Death Dwellers MC: The Dirty Dozen (2024)


9 reviews

August 13, 2018

Once i started i couldnt stop reading. I love everything there is about this series . Its worth the read. You fall inlove with everyone that its hard to read anything else after reading this.


232 reviews

December 15, 2018

I am only half way through the book and had to leave a review. It is one of the best books (series) I've read in the MC genre. The characters are thoroughly developed and they become real, recognizable people. Meaning that they don't just exist for a bit and that's the end of them. I love how you keep the two main characters throughout everyone's story. We get a sense of the whole family and we are kept privy of everyone's growth and life changes. And each person's story is not like the other, they are truly individuals with distinct personalities.
Your writing skill is top level and the editing is near flawless. Two qualities that make it necessary to believe and enjoy a story.
Thank you for providing entertainment that allows a mind to wander, imagine, and feel as though it is living amongst the people in the story. I'll be following you and can't wait to dive into more of your books.


51 reviews

March 10, 2023

This series was beyond amazing. From the first book to the last is a page turner. Christopher is an amazing husband, father and friend. Kathryn makes you fall in love with all the characters to include Kendall. Kendall definitely has to grow on you. I love how she wrote all the kids in the series especially CJ. The books are so good you will want to read them again. Please continue the series. Well written plots and turns.


9 reviews

January 4, 2017

Sorry to see the end

This is one of my all time favorite series. The characters are well developed and I love them all. I'm so sorry to see this series end. I can't wait for more from you. These characters have made me laugh and cry. Great read!

Lena Osment

53 reviews1 follower

June 28, 2018

I loved this book series! I love Christopher/Outlaw & Megan’s love affair through out the series. I love Johnny but can’t stand Kendall. CJ is just adorable; a little Outlaw! I hope there are more books to come!

Lenna Wright

3,112 reviews32 followers

Currently reading

February 21, 2018

First off, if you this if it has a .5 don't think it's going to be a novella, it NOT, each book if over 250-350 pages. Secondly be prepared for foul mouth men, women getting called b¡tches, weed and drinking. The women are friends and/or frienamies, certain ones are so broken that it takes them time to heal and some are so Cray Cray they need professional help to get them social. Each one is very hardcore gritty. This review will have the ones I did for each book together. I'm currently one 2.5 and it's been 5 days, so take your time and if they get too deep take a break between each one, that's what I did, with the emotions rollercoasting back and forth and the love/hate and jealously going on it got to much.

Very gritty, and dark. It was good overall but there were things that stood out.
Things that Stands out so far-
- what happened after she went out the bathroom window and before running from Rack...
- grammar needs to re-looked over again, loads of places didn't read out right to many words in sentences that don't need to be there OR sentences just don't make any sense...
- overused of the word bitch, all women including mother's are being called bitches even right to their faces and they are okay with it...
- Megan- Meggie- is 18 and gets treated like a child, Christopher 'Outlaw' is almost 33 and thinks he's king pin of the place... BTW his mother is 47, from my calculations she was 14 or 15 when she had him and he has older sisters? Something don't add up right...
- Outlaw will and do get one of his favorites under him no matter if he has Megan in his bed and don't deny after Megan and him are together that he won't stop being with another if the mood strikes him. Cheating player...
-she's been abused by her stepfather but Outlaw is emotionally abusive towards Megan and yet she still gives in moments after he puts her down he gets what he wants...

Another gritty foul mouth novella in DDMC series. We let off when Meggie was bringing their son into the world at the end of book one and now 6 months later plans for the big wedding complete with monkey suits, big wedding dress and lots of gore will be happening in this story. Now instead of a crazy lunatic from Meggie's family, we'll be dealing the the a$$hat that contributed in bring Outlaw, Christopher into this world the man who rape Patricia Donavan, Sebastian 'Cee Cee' Caldwell. He's gunning for Meggie with as his property or dead he don't care, but he follows her like a lost puppy needing something and he does he wants her out since she's his son's liability and he want his son's club and his together at friends. One this stopping that is Outlaw, he is bringing pushed thin and his anger issues is bring dysfunctions between him and his wife and also his brothers. Add to the fact that baby #2 is baking and Maggie's life is one the line again what will he down to unload all his pent up frustrations.....
In hope side Meggie's mom is there and even scared and broken, will take a certain kitchen pirate to work her confidence up again.

SO much going one and it does end in a cliffhanger. Triggers are abundance on this one.
Lifetime worth of secrets, a club built for degradation of women and race. Two friends/cousins/brothers been through thick and thin friend childhood best friend even the they are cousins, one the Golden Boy Donovan loved by the whole family and the one called degrading names. To club brothers and Outlaw isn't the worst of the two, Johnny Boy went by a different name 'Iceman' he's like Mort with bodies but he takes them down his way. Their while being alive is based on lies and rapes, the club's founding member and the cruel old members picked because they the worse of the worse. ALL of this does back to ONE man. Logan Donovan the grandfather of Christopher and John.

For a 75 year old he still the sickest of the sick, what he did to his daughters and what he did to Zoanna to make her detest bikers, to other women and young girls under 16. TRIGGER ALERT.

Now for the elephant into the room, no pun intended, Kendall. She has body image issues, her mom calls her 'whale' while her baby sister was the perfect child. He ex Benny 'Spoon' and his club worked her weakness to this benefit. Calls her anything regarding on her weight. And enter her hatred for Megan. To torture Kendall, Meggie's pictures was shown to her to taunt her about that the perfect image if perfection. Playing her weakness to the max hence the bachelor party.

I swear to God, I want to reach in this story and smack Kandell upside the head until she learns to open her mouth and ask questions, not to mention keeping a V.P. right next to her at most to all times, instead of letting the man do his job and get the rivals not to mention her ex and let him help take care of them. But not she is in her 30s and she acts more like a child than 19 year old Megan, oh I forgot Kandell is so over the top jealous of Megan because she is 100 or so pounds at 5'1 and blond while Kendall is close to 6' and 140ish and pregnant flaming redhead. She don't want to gain weight even being pregnant because she was made fun of in school and her ex with her weight. Well hate to bust her bubble burst I dealt with the same and still jealous of any woman out there the is better at life them me, but I don't treat everyone under scrutiny or say something to someone that will cause a fight. Kendall is jealous of Megan and Megan is jealous of Kendall but Megan does try to be nice but Kendall doesn't make it easy for anyone even poor Johnnie. He is tossed here and there with Kendall, giving him an ultimatum, her or the club, His club is his life and Kendall knows it but she still makes him choose.
Mort, poor Nor the got the younger lady he fell for but he can't by any means settle for one pu$$y(that word gets thrown a all around all the time (to much in my opinion) so he lets his Bailey leave with a bun in the oven, and still mourning her father, K.P.'s death and what happened in Vegas.
Outlaw is getting revenge on his rivals since they blow up his brother's John Boys beach house but his too and Megan's dream house behind the clubhouse, now he's out for blood anyway to get his shot in.
But the rivalry between Megan and Kendall will be neutralized that will be paid with somethings very dear to both women. By gosh Outlaw laid into Kendall about her attitude what she all caused in turning brothers against each other and making it look like Megan is a spoiled brat and Kendall should be in first place since she is older and 'wiser' and not the teenager. Besides what women in her 30s don't know who Aunt Flo is, well Kendall don't and thought it was Arrow's (Arrow is K.P. blood brother) wife, she might be older with a law degree but she is immature in more ways.

8 chapters of nonstop action, with Maggie feeling to knowing what she’s carrying times two, Christopher’Outlaw’ dealing with $hit coming around and stress with his wife, his club and his brothers. No Johnnie’s p.o.v. but he roaped in Meggie to arrange a surprise wedding in 2 hours. Oh cause we had to deal with the she is holier than everyone, Kendall, she was away in Hawaii for ‘camp’ a retreat for people that need their heads examined. Good news, Chris didn’t have to see that woman, bad news she call everyday to the girls and she is still brain messing Meggie with her ‘your young act your age... your a puppet for the azzhat Psycho man... you know Outlaw will leave you when he’s board of you... I have to sleep with Outlaw to make Johnnie feel what I feel when Johnnie had you Meggie..’ And. So. On. Not a redeeming word from her until the end where she tells Johnnie she’s leaving him. Thank you for the that Bipolar or is she a Schizopath? Her growing up and he lovers just to get ahead in life, really, Really messed up her head, she needs something to counterbalance her thinking.





Very Christopher Christmas


5,090 reviews7 followers

January 11, 2019

Reading this series and will review as I go along.

Misled. Book 1
3.5 stars
I am really struggling with this review. I both loved and hated this story. It seemed so childish at times. Yet, other times it was everything that I wanted in a MC romance. It was dark and real, and dirty. It was like SOA but grittier. It is for that reason I had to go with a solid 3.5 star because it did keep me turning the pages. I needed to know more. I am assuming that as the series goes on the characters will have more depth to them and not seem like a teenager trying to be like Gemma from the aforementioned SOA. Please. I hope so because I liked the grittiness of this story and need more.

Misappropriate Book 1.5
3.75 stars
Okay, after reading the first book I was worried if I would be able to continue. Not because of the story itself because the author does a great job creating an MC world that is realistic, gritty, and real but because I needed more from the characters. I finally was starting to see that evolution in the author's writing style and seeing the characters not seem immature. Meghan still had her moments and Outlaw was over the top a lot of the time but they were better. I liked the softening in Christopher and I liked that she had more of a backbone. I am very interested in Johnnie's story so on to the next book.

Misunderstood Book 2
3.75 stars
The writing is getting much better. I still have issues with the characters but not as much as I did. I have to give this author credit that even though I am frustrated in many parts of the story I still am invested enough in this series to keep reading. The MC is gritty and raw and just how I imagined it to be. It is for that reason that I continue on in order to find the answers to my bizzillion questions.


171 reviews45 followers

July 30, 2019

I absolutely loved this series!
Outlaw and Meggie were some very funny, loving and frustrating characters. I cried, laughed, smiled and swoon with them. I assure you that they will totally steel your heart if you give them the chance. I was once told that a book was successful if it elicit a strong emotion. It could be love, hate, sadness, etc. The important part is that it actually took a hold of your soul, somehow. This book certainly does that. I loved Outlaw, Meggie and CJ. I totally hate Kendall. My heart hurt for Johnny.

The book was certainly a roller coaster of emotions but I assure you that for every tear I dropped, the was a series of warm and loving moments that made worth all the drama some characters threw or way. I highly recommend this series and I can't wait to see what other books the author has in store for us!

Rhonda Lewis-smith

72 reviews

February 10, 2020

Couldn't put it down

This series had my emotions all over the map, I have read and enjoyed many MC books, this is the only one that caused me to remove my rose colored glasses, regarding what I thought about MC's since I started reading these particular books. When I have read, there are many types of MC's represented within that one book, this series showed this and more within within the MC itself which takes you on one H..... of an unforgettable ride. Great job Kathryn Kelly. I will be rereading this series, and it will be apart of my kindle library.


1,150 reviews21 followers

March 23, 2018

I enjoyed this series very much. I couldn’t understand why the catalyst was forgiven at the end of this book. There was just so much that she did that was unforgivable. I even was a little pissed that the only person in her corner forgave her when she was the cause of almost getting another very good friend kidnapped. But that makes a good book. Excellent Job KK. Now I’m reading your Phoenix Rising series.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


9 reviews

July 1, 2018

Excellent book

I really enjoyed this book. I hated and loved Kendall at the same time. Will definitely 're read again. Loved it. Recommend people to read this book they will not be disappointed. Hope there is more to these books, more on outlaw and megan,fee, stretch and cash (does fee get her baby she wants and by who) etc. Does Kendall finally behave and get along with everyone and stop causing trouble?

CD Keith

389 reviews17 followers

February 26, 2017

The entire series is here.

This series drives me crazy but I have to read every new book. The roughest and darkest MC series I have ever read. I love how all the characters are included in each new book, but I need some resolution for Kendall and Johnnie. Until hope the series spins off to the kids. Now I'm going to read the rock star series connected to Cash.


728 reviews3 followers

March 12, 2017

After binge reading this boxset, I feel really quite sad that I’ve finished it. This world Kathryn Kelly has created in the fictional town of Hortensia, WA has some of the most brutal, badass, passionate bikers I’ve read about. Every one of them brings something to the story, even if it’s not always good, it’s always heartfelt. With the exception of Kendall, all the women are perfect for their men in the way they are written and their own little nuances and differences really bring out the best in their men. Kendall.. well she’s just a crazy bitch, but after reading Mistrust, I see she just needs handling properly. Still can’t say I like her though, lol.

MC wise lots of action throughout the series. Violent. Dramatic. Emotional, a few times I teared up. Sexy, because come on, big bad bikers, built like gods who fight as well as they f***, and boy are they good at fighting, lol. I don’t really want to give any plot away, but there are LOTS of twists to this series, with lots of secrets and surprises coming out that may tear the club apart when they come to light.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable read though, and If you’re a lover of MC books, unless you can’t handle the really violent ones, I highly recommend giving this one a go. I will warn you though, somewhere along the way, there is a sexual assault that is described in detail, other kinds of abuse, lots of blood and gore and book 10: Misfit, is a super freaking long, MMF centered story, but it doesn’t feel like it’s as long as it is when you’re reading it, I’m just forewarning you.

I really enjoyed the Death Dwellers Boxset and give it 4.5 stars.


409 reviews2 followers

November 28, 2017

Really good series

Time and attention to the characters which i really liked getting to know them. Near the end of the series i was better able to speak Outlaw...haha. I also enjoyed the mix of suspense, action, love, sex, and family expressed in all the stories. Great books to read and kept me reading and wanting more!

Denise Ditmer

193 reviews

August 30, 2019

Hot Bodies Epic Stories

This is my first book with this author and I am blown away. Every book in this collection is tied together and each book finds its own HEA but all characters are shared through out and love interests are brought in. Well worth the sleepless nights because I couldn’t put the book down long enough to get any sleep.

gayle allison

1 review

September 2, 2018

Very good series

Really good storylines and good that you get each of the characters story plus what's going on with the club. Quite a few f swearing words but if you can get over that then this the book for you. I couldn't stop reading it.


1,980 reviews15 followers

June 25, 2019

Beyond Amazing!

This collection is one you must read! It'll take awhile but it is worth it! Outlaw and Meggie are the perfect MC couple. There's lots of action and steamy scenes. Definitely worth your time!

Brenda L

2 reviews

October 2, 2019

Pretty dam Great

I absolutely loved this Series!!!
Outlaw and Megs!OMG what about Ransom??
Really do not like Kendall at all Psycho Bitch...
Love Roxy! Need another series to find out what happens next!!!!!
Great F***ing series two thumbs way UP.

MJ's Book Blog and Reviews

2,684 reviews55 followers

March 12, 2017

Review by: Melanie
(4.5 stars)

After binge reading this boxset, I feel really quite sad that I’ve finished it. This world Kathryn Kelly has created in the fictional town of Hortensia, WA has some of the most brutal, badass, passionate bikers I’ve read about. Every one of them brings something to the story, even if it’s not always good, it’s always heartfelt. With the exception of Kendall, all the women are perfect for their men in the way they are written and their own little nuances and differences really bring out the best in their men. Kendall.. well she’s just a crazy bitch, but after reading Mistrust, I see she just needs handling properly. Still can’t say I like her though, lol.

MC wise lots of action throughout the series. Violent. Dramatic. Emotional, a few times I teared up. Sexy, because come on, big bad bikers, built like gods who fight as well as they f***, and boy are they good at fighting, lol. I don’t really want to give any plot away, but there are LOTS of twists to this series, with lots of secrets and surprises coming out that may tear the club apart when they come to light.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable read though, and If you’re a lover of MC books, unless you can’t handle the really violent ones, I highly recommend giving this one a go. I will warn you though, somewhere along the way, there is a sexual assault that is described in detail, other kinds of abuse, lots of blood and gore and book 10: Misfit, is a super freaking long, MMF centered story, but it doesn’t feel like it’s as long as it is when you’re reading it, I’m just forewarning you.

I really enjoyed the Death Dwellers Boxset and give it 4.5 stars.

Autumn Bryant

482 reviews1 follower

December 29, 2017

Great Read

If you love MC books this series is for you. It is full of drama, hot scenes, love, and laugh out loud moments.

Sheryl Mcnaught

229 reviews

April 16, 2018


Absolutely loved all the books in this series .Characters were great ,you got alpha males strong women ,sex and violence .


115 reviews3 followers

April 17, 2018

I still can’t decide if I like this book. I couldn’t put it down but I’m not sure why. Every time I finished one story I moved onto the next even after telling myself I wasn’t going to continue.


25 reviews

August 8, 2018

Could not read fast enough.

Love, love, loved it. Whew! It was hot, exciting and captivating. Even when the story was not about Outlaw he was still my hero.

Debra Akers

279 reviews2 followers

April 14, 2019

I love this series especially Christopher "Outlaw" and Megan.


690 reviews24 followers

June 25, 2019

Death Dwellers MC

I loved this series! It's real and raw. Dark and gritty. But there is also love and happiness. One of the best MC series of read.


37 reviews7 followers


August 22, 2019

Love this series

Omg this series is great .it is a must read.. I love love love outlaw. It has everything you would expect from a mc.


7 reviews7 followers

February 24, 2024

Absolutely. An amazing series. I love how they keep. Everybody connected story never gets boring it is a must read

Cassie Caskey

390 reviews22 followers

February 22, 2017

One Of The Best MC Series

I read a LOT of MC genre and this is, without a doubt, one of the best series I've read. I honestly wasn't too crazy about the first book but as the series grew, the books got much much better. The author, Kathryn Kelly, poured so much of herself and her own personal tragedies and challenges into the characters she developed. Each character became real to me and weeks later (yes, I'm just now doing the review), they are still living in my head.
Outlaw/Christopher, the DD President has set a new bar in which I will be comparing all future book boyfriends. His love, strength, loyalty and dirty talk will not be easy to rival!


1,037 reviews4 followers

February 19, 2017

What can I really say? This was an outstanding series & I am very happy that I was able to read them all!! I WANT MORE!! All my comments concerning each book are in their own reviews as well as my activity throughout this box set. I finally have a character that I absolutely want to strangle & she's freaking annoying as all get out!! I literally hate her & her uppity partner in crime. Christopher grew on me, I started disliking Johnny, Mortician is pretty hilarious, Valentine is ok, Digger had some setbacks but pulled through, Cash & Stretch are my favorite love stories I think because it's taboo. Roxanne & Knox was just too short but to the point. I definitely would love to read about the children & how they fair especially the babies not mentioned.

Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You!!



390 reviews

June 17, 2018

I've read a lot of MC books and series, but this series is one of my very favorites. With each book, you never knew what was coming next. While I loved a lot of the characters in this series, I think I loved hating Kendall. This is one series 5hat I would definitely go back and read again, and I don't find those very often.

Death Dwellers MC: The Dirty Dozen (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.