Guild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (2024)

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What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor? What is a great looking heavy armor?

What is a great looking heavy armor?

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I’m trying to find some heavy armor that looks great. I know people combind them but I’m not good at them. So for all you people with amazing imaginations post your heavy armored characters here and if you may please tell what they’re wearing.

This is my female Norn Guardian in Primeval Armor all except the chest which is guild


Forgot to say colour is Abyss and Gold

This is my female Norn Guardian in Primeval Armor all except the chest which is guild

Just a heads up, this skin is good if you are female or have a small model. The texture stretches if you have say a Norn or a Charr.

Here’s mine:

Visionary’s Helm
Dark Shoulders
Dark Chestpiece
Protector’s Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Protector’s Footgear

Seraph Mace
Krytan Shield

Dark pieces being the karma vendor armour from Orr.


Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood


^All really good sets. Here’s my current char with mix nd matched gear:

-Some heart helmet (Search “Icedevil Helm”)
-Hotw shoulders
-Hotw gloves
-AC Chest
-Vigil pants
-Hotw greaves

It’s a shame hotw armour is some of the best in the game because it’s the most absolutely boring dungeon to run.


Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

I wish every female heavy armour didn’t end you up in wearing a dress. Oh, and the few that are leg plates look horrible

I like the exotic temple armor, thats what I wear. Hate the helm though just got the tier 3 human helm instead.

CoF armor without the helm.


A mish mash of Guild chest, T1 shoulders, T2 Helm, T3 leggings and Hall of Monuments gloves


Tier 3 Charr.

Abyss, Redemption and Iris.


[Os] Guild | Engineer | Sauer | :3
| – “Engineer Hanbook” |

I’m at work at the moment so can’t post a picture, but for my Norn guardian I found a combination of the primeval armor with the Norn T1 cultural pauldrons and fiery vambraces (from the HoM) worked well. Gunmetal or graphite with tarnished steel works well for met but YMMVGuild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (7)

I like the heritage armor set in abyss for my warrior as well.

Godrik Gandolfi – human warrior; Lucius Foestabber – charr reaper
The Path Least Travelled, Gunnar’s Hold

Tier 3 Charr.

Abyss, Redemption and Iris.

Your blocking that nice background view :p

im using a mix of whispering, t2/t3 norn cultural


We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

My female norn in her cultural T2 with mixed parts from karma T2. I was aiming for some lightweigh armor.

Dyes are Oil Slick/Tarnished Steel for leather parts, and White for metal parts.


here’s my set


I’m trying to understand why players would want others looking exactly like them, after going through all the trouble of coming up with a unique look in the first place.

Here’s mine:

Visionary’s Helm
Dark Shoulders
Dark Chestpiece
Protector’s Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Protector’s Footgear

Seraph Mace
Krytan Shield

Dark pieces being the karma vendor armour from Orr.

imo you so far has the best look. Other then the helm but everything else seems like it could be one set.

Cmon someone topple this person with another great look set!

Here’s mine:

Visionary’s Helm
Dark Shoulders
Dark Chestpiece
Protector’s Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Protector’s Footgear

Seraph Mace
Krytan Shield

Dark pieces being the karma vendor armour from Orr.

imo you so far has the best look. Other then the helm but everything else seems like it could be one set.

Cmon someone topple this person with another great look set!

I would prefer you didn’t look like me.Guild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (12)

Here’s my advice (which you can take or leave) – head to the Mists and visit the PvP banks there. There will be tabs for nearly every armor and weapon in the game. You can right-click on the ones of the appropriate armor type and select “preview”.

Do this until you find a tunic you like, a set of pauldrons you like, some greaves you like, etc. Put together something that blends well; they don’t all have to be from the same set as long as you’ve got a look that matches nicely.

Create your own unique look this way, track down where the PvE variants come from, go about collecting them, and then smile a little whenever you see yourself (and hopefully only yourself) in it.

I have the full Vigil set. It’s the only one I like.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

My “going to a Gwar concert” warrior.

Mostly Barbaric crafted, with Pit Fighters shoulders, and Temple helm and gloves.


Zona Eshe
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC

Knight style never gets old.


Mavaho – now that is superb looking armor! Great colours too!

She blocks attacks with her abs.

Knight style never gets old.

Indeed, the color your using looks great. Which dye is that? if i may ask

Heritage. Hue.

Seriously, that set is awesome.

Here is my female Asura Guardian in full Vigil armor. Dye colors are orchid and antique gold.


“It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy… Let’s go exploring!”

This is my Templar


My human guardian with barbaric top, arah leggings and pit fighter boots


Here’s mine:

Visionary’s Helm
Dark Shoulders
Dark Chestpiece
Protector’s Gauntlets
Dark Leggings
Protector’s Footgear

Seraph Mace
Krytan Shield

Dark pieces being the karma vendor armour from Orr.

imo you so far has the best look. Other then the helm but everything else seems like it could be one set.

Cmon someone topple this person with another great look set!

I would prefer you didn’t look like me.Guild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (21)

Here’s my advice (which you can take or leave) – head to the Mists and visit the PvP banks there. There will be tabs for nearly every armor and weapon in the game. You can right-click on the ones of the appropriate armor type and select “preview”.

Do this until you find a tunic you like, a set of pauldrons you like, some greaves you like, etc. Put together something that blends well; they don’t all have to be from the same set as long as you’ve got a look that matches nicely.

Create your own unique look this way, track down where the PvE variants come from, go about collecting them, and then smile a little whenever you see yourself (and hopefully only yourself) in it.

O.O did not know that. So you can mix and match armor there?

This is MineGuild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (22)

Barbaric Pauldrons
Pit Fighters Chest
Superior Duelist Gauntlets
Vigil Leggings
Pit Fighters Sandels


imo you so far has the best look. Other then the helm but everything else seems like it could be one set.

Cmon someone topple this person with another great look set!

Thanks, I’m glad you like it!
Before I could afford the Protector’s gear, I was using Draconic Gauntlets and Pit Fighter Boots. Before I realised how much I like the Visionary’s Helm, I was going to use the Avenger’s Headguard (Human tier 2).
I would take the Nobleman’s Leggings if they weren’t so beaten up…
It would look something like this: (I prefer my new one)


Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

imo you so far has the best look. Other then the helm but everything else seems like it could be one set.

Cmon someone topple this person with another great look set!

Thanks, I’m glad you like it!
Before I could afford the Protector’s gear, I was using Draconic Gauntlets and Pit Fighter Boots. Before I realised how much I like the Visionary’s Helm, I was going to use the Avenger’s Headguard (Human tier 2).
I would take the Nobleman’s Leggings if they weren’t so beaten up…
It would look something like this: (I prefer my new one)

yeah it seems really creative, glad you shared it with us.

One of the few heavy Charr you’ll see that doesn’t look like a hulking spike monster:

• Primeval Warplate
• Fur of Koda
• Invader’s Gauntlets (there is a karma item in the Blazeridge Steppes with the same skin but won’t cost you eighty million badges of honor)
• Draconic Boots

Helm and shoulders hidden since I cannot find a design that doesn’t either look horrible or floaty on Charr. If you’re a non-Charr you could probably add an Ascalonian helm and either the Ascalon shoulders or Arms of Koda to this set.


My Norn warrior in what I call her Dragon Knight attire.


Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

To be honest, I don’t like most armor, but changing dye color can make a great difference. I do like that Roman Gladiator style helm a lot. I just generally dislike most helms that cover my Guardian’s face too much (I find Koda helm rather cute because of that.) I have mixed and match a lot too, and I have an alternate mix-n-match set, but this is the set I use most of the time-a whole vanilla self-crafted Draconic set, with a “holy” theme to it achieved through white-ish/golden-ish dyes, to match the character concept of my Guardian.

I dislike spiky, ugly, or “brutal” looking armor for my character, or anything else that (for me of course) kind of tries too hard to make a “look at me, I am such a bad**s effer” statement. For those reasons, most “elite” armors in the game don’t suit my character-they seem to be to odd/funny looking to fit her concept (hopefully they add better-fitting sets for her in the future.)


For my warrior I wanted her to be a knightly heroic lady instead of the stereotypical loud and barbaric warrior, and I think my current sets fits the style pretty well. She doesn’t look mean but she looks strong and resiliant with all that metal, the huge gloves and the shoulders.

This is all heritage armor except the legs that are from the draconic set, because I wanted something that flows. Mainly silver and green dyes with some blues here and there. My only issue is those huge boot clipping issues, but that can be expected when mix and matching armor from different sets.


For my warrior I wanted her to be a knightly heroic lady instead of the stereotypical loud and barbaric warrior, and I think my current sets fits the style pretty well. She doesn’t look mean but she looks strong and resiliant with all that metal, the huge gloves and the shoulders.

This is all heritage armor except the legs that are from the draconic set, because I wanted something that flows. Mainly silver and green dyes with some blues here and there. My only issue is those huge boot clipping issues, but that can be expected when mix and matching armor from different sets.

This is a great use of combinding armor that flows really well. If I didn’t know they were different pieces I could have easily confused them for 1 set. Way to go!Guild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (29)

This is my Warrio, going for the torn armor look. I’m wearing the Barbaric shoulder and chest piece, Pit Fighter gloves, and Heavy Plate leggings/boots. I plan to change the leggings to the Pit fighter and probably the boots too.

Sage and Graphite colors


Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

This is my guardian with heritage chestpiece, heritage gauntlets, and pit fighter’s everything else.


“The path of the Guardian is not one to be taken lightly…”

-Rayn Brightclaw, Tarnished Coast

This is my guardian when she goes to work (first screenie)

This is my guardian when she goes clubbing (second screenie) clubbing big bad monsters that is!


(edited by Lafiel.9372)

Temple karma armor looks good if big fat norn wear it. Knight looks good if human female wear it.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Where are all dem sylvari at?
This armour consists of:
t2 helm
t2 shoulders
ta chest
cof gloves
hotw legs
cof boots
I’m always changing my dyes, but usually i stick with a mix of iron and illumination


This is my Templar

That is so kitten, what is the armor?

Elitism in Guild Wars 2.

This is my guardian when she goes to work (first screenie)

This is my guardian when she goes clubbing (second screenie) clubbing big bad monsters that is!

May I know what armors are you wearing?

This is my guardian when she goes to work (first screenie)

This is my guardian when she goes clubbing (second screenie) clubbing big bad monsters that is!

May I know what armors are you wearing?

Which one? I assume it’s the first one (most people ask me about that), it’s using arah legs and boots, pit fighter arms and chest, the shoulders and helmet I rarely put on so they’re not significant.

The other set is more of something to see how much skin I can reveal and I really liked the stockings. I think it’s a mix between gladiator chest with t2 human boots.. the leggings I can’t remember, it’s from a lower level blue item

Wow guys! Amazing amor! Everyone here has fantastic imaginations! Lets continue to see some moreGuild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (36)

This needs to go in guardian section though I reckon

This is my guardian when she goes to work (first screenie)

This is my guardian when she goes clubbing (second screenie) clubbing big bad monsters that is!

May I know what armors are you wearing?

Which one? I assume it’s the first one (most people ask me about that), it’s using arah legs and boots, pit fighter arms and chest, the shoulders and helmet I rarely put on so they’re not significant.

The other set is more of something to see how much skin I can reveal and I really liked the stockings. I think it’s a mix between gladiator chest with t2 human boots.. the leggings I can’t remember, it’s from a lower level blue item

I’m curious on both sets, and it’s nice for you to provide details on both.

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Guild Wars 2 Forum - Guild Wars 2 Discussion (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.