, lifelong learning does have certain disadvantages. These include a lot of time, money, and too much information. It requires a significant time commitment to complete the courses or programs. Pursuing specific courses or programs can be expensive.

What are the 7 C's for lifelong learning? ›

The seven skills are: • Collaboration • Communication • Creativity • Critical Thinking • Character • Citizenship • Computational Thinking If we believe our work as teachers is mainly to prepare students for successful futures, then we should give opportunities for students to strengthen these skills.

What are the 4 benefits of lifelong learning? ›

5 benefits to being a lifelong learner
  • Improve mental health. ...
  • Add variation and excitement to your life. ...
  • Build a larger network. ...
  • Make yourself essential in an ever-changing world. ...
  • Increase trust with clients.
Nov 8, 2022

What are the three essential skills for lifelong learning? ›

Collectively, they are as predictive of academic performance as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills. 2. Efforts to develop these skills are effective in later childhood, when interventions to improve critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills may be less effective.

What is an example of lifelong learning? ›

It is generally regarded that lifelong learning is self-motivated, informal, voluntary and based on personal interests. Examples of lifelong learning could be anything from learning to play an instrument, taking part in an online skills course of even enrolling on to a re-training scheme.

How do you explain lifelong learning? ›

What Is Lifelong Learning? Lifelong learning means pursuing education beyond the requirements of formal schooling or corporate training. “Lifelong learners” are individuals who never stop honing their skills and expanding their knowledge.

What are three characteristics of lifelong learners? ›

These resources should encourage lifelong learning as a kind of independent and creative learning experience that helps learners survive in a rapidly changing society. Therefore, the three essential characteristics are that the learning is social, individually motivated, and spanning across the lifetime.

What defines a lifelong learner? ›

According to, a lifelong learner is “a person who continues to learn new skills and competencies long after they have completed their formal education.” It involves nurturing a curious mind about the world and a willingness to pursue knowledge about whatever areas or subjects that interest you.

What is the meaning of lifetime learning? ›

lifelong learning. noun [ U ] HR. the process of gaining knowledge and skills throughout your life, often to help you do your job properly: The company encourages lifelong learning.

What is the theory of lifelong learning? ›

At its core, lifelong learning is a dynamic process that continues throughout the life of an individual. It entails the acquisition of knowledge that translates into one's ability, talent, and skills throughout life (Rouse, 2004).

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.