Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (2024)

Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (1)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Always been a fan of city builders and am itching for a new one to play that is more fleshed out than an indie EA title (Ostriv, which i bought like a year ago, has not really had any big updates since then for example)

I have never bought an UBISOFT game before but have heard about how their DRM policies makes people angry. I see up above that Anno 1800 has Denuvo, which is just a word to me since i have no experience with it yet.
How bad is the DRM? Are those stories about people upgrading their computer then not being able to play the game true? Are there limited installs? Does the DRM suck all the juice out of your PC like some claim?

I already have several programs that require internet access, like Adobe creative cloud, and i don't notice their DRM in daily use.

#¿Jan 29, 2019 15:40
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (4)
#¿Jun 13, 2024 20:10
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (6)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Started playing this game a few days ago and enjoying my time.

Im more into the Sim City type of game than Dark Souls so i picked mostly easy settings though i left the pirates in.

About 2 hours in one of the NPCs started attacking the other ones and now, 6 or so hours in, he has conquered every island except the 4 i have colonized.
Is this normal? Can i expect him to attack me?

#¿May 15, 2020 23:59
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (9)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Its the russian dude with the shakespeare beard.

I have only played 1404 before and liked the island sizes there. In my 1800 campaign game all the islands are these itty bitty rocks in the sea, its really demotivating. All the settings i did should give me the largest islands possible. Is this just how it is in 1800 or did i get a busted map seed?

Also i understand mine and my uncle’s island in the campaign are NOT random?

How do people get those big rear end islands like in the resource management video linked a few posts back? Like that single island has more landmass than the entirety of my campaign map.

#¿May 16, 2020 11:04
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (12)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Yeah its Gaspov and 2 easy AIs
In 1404 the AIs didnt interact with each other at all so i was a bit surprised at how much they did in 1800.

My favourite thing about Zeus/Poseidon was the persistant main city through the various missions/levels. Some missions were off to colonies or such but the next mission you were back in the main city and would get the resources you set up in the colony in the previous mission.

It was my understanding that 1800 campaign was like this as well, a persistant «main map» throughout the campaign with various side expeditions, which is the reason why i picked campaign over free play. The size of the islands is reducing my enjoyment of the game however, these games are no fun when you are hamstrung by land to build on (within reason)

#¿May 16, 2020 13:23
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (15)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).

TheDeadlyShoe posted:

range can be extended with stone streets.

Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (16)
#¿May 20, 2020 11:01
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (19)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).

Wipfmetz posted:

Maybe I'm in the same boat as you.

Somebody earlier ITT mentioned playing without AI, comparing the game to a bonzai tree.
That is what has helped me enjoy this game so much more.

Because with AI players I was always stressed out by "alert spam" and some real or imagined time pressure.
Without AI players i can just take my time with fixing problems and finishing poo poo.

Exactly this

In my campaign game i constantly had to deal with pirates or with the russian AI buying a share of an island and me having to buy it back.
Pirates are just a timesink that steals an enormous amount of attention away from you, it takes an inordinate amount of time to blow up their nest and once an hour they come back with a big fleet to rebuild it. This MUST be dealt with right away otherwise you will forget about it (at least i do!) and whammo they suddenly have their full base with cannons up again.
Top this with the fact that this fleet spawns without warning and sails through the whole map and is almost guaranteed to sink one or two of your transports on the way to the pirate island, forcing you to deal with that as well.
In my current game i have zero pirates and 3 easy AI (wasnt able to disable them) and it is so much more enjoyable to play.

#¿May 27, 2020 11:29
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (22)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Modern silos can be used to generate electricity through grain fermenting/composting -> heat -> electricity so its possible they blew up back then?
#¿Jun 3, 2020 15:37
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (25)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
The landmass in the trailer looks fairly large.

Hopefully the Africa continent is a large landmass and you capture regions of it, would be pretty dumb if Africa was a bunch of islands.

Then again its not called Africa so that is their alibi in making another biome full of islands.

#¿Oct 2, 2020 19:29
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (28)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
It will integrate but will make your save incompatible with the older version
#¿Oct 17, 2020 19:21
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (31)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
I wanna pick this game up again and play LoL but i just hate the whole electricity feature so much.

Having to build a big building right next to all your houses then a train track in there is so loving dumb. Electricity is literally the resource that is the easiest to transport yet this game makes it into such a nightmare. The game was a ton of fun until that point but i just couldn’t find any fun in managing electricity.

#¿Oct 27, 2020 18:21
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (34)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Picked this game up again after a 4-ish month hiatus, to play the tractor expansion and the lion expansion.

Im surprised how much i have forgotten. Its a real struggle to get back into my savegame (It took me a month of playing to get there so i cbf to start a new game)
I remember why i quit the last time. The ui and management of shipping is so atrocious. The resource consumption also balloons out of control like halfway through the game. I have an entire gigantic island dedicated to beer production and i still cannot satisfy all the demand. And using virtually every artisan i have to make sewing machines on my main island can't satisfy the demand for swing machines on my main island. Welp.
I only use electricity for buildings that explicitly requre it, and i don't use trade unions as i find both those features fundamentally clash with the spirit of these games.

Electricity requires you to rebuild your entire supply chain once you unlock it which is a huuuuuuge no-no in this genre imo. I cannot understand why everyone is fine with how electricity works. Making a train track virtually next door to where you want electricity and have a train transport oil there? What a bunch of nonsense. Even when electricity was new it was the easiest resource to transport. Gold diggers in the 1800's in Klondyke had electricity from New York for f*cks sake.

Trade unions and slotting "epic loot" is such a bullsh*t mmorpg feature that does not belong in these games, again imo.

This game is amazing until you get to late artisans. The gameplay is smooth, custom shaped fields is spectacular, the supply chains are manageable and make sense, ship combat is so satisfying, but everything falls apart somewhere around engineers.

#¿Feb 5, 2021 10:47
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (37)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).

Oxyclean posted:

That said, there's a fan mod in the works for an far east/oriental session.

Mod tools are THAT powerful?
#¿Feb 9, 2021 17:10
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (40)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
What do you do with the arctic gas islands?

They are really small, has no access to anything, and requires a whopping 250 technicians for each gas mine.
Ferry everything in with airships? Seems like that would occupy a lot of airships. Airships are quite expensive and have a very expensive upkeep. When does all this start paying off?
Is the payoff the fact that you can supply electricity in the old world without needing rail? What a boon that is, now that i have spent the last week rebuilding my entire civilization to accommodate rail. Having to rebuild my layout midway through the game was my biggest issue with rail to begin with. Just can't catch a break with the rail/electricity stuff in this game.

#¿Feb 12, 2021 23:27
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (43)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).
Done settling in the Arctic.
No idea what i am going to do with the gas but at least i have it now.

The biggest bottleneck for the Arctic is Brass, its a rare resource in the old world and every arctic house needs it frequently. I literally had to set up electricity plants in the old world on my zinc/copper mines to double their output as there is only a total of 3 each in the whole game. This doubles my oil usage (another pet peeve of mine, oil usage is a flat consumption and not based on how many buildings use it)

When i started this game i had played the story a bit first but wanted a more freeform game. I also did not want pirates and whatnot as far too much time and attention is spent on managing them so i made a game with no pirates and 3 easy AIs. I did not know at the time that you could disable AIs entirely, had i known i would have done that tool. They literally do nothing but hamper my enjoyment of this relaxing management game with their constant barrages of quips, insults, gifts, alliance requests and their spectacular ability to end up with some resource monopoly.
In the old world i have zero islands with saltpeter.
In the arctic i have zero islands with seal skins.

Honestly thinking of looking into if there is a mod that lets me just delete AIs from a game.

Now on to Enbsea. Finally done with the expedition, i quit the game yesterday right after entering the Enbesa map for the first time.

I still haven't gotten to Cape Trelawny. I assume it is part of the queen is gone questline? I still need to go to Sir Archibalds lighthouse to start that.

#¿Feb 17, 2021 09:20
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (46)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).

Alkydere posted:

Or, even better, just play the game without AIs.

I would have if i knew i could disable them. I swear i clicked on their portraits and what not but it never disabled them like it does with the pirates, so i figured i HAD to play with AIs. Once i read you CAN disable them i had already spent about a month of game time and almost fully colonzed old world/new world. There is no way i was going to replay all that so i decided to continue playing with AI. I am not a warmonger so i didn't really want to blow them up but its infuriating how they could start to colonize in Enbesa seconds after i get the first island, considering how Enbesa docks requires resources only found in Enbesa, so i have had enough of the AIs and am going to build some ships and blow them up.

vandalism posted:

Seriously though, 3 copper on the whole map? Did you play on expert or something? They returned how map generation works in one of the recent patches to prevent that sort of thing. Still... only 3? That is insane. You can get some trade union guys to pump up your numbers if possible.

I have found resource distribution a bit unbalanced.
In the old world i have zero saltpetre, it only exists on 2 islands (out of like 20?) and both are AI starter islands (afaik, its their largest islands). There are copper on other islands, i meant that my islands have 3. The 3 AIs have a grand total of 2!

In the new world i have 2 out of the 2 islands with pearl abundance. Just by chance as i just land grabbed like mad and didn't pay attention to all the resources.

In the Arctic i don't have a single island with seal skins. I grabbed all the big islands, having prepared my ships with trade post building materials so i could immediately go there once it unlocked. I did ignore the itty bitty tiny islands though and it turns out that all the seal abundance is only on those islands.

In Enbesa i almost missed out on lobster, a fairly fundamental resource. It only exists on 3 islands and those 3 islands were the islands the AIs tried to grab seconds after i got the trading post on the NPC island. I accidentally hit decline when one of the AIs asked to settle on the island so they went and settled on another one. Had i clicked yes i would not have had lobster at all. (Kinda weird that neither lobster, indigo or bee's are on the starter island, all 3 are needed to grow the houses)

Ineptitude f*cked around with this message at 11:26 on Feb 18, 2021

#¿Feb 18, 2021 11:15
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (49)
#¿Jun 13, 2024 20:10
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Mar 2, 2010
Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (51)
Heed my words and become a master of the Heart (of Thorns).

IncredibleIgloo posted:

When the tourist dlc drops, do I have to start a new game or can I just add it in?

Every DLC so far has allowed you to add it into an existing game. You cannot go back though, if you for whatever reason wanted to disable it.
#¿Apr 1, 2021 10:53
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Anno 1800: Help Jumpstart Humanity's Golden Age of Global Warming! (2024)
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