House Poor: What It Means, Steps to Avoid It (2024)

What Is House Poor?

"House poor" is a term used to describe a person who spends a large proportion of his or her total income on homeownership, includingmortgagepayments,property taxes, maintenance, and utilities. Individuals in this situation are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations, such as vehiclepayments.

House poor is sometimes also referred to as house rich, cash poor.

Key Takeaways

  • A house poor person is anyone whose housing expenses account for an exorbitant percentage of their monthly budget.
  • Individuals in this situation are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations, such as vehiclepayments.
  • House poor individuals can consider limiting discretionary expenses, taking on another job, dipping into savings, selling assets, or downsizing in order to ease their financial difficulties.

Understanding House Poor

A house poor person can be considered anyone whose housing expenses account for an exorbitant percentage of their monthly budget. People can find themselves in this situation for a number of reasons. In some cases, a consumer may have underestimated their total costs. Alternatively, a change in income may be the reason that housing expenses have become overwhelming.

Buying a home is part of the American dream and many homeowners pursue homeownership because of the many advantages it offers. Making payments toward the ownership of areal estateproperty can be a good investment in the long term. That said, it can also quickly turn sour if you run into money trouble and fail to account for the number of unexpected costs that often arise when taking on such a big commitment.

To prevent becoming house poor, prospective homeowners should not let their dreams get the better of them. They can start out by considering the following unwritten rules and heuristic guidelines:

  • One estimate of how much to spend on a home is 2.5 times your total gross annual salary (although some experts acknowledge that this figure will often have to be quite a bit higher). Sure, you might earn more in five years. However, you might also find yourself out of work, as well.
  • Other factors to consider are the amount of the down payment, the mortgage interest rate, the property taxes, etc. Therefore, a more precise way to determine how much you should spend would be to calculate what percent of your monthly gross income will be spent on housing costs. This is referred to as the "debt-to-income" ratio, or front-end DTI. The rule of thumb is that this number should be no more than 28%.
  • Make sure youchoose the rightmortgage. If you don’t want to get caught off guard by unexpected payment increases with a variable rate mortgage, opt for afixed interest rate.
  • Keep some money aside for unexpected circ*mstances, such as maintenance costs or sudden changes to your financial position.

House Poor Requirements

While experts say consumers should plan to spend no more than 28% of their gross income on housing expenses, it is necessary to consider other debts you may have. When adding these expenses, experts say that the ratio should not exceed 36% of your gross monthly income. This calculation is referred to as the "back-end DTI."

If an individual significantly exceeds the front-end or back-end DTIs, they may very likely qualify as house poor.

House Poor Methods

In some cases, unexpected circ*mstances may occur that make housing payments difficult to manage. The loss of a job or having a child can completely change a household’s spending outlook leaving them house poor with difficulty making the mortgage payments.

If this happens, consumers may need to look at a few different options.

Limit Discretionary Expenses

First, if expenses on housing seem overwhelming perhaps there are areas of the budget where you can reduce spending.Maybe canceling vacations or trading cars for a lower payment vehicle could help.

Take on Another Job

If it seems that the expense has gone beyond budget, many consumers will be willing to take on a second job or side jobs that can help to pay the housing bills.

Dip Into Savings

When buying a home, investors should start asavings account. Saving a little each month for unexpected issues, such as maintenance and home repairs, can make a big difference, particularly when individuals find themselves strapped for cash.


If none of these options seem feasible, consumers always have the option to sell their home. Selling may allow you to move to a less expensive neighborhood or find a rental home with lower payments. While selling may not be your most favorable option, it allows you to obtain the funds you need and potentially save for buying a new home in the future.

What Are Ways of Becoming House Poor?

Buying a home you cannot afford and tying up all of your cash into a down payment and income into mortgage payments is the most obvious way of becoming house poor. However, you can also grow house poor if your housing costs increase dramatically. This can be due to increasing property taxes and/or rising interest rates (if you have an adjustable mortgage like an ARM). If your income drops or you lose your job, you can also see yourself become house poor.

What Are Ways to Avoid Becoming House Poor?

If you are worried about becoming house poor, or already find yourself in this situation, there are some options. You can look to boost your income through a side job or gig work, and look to cut costs elsewhere. Refinancing a mortgage may be an option, especially if interest rates have fallen. Moreover, you can pull some cash out of your home's equity to help with other expenses. Finally, while it is not always ideal, downsizing to a more affordable home or switching to a rental are another option.

How Much Should Be Saved in an Emergency Fund?

Most financial experts recommend that people contribute to an emergency savings fund to cover things like mortgage/rent payments, other bills, and basic needs in the case of a job loss, health emergency, or other crisis. While there is no consensus on exactly how much to save in an emergency fund, many advocate for at least 3-6 months' worth of living expenses.

The Bottom Line

Being house poor means spending a very large amount of monthly income on homeownership-related expenses. In order to calculate mortgage affordability, some experts recommend spending no more than 28% of your gross monthly income on housing expenses and no more than 36% on total debts. If this is not possible, there are also other options to cover extra expenses such as getting a second job, using savings, or even selling the property.

Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. The information is presented without consideration of the investment objectives, risk tolerance, or financial circ*mstances of any specific investor and might not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.

House Poor: What It Means, Steps to Avoid It (2024)


House Poor: What It Means, Steps to Avoid It? ›

“House poor” refers to the situation where a homeowner buys a home beyond their means, and their new home becomes more of a financial burden than a positive investment. Struggling to keep up with housing expenses doesn't leave a lot of room for fun or discretionary spending, either.

What does being house poor mean? ›

“House poor” refers to the situation where a homeowner buys a home beyond their means, and their new home becomes more of a financial burden than a positive investment. Struggling to keep up with housing expenses doesn't leave a lot of room for fun or discretionary spending, either.

How can you avoid being house poor? ›

Lower Your Loan-To-Value Ratio With A Higher Down Payment

If you're looking to buy a home, one way to avoid being house poor is to make a higher down payment. A higher down payment will lower your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, which is the amount of money you borrow from the bank compared to the value of your home.

What does the term house rich cash poor implies? ›

If that sounds familiar, you might be “house-rich, cash-poor” (otherwise known as “house-poor”), meaning you have equity in your home but not enough liquid assets for saving and spending. CNBC Select breaks down how to avoid becoming house-poor — as well as what to do if it's already too late.

What to do if you are house rich and cash poor? ›

Solutions for house-rich, cash-poor homeowners
  1. Live below your means. ...
  2. Consolidate debt. ...
  3. Lower your mortgage payment. ...
  4. Home equity loans. ...
  5. Home equity lines of credit. ...
  6. Home equity agreements. ...
  7. Cash-out refinances.
Mar 13, 2024

What are the characteristics of a poor household? ›

The main characteristics of Poverty are as follows:
  • Hunger, Starvation, and Malnutrition: Starvation and hunger are the basic problems of the poorest household. ...
  • Poor Health: ...
  • Limited Economic Opportunities: ...
  • Debt Trap: ...
  • Lack of Facilities for Electricity and Water: ...
  • Gender Inequality: ...
  • Bigger Families:
May 23, 2024

How many people are house poor? ›

Nationwide, 30.8% of homeowners, whether with or without a mortgage, are considered to be “house poor.” Among homeowners with a mortgage, 37.2% are spending on housing above their means. Surprisingly, 20.8% of homeowners without mortgages fall into the same category.

How can I avoid being poor? ›

Here, some ideas for how to get out of poverty:
  1. Getting a Sound Education. ...
  2. Having a Close Mentor. ...
  3. Working With Well-Informed Organizations. ...
  4. Utilizing Community and Government Resources. ...
  5. Changing Your Money Mindset. ...
  6. Setting Financial Goals. ...
  7. Cutting Expenses and Spending Wisely. ...
  8. Paying Down Your Debt.
Aug 30, 2022

How to recover from being house poor? ›

How To Recover From Being House Poor
  1. Borrowing responsibly: Borrow only what you can afford. ...
  2. Downsizing your home: If your house payments are too much, one option is to sell your home and downsize into something a little more affordable.
  3. Sticking to a budget: Create a household budget and stick to it.
Apr 16, 2024

How can I save when I am poor? ›

How To Save Money Fast On a Low Income: Making Ends Meet
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Open a Savings Account. ...
  3. Save Money on Bills and Utilities. ...
  4. Cancel Unwanted Monthly Subscriptions. ...
  5. Pay Off Outstanding Debts. ...
  6. Always Look For Deals. ...
  7. Change Your Financial Institution. ...
  8. Get A Side Job.
Jan 26, 2024

Is it better to be house poor or rent? ›

Since renting an equivalent home is often cheaper than owning it, you may be able to take being house poor off the table and invest your cash flow difference toward your long-term goals.

Can you be poor and own a home? ›

The answer is yes. You can buy a house with a low income. While there's no universal minimum income requirement to buy a home, all home buyers must meet a lender and loan's financial criteria to qualify for a mortgage.

How to not be cash poor? ›

How to Avoid Becoming Cash Poor
  1. Accurately estimate your expenses. Underestimating your expenses can leave you short on funds. ...
  2. Balance saving, investing and spending. Investing a comfortable portion of your paycheck into a 401(k) or IRA can help you reach your retirement goals. ...
  3. Know how much home you can afford.
Jun 29, 2022

How to avoid house poor? ›

Some additional ways to avoid becoming house poor include:
  1. Budget in advance: Before buying a home, decide how much you can afford to spend on it each month. ...
  2. Don't over-finance: Just because you get preapproved for a particular amount does not mean you need to spend it all.
Jul 24, 2023

What constitutes being house poor? ›

Key Takeaways. A house poor person is anyone whose housing expenses account for an exorbitant percentage of their monthly budget. Individuals in this situation are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations, such as vehicle payments.

How to afford a house when you're poor? ›

Government low-income home loans. Even if you don't qualify for a low-income home buyer program, you may still secure a home through other government-backed loan options. Programs such as FHA, VA, and USDA loans cater to a variety of financial situations, making it possible for many to purchase a home.

What is the point of rich house poor house? ›

In Rich House, Poor House, two families from opposite ends of the wealth divide swap homes, budgets and lives for seven days to find out how the other half lives and whether money really does buy happiness.

Can a poor person afford a house? ›

California doesn't have a set minimum income to obtain a mortgage. Agencies such as CalHFA offer mortgage loans designed for low-to-moderate-income borrowers. CalHFA does not directly approve individuals for mortgages. Instead, a CalHFA-approved lender like New American Funding will service the loan.

What does live poor mean? ›

Living in poverty, i.e., leading a life on the same economic level as someone who gets no charity or government benefits and whose cash income is below the poverty level.

How much house can I afford with a 100k salary? ›

Your financial situation dictates the value of homes you can afford with a 100k salary. Generally, a mortgage between $350,000 to $500,000 is feasible. However, a person with low Credit might only qualify for a $300,000 mortgage, while someone with excellent credit might qualify for a $500,000 mortgage.

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