A Helping Hand - manicMagician - Parahumans Series (2024)

Chapter 1: A Helping Hand

Chapter Text


Jun 12, 2011

I heard them fighting in the hall before Skitter stumbled back into the classroom. There were deep cuts all around her ears and the sides of her face; and I could see chunks of hair missing where she had been sliced across the scalp. Her head was soaked in blood. I looked past her into the hall, but Jack was nowhere to be seen.

"Fix me,” she gasped. The skin was hanging from her head in strips like she'd been flayed. I couldn't even imagine how much pain she must've been in. “Fast!”

I hurried over and touched two fingers to her forehead. Immediately, her entire anatomy exploded into the forefront of my mind. Every pore and cell and pimple. All of the flaws and defects as well as every arguably cute and positive feature.

It was part of the problem I had had with my sister.

Quickly putting that aside I focused on the girl before me again. Beneath the mystique and intimidation of 'Skitter' she was a surprisingly average, plain girl.

Aside from the massive amounts of injuries she had sustained.

As well as noting every part of my target's anatomy, I could also easily note anything out of place or that shouldn't be. Their genetic coding told me what shape their body should be, so I could even notice flaws due to malnutrition and the like. Picking out the cuts, bruises, cracked ribs and flayed skin was easy, and I quickly set to work repairing them, drawing from her fat reserves. With the speed my mind processed all of the data my power gave it, hardly any time at all would have even passed from her perspective from the time I touched her forehead to the time her injuries began to heal.

“The red miasma took away my ability to recognize people. I don’t know anything about the people I’m fighting." Her words drew me from my reverie as I finished healing the last of her recent injuries. "Fix my brain.”

As soon as her request sank in I was immediately shaking my head. “I don't- I can't." I had seen the damage to her brain in my initial scan, but I had instinctively ignored it, going back to my ingrained habits.

“If you don’t fix me, Jack could win, and billions could die." Skitter insisted. "If you don’t cure whatever it is that Bonesaw’s done with this miasma, I and tens of thousands of others could die of a degenerative brain disease.”

“You don’t understand." Back to my old mantra. If I said it enough maybe I could even believe it. "I can’t cure brain damage.” Even without seeing her face, I could see as her hope drained out of her. Her head drooped and her shoulders fell. Despite myself I felt the need to offer an explanation. “I- my- the last time I did it, the last time I broke my rules, everything fell apart. You’re asking me to do the exact same thing Jack was. To break my rules again.”

“They’re just rules.” She didn't understand. No one ever did.

“They’re the only thing holding me together.” I pleaded.

“You were willing to die if he took you hostage. I’m asking you to sacrifice yourself in a lesser way. Fall apart if you have to. But undo what Bonesaw’s started.”

“This is worse than dying,” I said, my voice quiet. Even I wasn't sure I believed my excuse in the face of that. I already knew I would give in.

“Ask yourself if it’s worse than the slow, degenerative death of thousands and the potential end of the world.”

I stared at her, resigning myself again as I turned my attention to her brain and began reconnecting and restoring the damaged neurons. A parasite was at the root of it, creating prions and perpetuating themselves to cause targeted lesions. I had thought as much.

“This is bad. Every second is time you’re suffering more permanent damage.”

“That’s not a huge priority," Skitter replied, to my surprise. "I’m more worried about Jack, and all the others who got hit harder by this stuff than I did.”

“It’s a parasite that’s producing the improperly folded proteins." I tried to explain. My voice was a monotone and I spoke so quietly I wasn't even sure she could hear me. It was all I could do to keep working through my horror at my own actions as I broke my rules again. "I can stop it, and I think I can make them create a counter-agent that counteracts the proteins and promotes healing in the brain. Can’t make them fix the lesions, but I can promote plasticity in the brain and new connections to old information.” As I explained it I was working on the solution already. But even doing it for something good like this, my actions disgusted me. Knowing just how easy it would be to go that step further.

I felt her sag a little in relief at my efforts, but I ignored it and pushed on in my quiet monotone. “The parasites will replace existing parasites over time, and they’ll die if it gets cold, now. Or if you raise your blood alcohol content. Get drunk after a week or two to clear them from your system, and don’t drink tainted water. If everyone clears them from their systems, the miasma’s effects will be gone by the end of winter.”

“They’re probably what she seeded all over the area, before using the catalyst.” Skitter suggested.

“I’d believe it.”

“And the damage, can you reverse it?”

“The minor damage, yeah." I admitted. "But I can’t do anything for the people with more serious brain lesions unless I attend to them directly. There’s other healers out there, I know they’re not as good, but maybe they can do something to fix that.”

Skitter nodded and silence reigned for a few seconds as I continued my work.

“Let me know the second I can go,” she said, clearly impatient to get back to the battle. “Jack’s going to attack, or pull something.”

“Trying to engineer a large-scale solution to help as many people as soon as possible. The parasites will leave your body through your sweat, spit and urine, and enter the local water supply to override the others, and anyone you cure will cure others in a sort of reverse-epidemic. I have to make sure this is engineered right, or nobody’s going to get cured. If I screw it up, it could be worse than what Bonesaw did.” I guessed that was enough reason for her, because she quickly changed topics.

Though I would rather have continued explaining. Or any other topic.

“Where did you get the material for what you did for Glory Girl? That sarcophagus thing. You have to use living material, so…”

“They weren’t human.” I hedged.

“That’s not that reassuring.”

I sighed and reluctantly explained. "I used pheromones to lure stray cats, dogs and rats to us, then I knit them together. Victoria didn’t have enough body fat to stay warm, and she was wearing out faster than I could get her nutrition.”

“She’s going to return to normal, though?”

“Just a little more time. I have to ensure she’s totally together inside the cocoon, then disconnect her from it and make sure she reaches a physical equilibrium afterward. Once I know she’ll recover…” I trailed off. I didn't want to think about what came next. Especially after Jack.

It would be so easy...


I finished up my work and turned away from her. “Go. You’re done. Go after Jack.”

There was silence for a few seconds where I thought she had already left and I just hadn't heard her.

Then a hand grabbed my shoulder and I looked back in surprise to find her still there, staring at me.

"Amy. I know what Jack said. And I know what Tattletale said before. Much as I hate to admit it, he did sound kind of like her. And you're probably sick of people telling you what-"

"I am." I cut her off. "So don't bother." Why wouldn't she just leave already...

"I'm not going to. I'm not going to tell you who you are or what you should do." She spoke firmly, offering no room for argument. "I just want you to think what kind of person you want to be. Good or bad, don't let anyone else tell you what you are. Trust me, it's never that simple anyway... Just be who you want to be. Do what feels right and do what you need to, and don't let anyone make you feel ashamed."

Her words cut me deep and I hung my head. It wasn't that simple. It's never that simple.

"What if I don't know who I am anymore? And with what I've done-"

"Hey, you've heard what I've done right?" This time, she cut me off. "And that's not even all of it...You think I don't have regrets? Jack said I'm driven by guilt. And...that might be at least one part he was right about. But I'm driven because I want to set them right. And if you don't know who you are well...no one really knows who they are. But you still know better than Tattletale and Jack. So instead of listening to them, find out for yourself. Just...don't give up alright?"

I just stared at her, wordless in the face of all of that. What do I even say to that?

Skitter sighed and got up stiffly. "I...I wish I could stay but I have to go after Jack and spread your cure. I shouldn't have even stayed as long as I did. Sorry." She looked nervously between me and the door. "If...if you need anything, come find me."

She raced for the door and before I knew it I was shouting after her. "Wait!" She stopped and looked back. I didn't even know why I called for her to stop. "Just...thanks." She just gave me a small nod and then she was gone.

A minute or so after Skitter left Victoria returned in her cocoon, crashing back down through the ceiling. With the protective instinct I instilled to make her chase Bonesaw, she must be returning now because they were all gone.

At the thought of my most recent change to her, my face fell in shame.

Do what you need to.

Skitter's words came back to me. I'd had to do this. To protect us. I still felt guilty for it, but I let myself set aside the guilt for the moment. I could wallow later. We were still in danger. Everyone was.

I put a hand on Victoria's cocoon and got rid of the instinct I had added. I didn't want to change her more and the longer I left that there the harder it would be to fix.

The longer I waited the harder it would be to fix...

Be who you want to be.

I wanted to be a good person. For the longest time I felt I was bad, and what I did to Victoria confirmed it. But...Skitter said it wasn't that simple. If I want to be good I should just...try to be good.

Do what feels right.

Looking back up at the face I'd etched in the cocoon, I sighed. I had just been delaying the inevitable. Everything with Tattletale and even to myself...excuses.

I focused and rested my forehead against the cocoon as I sunk into the scan of Victoria's brain. It was true that new connections had been made and it wasn't as simple as undoing what I did. But it wasn't hard either.

I started by undoing what I did in the first place, then worked out from there, removing or changing the connections that branched from it. The associations her mind made with me from before, I left as is. And the natural ones in response to what I had done...I left as well. I removed the romantic love and what of it had been corrupted to hate, and I broke down the emotional co*cktail and hormonal balances I had mentioned before, repurposing the base parts elsewhere. Another excuse.

I sighed and stepped back. There was more to do to finalize the fixes but...

There were other people who needed help right now. If things were as bad as Skitter said, they needed me out there. Even if I considered myself bad, I wanted to be a better person. And the only way to do that was to act.

I turned around and pressed my back to the cocoon and made it sprout straps of flesh to wrap around me like a harness. I tried not to think of it as Victoria embracing me. I had lost my right to that.

Once the straps were in place I activated Victoria's flight and we lifted off out of the school. I hated to still be using her like this but...I was doing what I needed to. She couldn't help in her condition and I couldn't help without a way to get around. She might hate me for it but she would hate me anyway. And this way, we might be able to save a few lives still.

The city had already looked like a hell hole recently, but with the red miasma hanging over it and giving everything a red tinge, it truly looked like hell itself. I could see a small path in it of clear air that was slowly spreading. That must be the way Skitter had gone; the counter-parasites spreading from her sweat as she passed by.

I turned away. Something in me wanted to follow after her, but this wasn't the time for that. If we wanted to help as many people as we could as quickly as we could then we had to split up. Also she was likely pursuing Jack and...I didn't want to see him again right now. Or ever.

I lowered us down into the miasma so I could better spot anyone needing help. The thick red mist made it hard to see the ground from higher up. The moment the mist touched me I felt the parasites and immediately began turning them into the counter parasites before they could infect me. Never before had I been so glad my power worked quickly. If any got inside me I wasn't sure I would be able to stop them. But once I turned some on my initial contact, it began spreading from my entry point as well, which made it easier to see and move around.

As we flew, I idly continued fixing Victoria as well. Correcting the connections and hormonal co*cktail in her brain, as well as shaping the flesh of the cocoon to repair her body. My power let me divide my attention well. It went faster if I focused, but I had time while I searched.

After a few minutes I saw a body lying in the street and flew down to investigate. It was one of the heroes in the anonymous black suits the Protectorate had been wearing today.

She- because I could tell they were a woman from their figure- was convulsing on the ground. As I landed I was already hurrying over to investigate and see if there was anything I could do.

I reached through a tear in the suit to touch the bare skin around the cut beneath to begin my scan. Immediately I recognized her as Battery, from the times I had worked on her before. I had worked on all of the Brockton Bay Protectorate at some point or another.

At the same time as I recognized my subject, I also sensed the virulent poison raging through her system. It had to be one of Bonesaw's. She was in no danger of dying, at least not right away, but every second she lay there she was in excruciating pain as the poison slowly ate away at her. I set my brow, got comfortable and got to work.

A few minutes later I sat back with a sigh of relief. The poison was gone and the damage was repaired. While I was purging the poison I had also repaired the lesions in her brain from the miasma and converted the parasites to spread the cure as I did with Skitter. As a result, once the poison was purged and the repairs were done she recognized me when her eyes flickered open.


"Just call me Amy," I responded quietly. Panacea didn't fit anymore. Raising my gaze to her face again, I spoke more firmly. "I got rid of Bonesaw's poison and cured you of the effects of the miasma. Once you're up to standing you should go help the others. You can spread the cure through any of your fluids; like sweat, and spit."

She stared silently for a few seconds. Confused? Stunned?

...scared? It occurred to me I didn't know how much the Protectorate knew of what had happened with my family. And with Victoria cocooned on my back...

"T-Thanks," she said once she recovered. "Did you see any oth-"

"You're the first I found. I've got to go see if I can find anyone else to help. The Nine went a different way so you should have time to recover." I stood and activated Victoria's flight again.

"Wait-" But I was already lifting off, out of range to hear whatever else she had to say.

And I began searching again.


A couple hours later I set down outside the PRT Headquarters, at a corner away from the doors. I was careful to avoid the cameras and windows, so I should have a minute before anyone noticed.

I'd found a few more people after Battery that needed help and fixed them up. Some had already been affected by my spreading cure, and the others I cured myself so they could help spread it. I tried not to think about how many would have died if I had just hid with Victoria...

I made the straps retract back into the cocoon and stepped away to turn back and look at her.

Over the past couple hours I had also been finishing her treatments. Both to her body...and mind. I had reversed what I'd done to her as best I could, and I had set her body on course to finish healing itself. She would be thin and malnourished, and she might need to work to get back into shape but...she would live, and recover. The cocoon would keep her in stasis a few more hours as it fed her the nutrients she needed to get back into a functional condition, thinning as it used its own mass to heal, then what was left would slough off as it woke and released her.

She was out of my hands now. I'd done what I could and fixed her, just like I promised.

The heroes would hopefully find her here when they got back from dealing with the fallout of the fight earlier. And by then, I would be long gone, hopefully.

I reached out and laid my palm against the cocoon one last time and made a slight aesthetic change to its surface before turning to hurry away, leaving a short message etched in it.

Keep her safe.

Chapter 2: New Recruit


Taylor has a guest.


A bit of time skipped since the last chapter, as I don't want to cover too much that would be the same as in canon. This picks up right after the meeting at the end of Colony 15.1.

Chapter Text


Jun 15, 2011

Three days had passed since the Nine left town, and I finally had a chance to meet up with the rest of the Undersiders and touch base. They all seemed to like their new costumes -what I managed to put together with what was left- and after some discussion they were all on board with the plan for Coil.

That especially was more of a relief than I could even say.

As they left, it felt like things were finally falling into place. The road ahead would still be hard -with Coil, the rival gangs and the heroes- but I could finally see it at least.

Then I felt someone at the edge of my territory, disrupting the threads my spiders had placed.

"Wait," I called to the others as they reached the bottom of the stairs leading to the first floor. I'd placed a few more bugs on the intruder and traced enough of an outline to recognize them. "Someone just entered my territory. Hopefully not gonna have to fight, but you might want to come with me to meet them anyway."


We saw her before she saw us. She knew I'd sensed her and she'd been waiting, knowing we'd come, but she didn't know where we’d come from. She wore the same torn and soggy clothes I'd seen her in last, and her brown hair was full of tangles and dirt. The girl paced and looked around nervously, before finally spotting us and going stiff.

"Amy," I called to her cautiously, trying not to spook her. "Good to see you're alright. I was worried when no one had heard anything about you since the Nine left."

"It was you that left Glory Girl at the PRT though, right?" Tattletale asked. At her voice Amy tensed up and turned to her with a glare. "Finally came around then huh? Because of- ohh!" She turned to look at me. "And now you're here to-"

"Tattletale." I cut her off with a look. She sighed and rolled her eyes but still went quiet.

"I..." Amy began, quiet. "I want to talk to Skitter."

I started at that and looked at my teammates; Tattletale still just looked annoyed but nodded, Grue and Regent shrugged, and Bitch just glared at Amy. I stepped forward.

Amy kept glancing at my teammates, obviously hoping for a more private conversation, but she was an unknown. Nobody seemed interested in one of us being alone with an outsider right now. There was a few seconds of awkward silence before Amy finally spoke up.

"I did what I said I would do. I fixed Victoria and I walked away. I can't go back to my family now, and I don't have anywhere else to go. And you...you said to do what feels right and that I could come find you if I needed anything. This...this feels right. Let me join you. Please." She was clearly trying to keep her voice steady, but it still came out with a small tone of desperation. Like she was pleading.

"Well..." I considered it. Having Panacea on the team would be a huge asset. Any healer would be, but the best healer in the world? "I think it'd be great to have you join. And from what Tattletale said before, all the others would be-"

"No." She shook her head.


"That's not what I'm asking. I don't want to be an Undersider, joining for your robberies or running a territory or whatever."

"Then what are you-" I started, confused, but she cut me off again.

"I want to join you ." She insisted. "You run this territory, taking care of the people here right? And you have people working for you, helping with that? Let me work for you. I can help keep your people healthy and...whatever you need."

Everyone was stunned at that, though Tattletale was back to smirking a little already, the quirk of her mouth pulling at her scar. She seemed pretty entertained at least.

"Sounds like a good deal to me."

Everyone jumped, but Amy especially, as a voice sounded from right next to her.

Imp threw her hands in the air and stepped back quickly as Amy looked ready to punch her.

"Woah, hey, sorry."

"Imp." I glared, and she could probably tell even through my mask.

"Yeah, sorry, backing off. Sorry for being ready to tase her ass if she tried anything on you..."

I sighed, and tried to calm myself again as Imp went to join the others and I turned back to Amy. "She is right though at least. It does sound like a good deal. But why me?"

Amy looked away. "Like I said, I don't really have anywhere else to go. I can't go home, and the PRT might just send me back to my family or...I don't know. And I'm not about to join some white supremacists. And..." She glanced at me before looking away again.

"And...?" I prompted.

I could see her struggling. After a few seconds, she finally spoke and I could barely even hear her. "And...you're one of only three people to ever really pay attention to me. And the only of those to do it cause you actually seemed to care about me ."

I froze again "Well...that's...I'm sure there must've been-"

"There weren't," she insisted, firm again. She seemed to have regained her footing after the painful admission.

After taking a few seconds to consider my next move and check the area with my power to make sure we were alone I steeled myself and took a leap of faith. If she was going to put her trust in me I had to show her I would trust her too.

I pulled off my mask.

"You can call me Taylor." I held out a hand and tried a smile. "I look forward to working with you."

A weight seemed to drop from her shoulders and she smiled back with relief. "Thank you." She reached out to clasp my hand. But rather than shake it she just...held it. Then she turned to the others. "Tattletale, come here please?"

Tattletale looked at me and I just shrugged. She wouldn't try something now, here, after going this far right?

As Tattletale cautiously approached, Amy released my hand to turn to her. Then she held out one of her hands, palm up.

Tattletale looked between Amy's face and her hand before smiling and pulling off one of her gloves and placing her hand on the other girl's.

Grue and Bitch both tensed up at that, watching the two warily. I watched carefully too, but I was more optimistic. Amy did seem to still hate Tattletale, but she still wouldn't do something too bad right?

Though I did tell her to do what she wanted...

As the scar Jack's knife left across her face faded, Tattletale's signature wide and foxlike grin returned and we all gave a sigh of relief.

Her hand still in Amy's, Tattletale used her other to pull off her eyemask, still smiling. "Welcome to the team. You can call me Lisa."

Amy let go of her hand and stepped back, frowning. "That was just a show of good faith. You still ruined my life. And I told you, I'm not on your team. I’m just working for her."

"Right, of course." Lisa shrugged. "Oh well, you'll come around. And..." She paused for a moment, her smile fading a bit before she carefully said, "I am sorry about that. I was just doing what I could to keep us from being splattered on the wall or arrested. I couldn't know it would end like that."

Amy just looked away and Tattletale walked back to join the others. She looked between us for a moment before slapping her mask back on. "Well then, that was fun. Let’s get going and leave those two to discuss their new...arrangement then, shall we? Give me a call later to know me know how it goes, Taylor." She held a hand up to the side of his head with her pinky and thumb out in a 'call me' gesture before leading everyone else away.

Once they were gone I turned to my new...employee? "You sure you're okay with this?"

She stared at the ground, hugging herself. "Yeah. Had a few days to think about it. This is the only place I could see myself right now."

"Alright." I didn't question her further. She'd been through a lot. We all had. I'd give her time to settle in. "Let’s head back then. Don't really have any bedrooms, but still got some good beds, food and a roof. Utilities are already connected at my place too." I pulled my mask back on and led her back as she silently followed.


I led her down to the beach to enter through the storm drain. The other entrance was pretty much an open secret by this point, but no point in making it more open.

Just as we were getting back to the hatch leading to the hideout I saw Bitch leaving with her people. I'd forgotten they were still here.

Barker eyed me warily, his face and eyes still red from the capsaicin laced bugs I'd shoved down his throat when he tried to embarrass me earlier.

The rest of Bitch's people had their eyes on Amy. It occurred to me they probably didn't recognize her out of costume, especially filthy like she was. They were just wondering who this girl I was escorting back was. Hopefully my people wouldn't recognize her either so she'd have time to settle in before they swamped her.

Bitch herself looked at Barker and Biter before looking at Amy and then to me and nodding. She must consider Amy working for me similar to how those two capes worked for her. I guess it was similar, after all. Even if Amy's circ*mstances were a little...different.

"Come," Bitch said firmly, glaring at her people. They looked back at her, annoyed, but followed along as she left. I led Amy back up through the hatch and closed it behind us.

Once we were inside I took off my mask again and looked around for Charlotte, finding her in the kitchen. Amy followed behind me, looking around warily like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe she was.

"Charlotte, this is Amy. Amy, Charlotte." They both greeted each other, sizing each other up like unfamiliar dogs. Charlotte seemed like she was trying to be friendly, like with the other people in my territory. Amy was still skittish. And neither of them seemed to know what to make of each other, like dogs that had been abused trying to find their place in their new pack. Maybe I had been spending too much time with Bitch.

Amy had stayed close to me the whole walk back and didn't seem interested in exploring the hideout now, so we sat down while Charlotte reheated some leftover burgers from earlier.

"So um...Charlotte?" Amy ventured carefully, "How did you end up working for Skitter?"

I looked over to see Charlotte tense up and carefully set down the knife she'd been using to cut a block of cheese. She didn't turn toward us as she replied.

"She, um, found me. With the Merchants."

"You were with the Merchants?" Amy's tone was a little hostile and she hunched forward, watching Charlotte carefully.

"Not willingly," Charlotte answered quietly.

Amy froze and immediately dropped the hostility. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"She got me out and offered me a place and food in exchange for working for her. So far it's been pretty good." She spoke steadily, slowly relaxing as the topic shifted back.

I had to admit, it was nice to hear how she thought of everything. I'd never really asked, afraid of what the answer was. Or worse, that she was too afraid of me to tell the truth. Which I admit, was still a concern here with me in the room. But I wasn't picking up any fear from her.

"What kind of work do you do for her...?" Amy glanced at me warily as she asked. Maybe worried I was making her peddle drugs or something? I didn't have anything to worry about if that was the case. I'd never had my people do anything illegal. I stayed quiet and listened.

"I help watch the place when she's busy." Charlotte had relaxed again and went back to getting the food ready as she spoke. "I make sure everyone has what they need, check in on everyone in the area and keep her updated on what's going on. Sierra is the one who manages most of that and the workers though. I just help out. The orphans are mostly my responsibility though..."

Amy looked between Charlotte and me, confused. Then she sighed. "You didn't need to have her lie. I already agreed to work with you." She sounded disappointed.

Charlotte whipped around to look at Amy. She seemed almost offended.

"I wasn't lying! She didn't tell me to say anything, it's the truth. I was worried when I started too, but we've just been helping take care of the people here. Rebuilding and stuff. That's it!"

I got up and headed for the stairs. It seemed like a good time for me to leave. Amy could find her answers on her own. Having me around wasn't helping.

"You heard, right?" I said as I left, not looking at her. "After the Leviathan fight? I wanted to be a hero when I started out. Things didn't go as planned and now people say I'm a villain. But I still want to help people. That never changed. I haven't even done anything worse than any of the heroes since Leviathan. That’s not a high bar though..." I pointed to a couple rooms in turn. "Bathrooms are there with showers and some spare clothes from the supply crates. Bunks are through there if you want to sleep. I'll be upstairs. Enjoy your meal." Then I left up the stairs before she could respond.

She said she came here because she had no other choices. That I was the only one she thought cared. I assumed that meant she trusted me. I should have known better than to think it was that easy. We barely know each other and she has never had someone she could really trust from what I heard. But still...I couldn't help feeling a little hurt at her suspicion. Maybe I hadn't been as selfless in accepting her as I thought. Aside from just getting her power, maybe I wanted something out of this too. Did I have something to prove?



I watched Skitter -Taylor, I reminded myself- go, feeling guilty. After everything, I'd still been thinking of her as a villain. I assumed she was still here, exploiting these people. What did it say about me, that I still thought of her that way after all this?

What did it say about me that I was still willing to join her despite thinking that?

But that wasn't it. She was more like...a hero who ended up on the wrong side. She took me in, just like she did Charlotte and all these other people...

I finished eating in silence. I didn't have any other questions and Charlotte didn't seem to have any for me. Or she just didn't want to ask because she was worried I'd ask her more about how she joined.

I took my plate to the sink to wash it, but Charlotte stopped me and took it, saying it was her job. I let her.

I considered going after Skitter. Taylor. But my body was already feeling heavy. I hadn't had a good place to rest my head since Bonesaw had shown up at my house. Constantly on the run.

My gaze drifted to the door she had indicated for the bathrooms. Before I lay down I should deal with that first. I trudged to the bathrooms and found a shower stall before peeling off what was left of my clothes; tossing them straight in the garbage. There was no recovering them.

As the water hit me I let out an audible moan before stifling it. After everything it just felt so good to finally be able to relax and wash everything off. It felt like it was more than just the dirt and filth being washed away. Like it was washing away my cares. Finally just putting myself at someone else's mercy and letting them handle things.

I was putting a lot of trust in...Taylor. All of it, really. I was putting my life in her hands. Though...with my power, wasn't she doing that just by shaking my hand? And she went a step further to tell me her real name and show me her face.

She was a lot like Vicky.

The thought hit me randomly, surprising me. She was nothing like Vicky. Sure they were both strong and confident and kind of reckless sometimes. They both put themselves out there a lot, in a way I never could.

But for Taylor, it was just an act. She wasn't strong or confident like Vicky was. I'd seen that. I'd seen her bruised and beaten, and I'd heard some of her story. She forced herself through everything, pretending like she could handle it and trying to make it seem like she had everything under control.

Isn't that better though?

The thought struck me again, and I considered it. I remembered hearing someone say once that bravery wasn't to have no fear, but to be afraid and still act.

Victoria never thought about the consequences. She just charged in and did whatever she wanted. Often leaving me to clean things up. But Taylor seemed to overthink everything, and she was still reckless. But...only when people were in danger. Only when she thought she had no other choice.

I sighed and stroked my hands through my hair, trying to focus back on getting clean. My thoughts were wandering too much. I really must've been tired. I shouldn't be thinking about these things. Especially in the shower. For either of them.

Then my thoughts wandered back to my scan of Taylor. And her face when she took off the mask...

No. Nope nope no. Nope.

Shower time. Time to get clean. Clean body, clean thoughts.

I scrubbed myself clean, keeping my mind on task. I finished quickly; drying off and getting out as soon as I was done, despite how much I wanted to linger under the spray. Especially after the week I had.

I spent a few minutes looking through the boxes of spare clothes before finding an outfit that fit. A simple set of underwear, socks, jeans, a tank top and a hoodie. All in dull colors. The emergency supplies didn't exactly favor style or color in their clothes. Not that I normally did anyway.

It was a relief to be clean again after so long. It occurred to me it wasn't even a week but...with everything that happened it felt like much longer.

The desire for a soft, clean, and -most importantly- safe bed hit me again and I was reminded of how heavy my body felt. Everything else could wait. Right now I wanted nothing more than to go into the other room, find an empty bed, and sleep.

So I did.

Chapter 3: New Home


Amy strives to settle into her new home and find where she fits.


We finally get to see Taylor and Amy interacting in a...slightly more relaxed setting! And Amy settling in.
Had trouble finding where to end this chapter so it might feel a bit abrupt but...It seemed like a good option.

Chapter Text


Jun 15, 2011

I considered staying in my cape quarters on the second floor for a while, in case I was needed, but decided against it and went for the room on the third floor I use when not in costume. With the other Undersiders having just visited I wasn't expecting any trouble any time soon. If something did come up I could get the rest of my costume on fairly quickly.

I took a few minutes to relax after everything. Even with Amy showing up, the meeting with the other Undersiders and getting everything out in the open about Coil was still the more stressful part of the day.

If anything, settling things with Amy was a relief, as I hadn't been sure what happened to her after the battle a few days ago. Whatever she thought of me, having her here was one less worry on my chest.

Even as I lay in bed relaxing and considering the day’s events, I was still monitoring and managing things throughout my territory in the background. With my power I could multitask amazingly well. As long as I was in my territory I could make sure my people were safe.

Unbidden, my thoughts went back to Mannequin and Burnscar. I was here for their attacks, but Mannequin snuck by me and Burnscar I just couldn't stop. And even now, my power didn't reach my whole-

Well. If Panacea was working for me now I could have her make more of those relay-

No. I wouldn't manipulate or pressure her. If it was an emergency maybe, but...I would let her work things out at her own pace for now.

I sighed and was about to try to get back to trying to relax when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of the compartment of my suit where it lay and brought it to my ear as I answered.

"Caterpillar R."

"Scrubs L- So how did it go with your new friend!?" Lisa's eager voice came through the phone.

"Scrubs? And I thought you told me to call you?" I hedged.

"You know, like medical scrubs doctors wear. Most are green. Anyway, you were taking too long. I got impatient."

"It was fine I guess. Why are you so interested?"

"You mean aside from the fact she’s the world's best healer and just fixed my face so she's my new best friend too?" Lisa replied snidely. "I'm bored and wanted to gossip. So spill, anything happen?"

"Not really?" It sounded like she expected something to have happened. "She seemed to still think I was going to have her peddling drugs or extorting people, til Charlotte set her straight. Then I came upstairs while she had a shower and passed out. Why?"

"Oh..." She sounded disappointed. "No reason, just curious I guess. Well, if you have nothing else exciting to mention, do you want to help me plan for the job with the Chosen tomorrow?"

I sat up. This was something I could set my mind to. Distract myself with. "Sure. What do you have in mind?"


Jun 16, 2011

When I woke the next morning, something felt off. It took me a second to place it and I reached out with my power. Even my range felt off. Lopsided. Off center.

Then the bugs I could sense settled into my mind and I shot up in bed.

I quickly pulled my costume on before heading downstairs, just in case anyone not in the know was here. I spared a wave for Charlotte and Sienna where they were chatting in the kitchen as I hurried past them to the side door to the garage where I kept Atlas.

As I threw the door open Amy turned to me from where she sat next to Atlas, looking guilty.

"Sorry. When I woke up everyone was asleep. I needed something to do. I didn't want to wake you to ask if it was alright but I figured you wouldn't mind..." She looked away again, nervously. One of her hands rested on Atlas' side and I could feel his body still shifting subtly.

"What did you do?" I could sense some of what she did, but there were still always those dark spots in the modified biology I couldn’t see. I knew she had some bugs in her other hand I recognized too.

"When I got up I was looking around and found him. I thought he'd be dead by now, but somehow you gave him a digestive system after I...didn't. It was kind of sloppy though and he wouldn't last like this so I was fixing him up. Giving him a proper digestive system and doing some other upgrades and tune ups I didn't have...time for before." She spoke quietly, like she was trying to justify what she did and worried I'd be mad.

"You-...And those are more of the relay bugs in your other hand right? The ones you gave me before have already died off. I thought...Even with you working for me now I didn't think you'd do stuff like this. I thought you'd stick to healing?"

Amy shook her head. "I'm sorry about the stuff with Charlotte last night. I'm not really in a spot to be questioning how you do things. Especially since they're already so much better than I'd thought. And well...I decided to trust you. So this is me trusting you." She opened her hand and I had the relay bugs fly toward me.

Four of them, like oversized dragonflies again. As I took off my mask and looked them over she kept talking.

"Fully functional this time. They can eat and reproduce. And I..I programmed them with instincts to do that on their own without needing you to control them too. A few weeks and they could naturally spread over the whole city. Faster if you're controlling them."

I wanted to hug her.

"The whole city? This is...this is amazing! I could watch over my whole territory, even when I'm not here. I could keep an eye on-" I hesitated. She didn't need to know about Coil yet. "...on our enemies, without them even knowing. And my dad...Thank you so much Amy. You have no idea what this means-"

"I know exactly what this means..." She stared at the floor.

I stopped. She was still vulnerable. I had to tread carefully with her. I remembered what it was like when I was undercover, and when I decided to be a villain fully. Like me, she wanted to be a hero. A good person. She needed to know what she was doing was good.

"Amy..." I cautiously stepped toward her, making the relay bugs take off so my hands were free again. "You don't have to feel guilty. I can help a lot of people with this. I will help a lot of people with this. I swear." I crouched down next to her. "I've only ever wanted to do good. If I ever do something you don't agree with, I want you to tell me. Just like you, I've been worried I might slip; become someone my past self would hate. Keep me honest and I'll keep you honest too. Alright?" I put a hand on her shoulder and gave what I hoped was an encouraging smile.

She looked up at me, eyes wide in surprise. Then, her face turned a bit red and she looked away again. Embarrassed maybe? She had struck me as a shy person.

"Right. I'll um. I'll help you then." She said, haltingly. "Together we'll...we'll help a lot of people, right?"

"Yeah, we will. But I want you to relax too. Even if you want to be good, you don't have anything to prove. You don't need to work yourself to death." I remembered hearing she did that before, spending all her time at hospitals, even at night. That reminded me. "Speaking of, some of the people in my territory still have some bad injuries from Leviathan and the Slaughterhouse. Not to mention infections and other stuff. Not gonna demand you heal all them or anything. I haven't even told Charlotte who you are, let alone them. But when you're up for it, they could use your help. But take it at your own pace, alright?"

Again, that look of surprise. "Right, okay. I think I can work on that later today. How should I-"

"When you're ready, explain things to Sierra. I have a job dealing with the Chosen with the other Undersiders later, but she can help arrange things for you." I explained. Sierra knows where everyone is and who needs the help most anyway. "She's the girl with the red hair and dreadlocks. She's just in the kitchen right now, but Charlotte can help you find her if she's not around once you're ready."

"Alright. I'll just um, finish here with...Atlas was it? I'll finish with Atlas first. Then I'll get to that."

"Then you'll get to breakfast." I corrected with a small laugh as I got up from my crouch. "Then maybe after that if you're up to it you can do that. Alright?"

Amy finally gave me a genuine smile as she answered. "Alright."

As I turned to leave I felt good inside for the first time in a while. I was glad me and Amy had worked things out. I wondered if she even considered me a friend now...



Get a hold of yourself! I slapped my cheeks and shook my head, trying to cool off after Taylor left. I couldn't be doing this. I couldn't seriously be...

I'd just never had someone actually seem to care about me so much. It just made me so happy and... Well Victoria had cared of course, but she never really seemed to get it. It was just that superficial caring of someone who wants the best for you but doesn't get what that is. The way family is supposed to care I guess. Not that I had much experience with that aside from Vicky.

Taylor seemed to get it though. And she didn't even have any kind of obligation to me. She just...cared. She wasn't quite as pretty as Vicky but-

And I have got to stop comparing them! Even if plain can be good in it's own way... I shouldn't be thinking of Taylor like that at all! She is my new boss. And I shouldn't just be throwing myself at the first person to actually treat me like a human being...

I sighed and tried to focus on Atlas again to clear my head and let the fresh blush fade from my cheeks again. This was ridiculous.

Whatever else Taylor was, she was my boss now. And she mentioned she had a job later. She was going to fight the Chosen. And for that, she'd need Atlas. So I was going to make sure Atlas was in tip top shape.

I'd already cleared out the shoddy digestive system she'd somehow got for him -I needed to ask her how she did that later- and replaced it with a more fitting and efficient one. The new one was designed to feed on bugs so she could easily keep him fed and he could get the most out of it. He could still eat other things as well though. The bugs might give nutrients, but with his size he needed to eat a lot and I didn't want him going through her whole bug supply.

Once that was done I started giving him some general tune ups, so I got back to that now. I'd made him with the bare minimum before so she could get around to fight the Nine. I hadn't made him to last and he was falling apart, so now...I was making him to last.

Efficient muscles that got the most strength with the least wear and energy required. He was a husk before, and his body hadn't even protested to the overuse so Taylor had literally been pushing him beyond his limits to the point his whole body was tearing under the strain, so I streamlined his respiratory and circulatory systems to maximize his stamina and gave him pain receptors so she could tell when he was getting tired.

I bit my lip as I considered the next part that would lead from that. I had already done it with the relay bugs, and they weren't human but...I still balked at working with the brain. It was so easy to cross that line.

But Taylor didn't want me holding myself back. My power was part of me, and I should embrace it. Being afraid of it would just make it harder to control. I needed to use it. Get used to the feeling.

I reached out with my power and touched the soft tissue of Atlas' brain, and I began shaping his mind. He had been a husk before, barely staying alive without Taylor's supervision. Now I gave him instincts. Hunger. Self-preservation. A desire to wander, to stretch his muscles so they didn't deteriorate. Though I avoided any reproductive system or instincts for now, since he was the only one of his kind so far. And 'so far' raised questions I didn't want to consider yet.

Then I gave him the means to fulfill those instincts. Better coordination so he could move and manage his body on his own. Some knowledge of what was good for him and what wasn't, and the desire and knowledge to seek and eat food. Knowledge of what was a danger to him and how to respond to or avoid it. I included in that the ability to recognize Skitter and Taylor as well, and a slight protective instinct for her. Even without her direction he would recognize her and try to keep her safe. I tried not to think about how I felt about that. I finished by fixing his flight system and instincts to make them able to handle his weight better and made him able to fly without any real thought from him or Taylor.

I...I had made life. Sure I had made a living biological system before when I put him together the first time. But now he could move under his own power and had behaviours and the potential for something recognizable as personality. Even if it was a very limited one.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that. But...it was a good thing. I wasn't going to do it often and I wasn't going to go out of control making monsters. I had made one thing to help Taylor, to keep her safe and make her able to help other people better. I did good.

But what if she asks me to make more or-?

I felt something heavy and wet hit my cheek and looked up in surprise to see-

Atlas licked me.


I must have made him smart enough to recognize people and express affection; probably an extension of making him recognize and protect Taylor. And unconsciously I made him do it in a way like a dog since that was my main nonhuman reference point.

Once again, I didn't know what to think about this except...to pat him and call him a 'good boy'.

My family never had a dog, but I knew how this worked in a general sense.

I smiled at him as he stretched and shook himself happily. Then I got back to my upgrades.

I was going to make him the best boy.


"Amy, this is amazing!" Taylor gushed as she came in carrying a plate of pancakes a couple hours later. "He feels so different." She had eyes only for Atlas, but the praise still made me swell with pride a bit.

Though after being at this for a couple hours and not having much good food for almost a week, my eyes were mostly on those pancakes.

Taylor smirked as she noticed me staring and handed me the pancakes as she reached me. Then she turned back to examining Atlas as I dug in.

"I told you there were dark spots I couldn't get a sense for when you made him the first time, but they're gone now. What did you do?" Her question was directed at me, but she was still looking at Atlas. Recognizing his master, Atlas was turning his attention to her too, licking and nuzzling her happily, making her give a quiet giggle. I hadn't even known she could giggle. It was adorable.

Trying to stay focused, I went into my technical explanation so I didn't start fumbling and sounding stupid. Though gorging myself on pancakes between sentences might have ruined that.

"When I made him the first time, I just kind of threw him together quick with the bare minimum. I wasn't really planning for him to last, like I said." That had me kind of ducking my head in regret, but I pressed on. "I think your power probably draws your knowledge of the bugs and sense of their anatomy from their DNA, and I hadn't really modified his DNA when I made him, aside from what was needed to make the right proteins and enzymes. This time I did code him a whole new set of DNA to match his form. It's like the difference between building a shed from some pieces you have lying around and calling it done, or carefully building a house with good materials and a solid set of blueprints. And your power can read those blueprints I made."

Taylor nodded as she kept petting Atlas and looking him over. I could tell she was examining him with her power too. "I think I get it. He feels so much stronger too, and I can sense you gave him some new tricks. But...he recognizes me? He could barely breathe on his own before."

This was the part I was nervous about explaining.

"I made him more fully functional this time, so I gave him some new instincts so you wouldn't have to manually control him all the time. He can take care of himself more now and fly on his own so you don't have to control that anymore. And he'll try to protect you on his own in battle. And I guess by programming behaviors he...developed a bit of a personality..." I chuckled nervously and ducked my head a little, fearful of her response. What I had to do to make that happen was obvious. I messed with his brain.

"It does feel a little harder to control him now, but I don't think I'll have to do more than nudge him a bit to direct him. This is amazing, Amy, thank you so much." She smiled at me and then laughed as Atlas nearly knocked her over with another nuzzle.

I let out a huge breath I hadn't realized I was holding and let myself smile. I shouldn't have been so worried, I guess. After all, she was the one who told me to use my power more and not be afraid of it or worried what people would think. She is just so-

No, stop that. Go back to impressing her with what you made her.

Because she is your boss. Yes.

"Oh, I um, also made a bit of a seat here behind his head for you, to make it easier to ride him." I pointed out the indent in his neck just before his wings.

"Oh yeah I saw that; I was wondering if that's what that was. And these loops next to it, are they for my legs?" She asked, pointing to a ring protruding from his side on either side of the seat.

"Yeah, to help keep you from falling out by accident if you go upside down. It should be wide enough to slip your legs in and I put some muscles in there so he can flex to tighten them."

"Wow. I am so glad you decided to join. Thanks Amy." She gave me another smile before making Atlas crouch a bit and swinging into the seat. "Are you done with him for now? The others are meeting up to take on the Chosen and I was hoping to ride him there." Even as she asked she was already slipping her legs in and admiring as the loops tightened to keep her in place.

I nodded. "I was just finishing up for now. I have some other ideas, but mostly superficial improvements."

"Alright. I should be back in an hour or two. Take a break and relax. You deserve it." Then with just a farewell glance back at me, she opened the garage door and led him into the street to take off.

The door slid shut after her and I just stared at it, finishing my pancakes.

Damn. I had it bad didn't I?


Once I finished eating I took a break for a few minutes, but I'd only been sitting on my cot for a half hour at most before I got too restless. It was nice to relax, but I had too much on my mind to sit still, and there were hurt people who needed me. I'd finally taken it to heart that I wasn't required to be constantly using my power to heal; that people weren't entitled to my time and efforts. But it still bothered me to leave people like that when I could help them.

I went to find Charlotte playing with some kids outside and let her know what I wanted to do. When I told her who I really was her eyes bugged out. She clearly had a lot of questions, but to her credit she didn't ask any and went straight out to find Sierra. Usually I didn't like the hero worship or awe people had for me, but it paid off this time.

It didn't take long before Sierra showed up with a few dozen people. Most of them clearly had some sort of illness or serious injury -a lot were worse than I had been expecting. I guess the hospitals were too full or too far for them to try to make the trip- but a few were strong looking guys who didn’t seem to have any major problems. Muscle probably; I could already see the angry people lurking at the edges who obviously hadn't made the cut for the first round. It wouldn't be the first time I had to deal with people trying to cut the line. I'd been in similar situations after other Endbringer attacks and disaster reliefs, though the PRT had enough security I usually didn't have to worry.

I got to work healing, and found I didn't mind it as much as I had lately. There was no resentment and I even found myself enjoying it in a way I hadn't for years. It was relaxing, moreso than sitting on my cot worrying had been.

I was doing it because I wanted to, not because I had to. No one had any expectations for me or contracts saying I had to do it. Taylor might have been disappointed, but I knew she wouldn't hold it against me if I had decided not to. This was my choice. It didn't sound like much, but it made a world of difference for me.

The problems were about what I had expected, if a little more serious. Gangrene from the bad conditions. Infections or illnesses that normally wouldn't be a problem becoming more serious from incorrect treatment and lack of antibiotics. Some untreated internal bleeding from who knew which crisis. There had been so many lately.

There were a few small scuffles in the line as I worked, but Sierra's muscle broke up the fights pretty easily. It wasn't until about an hour into my healing session that things got serious.

Charlotte had shown up after a while with more people and the line had grown longer. They were organizing people by the severity of their injuries, but someone didn't seem to agree.

A man pulled a knife and stabbed one of the guards before running up the line toward me. He hadn't made it ten steps before a wall of bugs rose from the ground and fell on him. He screamed for a couple minutes, but no one moved to help him. I was worried what Taylor was doing to him, but I reminded myself I'd decided to trust her.

The man that had been stabbed was immediately brought to the front of the line to be healed. No one complained. We didn't know how serious it was and he could've been dying, while everyone else here had been dealing with their problems for days and had at least received basic treatment.

As I sealed up his wound, the bugs left the man shaking on the ground and joined up with some others to form a huge cloud overhead. They swirled there for a few minutes, buzzing, before dispersing again. Everyone knew what it meant.

The impatient man with the knife was dragged to the back of the line. No one else tried anything for the rest of the time I was there. I smiled to myself.

It looked like the relay bugs were already paying off.


Another hour passed and the line was beginning to thin when she returned.

Taylor came back into view riding on Atlas and set down near me, at the head of the line. Some backed away while others seemed to visibly relax. Newcomers versus people more familiar with her? She turned to me, and I tried not to react.

"Everything go alright here?" Taylor was unreadable behind her mask, but her tone was curt. I could tell something was bothering her.

"Couple people got a little impatient, but I think you know about them already. So nothing to report that you don't already know about anyway." I tried to keep a casual tone as I turned the question around. "Are you alright?"

She just nodded, distractedly. I wasn't sure if it was to my first comment or my question. I wasn't sure if she'd even really been listening.

"I was just going to finish up here for now and take a break, anyway." All the major cases were dealt with already, and I wanted to know what was bothering her. "How about we get some lunch...?"

"Sure." She nodded and gave Sierra some signal before heading back toward the hideout. Word was spreading that the healing was done for now and I could tell there was some unrest, but no one was stupid enough to try anything right in front of Skitter. Especially after earlier. Taylor seemed to know there wouldn't be any trouble since she didn't seem worried.

Sierra was already starting to explain that we were done for now and work on dispersing the crowd with her men. I hurried over to tell her I'd try to do another session tonight or tomorrow morning. She gave me a grateful nod and went back to shepherding the crowd, adding that to her reassurances as I hurried after Taylor down to the beach.

I entered the hideout just behind Taylor. She must have already known we were alone because she took off her mask as soon as the shutter closed behind me. I tried not to stare as she ran her fingers through her hair to shake it out from being trapped by the mask.

"I can't believe they kept that from me..."

I almost didn't catch what she said. I'm not sure I was supposed to. But once I heard it I couldn't help myself from asking, "What happened?" And I guess she needed someone to vent to, because she told me.

"Tattletale and Regent," she huffed, annoyed, as she took a pair of glasses from a compartment on her back to put on. "You were probably debriefed on what Regent could do at some point right?"

I thought back and remembered a warning New Wave got from the Protectorate on his previous identity. Hijack. A chill went down my back.

"Mind control, right...?"

She nodded. "Something like that. If he spends some time with someone he can learn how their nervous system works and get to the point he can puppet them from far away. The only people we'd used it on were Shadow Stalker and Shatterbird. The real psychos. And they knew those were special cases and I wouldn't be okay with it normally. They knew that the Protectorate doesn't tolerate that kind of crap." I could see her fist clench as her voice rose. "So they didn't tell me that after we beat the Chosen today they planned to take Victor, because they knew I'd have a problem with it!"

"Well..." I wanted to say something, help calm her down, but I wasn't sure how. "You know how I feel about Tattletale. And Regent always kind of unnerved me too. So...I can't exactly defend them. But I know how it must feel, having someone you trust go behind your back."

She sighed and leaned back against the counter separating the kitchen from the main lobby. "They told me their reasons for wanting to take him. We have some data we need decrypted and he might be able to. Also Grue can borrow powers so he might be able to use Victor's to get some new skills." I noted that. That must have been how they saved Atlas before. "It could be useful. And with what Tattletale said about Victor, I might have been okay with it if they'd told me. But they didn't. They didn't trust me." She hugged her arms around herself.

"You'd really be okay with that? Him controlling someone...?" I couldn't help but compare it to what I did.

She shrugged. "Before I became a cape, never. But...like I said, things are never really that simple. If they're bad enough and we need it enough..."

"Was Shadow Stalker really that bad?" I thought back on my interactions with the girl. "She was always rude and mean, sure, but...I remember after Leviathan, you saw a cape unmasked. It was her right?"

Taylor was quiet for a while. After a minute I was starting to get worried I put my foot in my mouth. Maybe I should change the subject. Then she finally answered.

"She was the one who made me trigger."

I froze up. Every cape knew about triggers, and to most they were a bit of a taboo subject. For a lot of capes, it was the worst moment of their lives, so some could get pretty bad. For second generation capes like Victoria and me, they weren't too bad. But I hadn't got the impression that wasn't the case for Taylor.

"My mom died a few years ago, before I started high school. My best friend started drifting apart from me around then. I got back from a camping trip and she totally cut me off. She started hanging around this new girl. A cruel, vicious person. Together with another girl they started a bullying campaign on me, dragging in every girl and a few guys from my grade, with that cruel girl at the center of it all. Everything from gossip, to theft, to vandalism, humiliation... You name it they did it. They made my life hell. Finally, at the start of the year, she pushed me in my locker and locked me in. And they'd...they'd filled it with used tampons and any other gross trash they could find. It was rotting and crawling with bugs...I was in there for hours before anyone let me out. By the time they got me out I'd beaten myself bloody against the door and was screaming hysterically. That’s how I triggered." She finally looked up at me, her eyes shadowed and her face grim.

"Wait then-"

"Yeah, that cruel girl who turned my best friend against me, stuffed me in a locker with toxic waste and violently bullied me for over a year was Shadow Stalker. That's why it was such a big deal for me when I saw her unmasked. I didn't know she was Shadow Stalker until then."

"So when you turned down the offer to join..." The whole situation she'd been in was dawning on me with growing horror.

"I'd already been put off by Armsmaster, and then to find out they had people like her in their Wards, and they were probably the reason the school had looked the other way? I could never join. I'd rather the Birdcage. And if I tried to explain everything I'd have to expose my identity and it'd be my word against a hero's."

"Oh god..." I covered my face in shame. "And I'd taunted you and made you panic. It was my fault all that happened-"

"It's not your fault Shadow Stalker did that to me or that they covered for her." She nodded reluctantly and grimaced. "You...were still pretty cruel though. I can kind of see why, now, given everything, but... Well, you've made up for it since then. As long as you don't still see me that way I think I can forgive that." Taylor gave me a weak smile.

"I, well...I do still feel bad." I remembered how that meeting had gone, and then I got an idea. "Well, I did think of one thing I can do to help make it up to you?" I smiled shyly.



I couldn't say how the conversation had got here, but she'd effectively distracted me from my other problems at least. I remembered how she had toyed with me back at the hospital that day, but it was hard to reconcile that vindictive woman with the shy, lonely girl here now. With everything she'd done, healing me then and during the fight with the Nine, and then giving me Atlas and the relay bugs I felt that any debt had been paid in full. And still she was offering to do more. At this point I felt like it was more for her than me. Thinking back on what I'd done, I could more than understand that, however.

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well..." She began hesitantly. "That day. I'd mentioned you had some old injuries I wasn't going to heal. Brain trauma. Microfractures in your shoulder. Nerve damage to your left hand."

It was pretty clear where this was going, but I still wasn't going to push her on it or steal her thunder. "I remember."

"I could heal those for you now." She spoke quickly. As though worried if she didn't say it soon she wouldn't be able to. "And I noticed you wear glasses, I could fix that too. And just generally give you a tune up, not that you're not in shape already or anything but-"

"That would be great Amy, thank you." I cut her off, smiling, before she could start rambling. But as I took off my glove I remembered what she said about the glasses and hesitated. "Though, um..." She froze and pulled her hand back, looking at me, worried.

They were something I had in common with my parents. Something I shared with them. They would probably want me to take this chance though, and as a cape the chance of getting caught without my glasses... I sighed. "Nevermind, go ahead."

"What's wrong?" She asked, not reaching for my hand again yet.

I waved off her concern. "It's nothing. Just both my parents had glasses but... It'd be stupid to pass this up because of that."

"It's not stupid!" Realizing she raised her voice she blushed and went quieter again. "Especially with what you said about your mother. But if you're sure...?"

"I am." I insisted.

"Okay." She nodded and took my hand.

It was a strange sensation. I could feel my skin and muscles shifting and contracting as she worked. The bones in my shoulder and ribs tingled briefly. At one point my vision became unfocused, and I took off my glasses to find I could see better without them now than I ever could with them. I wondered if anyone outside Amy's family or other capes had ever seen this well.

I felt a twinge in my left hand and I flexed my fingers. The nerve damage. I could tell I had more control now, even if I'd never noticed the damage before. Being right handed I guess I'd just never expected as much from my left, so I didn't notice when it got worse.

Then the twinge in my brain. It felt weird, somewhere between a pinch and a headache. But once it was done a pressure eased that I hadn't even noticed was there. She was fixing problems I didn't even know I'd had.

Then I felt something else. It was subtle and strange; like when you see a word that you know is spelt right but still looks wrong somehow. It felt like my perspective had changed slightly, the line of my thoughts was different. But I couldn't tell how. My scalp crawled and I looked to Amy again and asked, "What was that?"

Suddenly, she looked panicked.

I pulled my hand away. "Amy, what did you do?"

Chapter 4: New Response


Amy made a mistake, and Taylor reacts.


So this part may be a little controversial, but I hope people enjoy it.
Also, Lisa appears this chapter and she kind of fought me on her characterization so let me know how I did on that.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 16, 2011

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She reached for my hand again but I stepped back. "Let me fix it. Please." She pleaded with me, and I remembered what happened with her sister.

"Amy." My level voice stopped her in her tracks and I tried to stay calm, even as fear seeped through me. "I'm not mad. I just want you to tell me what you did before I let you fix it."

She was fidgeting and looking around everywhere but at me, on the edge of hysterics. "I'm so sorry. I was trying to do what you said and do stuff with brains, because rules were just rules and I shouldn't hold myself back! A-And I was just fixing the stuff I mentioned and then..." Her rambling trailed off and she went quiet, making a soft whining noise. It would almost be cute if the situation were different.

"And then...?" I prompted her.


Her voice was almost a whisper and I leaned a bit closer to hear. I could count each of her freckles in the smattering across her nose. I never noticed how cute they we- wait.

"...I was thinking about how great you've been to me and...and that it was a shame you don't like girls that way...And..." Her voice shook. "It was just a stray thought, but that's all it took and my power just-"

"You made me fall in love with you." I stated it as a fact. It was clear what she'd done. Again. Maybe I shouldn’t have-

"No!" She screamed. "I just made you attracted to girls!"

Wait what.

"But I never should've done something like that and I didn't mean to, so please let me fix it. Also it got me thinking about what I did to Vicky and then I was comparing you again and I might've made your hair start growing in blonde..." Her rambling trailed off as she went quiet in embarrassment again and ducked her head. She was visibly shaking. Meanwhile I was just frozen, trying to process what she had said.

She had...made me attracted to girls? She could do that? I guess I had heard it wasn't really a choice, just how the brain is wired but...it hadn't occurred to me that...Huh. Like I never had anything against people who liked the same sex. And it's not like I'd ever had much luck with guys. The only problem had been I just...wasn't interested in girls. But now...

"Am I...still into guys too?" I asked cautiously.

She looked up, confused, and I could see tears in her eyes. She sniffled and answered. "Well...yeah. I didn't change that much, just made you interested in girls too. I am so sorry I-...Just let me fix it." She reached toward me again but I held out a hand to stop her.

"No no, hold on a sec." Was I really okay with this? "And you...didn't change anything else? You didn't make me have feelings for you or...stop having feelings for anyone else?"

"Well...there's your hair, but aside from that no...Why?"

"Well...as long as it's still my choice who I like...I guess I don't mind more options." I admitted. I looked away, too embarrassed to see her reaction.

"You don't have to! If you just let me I can-"

"I don't have to, but I want to." I cut her off sternly, turning back to her. I might be embarrassed, but she needed reassurance this wasn't going to be a problem. I wasn't going to be like her sister. She needed someone to give her a chance and trust her, so I would.

"Really...?" She looked at me with such a hopeful expression. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd also included what type of girls I liked because...that face almost made me melt.

"Yes." A small smile crept onto my face. "I want you to change my hair back though. And I don't mind if you use your power on me, but I want to know everything you're doing before I agree to it!"

My reassurances must have finally sunk in, because a wide grin split across her face and her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, of course!" She said, nodding eagerly. She reached for my hand again and this time I held it out for her. Immediately I felt my scalp tingle again, hopefully bringing back the black hair I shared with my mom. "As for the stuff I did for tuning up then, I just gave you the same kind of stuff I did for my family. Adjusted your pores to clear up your skin and help it stay clear, made your muscles more efficient like I did with Atlas' and made it easier for you to build muscle. I also increased your metabolism to help you stay thin. Well...I hope you like that last one anyway. My sister did..." Her grin faltered.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I hurried to reassure her. I didn't want her slipping back; this was the happiest I'd seen her. "Thank you, Amy."

We stared at each other for a second, smiling, before we realised we were staring and looked away awkwardly.


"Right, lunch. Good idea."

As we got lunch together Charlotte joined us with some of the kids. Amy was hesitant at first, but she warmed up to them. Afterward we split up to take care of our own things. Amy went back to work on making relay bugs and experimenting on different things for Atlas. She asked me to send her some less useful bugs for raw materials and we worked out a signal where she tapped a nearby beetle twice if she wanted me to send her more.

Meanwhile I had my bugs do a sweep of my territory and refreshed myself on the situation. I was running that in the background however as I took out my phone. I had a call I needed to make.


I sat in the chair in Skitter’s room, waiting, my foot tapping nervously. I wanted to trust Amy. I had to. But...after everything I couldn’t take any risks. Still, it was a bit embarr-

My thoughts were interrupted as the door leading downstairs opened.

“Look, I assume this is about earlier, with Victor, and I’m really sorry we didn’t tell you. But you have to-” Lisa was talking before the door even opened, but she broke off as she saw me, her expression turning confused under her mask.

I had a couple beetles lock the door behind her as I took off my mask. Lisa just looked at me, stunned for a couple seconds, before she started laughing.

“What?” I grumbled at her. “Why are you laughing? This is serious.”

“Hahah, right, right,” she coughed, trying to stifle her laughter. “Yes, serious, sorry.” The laughter trailed off, though she couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “So?”

“So?” I repeated, confused.

You called me here. Said it was an emergency and you needed to talk to me in person?” That familiar, fox-like smirk spread across her face. Freshly repaired by Amy.

I rolled my eyes. “As if you don’t know. Why were you laughing?”

“Just uh...thought of something funny.” She coughed again. “So, what is it?”

I glared at her. She knew, but she was going to make me say it. She clearly wasn’t worried, so I guess maybe I was worried for nothing. But it was too late now.

“I was talking with Amy, and she noticed I was upset about something,” Lisa at least had the decency to look a little chastened at that, “and she offered to give me some...tune ups.”

“I’m sure she did.”

“And!” I raised my voice in annoyance. “During it she...accidentally made some other unintended changes. To my brain. So I thought I would call my Thinker friend to check me for Master influences. Because I was worried she might have Mastered me.” I tried to stress the seriousness of the situation, and her smile did slip. A little.

“Sorry, sorry.” She sighed and stepped closer, looking me over.

I desperately tried to keep my eyes from slipping down to the skintight bodysuit I made for her, but given the quirk of her lips she no doubt caught it. Damn it Tattletale.

“Well...this could definitely count as Mastering. But not in the way you’re worried about.” She snickered and spread her hands theatrically. “I diagnose you as gay!”


“Congrats!” She laughed. “It’s a shame, I was getting used to having a friend who wasn’t Bitch that didn’t stare at my ass every time I turned around. But I’ll cope.”

I groaned and put my face in my hands. She was going to be insufferable now wasn’t she.

“So how are things between you two now?” She asked. “First base yet?”

“Lisa, please shut up.”

“Oh come on, you called me here, and I’ve been waiting since-”

“Wait,” I cut her off, realising something. “You knew this was going to happen didn’t you?” Looking up at her, I saw her mouth sealed suspiciously. That shut her up.

“You were so amused when she showed up.” I continued. “And then you seemed expectant when you called me that night and you seemed disappointed when I didn’t have much to say. You knew she was going to do something and you didn’t tell me!”

She raised her hands toward me, placatingly. “Now hold on, that’s not true.”

“Then what, Lisa?” I glared again, rising from my chair, making her step back. “I am getting sick of you keeping things from me right now.”

Lisa stopped and raised a finger. “Okay. Normally I’d be hurt by that but I’m gonna let it slide this time because of earlier. You have every right to be upset.”

“Damn right I do-”

“But!” She cut me off before I could get started, and I stopped to give her a chance to explain this. “I didn’t know she was going to do this. I could tell she was...interested in you. Maybe developing a bit of a crush. I was curious to see what would come of it. But I didn’t expect…” She gestured to me. “ This.”

“And what is ‘this’?” I said, exasperated. “Please just...give me a straight answer. You can go back to teasing me after.”

“Hard to give you a straight answer, considering, but...Fine, fine.” She put her hands down and took a breath, composing herself. “I know you’re worried she did to you what she did to Victoria. But she didn’t. She didn’t make you fall in love with her as far as I can tell. Otherwise you wouldn’t be checking me out.” She raised a hand to cut me off before I could even begin protesting. “It’s unconscious and I’m used to it by now, don’t worry about it. But that, and your worry, and other things do tell me that you haven’t ‘suddenly fallen madly in love with her’. You’re still you. You just have a...newfound appreciation for the fairer sex.” She smirked again “So back to...first base yet?”

“Please shut up,” I groaned. “You are being way too flippant about my potential Mastering.”

“Everything is fiiiine.” She paused. “Okay well...mostly fine. This does still probably count as Mastering and she did alter your brain. You... are okay with this right?”

“Well...I…” I shifted on the spot uncomfortably. “Yeah. I mean...I guess so. There’s no reason I shouldn’t be, right?”

For the first time, the teasing expression actually fully dropped from Lisa’s face to be replaced with a sad smile as she gripped my arms softly. “You have every right to not be alright with it Taylor. Even if you’re alright with people who are gay, that doesn’t mean you have to be alright with becoming one. It’s changing part of who you are.”

I nodded, looking away nervously, unsure how to respond. “Thanks. But...I think I am okay with it, really. I never had much luck with guys and...I really don’t see anything wrong with liking girls. It’s just...more options.” Suddenly, a worrying thought wormed its way in. “I don’t...I don’t just feel this way because of what she did, do I?”

Lisa just snickered. “No, I don’t think so. That’s just your dorky self.” She flicked my nose and I threw her an annoyed look as she stepped back again. “In that case, I wish you lovebirds luck then!”

“H-Hey, we’re not together yet!” I sputtered back.


“Shut up Lisa.” I grumbled. “And don’t you go anywhere yet. We still have more to talk about.”

“We do…?” Her smile fell a bit, as a worried expression overtook her. Rightfully..

“I’m still not done with you. We need to talk about Victor, and our plan for this meeting with Coil tomorrow.”

“...what if I pick up some pens off the ground for you instead?”




I had trouble sleeping that night after my colossal f*ckup. I'd managed to put it out of my mind throughout the day, but lying alone in bed, my mind was racing.

After everything with Victoria, I couldn't believe I'd done that. It was so stupid; it could've ruined everything I was building here! But...

I also couldn't believe how well it went!

She'd been worried and wary at first, ready to fight. It hurt to see, but it made sense. But...she actually heard me out. She was willing to let me fix it, and then actually told me not to after I told her what I did! She...she was okay with it. I messed with her brain and she didn't mind.

And now I...maybe I had a chance. She liked girls too now and...she seemed to like me. I wondered if I had unintentionally skewed that or if she just...liked me.

It was a long night.

By morning I had managed to get some sleep, but I was still fairly tired. Pulling myself out of bed and trying to avoid waking the kids I shared a room with, I trudged to the kitchen to find them already there, along with Sierra, Charlotte and Taylor. Taylor smiled when she saw me. I took that as a good sign.

Then it faltered and fell a little. Bad sign

"Good morning sleepyhead," Charlotte said. "Want some waffles?"

"Definitely yes." I replied. A couple of the kids stared at me. By now everyone knew who I was, so I had been expecting some stares. Being Panacea I-

"You look tired." Or they could just be staring because I look that bad.

"Rough night?" Charlotte asked, passing me a plate as I sat at the counter.

"Yeah. Just had a lot to think about." I tried not to look at Taylor. I think I mostly succeeded.

"I want to talk to you after you're done eating, actually." Taylor said, making my heart skip a beat. "Hate to put more worries on your plate, but there's a few things we need to talk about."

"Right. Sure." I nodded, hoping any awkwardness was chalked up to being tired.

As conversation drifted into idle chatting, mostly from the children, I just focused on eating. I hadn't found where I fit here yet and didn't know what to say.

I had to answer some questions from the kids of course, but my thoughts were still mostly on what Taylor wanted to talk about.

Soon enough, breakfast was done and Taylor led me up to the second floor. I waited nervously for a few seconds as she seemed to fidget before finally speaking.

"So I know you just joined, and I didn't want you to be worrying about this stuff so soon, but you're going to need to know. Sooner than later, unfortunately."

I was both relieved and worried that she didn't seem to be talking about what I'd done last night.

"You probably know already that the Undersiders and Travellers have been working together." She began. I nodded, remembering hearing something about that before I left, and she continued. "Well...we both work for a villain named Coil. You've probably heard of him, he's been around for a while."

That got me. "Coil? Of course I know him; he was one of the big names with the E88 and ABB. But no one knew much about him aside from that he was probably a cape and that he hired out some elite mercenaries. Didn't hold much territory and just got in skirmishes with the other villains now and then. You work for him?" Just a couple days ago this would have put me on guard, but I trusted her now. I'd wait for the explanation.

Taylor seemed to notice that and relaxed. "Yeah. I mentioned before that I started out undercover to get information on the Undersiders. Well part of it was to find out who their boss was. By the time I found out though, I couldn't turn on my friends. And at first he didn't sound too bad. He was saying he wanted to improve and revitalise the city. But just before Leviathan attacked I found something else out...That bank robbery where we met? He had us do that as a distraction so he could kidnap someone. A young girl named Dinah Alcott with a kind of precognition. He has been keeping her complacent and cooperative by getting her addicted to drugs."

"Oh my god." I gasped, unable to stop myself.

"Exactly." Her face was grim. "I left the Undersiders then, but it wasn't even an hour later that Leviathan showed up and you know what happened there. I did go back to them after, but since then my main goal has been to stop Coil and free her. That’s the reason I came back. I'm telling you because if you're working with me you're going to be involved whether we like it or not. Coil probably already knows you're here, so he'll want to use your abilities." I opened my mouth to say something, but she just kept going. "I don't plan on letting him. I don't know what he would plan to do with you but I know I won't like it. And I'm not going to let him turn you into another Dinah. He's probably going to ask about you today, but I'll make some excuse. You're settling in. It won't work for long though, so I'm going to have to act sooner than I planned."

"I-" This was a lot to take in. It sounded like I'd joined a conspiracy without knowing. This also put everything she'd done into even better perspective. I'd learned a lot about her recently. I couldn't believe I'd told her she was delusional for thinking of herself as a good person before. "I'm sorry I messed things up for you."

She sighed and sat down heavily in the big armchair at the back of the room before looking back to me with a strained smile. "It's alright. You're probably still helping enough to make up for it. And it's probably better if I can do this sooner than later anyway. I'd wanted to wait; see if I could convince him to give her up in exchange for everything I've done but...I don't think he will anyway."

It didn't even take a moment's consideration before I simply said, "How can I help?"

She laughed nervously. "I hadn't wanted to ask but...there is a lot you can do to help. First, don't let anyone know about the relay bugs or your upgrades to Atlas. Anything you do beyond healing stays between us and maybe Lisa. Coil will already know you can do more than healing, but the less information he has the better. If he knows how useful you are he might not be willing to wait."

"Of course." I'm useful!

"And the relay bugs are great. I'm thinking I can use them to build up a presence in his base. Being able to control bugs there from here is going to completely change the game. In a couple days I might have a big enough swarm hidden there to take the base."

"Really?" They would make that big a difference? "What about all his men and the other capes he has there?"

She smirked. "I thought you said you knew what you were giving me? Spread across this far, I can pull insects from all over to come down on them. Bullets won't do them much good, and most of the Travellers don't have good powers for close quarters either. Coil's power will be a problem either way. Hopefully I can catch him off guard; I'll need to take him down as quickly as I can. Hopefully if I take him out, the rest will surrender. That's where you come in."

"Me?" I asked. I had a feeling she wanted me to make something, but I wasn't sure what. Though... "And when you say, 'take out'...?"

"Yeah..." Her expression turned grim again. "I need to shut him down. I don't want to kill him but...with his power and his connections...anything else will have him escape and come down on me hard. I have lots of insects with venom, but I was hoping you could make me something with a strong paralytic. I might be willing to kill him if I need to but...I don't want to ask you to make me a deadly weapon."

I just nodded. I didn't entirely agree, but I was new to this side of things. And...I honestly couldn't think of any better suggestions. And that scared me a little.

"I'll...I'll see what I can do." I said. "Send me some bugs for materials and I'll try to have some ready. I might want some of your most venomous as well, for reference."

This time, the sigh was one of relief as she relaxed in the chair. "Thank you so much Amy." She smiled a little. "I feel like I'm saying that a lot lately. I shouldn't be relying on you this much."

"Well I am relying on you for food and shelter." I chuckled awkwardly. "It's the least I could do..."

"Still." She looked away at the floor. "Thank you."

Silence stretched for several seconds before I broke it.

"I'll go...work on those bugs for you then." I turned and hurried out of the room down to Atlas' garage. I was already starting to think of it as my workshop.


Over the next hour I focused on my new project for Taylor. I started out making a few modified spiders with a strong paralytic like she asked, and then moved on to designing a few other bugs I thought she might find useful. In all cases I changed the DNA to match so she could use them fully.

While I worked Atlas hovered around me, occasionally butting me with his head for attention until I pet him. I could've sworn I hadn't programmed him to recognize me too, but I guess he'd just become familiar with me naturally. The reminder that I made a living thing that could do that was unnerving.

The attention was nice though. I had always wanted a dog and I was glad he liked me.

I managed to get a good bit done before the hour was up and the new bugs swept up together with other bugs from around the room into a humanoid shape. I remembered what I'd said when I'd seen her after the Leviathan fight, playing with co*ckroaches while she waited to find out her fate.

You're so creepy, you know that?

"I hiv' t' 'o now." The cloud of bugs buzzed. "W'sh me lu'."

"Good luck." So why did it barely phase me now?

The swarm collapsed again and dispersed out of the room through small cracks. Atlas hit a button on the wall and the garage door slid open enough for him to crawl out as well before closing after him, leaving me alone.

And I was already getting anxious. It had never been this bad when Vicky went on patrol. Maybe because I had more than just her back then. Not much more, but still. Other people.

And she had never felt as fragile.

I needed to keep myself busy.

I went back to the kitchen and made myself some lunch. Charlotte, Sierra and the kids were gone; probably helping with the reconstruction projects. It was amazing how much they were getting done. I couldn't help but wonder what the heroes were doing to help rebuild.

Once I'd finished eating I left through the storm drain, texting Sierra as I went and letting her know I wanted to do some more healing. She told me she'd spread the word and send some people over.

By the time I reached the street where I'd been last time, a small crowd was gathering. There weren't as many as before and most of it was just minor injuries. Small cuts and infections from before that I hadn't got to last time or new minor injuries like a broken thumb from swinging a hammer while working and not paying attention.

It didn’t take nearly long enough and within an hour I was done and the only ones left in the line were just people with minor complaints as excuses to meet 'Panacea'. They could deal.

After asking Sierra if there was anywhere else I could help, and finding out I was sorely unqualified for most of the heavy lifting, I was put in charge of watching the kids and directing their messenger or fetch and carry jobs since Charlotte has gone to visit her parents for a bit. The kids were a busy bunch and it was a relief that they liked me. I was worried I wouldn't do well with them, but I managed and it did help take my mind off things.

A little.

Another hour passed like that before she finally returned.

To my relief and horror.


There were a lot of different guesses as to what Amy had done, and a lot of worries, but I hope everyone enjoyed how I decided to go forward with it.
It was said that canon Tayor was straight, but I still always liked the idea of her and Amy together. I think they can both compliment each other's shortcomings and support each other well. I could have just said Taylor was bi for this story but...I thought this also gave an opportunity for Taylor to show her trust for Amy. It always annoyed me that Victoria never even gave Amy a chance to explain herself or fix her mistake after she accidentally made her fall in love with her. She supposedly was close with her sister and always supported her when their mother scorned Amy. But when Amy needed that support and understanding most...she turned on her. Yes what Amy did was wrong and messed up, but she had just gone through some extreme trauma and her power drove her to do something she regretted.
So between all this I thought I'd show...a more accepting response.
But of course Taylor still isn't stupid, so she addressed her remaining concerns in private with Lisa. To her chagrin.
Anyway, was worried about this chapter after everyone's comments so...hope you think it went well!

Chapter 5: New Deal


Taylor returns from a job with a few guests.


A few parts here are taken from canon; Colony 15.7 mostly.
Also, now cross-posted to SpaceBattles.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 17, 2011

When I woke up this morning I wasn't exactly expecting this to be a good day. But finding out my boss was plotting to kill me and then getting stabbed in the shoulder was still a bit worse than I expected.

To be fair though, I was plotting to take him down and the stabbing actually didn't turn out too badly. Especially since I was coming back to my territory alongside the one who stabbed me.

Or did that make it worse?

I cast my mind out into my swarm to dull the pain and tried to stand straight and not show any signs of my injury as we walked back in, tempting as it was to lean on Atlas.

Or would that hurt more?

I had sent Sierra a message that we were coming and to let Amy know, but I should have thought to give Amy her own phone earlier. I needed to make sure to remember so she could be ready if I came back with an injury next time.

As it was now, Parian and her half-dozen remaining people she had disguised in their motley rags were drawing a lot of stares as they followed me, -more than I usually got anyway- so I had a feeling she would know soon if she didn't already.

I wondered how much more intent those stares would be if Flechette were in her usual costume and not disguised among Parian's people.

Flechette and Parian themselves were throwing some wary looks over my people and territory, so at least the suspicious staring wasn't just one-sided.

Sure enough we had hardly made it two blocks when she showed up.

"T- Skitter! What happened!?" Amy cried as she reached us, before stopping and giving the people with me a wary look.

"Panacea?" Parian said, disbelieving as she stepped closer. "She wasn't lying; you are here. Why?"

Amy looked to the other cape in the cracked porcelain mask, messy blonde wig and dirty, blood-stained dress. "Because...Because I don't have anywhere else to go."

The figure disguised in what looked like an old patterned tablecloth sewn into a onepiece suit, that I knew to be Flechette, stepped forward.

"What about the Protectorate?" She asked. "You know they'd love to have you with them."

Amy narrowed her eyes as she edged closer to me. "I don't trust them. And...I know they won't trust me anymore either."

"But you trust her?" Parian said incredulously, gesturing to me.

I was a little insulted, but it seemed better to let this play out without saying anything. Plus, I was still in a lot of pain, and was still trying to focus on not falling over.

Amy stood her ground tilting her chin up stubbornly and pulling herself up to her full, still not very tall, height. "Yes, I do. After I went on the run from the Nine, everyone was hunting me. She's the only one who actually seemed to be trying to find me because she cared rather than because I'm 'the healer'. She's the only one who actually let me choose what I wanted to do." I winced as she began to examine the spike in my shoulder and she frowned.

"Are you sure this wasn't just her Thinker 7 teammate telling her what to say to you to get you right where you are now?" Flechette shot back.

That gave Amy pause for a moment as she stared at my shoulder silently, before glaring up at Flechette. "Even if she was...actions speak louder than words, and she has treated me better than my family or the Protectorate ever did, Flechette. Now please come remove the spike you fused to my...To Skitter's bone."

Flechette took a step back in surprise as Amy recognized her, before she got her bearings back. "She's a criminal, Panacea! She's trying to take over the city; of course she would try to get you on her side. The Protectorate already took in your sister and I'm sure she would-" she cut off as she saw Amy freeze up, eyes wide.

"How...How is Vicky doing?" Her voice came out smaller than I had heard it in days.

"She's recovering, but she won't tell us what happened." Flechette glanced at me. "Did she-"

"No!" Amy interrupted her immediately. "She didn't do anything to Victoria. She saved her from Crawler so I could heal her. She has nothing to do with this."

I could feel my shoulder and arm going numb and losing feeling, and I gave a sigh of relief. I guess Amy realized Flechette wouldn't be taking the spike out any time soon and decided to save me the pain. A small handful of bugs flew over at my command to land on Amy's hand that rested on my shoulder, in case she needed the materials. She seemed to get the message, as I could feel them start sort of 'melting down' as she started healing my shoulder.

The others seemed disturbed by this, and Flechette seemed ready to say something else, but Parian stepped forward first. "This isn't what we came here for. Skitter said you could help my people?"

There was a clatter as the spike was pushed from my shoulder and fell to the ground. I shuddered and winced, even though I couldn't feel it, just knowing what was happening in my shoulder. Bugs being mushed down to replace bone and flesh…

I focused back on the conversation and cut in before Amy could get the wrong idea. "I didn't say she would. I said you could ask her. It's her choice."

Flechette rolled her eyes, but Amy seemed to relax a bit, getting her confidence back. "I might be able to. I'd need to examine them first and see what's wrong."

"The Nine." Parian said, making Amy and the others stiffen.

I could sense people starting to gather around where we were talking in the road, and sighed as the hole in my shoulder sealed and feeling returned to my arm. "We should...go talk about this somewhere more private."

I didn't trust Flechette in my base, so I led all of them to an empty building a block away that my people had finished basic repairs on but hadn't been cleared for people to move in yet. It would be safe and empty enough for us to talk. Once we were all inside they stopped in what might once have been a living room. Everyone eyed each other warily, waiting for someone to make the first move.

"Before we do this," Parian started, "what do you want in return?"

I sighed. I just wanted to help, but they kept expecting the worst. "We just-"

"Leave us alone."

Everyone turned to Amy at her outburst.

"What?" Flechette asked, confused.

"I want you to leave us alone," Amy clarified, staring back intently. "Parian, Flechette and the Protectorate. Stay out of our business.”

“Fine,” Parian responded immediately.

Flechette’s head snapped back and forth between the two rapidly, “Wait, we’re not just going to let you go. And I don’t speak for the Protectorate; I can’t make any promise like that!”

Parian turned back to Flechette, “Please, Flechette!”

I tried to cut in, but Amy overrode me again.

“Just you then Parian. If I help your people then you stay out of our way.” She spoke firmly, her eyebrows pulled down in a glare. She had been so meek since joining me, I was surprised to see her acting like this.

“I was going to offer for you to join us, but she might be right.” I sighed and crossed my arms. “It might be best for you and your people to just leave the city, Parian.” Amy looked at me confused, before turning her glare back on the others.

“What?” Parian said. “You want me to just…” She looked back at her people, in their filthy rag costumes, then at Flechette, then turned back to us with her head hanging. “Fine. Yes, just...please help them.”

I saw Flechette’s eyes widen, but she didn’t say anything as Amy walked over to start examining Parian’s people. She took their hands in turn, and I could feel her shake a little, through the bugs I had on her. Something about what her powers showed her scared her, I could tell. I wanted to comfort her, but I didn’t think anything I could do with my bugs could help, and I didn’t want to undermine her by doing anything more obvious.

“It’s mostly superficial.” Amy said, shakily. “Skin deep, muscle in some places. But...extensive. I’ll need more material to fix the...the legs on one of them.” She gestured to the short girl in the skintight flannel suit that covered everything but her mismatched green and blue eyes. “She was made...shorter, to look more like Bonesaw. I can definitely fix them though.”

I heard Parian give a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Thank you Panacea.”

“It’s Amy,” she replied sternly. “As long as you hold up her side of the bargain.”

“We will…”

I wanted to check on my territory, since I hadn’t had a chance since we got back, but I didn’t want to leave Amy alone with them; so I started gathering my swarms throughout my territory and sent Sierra a message to bring me some equipment I had prepared. I broke off a small part of the swarm to send into Amy’s expectant hand for material and kept the rest for...security.

A short time later Sierra arrived with my laptop and security equipment, and I gathered the components from the bag, using my bugs to draw them out and airlift the miniature cameras, microphones and transmitters into the air. One by one, I turned them on and used the laptop to connect to them. I clicked through each camera in turn, making their feeds the focus of the main window.

Using my bugs, I drew humanoid forms around each set. It wasn’t as intuitive as I was forced to use my own eyes to assess the accuracy. Still, I managed to rearrange each until they vaguely resembled me. The others watched what I was doing, seeming a little disturbed or afraid. I was happy to see that Amy seemed more curious than anything else, at least, as I marched the figures back out into the street.

I felt bad about leaving my territory as often as I had been. People were spooked, scared and insecure. Having a leadership figure that was never around wasn’t helping matters.

This would, I hoped, establish a kind of presence that had been lacking.

Sierra had been coordinating everyone, trying to put people with experience in charge of people who were lacking it. It was interesting, trying to hold multiple conversations at once with the various project leaders. Difficult, too. For one thing, my speech with my swarms was somewhat lacking, missing consonants, but I could still make myself more or less understood. For another, my ears could only process one thing at a time. I managed by talking with one or more swarm-clones while listening with one at a time. After too many misfires and moments of confusion, I scaled down my efforts to a single conversation at once, simply standing silently by with my other selves.

“Done,” Amy announced, some time later. I had lost track of time, but it had to have been at least half an hour to an hour. Still impressive for what she had done. I couldn’t see much through the costumes Parian had made for them, but the short girl was now much taller and her eyes had returned to their, no doubt, original green color from the mismatched colors Bonesaw had made them. And if nothing else, the gratitude they were showering Amy with showed me how well she had done. She seemed uncomfortable with it and hurried back to my side.

Parian rushed over to check on her people and I could feel her shaking as they murmured reassurances to her. Flechette just stared at Amy and me all the while.

“Everything...Everything is fixed now then?” Parian asked with a slight quaver to her voice, turning back to us.

“Yes,” Amy replied simply. “You can go now.”

She just nodded. “I...I kind of hate you both for putting me in this position. But...thank you.” I didn’t know how to reply to that, and it seemed Amy didn’t either, as we both stayed silent as Parian gathered her people and left.

Flechette watched us for a moment before following after them. I heard her murmuring, “…to New York City. I’ll be finished here in two weeks…”

Once I was sure they were out of earshot, I quietly spoke, “You didn’t have to do that you know. I’m sorry if you thought I was putting you on the spot like that.”

“You were but...it was the right thing to do,” she replied softly, not looking at me. “I know I didn’t have to do it, but...fixing what Bonesaw did, it helps me feel like I’m doing something to make up for what I did wrong. And...show I’m not like her.”

I put a hand on her shoulder and she froze. “You aren’t. You had plenty of chances to go over to their side, but you didn’t. You’re here. Helping people.”

“Thank you…” She put a hand on mine on her shoulder. It felt strange and I looked down. Her left hand, with half the pinky and ring finger missing from Siberian. It should look ugly but instead it was just a...reminder, of what we’d been through. We all had our scars. Some, more visible than others; though Amy was able to cover some of our more visible ones, like Lisa’s scarred mouth. But not her own.

I remembered Brian, strung up in that freezer, and how subdued he had been since.

I pulled my hand back awkwardly and turned to leave. “We should go get some lunch. Then..” I sighed. Never a dull moment. “I have to go again. Coil has another job for me. One that Tattletale told me he doesn’t plan for me to come back from.”


And now the butterfly begins to flap her wings and the changes begin to take affect. I hadn't even planned this one, but Amy had some ideas of her own.

Chapter 6: New Visit


Amy packs Taylor a lunch for her new job, then gets a visit from some familiar faces.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 17, 2011

"What?" I turned to stare at Taylor, incredulous at her casually talking about walking into a trap. "You're not seriously going then, are you?"

She sighed and shrugged. "I have to."

"Why?" I stood, setting my feet and frowning at the taller girl. I might not be as intimidating as her, but she would take me seriously.

"Coil knows Tattletale picked up on his plans. It's a test." She explained. "If I don't go, he'll know she is turning on him too. He'll know she picked a side and it'll turn into a war quicker than we want."

"He already knows!" I threw my hands in the air in annoyance. "You think he wouldn't know she would take your side? And if he is already planning to kill you then he must know your plans and...You already said you had to move up your plan right? Why not now?" What happened to me? I never used to be like this. So...forceful. I guess I just didn't care anymore. I wasn't ready to lose more people.

"We're not ready." She must have seen my confused stare, as I thought I'd said my thoughts out loud, because she continued and expanded on her answer. "I don't have what I need to take him down yet. We have to...think of some way to deal with his power. I need to get my bugs in place. See if we can get the Travellers on our side. We're not ready." She was stiff. I wondered if those were really the only ways she wasn't ready.

"I can help," I heard myself say, before I'd even thought it through. "I...I can make you some new stuff before you go. Enough relay bugs so you can watch his base during the mission. And I got some ideas from your clone thing earlier. I can make you some drones to help bulk out your clones. Make it easier."

"Really?" With her surprised tone, I could imagine her eyes widening behind the lenses of her mask. "That's...that would be great. Thanks Amy. I wanted to get lunch first anyway but...that will help a lot." I saw her shoulders relax and I knew she meant it. I was glad to be able to at least take some stress off her.

We walked back around to take the more secret route into her base. It was pretty much an open secret at this point where it was, but no reason to advertise it and it gave me more time to think.

As we walked I found myself watching Taylor as well. She had her laptop out again and was using the surveillance equipment to monitor her clones as they managed things through her territory. It was kind of eerie watching her walk without taking her eyes off the laptop; turning and stepping over bits of rubble without even having to look at them.

I envied that kind of awareness too though. I always thought Skitter was some co*cky, overconfident villain before. Even knowing now that it was all a ruse, I knew Taylor was still stronger than she thought she was. I knew I was strong too of course; Jack, Bonesaw and Skitter all proved that to me. Whether I liked it or not.

But I was still limited. I had to get close. And I couldn't affect myself. One man with a gun could beat me if he kept his distance, but Skitter could take someone down blocks away before they even knew she was there.

It made me feel...safe, knowing she was watching. And I was getting more and more used to having the bugs around everywhere. It was creepy at first, and it still was somewhat, but it didn’t really bother me anymore.

Especially since I was making them. Which reminded me of the job I had set myself; if Taylor was going to be walking into this trap, then I would make sure she was as prepared as possible.

Once we had returned to the base, I immediately went to the garage while Taylor went to make us some lunch. I had to spend a minute petting Atlas before he settled down, but then I got to work. I took the first batch of bugs Taylor sent me and focused on making some relay bugs. I had planned to let them reproduce naturally until they covered the city, but it looked like we didn’t have time for that.Once I had made a dozen or so, they took off from my hand and some other bugs spelt out ‘Enough’, so I guess that would do it.

So I started on my next idea.

By the time Taylor came back with a plate of sandwiches twenty minutes later, I had the first version done.

“What...is that?” Taylor set down the plate and took off her mask to stare at my creation directly.

I gestured to the scarecrow-like bug nervously. “I thought this should...make it easier to make your...bug...clone, things.”

She stepped closer, examining the stick-like creature. It was just as tall as her, since it was made to be a frame for her clones, but it was stick thin; it’s arms, legs and body only a few inches wide, with thin branches extending from the chest like a ribcage. The feet were clawed, more like bird talons than bug feet, and the hands were eerily like human hands, to disguise her better and give her more freedom of movement with them. The head was a humanoid take on a more typical bug head, designed to look like her mask, with chitinous threads coming from the back similar to her hair. On its back were two neatly folded wings, colored in a similar pattern to her costume and strong enough to lift it’s light frame.

“It’s not very strong or tough, though the chitin should at least be tough enough to stop knives or light hits,” I explained, hoping she liked it and her silence was a good sign. “It’s pretty fast at least and it can fly, and I made it thin so you can bulk it out with whatever kind of bugs you want and have it still fit your build. I thought it would be easier for you to make the clones with a base to build on.”

“And the ribcage thing…” Taylor said wonderingly.

“For your bugs to hang off to make the torso more sturdy.” I nodded encouragingly.

“This is...amazing!” Finally, she smiled!

I grinned back, happy she liked it. I was beginning to think she thought it was creepy or stupid or-

“This will help a lot! I can make the clones so much faster with this, and it will be a lot easier to keep them together and move them around.,” she continued and I just nodded eagerly. Then her eyes widened and she noticed something and said, “I can...I can see out of it?”

“I gave it more human eyes; I thought it would help so you wouldn’t have to use the surveillance stuff. At least, I was hoping it would work. I couldn’t be absolutely sure your power would-”

“It works!” Taylor cheered. “And I can hear from it too. This will make things so much easier! Thank you so much Amy!” Before I knew what was happening she pulled me into a hug.

I froze in surprise, both because I wasn’t sure what to do and because...I didn’t want to touch her and accidentally do something I’d regret.

Before I could decide, she had let me go and stepped back, her cheeks a little red.

“I um,” I stammered. “I’m glad you like it. I was worried it might be weird or creepy-”

“No, no, it’s perfect,” she interrupted to reassure me, smiling.

“Alright. Well um, if you send me enough bugs I can try to make you a couple more before we finish lunch and you have to go?”

“Sounds great, thanks Amy.” It was good to see her relaxing, with everything going on. But I was still worried.

We sat to eat lunch while I used one hand to form two more clone frames out of the bugs she sent to me. Their brains were a lot simpler than what I did with Atlas. Closer to when I first made Atlas; with no real instincts. Fitting for things designed to be ‘frames’. Taylor had mentioned she couldn’t control Atlas as directly anymore, and I determined it was because his brain was more complex. She could still sense and control it somewhat because it was designed after a bug brain, but the more complex they were the harder they were for her to control. So I kept these simple.

But all too soon, we finished and she had to go.

“The clone frames should be able to keep up with you even if you’re flying on Atlas, so they shouldn’t hold you back.” I babbled nervously as she mounted Atlas to leave. She just gave a nod in response and turned to leave and I knew I couldn't put it off any more.

“There is one other thing…” She looked back, her mask back on, disguising her expression, and I held out my last creation. A pair of large beetle-like insects with shimmering iridescent shells and tails like a scorpion's, but with a natural blade in place of it’s stinger. “I made these for you to use. But...only for Coil. Please.”

She held out a hand and the scorpion-beetles flew to land in her costumed palm. As they settled, their shells darkened and camouflaged them against her costume. She looked back to me and spoke, “I will. Thank you Amy.”

Then she turned and she was gone, with the clone frames following after. The garage door closed on my workshop and I was already worrying. I thought to go do some more healing to keep myself occupied as usual, but I had already fixed all the major issues Taylor’s people had earlier. Spending my time fixing stubbed toes or scrapes seemed like a waste.

I wasn’t used to having free time. I always used to be so busy between the hospital, school, work with New Wave or spending time with Victoria. I would sometimes read when I was free, but I didn’t have any books here.

I could nap, but that seemed a waste too when so many others were busy. I had a couple more ideas for things to make for Taylor, but I hadn’t thought to ask her to send me bugs for that. And she might be running out of spare bugs for me to use anyway…

Finally, I decided to just go back to helping watch the kids as I had been before Taylor returned. They were always a handful and with Charlotte still gone I wasn’t sure who was watching them. And...it was something I could do at least.

I watched them for some time, keeping track of the messengers and entertaining the small ones by playing with plants they brought; changing colors and shapes of the flowers. Things were going smoother than I had expected here before I came. Taylor’s people had a system in place and everyone was looking after each other. Sierra managed the reconstruction and organization better than I would have expected of a girl her age too.

A short time later, I heard a commotion down the road. I stood and gestured to the kids to get behind me; the instinct to expect danger drilled into me by the Nine.. The workers were parting to clear the way for someone down the road; out of respect or fear I couldn’t tell.

Finally they came into view and I recognized the bulky form and red body armor of Assault striding down the street. And floating behind him, blonde hair blowing in the wind-

“Vicky?” I found myself muttering in surprise.

“We’re looking for Panacea!” Assault shouted to the crowd, clearly not having seen me yet. Even while those present stepped back to make way, more were gathering in response to the commotion. “We’re not here to fight, we’re here to talk.”

The workers looked around nervously, many of whom I had healed of infections and broken bones. And they didn’t say anything. I was touched they would back me up like that, but I wanted to know what the heroes were here for. And...Vicky.

“I’m right here,” I called back, stepping forward. They both turned to me, their surprise clear. I don’t know if it was my confidence or the fact I was here at all. It also occurred to me I might look different. Not in my concealing robe or other clothes. Just...the worn jeans, plain white tank top and brown jacket I found in one of the supply crates. But I didn’t mind. I was trying to start over after all. Be different.

“Amy…?” Victoria said, wary. She looked nervous, seeing me, and she wasn’t in her usual costume, or even a standard issue PRT costume. Just tight jeans and a frilly light-blue blouse. It was simple, but it looked good on her.

Yet...starting over was easier said than done.

“Hey...Vicky.” My confidence quickly drained away and I looked at the ground.

“Hey kid, we heard you were seen here and came to...check in.” Assault said awkwardly, and I looked back up to see him glancing between me and Vicky nervously. How much did he know?

“Well, I’m here. And alright. Did someone need healing?” I tried to look confident, even if I wasn’t feeling it anymore.

“Not right now, but we could really use you with us.” Assault said seriously, hitting his stride again. Vicky’s gaze snapped over to him, confused. She hadn’t expected this? What was she here for? “The city is dangerous right now. People need you, and with you out here on your own the worse types won’t ask first.”

“I’m not on my own!” I glared back.

“Skitter, right?” Assault said, crossing his arms and nodding, as though he expected the answer. “Is she keeping you here? Where is she now?”

“I chose to come here.” At the reminder she was gone, I shrunk in on myself a little. “And...she’s busy right now, but she’s coming back. And she is still watching, so don’t think about trying anything.” As if on cue, a faint buzzing started from the street around us. The reminder reassured me, and a small smile crept back onto my face.

“See?” Vicky said, a little venom creeping into her voice. Her eyes flashed over to glare at me and my breath caught in my throat. “She’s made her choice. You can’t seriously be thinking of inviting her to join the PRT?”

“Why…” I muttered. I hadn’t exactly expected everything to be fine after, but it still hurt to hear. I wrapped my arms over my chest and turned away. “Why did you come here?” I heard a sharp intake of breath and glanced back.

“I-!” she started to snap back, before stopping, seeming unsure what to say. She looked away nervously, the venom seeming to drain away a bit as she continued more softly. “I...I needed to see you.”

“Why…?” I heard myself say again. My throat felt tight and I could barely get the word out.

She froze, her eyes widening before she looked away and replied quietly. “I- I need to understand. I need to know why. And...well...you’re...Whatever else happened, you’re still my sister. You went missing. I was worried…”

“I’m...I’m sorry for what I did Vicky. I never meant…” I turned my gaze back to the ground, trying not to cry. I couldn’t let anyone see. I wasn’t...I didn’t want to be that anymore.

“You...you fixed it. That’s enough for now.” It didn’t sound like it was. I don’t think it ever would be. “I’m...sorry I didn’t give you a chance.”

As the silence stretched for a few seconds, Assault seemed to take it as a chance to speak up again and cleared his throat to get our attention.

“Like I said, we’re not here to cause trouble.” He raised his voice a bit as he said that, though I wasn’t sure if it was for the benefit of the gathering crowd or Taylor if she was listening. “We just wanted to come and make sure you were alright. And make sure you weren’t being...forced into service here. A lot of villains would kill to have someone like you. Either way, you can come to us for help if you need. Glory Girl has joined up, and you have a place with us too if you want it.”

At the mention of her costumed name, Vicky tensed up, staring at the ground. I didn’t think she agreed with Assault’s sentiment. I’d never seen her so unsure and scared, and knowing it was because of me made me sick.

“Skitter has been taking care of me.” I forced myself to say, instead. “She’s not as bad as you think.” Assault just nodded; I wasn’t sure he really believed me.

“Alright. The offer stands though. One more thing before we go.” He stepped closer and I took a step back, freezing up, not sure if I should run. Before I could decide he was in front of me and setting a hand on my shoulder. I was thankful for the jacket and his glove between us. He leaned in to whisper, “I know you saved Puppy after Bonesaw’s toys got to her. I can never repay you for that, but I mean what I said. You ever need anything, you come to me. Militia would have pushed this recruitment thing harder, but I volunteered to come here instead because I wanted to thank you. I don’t care which side you’re working with. I’m on your side, and I always will be.”

He stepped back and I finally relaxed; both from his words and the distance. I gave him a genuine smile and returned the sentiment. “Thank you. I’ll...I’ll remember that.”

He gave me a friendly grin back and turned to go. “Alright Glory Girl, let's go.” Vicky’s gaze snapped between him and me.

“We’re just...leaving her here?” she said, confused.

Assault shrugged and kept walking. “Yeah. Like I said, we’re not here for a fight, and she wants to stay. Anyway, she seems to be doing alright.” Vicky gave me one last nervous glance before flying after Assault as he picked up speed out of Skitter’s territory. She clearly didn’t want to be left here alone.

The kids were the first ones to close in again as the heroes left, stepping back up behind me. I guess they were too nervous to get close to what could have been a cape fight, and I couldn’t blame them for that. It was enough that they came back now.

“Are you okay, miss Panacea?” One of the younger ones asked, looking up at me with her big blue eyes; a spot of dirt on her cheek and her hair in a mess. I knew she was one of the orphans whose parents died to the Nine, but here she was, staying strong. Looking after me.

“Yeah. I’m okay.” I smiled at her and kneeled down to her level. “And I told you, I’m not Panacea anymore Just call me Amy.” I reached up to wipe the dirt from her cheek and hesitated for a moment, my hand falling. I took a breath to calm myself and let the smile return so I could wipe the dirt away. At the contact I had the familiar sense as her whole anatomy exploded in my mind, but I just let it wash over me and didn’t do any more than refresh her and clean up a couple small scrapes.

“Okay. Thank you, Miss Amy.” She just smiled back.

The workers gradually went back to their jobs, but they still seemed a little on edge, as though waiting for something else to happen. As I herded the children away again, I saw Sierra hurrying over to us.

“Amy, you alright?” she asked as she reached us.

“Yeah,” I replied. “They were just coming to...check on me.”

“It’s not just that.” Sierra shook her head, her dreads swishing behind her as she held out her phone to me. “Skitter is calling. Something happened.”

I immediately snatched the phone and put it to my ear.

“T- Skitter? Are you alright?” In my panic I almost said the wrong name. Working with New Wave, I still wasn't used to it mattering.

“Yeah,” the voice replied, and I gave a small sigh of relief as she didn’t sound hurt. But she wasn’t exactly calm either. “I may not like how the job turned out, but it’s done. But that’s not the issue right now. Are you alright?”

“Yes, a...a couple heroes stopped by but they didn’t cause any trouble.” I felt it was best not to mention who exactly they were right now.

“Heroes?” She sounded confused. Isn’t that what she was checking with me about? “We can talk about that after. Are they the only ones who have come by?”

“Yeah, why?” I wasn’t too worried since I heard her, but I was starting to get more worried now. “What's wrong?”

“It’s not the heroes, it’s Coil. You were right, it’s starting now. He knows everything.”


A little unsure about Vicky's characterization, but I hope it turned out well.
...and sorry about another sort of cliffhanger.
Also, I am considering a Coil Interlude for the next chapter, to help show what prompted Coil's actions here. Thoughts?

Chapter 7: New Choice


Coil has a very bad not good day.


I did decide to do the Coil Interlude, as I feel it is relevant to the events to come after and Coil's actions to come wouldn't make sense otherwise.
I will include a TL;DR at the end for those who "really" don't want to read it.
But I do recommend reading it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 17, 2011

The mission was a success. We hadn’t anticipated Triumph and Prism being there, and I had to use my new paralysis bugs -which I would have preferred to keep a secret longer- to take Triumph down, but the job was done. I’d sent Trickster and Genesis to report back to Coil with the excuse I wanted to check back on my territory. It wasn’t exactly untrue, but I also wanted to get some distance so I could give Tattletale a call. She said they were going to try to kill me, but nothing happened. I wanted answers.

She picked up on the first ring. I’d barely gotten out my side of the code, “Pear, B-” before she cut me off in a panic.

“Cherry, N- What did you do? Coil just rushed out of here like a bat out of hell!”



Interlude 1


Twenty minutes earlier

It bothered me some, devoting both of my realities to running the job with the Mayor and not having a control reality in case the job didn’t go well, but Skitter needed to be dealt with. And she was too tricky to not have some insurance.

It was a shame I had to get rid of her, as she was one of my most effective and resourceful assets. Unfortunately, second only to the one she asked of me. And she had a powerful asset of her own now. Her morals got in the way and I knew she wouldn’t wait much longer before she made her move. So I had to act first.

In both realities I sent them to talk to the Mayor, but in one reality I gave Trickster an extra order. To make sure that Skitter didn’t survive the job. I couldn’t be sure he would succeed, so I wanted the insurance that if he tried and failed I could close the reality and still have the job complete in a reality where I had her still.

Assuming they completed the job in either reality.

Hence, my discomfort.

So now I was sitting in my secure office with no less than twenty armed soldiers between myself and the heavy metal doors. I was safe, but I couldn’t be sure my plans we-

A sharp, sudden pain in my ankle. I glanced around in surprise as the pain spread through my body.

Then everything went black.

In my other reality I flinched back against my chair. What was that? What had happened?

I kept the other reality -the one in which I had ordered Trickster to kill Skitter- open a few moments longer to see if I could gather more information, before closing it when I was only greeted by more blackness. The fact it hadn’t closed of it’s own accord at least told me I hadn’t died, but whatever had happened wasn’t good.

I immediately opened another reality and jumped out of my chair while I stayed seated in my first.

Nothing more happened after a few moments so I took some time to think. The only difference between my two realities had been the orders I gave Trickster, so whatever happened should have been a result of that. Trickster would have no reason to do anything like this so that would likely mean he failed and this was a retaliation from Skitter? But how could she do something like this here…

In both realities I started looking around the room. My room was very minimalistic; only featuring a simple bed, a trunk with some essentials and supplies, my desk with its computer set up for research, and simple concrete floor and walls. After a brief search I noticed a strange, distorted lump blending in with the concrete floor.

In the reality where I still sat at my desk I clicked what appeared to be just a part of my desktop wallpaper and the bottommost drawer popped open. I quickly pulled out the handgun I kept there and shot the lump.

I saw some strange yellow fluid burst forth from the lump as the bullet pierced it and blew it apart. Just as I was beginning to make out the form of some sort of bug among the remains I felt the pain slice across my ankle again.

Then black.

My breath quickened in my remaining reality as I closed the one where I shot the bug and opened another.

So she had some sort of insurance in place. If I kill one then something else does it.

One reality: I stood in my office trying to calm my breath.

The other: I open my door and go to the central chamber to find Tattletale talking to some of the mercenaries. “Tattletale, I’d like to discuss some matters. Come with me.” She seemed confused at first, then quickly suspicious. I turned to begin walking to another room down the hall before she had a chance to get a better read on me. On the way I gestured for Mr. Pitter to follow us, still trying to avoid giving Tattletale anything.

We reached the other room, another unassuming metal door with a plain concrete room beyond it. We entered and Mr. Pitter closed the door behind us. As soon as Tattletale took in the gurney and the tools beside it, she was already turning back to the door; only to see Mr. Pitter had already drawn a handgun and trained it on her.

“Tattletale, I have some questions.”

“Finally done with me, huh?” She turned back to me. “No, you’re planning to drop this timeline aren’t you? Using it for information. Going to interrogate me, then make it so it never happened?”

She did this every time. “Knowing that won’t stop you from telling me. Make this easier on both of us. Skitter has some way of extending her range and some new bugs. Tell me how.”

Tattletale just smirked and crossed her arms. “This isn’t the first time you’ve done this. That many times, really? Then you must know how this will go. I may break, but I’ll take as much of your time as I can, first.”

I sighed. She was right, as usual. One of the many reasons these rooms were soundproofed. “Mr. Pitter.”

A gunshot as Mr. Pitter shot her in the leg and she screamed. Then, almost immediately after-

Sharp pain. Darkness.

Back in my office I clenched my hands and closed that reality and split again. I hated having my two realities so close together, but I needed to escape this. I may not have learned as much as I’d like from that reality, but I at least learned whatever this was, was not restricted to my office and there were other ways to trigger it. Was it Tattletale being hurt? The gunshot?

One reality: I sat at my desk and began checking mission reports, trying to find out anything I could of her capabilities to explain this.

The other: I left my office and went straight for the room next to mine. Opening the door revealed a girl laying on the cot in her simple white gown.

“Candy?” She blinked up at me as the light from the hallway spilled over her.

“Not right now, pet, I have some questions.” I spoke maybe a bit more rushed than usual, but I felt it could be excused given the circ*mstances.

She sighed but patiently waited for my questions.

“Chance that there are any problems in the next hour?”

Her face scrunched up as she seemed to be thinking harder than usual. “Forty-seven point eight four nine? It hurts. Something is making it hard.”

I took a sharp breath, unnerved by how high the number was. Usually it was in the single digits. I expected this given current circ*mstances but… As for her troubles, it was probably because I was using my power so much. It skewed the numbers. Which if anything, made me nervous the number could actually be higher.

“Chance of problems in the next hour if I stay here versus if I leave the base?”

She sat up, thinking hard again. “Sixty-four point nine two four if you stay and...fourteen point three one eight if you leave.”

Still higher than I’d like, but at least it gave me a good idea of what to do next.

“Come with me, pet.” I waved for her to follow me and turned to leave.

“We’re...I’m going out?” I heard faintly, behind me.

“Yes, now hurry.” I needed to get out of here, but I couldn’t leave her behind or I risked losing my greatest asset and leverage. “Mr. Pitter, watch the girl. Captain Travis, assemble your men as an escort for me.” I called to the two men as I led my pet to the central chamber, her scurrying along behind me.

They all hurried to obey, not used to seeing me so hurried myself, likely. We made it out of the base and into the parking garage. Just as I was climbing into one of the vans-



“What!?” I slammed my fist on my desk, back in my office, closing the reality again. What triggered it this time? Was it me leaving? The girl said my odds were better that way! And nothing was in the mission reports that would explain this. Maybe something new she learned when dealing with the Nine? I had stayed out of that for the most part. Or...was it Panacea?

I knew her power could do more than just heal, but I didn’t think it could do anything that would cause this. Especially not so soon, but there was no other explanation.

Skitter’s power could reach me here at the base, and she had some new bugs that easily infiltrated my sanctum and could easily incapacitate me; hanging over me like some Sword of Damocles. I had to escape.

In both realities I rose from my desk and hurried from the room.

One reality: “Captain Travis, Captain Samuels, Captain Baker, with me.” I called to some of my soldiers, barely stopping as they scrambled to follow me out.

The second: I just hurried out without saying a word to anyone, heading straight for the parking garage. Only stopping to wave for Creep, my usual discreet driver.

First reality: We pulled out of the parking garage in a trio of vans and I still hadn’t been taken out yet. It must have been the girl; she didn’t want me leaving with my pet. Then I would just have to get a different pet. I turned to the driver.

“Take us to the Boardwalk.”

Second: I went for the white, electrician’s van and Creep obediently hopped in the driver’s seat. “Usual drop-off point Creep.”

It was handy having obedient soldiers like Creep that didn’t ask any questions and wouldn’t try anything stupid. If my other plan failed, I would just change back into my civies and have Creep drop me off and return to hide in my civilian life as I think of a new plan.

First: A short drive later and we were coming into the boardwalk. Skitter’s territory. If I couldn’t have my pet, I would take hers.

I ordered them to stop about a block from her lair and we began piling out, guns at the ready. Just as I was about to follow I heard gunfire and looked up.

Red body armor.


There was a crunch as he struck the front of the van and it flipped, with me inside.

I closed the reality.

Second: “f*ck.”

Well, time for the backup plan.


TL;DR: In the reality where Coil attempted to have Skitter killed by Trickster during the job extorting the Mayor, Trickster failed and Skitter retaliated with the bugs Amy made her, the relay bugs allowing her to reach his base with them.
Coil closed that reality and proceeded to go into a panic spiral, taking rash actions in other realities that prompted retaliation again and again. His paranoia now provoked and no longer feeling safe in his base, he fled to come up with a plan to take down Skitter.
Meanwhile all of this lead up happened in throw away realities so all everyone else saw was Coil freak out (in the calmest way possible) and rush out of his base.

Also, as some people weren't interested in a Coil Interlude, I will try to have another chapter up next week. Back to some wholesome Taylor/Amy that I am sure will not be interrupted by Coil at all.
Dammit Coil.

Chapter 8: New Friend


Taylor returns home with new worries and acquires further worries. But also Amy.


This may receive mixed responses, but just know. Nothing is over yet, and I am not Wildbow.

Chapter Text


Jun 17, 2011

Coil was on the move. I didn’t know why or what it meant, but he was acting. Now.

I’d sensed him leave his base with my relay bugs, but I hadn’t thought anything of it until Tattletale called me. She said something in one of his alternates had spooked him, but we weren’t sure what. I had my new bugs stay close to him when he left, but I wanted to keep my view of his base and didn’t have any relay bugs to spare to chain after him. I regretted that when Tattletale called and told me something was wrong, but it was too late to do anything by then. I'd already lost him.

Already planning to return to my territory first, I pushed Atlas to move even faster now. It would make sense for Coil to try to grab Amy while I was gone, though the heroes stopping by might have been a blessing in disguise there.

As I neared my territory I had my clone bugs set down and fan out. They would check on things throughout the territory and communicate with the community leaders for me. Already they were paying off in terms of letting me multitask more easily.

I continued straight toward Amy, using a bug I had on her to quickly zero in. She was already hurrying toward me as Atlas landed and I hopped off. Seeing the small smile of relief on her face as she saw me made my heart skip a beat in a strange way, sending a warm feeling through me. I was glad I was wearing my mask, since I wasn't sure how obvious my reaction was.

"Amy, are you alright? Still no sign of Coil?" I hadn't sensed any more trouble with my bugs, but I still needed to ask.

"No, nothing." She shook her head. "And you, did your job go alright? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded, letting myself relax a bit. I was home, and for the moment there was no immediate danger that I could sense. "I got the mayor to agree pretty easily. Your paralysis venom really helped once Triumph and Prism showed themselves."

"The mayor?" She froze, looking at me in confusion. "What...what was the job you were doing?"

sh*t. I never told her, did I? We'd been so distracted by the assassination attempt that it slipped my mind.

"There is a conference coming up..." I began, carefully. "To discuss whether to condemn the city. The mayor is supposed to attend, and Coil wanted us to...persuade the mayor to convince them to save the city."

"You threatened the mayor!?" Amy's eyes widened in shock before narrowing in a glare as she advanced on me angrily.

"I-I had to!" I threw my hands up, taking a step back as her anger caught me off guard. "Coil-"

"Is turning on you anyway!" She cut me off, before lowering her voice a bit as she led me to the side to talk more privately. I used my bugs to make sure no one was near enough to hear. "He's not an excuse anymore. I can overlook some of the stuff you did before, but threatening the mayor to make him do what you want? And Triumph...where did you go after him?" With her tone, she already knew. Of course she'd known Triumph's civilian identity. I could imagine her knowing most, if not all of the local heroes' identities.

"We...caught him at home...while he was having dinner with his family." My shoulders fell. I knew this wouldn't go well but I couldn't lie, not to her. I needed her to trust me and I knew she would probably find out anyway. "Even if it weren't for Coil, they were going to condemn the city. After everything we've done to save it!"

"And that makes it okay?" She glared at me and I withered a bit under her gaze. "You told me to tell you if you did something I didn't agree with. To keep you honest. Well this is me doing it. That was extortion. Threatening his family to get your way is NOT OKAY!"

I flinched back. She was right. What was I turning into? I'd told myself I was doing it for Dinah, but...I'd just stood there as Trickster pointed a gun at a different kid.

"Amy...you're right. This isn't what I want to be." I looked away. "This is why I told you that. I wanted you to point this kind of stuff out. Catch me slipping just like you wanted me to do with you."

"Well...good," she sounded kind of awkward and I turned back to find her looking away as well. Most of the anger seemed to have faded. "What's done is done I guess, as long as you try to do better. Second chances, right?"

"Right. But...thank you." I told her, stepping closer again. "And with things out in the open now with Coil, I have no excuse to do anything like that again anyway. I can finally just be who I want to be again. We both can."

She turned back to me with a bit of a blush, a small smile teasing back onto her face. "Yeah. We just gotta keep each other honest, right?"

"Right." I smiled back a bit, though my mask hid it. "It'll be hard to make peace with the heroes after that, but I can start trying now." I started leading her back to the road heading to our base. "Speaking of, tell me what happened earlier. A couple heroes stopped by? I felt one flying and one in armor, but I couldn't hear much. I thought it might have been Purity and Krieg at first.”

Her steps stuttered for a moment before she kept walking.

“It was Assault and...Victoria.” She said, finally. She was walking in front of me so I couldn’t see her face, but I didn’t need to, to know how she probably felt about that.

“Victoria? How was she doing…?” I tried to tread carefully. Obviously it hadn’t come to blows, but it must have been tense.

“She’s...fine.” Amy replied, hesitantly. “She’s with the Wards now. The PRT heard I was here and she volunteered to come check on me with Assault. He was grateful to me for saving Battery during the last encounter with the Nine, but Vicky…” She stopped walking, her arms wrapping around herself, still looking away from me. “She was...scared. Of me.”

“Amy…” Before even thinking about it I was already stepping forward and putting a hand on her shoulder. She stiffened at my touch but I didn’t let go. Some of my people saw us, but they looked away, trying to give us some privacy. “You made a mistake, and...you did hurt her. But like you said, second chances right? She might not give you one, and...that’s her right. But you can have one here?”

She looked back at me, her eyes wet. “Can I? I did it again, to you. I’ve already used my second chance.”

“I-I told you,” I began carefully, “it wasn’t that ba-”

“It was!” She cut me off. “And I could do it again! I’m...I’m afraid every time I touch someone; worried I might go too far. It’s easier not to go too far with people I don’t know, because I can’t get distracted as easily, but...”

“Amy, I…” I hesitated. “I trust you.” I wasn’t entirely sure I believed it myself, but it was what she needed to hear.

“How can you!?” She nearly screamed. “You barely know me! For all you know what I did to your brain could-”

“Tattletale checked me after,” I told her. “It didn’t do anything else, just like you said.”

“She could be wrong! I’m not even sure if it didn’t do anything else,” she insisted.

I looked around. A few people were watching our exchange from a distance, likely overhearing some of the more heated points Amy had made..

“Come on, let’s go back to the base and talk there.” I put an arm around her back to lead her away. As my arm settled around the small of her back and she let me lead her away I found myself thinking about how comfortable and warm it felt, and I began to understand what Amy meant about distractions.

She seethed silently as we walked back, nearly shaking. I thought she had been doing better, but seeing Victoria must have caused her doubts to come crashing back. Recovering from a life of being treated like a ticking time bomb wouldn’t be so easy. Especially when she had finally gone off about a week ago.

We made it back and slipped inside through the garage to let Atlas settle back in. It looked as though the kids had made him a bed of blankets in the corner. Atlas nudged our hands for pets (which we gave him, of course), before he burrowed himself into the pile with a low chur of contentment. We both stayed quiet as we took the side door from the garage back into the main building.

Charlotte must have returned at some point, since she was there waiting with a concerned look. I just gave her a wave to let her know everything was alright before taking Amy upstairs. We went past my costumed level and I took her up to my private room.

Once there I took off my mask and shook my hair out as I sat on my bed. I instinctively reached for my glasses as my mask came off before remembering I didn’t need them anymore, then turned back to the reason why. Amy hadn’t followed me to the bed and just stood awkwardly by the door.

“What…” she started hesitantly. “What did you bring me back here for?”

“I thought the talk was getting a little...personal, and that it would be better if we didn’t have people eavesdropping.” I wondered what she had thought we came back here for, if not that.

“Right.” She nodded. “Well, what more did you have to say then?”

“Change it back.”

“What.” She froze, her eyes growing wide.

“My mind.” I waved a hand at my head. “If you think it’s something bad or somehow affecting my opinion, then change it back.” Despite what I said, I was nervous to let her do something like that again. Scared even. What if she was right, and she did something horrible?

But I knew this was the only way to stop her from spiralling. I needed her to trust me, and herself. If she kept going down this road it would only be worse for her, me, and everyone else. She was stronger than she knew, in more ways than one. I just needed to help her see that for herself.

“Are you sure?” she asked quietly, nervously creeping closer like a scared animal. “What if...what if I go too far?”

“It’s fine.” I swallowed, averting my eyes. “I trust you.”

She just nodded before carefully stepping over to sit next to me. I took off my glove and held out a hand, turning to face her. She still seemed shaken, but determined to try.

“Take a deep breath. Calm yourself, and focus. Don’t let your mind wander.” I coached her, trying to help her remain calm. Trying to help myself remain calm.

I saw her take a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them with more resolve. Her shaking had slowed by the time she reached out and took my hand.

After a few seconds I felt the familiar sensation from before, but different. A sensation of something shifting. Smoothing. A little dizziness as my perspective shifted and then the feeling faded. I shook my head to try to get rid of the lingering strangeness as I turned to her.

“Is it done…?” I asked. I didn’t feel much different. Would I notice if I was though?

“Yes.” She nodded. She seemed nervous, but not panicked.

“So...everything is back to normal?”

“I changed the connections back the way they were,” she clarified. “It’s easier since I remember how it was, so I just needed to reset it.”

I relaxed a little. It sounded simple. “So, no more changes then? I’m back the way I was? You’re sure?”

“Yeah, it’s just as I remember, aside from the injuries I fixed.” She ducked her head a bit. She must have thought I was asking out of suspicion or fear. Maybe it was, just a little, but that wasn’t all of it.

“Good.” I squeezed her hand a little and smiled reassuringly. “Then you know it’s not due to some Master influence when I say this. I do trust you. I do want you here, and you do deserve a second chance, Amy.”

She stared at me, wide eyed yet again, but this time the surprise was tinged with happiness. A nervous smile started teasing at the corners of her mouth before she looked down at our hands, averting her eyes as a small blush reddened her cheeks.

A part of me was a little disappointed. Amy was cute, and she supported me, and we did work well together. Maybe something could have happened. It...might have been nice.

Brian had never returned my feelings, and that didn’t even consider how he had changed...since the Nine. I couldn’t blame him for either, but we didn’t fit anymore, if we ever had. But with Amy…

I couldn’t think about this. Not here and not now. It needed to be done.

“Thank you Taylor.” I almost didn’t catch her response, it was so quiet. “I...I still don’t think I deserve this but...thank you.”

I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back comfortingly as she slowly relaxed into it. It just seemed like the thing to do. What she needed.

“We should sleep soon. Tattletale is going through Coil’s records at his base to try to track him down, so there isn’t much we can do tonight anyway.” I finally said after hugging her for a couple of minutes. She pulled back and I could see her eyes and cheeks were both wet and red, not to mention the mess that had become of her hair.

“Yeah, I guess it’s been a...long day” She looked away again. “I should head back downstairs and let you sleep.”

She didn’t get up right away and I considered for a minute. It wouldn’t look good if she went back downstairs looking like that, and she wasn’t really in a condition to be around the others right now anyway. She needed more time to really collect herself. It wouldn’t be good for people to see her as weak.

“It’s alright, you can stay here for tonight,” I said, finally standing. “Let me just clean up. I’ll be back in a second.” I grabbed a pair of pajamas and hurried to the bathroom adjoining my room. Stripping off my costume, I finally let myself fully relax. Meeting with Coil alongside the Undersiders and Travellers, dealing with Parian and Flechette, then the job with the Mayor after that, and now the tense talk with Amy? It had been a busy day to say the least.

Under the costume I felt disgusting. Sweaty and sticky, and there was still some blood on my shoulder from where Flechette stabbed me. I’d need to fix the tear in the costume later too. But for now, I really needed the shower.

I stepped in and let the hot water wash away my worries.

Twenty minutes or so later I stepped back into the bedroom in my too-big t-shirt and the old track pants I wore for pajamas. Amy hadn’t moved from where I’d left her.

“Amy?” Her head snapped over to me and she looked red again, but this time it was just her cheeks. She quickly looked away again. “Are you okay?” Was she embarrassed from earlier? Maybe she was getting sick; I knew she couldn’t heal herself.

“Yeah!” she squeaked out. “Yeah, I’m...I’m fine.”

I walked over to sit on the bed with her, putting a hand on her arm. “Are you ready for bed? I could get some blankets and sleep on the floor if you’re not comfortable sharing. It’s been a while since I had a sleepover or anything so I uh...don’t really know how this goes anymore. Did you want to borrow some pajamas?”

“No it’s...It’s fine!” she insisted.

“Well...alright.” I pulled back the blanket and started climbing into bed. As she moved to follow I smiled a little, amused. “You might want to at least lose the jacket first.”

Her cheeks darkened slightly as she giggled. “Right, um, good idea.” She took off her brown jacket and set it on a chair before climbing into bed in her jeans and t-shirt. Still probably not the most comfortable, but an improvement at least.

Amy lay down with her back to me, clearly tense. I wasn’t sure what else to say, so I just pulled the blankets up and made myself comfortable. I didn’t think I would be able to sleep very easily after everything that had happened. There was still so much on my mind. After everything that happened with the mayor, my worries about what it meant, the heroes, Coil, Dinah, Amy...


I heard a buzz from somewhere nearby and slowly blinked awake. My sense slowly spread out but the first thing I noticed wasn’t from my power’s sense, but the touch of something warm against me. It took a second for my tired brain to catch up before I remembered last night and realized it was a sleeping Amy in my arms, spooned against me.

I froze up for a second, my cheeks reddening and I realized why Amy had been so awkward before bed. This kind of thing...wasn’t normal was it? Well...not when one of us…

My mind finished catching up and I realized the buzzing was my phone vibrating against the bedside table where I’d set it before bed. I carefully extracted myself from Amy and rolled over to grab the phone. With a small smile I saw her squirm and mumble a little in her sleep, discontent at losing my warmth. Looking back at my phone, it took a second for me to remember who matched the chain of symbols that I had set to code my contacts before I realised and the smile quickly fell away.


I sat up as I received the call. “I’m listening.”

“Skitter. I’d hoped we could carry this charade a little longer, until my plans had come to fruition, however it has become clear that I can no longer turn a blind eye to your schemes.”

My schemes? Before I could process that and reply, he was already continuing.

“I know you have found some way to extend your range to my base, and I know your pet has made you some new toys. You wished to hang a Sword of Damocles over my head, but I have escaped your reach. And now it is my turn.”

“What’s your game, Coil?” Sword of Damocles? Was he talking about the bugs I had on him? How did-

“I have your father. Now, you’re going to cooperate with me or things are going to go very poorly for him.”

Chapter 9: New Era - Unwinding the Coil


Taylor has had...enough.


So this ended up...double the length of a normal chapter, if not triple. But I had a lot I wanted to fit in. So enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 18, 2011

Once again I found myself struggling to sleep. Taylor seemed to be doing that to me a lot lately, but I wasn’t going to complain right now. While I had originally been happy when Taylor accepted my slip up and decided to keep it, it bothered me more and more over time. It really was for the best that she had asked me to change her back. And after our talk things were...really nice. If a little awkward.

And now I was struggling to keep myself from freaking out as I felt her arms slip around me from behind. She was asleep; I knew she was since I could read her plain as day as she wrapped her arm around me. She would never do this while she was awake, especially now that I had changed her back to normal.


For now, I could just enjoy it while it lasted. It was warm. Comfortable. I felt safer than I had in weeks; if not months, or years. Eventually I managed to settle my mind and relax enough to drift off…

How can a night go so well, and yet so poorly?

I woke to a steadily growing buzz of angry bugs swirling in the room and Taylor sitting stiffly on the bed.

"Taylor?" I spoke cautiously, but she still jumped a little at my voice. "What's wrong?"

"He has my Dad," she answered, shaking. "Coil. He took him. Why didn't I spare some relay bugs to watch him? I couldn't watch the base and him, but I should have known Coil would pull something like this. I just...I wasn't even thinking about my dad. How could I forget him!?"

“He…” My breath caught in my throat. Coil took her dad? She had told me about him and what he had done, but it never hit me so directly. I’d never seen it. I just stayed here in her territory, safe. “It’s not your fault Taylor.” I shifted closer on the bed to sit with her and put a hand on her shoulder. “You couldn’t have known what he would do.”

“I should have!” She suddenly shouted, shooting to her feet, the bugs swirling around her in chaotic patterns. “It’s just the kind of thing he would have done. Amy…” She rounded on me suddenly; her posture intense and her face hidden behind the swarm. “I was trying to avoid asking you for anything. I didn’t want to push you so early-”

“It’s fine!” I cut her off immediately. She needed me right now, and I wasn’t about to turn her down. “Whatever you need, just ask. We’ll stop Coil and get your dad back.”

“I need all the relay bugs you can make me. I need to see everything in this city. I am going to find Coil and my dad.” She didn’t hesitate. Now that she knew I would help she wouldn’t hold back, I knew. But I didn’t mind. Not for something so important.

“I will.” I put out my hands and bugs instantly began landing on them for me to change. “We’ll find them.”



We arrived at the above ground access for Coil's base. Though I supposed it was Tattletale's now, since she had taken it over after I drove Coil out.

Amy let go of me so I could hop off Atlas' back before giving her a hand down. He had only been designed for one rider so she had been clinging tightly to my back the whole way here, even after expanding the 'seat' a bit to make room. I tried to not think too hard about how nice it felt to have someone hold onto me like that. Even after everything I had been through it seemed I still craved human contact. Maybe even because of what I had been through.

Two of my clone bugs landed behind us, filled out with smaller bugs to give the impression that they might be me. I wasn't expecting trouble, but I still sent one in ahead of us as we entered the base. It was uncanny how well I could emulate my appearance with Amy’s creation. Much as I hated to admit it, her power really was useful on a completely different level.

As we passed through the halls and reached the main room some of the mercenaries would glance up at us, looking us over before going back to what they were doing. A few of them gave Amy a brief lingering look of wariness at the sleeves of bugs she was still cycling through as she completed her modifications. I could tell they knew about the change in leadership already, but I still had to be careful. If they could be bought once they could be bought again.

Finally, I recognized a pair of the mercenaries; a tall blond man with a long face, next to a big burly guy with a beard. I made my way over to them.

“Minor and Jaw, right?” I asked. I remembered Tattletale introducing us when we went with them to infiltrate the Merchants. Minor was one of her top Captains. One she trusted.

The pair straightened up as I called their names. The blond, Minor, looked at me. “Skitter.” I wasn’t sure if he recognized me as the girl from that job, or just as Skitter, but it didn’t matter.

“Where’s the girl? Dinah?” First things first. As much as I hated what triggered this sudden war with Coil, and how…messy things had gotten, this was the one good thing that came out of it. I’d waited so long to free her, I wasn’t going to wait another second now that I had the chance.

“She’s with the new boss in the meeting room,” Minor replied. “Come on.” He waved for us to follow, and Jaw just gave me a friendly grin and a nod as we turned to leave.

Coil’s base was a maze of twists and turns. A couple minutes of being led through the same concrete halls we stood before another innocuous metal door, but my bugs could sense the figures beyond. And one of them…

Minor pushed the door open ahead of us and there she was. A small, sickly looking girl with messy brown hair was sitting on Tattletale’s lap at the meeting table. She turned her head at our entrance before immediately hopping down. I’d been waiting for this, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say. I’d imagined this moment since Coil first showed her to us. Before I could give it much thought she was running over and crashed against my side, hugging me. I didn’t need to think about it anymore after that and just slipped my mask off before kneeling down to hug her back.

“Thank you.” Her voice came out like a whisper.

“I’m sorry it took so long,” I said back quickly. I wanted to hug her tighter, but I felt I’d break her. She was so thin.

“It’s okay.” She nodded against my shoulder. “I knew you were trying. The numbers told me you would help.”

“Is this her?” Amy crouched next to us, looking over Dinah’s frail form. I moved the bugs back up to her shoulders to free her hands for the moment.

Dinah turned to her, expression scarily blank. “You’re...Panacea?”

“Yes.” Amy confirmed and held out a hand. “But you can call me Amy. Do you want me to help you feel better?”

“Yes.” I expected her to seem excited or happy, but her expression barely changed as she responded. “I’ve been trying to resist. I need the candy but...I hoped you would come. The numbers kept changing” She put her hand in Amy’s, a small smile tugging at her lips. Like she wanted to be happy, but she wasn’t sure how anymore. “I’m glad they were wrong, things are better this way.”

I could visibly see the pale, sickly sheen fade from Dinah’s skin as Amy held her hand, eyes closed. Dinah shivered a little and gasped as Amy worked on her, a sheen of sweat forming along her brow. After a few seconds Amy opened her eyes again.

“She’s malnourished, of course, so I don’t have too much extra material to work with, but I flushed the drugs out of her system and tried to balance her nutrition a bit better.” She spoke calmly, probably from all her time at the hospital. She had no doubt worked on both addicts and kids before, though...both at the same time was still probably a first for her, I hoped. I could tell Amy was more than a little angry, but she was hiding it well. “I...still don’t really know enough about addiction to do anything about that side in the brain, but I got rid of the chemical mess it caused and the physical withdrawal symptoms, which should ease the cravings. Some good food and a few weeks without the drugs and she should be alright.” She gave Dinah a reassuring smile and the smaller girl let go of me to hug Amy as well.

I stood up again, smiling down at the both of them. It was a huge weight off my shoulders to finally have Dinah safe. Amy too, somehow. I didn’t know her well before the Nine showed up, aside from a couple of hostile encounters, and I didn’t feel as responsible for her, but I was still worried. And now they were both safe, here, together.

But it wasn’t over yet.

I finally looked away to take in the rest of the room. The rest of the Undersiders were sitting around the table in the meeting room watching us. Lisa seemed amused, though it quickly faded into curiosity. She sat to one side of the table with Brian, while Aisha, Alec and Rachel sat at the other side just seeming bored. After Coil’s call and the talk with Amy, I contacted the others and we all agreed to meet for an emergency meeting. I hated to leave my people again so soon but...it was an emergency.

As I looked over my team I noticed Brian, slouched over the table. His mask was off and I could see how haggard he looked. Face drawn and bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a week, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because he actually hadn’t. I didn’t notice how bad it was at the meeting yesterday, and hadn’t seen him much before that. How much else had I missed while dealing with my own problems? I needed to talk to him but...I couldn’t right now. Amy led Dinah to sit with her near the end of the table as I walked to stand at the head, my expression hardening. It was time for business. He’d have to wait.

“Coil made his move. He took my dad and is trying to use him as a hostage to force me to cooperate.” I put my hands on the table, leaning over it as I started the meeting. Some of my bugs buzzed a little, swirling around the room as I pushed some of my anger into them. I needed to focus and think clearly.

“I’m guessing we’re not going to be doing that though?” Alec replied with his usual casual drawl, throwing his feet up on the table.

“No, we aren’t.” I answered clearly. No time for games. “We’re taking him down. I wanted to make sure everyone is ready and on board. We need to do this right. No more second guessing and no more questions. This ends today.” I looked over everyone, but no one voiced any objections. They'd been waiting for this. "Tattletale, what do you think?"

"Alright!" Her classic fox-grin spread across her face as she stood up, clearly anticipating this moment. "As you've all noticed, this base is ours now. I've been making deals with Coil's captain for weeks, winning loyalty and offering more money; which has been even easier thanks to all the money I've been siphoning from Coil since the bastard ‘recruited’ me. I was planning to wait for a critical moment to flip them on him, but with him running off after just a peek at our hand, it seemed like a good time to grab the little one and take a bunch of his assets away."

"Wait, how long have you been planning this?" Aisha frowned up at her in confusion.

"Pretty much since he threatened me into service," Lisa shrugged and smirked.

"Right, of course." Aisha rolled her eyes.

"Now then, back to the plan. He still has some mercs I couldn't get to and others he bought with more than just money. Things I can't or don't want to provide. Those are the kind of people he has guarding Skitter's dad. The Travellers might be among them since only two of them were still in the base when we took over, so be careful. He's desperate now so he'll be playing dirty, but he doesn't know everything we have either." She nodded to me and I picked up the lead.

"Amy has spent the morning making an entire swarm of relay bugs, along with a few other surprises." I nodded to where she sat to the side, the bugs having spread back over her arms for her to continue changing them. I was impressed by how unbothered she was, being covered in bugs like that. "My range has already spread over most of the city. I'll have full coverage within the next couple hours."

"What if he already left the city?" I was surprised to hear Brian speak up, his voice hoarse as he turned to us.

"He might have in one of his timelines," Tattletale tilted her head a bit in acknowledgment, "but I doubt it. He has always been paranoid, but he is also obsessed. He sees this city as his , and as long as he thinks he still has a chance I don't think he's going to go running just yet. More than that, I think I know where he is probably hiding." She pulled a few folders out of a bag and tossed one to each person. "I've been putting this together for a while now. Since he has broken the unwritten rules again, I don't think it would hurt to do the same." I picked up the folder in front of me and started looking through it. Brian and Aisha did the same, while Rachel mostly just glared at Lisa. Alec picked his up and looked at it without opening it before raising an eyebrow at Lisa.

"I hope you're planning to explain and not expecting me to actually read this?" He said dryly, prompting Lisa to just laugh.

"Not really, it was mostly just for Skitter since I know she’s the only one who would actually read the whole thing. To sum it up, Coil is also known as…" she looked us all over doing a literal drum roll on the table to build suspense. "Thomas Calvert, PRT Consultant."

At the same time I was looking at his profile on the first page of the folder, with the same thing written across the top. Next to it was a picture of a serious looking man with dark skin, thin lips and close-cropped, coarse looking hair. I'm not sure what I expected him to look like, but I guessed that fit as much as anything I might have expected.

The profile went on to give everything from his past as a PRT Trooper, his dishonorable discharge after Ellisburg, his psych profile, everything. She had been working on this a while. I had only skimmed a bit before Rachel finally spoke up.

“The f*cker worked for the PRT this whole time?” she nearly growled the words out, making Bastard look up at her from where he lay by her feet.

“Well, they think he does,” Lisa clarified. “They don’t know he’s Coil. His civilian persona is there to gather information. Knowing Coil, he might even be planning to take over after he gets rid of Piggot. But right now? I think he’s probably hiding out there; thinking we wouldn’t go after him and risk a war with the PRT. As long as they think he’s one of them, targeting him would be dangerous. And most importantly, he might be hiding somewhere else in another timeline.”

“One reason why we’re spreading my range over the city.” I cut in again. “Wherever he is, I need to be sure he’s in my range so I can hit him wherever he is at the same time.”

“I...might be able to help with the PRT,” an unexpected voice spoke up, and we all turned to Amy. “I know I’m not really a member but...Assault said he owes me. I can talk to him; tell him about Coil. He might be able to vouch for you during the attack.”

"Well I think that wraps up that issue!" Lisa declared. "I think we have a plan!"

"We do?" Aisha looked up at her, confused.

Lisa was a little ahead of the conversation as always, but I did have the plan set now that Amy had offered us a possible in. I gave her an acknowledging nod before turning back to the rest of the team to lay it out.

"Once my range is far enough I should be able to track down Coil and my dad. We'll plan the strike for noon today, wherever they are, no matter what. That way I'll get him in both his timelines without him getting warning from the other. I'll bring my bugs down in both places, but once we find my dad I want Imp, Regent and Bitch to go help get him out of there. Grue and Tattletale will be with me. Remember, stay out of sight until it's time and watch out for the Traveler's." I looked over at Rachel specifically as I continued. "I'd save him myself, but I need to be there when we nail Coil, especially if he is with the PRT. This is really important, and I'm trusting you with this, okay?"

"I'll get him for you." Rachel stared back solidly. Despite our rocky start I knew I could trust her now. I was a part of her pack, and while dad wasn’t one of her’s, she knew he was important to me, and that was enough.

"Thank you. Now," I took a second to relax a little, that issue somewhat resolved, "Coil. Like Tattletale said he's probably hiding with the PRT, so we need to be ready to deal with them. Amy and I will try to talk to Assault first, but Tattletale, Grue and I will be waiting nearby to move in if anything goes wrong. Any questions?" There was a short pause, and then Lisa put up her hand. Of course.

"Two things." She began. "First, hard one. Skitter, you can't react to any move Coil or his people make until we're ready."

"What do you mean?" I turned to her, suddenly wary of what she was about to drop on me.

"Coil is probably going to be doing things in his other timelines to try to make you show your hand; threaten to or actually kill your dad to make you attack and reveal you can see them," she explained. "It's probably what tipped him off the first time in his base. He did something that made you 'have to' put him down, then he closed that timeline and bolted. I know for a fact he’s tortured and killed each of us at least once in one of his throwaways. You just need to remember, he won’t actually kill him and keep the timeline or he’d lose his leverage."

I nodded reluctantly. I didn't like it, but she was right.

“Yeah...so what was your second comment then?” If it was anything like her first- then I caught her smirking.

“Dinah, I’d like to ask you a question.” Lisa asked, smiling. I noticed she specifically didn’t phrase it as a question. It made me wonder if Dinah couldn’t control her power well.

The small girl perked up a bit. “Um, okay.”

“If we follow this plan, what is the chance that Coil will be defeated by the end of the day?” As Lisa asked her question, a small smile spread across Dinah’s face.

“Eighty-seven point three four one percent chance.”

“I like those odds.”


We wrapped up the meeting but there were still a couple of hours left until we put the plan into action. I could feel my range slowly expanding as the relay bugs winged their way throughout the city; gaps in my coverage filling in as I spread them out in a searching pattern. It wouldn’t be long until I could see everything. It was like my mind was expanding, I couldn’t help but dwell on the effects this would have on me, being able to see everything within the city in real time. What was I becoming for the sake of this?

“Skitter.” Lisa snapped me from my brooding as we were all filing out of the room. “Could I talk to you and Amy?” I looked at Amy and the others. Amy shrugged as the others just waved and continued their way out. They had to get ready for their side of the mission. Saving my dad.

Once everyone else had left, Lisa walked over and crouched down before Dinah. “I’d like to talk to Skitter and Amy alone for a bit if that’s alright. My friend Minor can watch you in the hall for a bit until we’re done?” Again, a questioning tone, but no direct question.

“I…” Dinah sounded hesitant. Scared maybe; looking between Amy and I.

I sifted through the bugs I had with me and sent a small moth flying over to land on Dinah’s hand.

“Keep this with you,” I told her, trying to give her a reassuring smile. “As long as you have it, I can see you. If anything happens, I’ll keep you safe. No one is going to take you again.”

“Okay…” she gave me a faint smile back, then turned to give Amy a quick hug before hurrying out of the room.

Once she was gone, Lisa closed the door and rounded on Amy and I, crossing her arms.

“So, what's going on with you two now?”

“I know you’re always ahead of everyone else with these things Lisa, but you need to be more specific for the rest of us.” I sighed, a little annoyed at the vagueness.

Lisa just turned her gaze to Amy as she raised a hand to point at me. “She hasn’t looked at my ass once since she got here. What did you do?” My eyes bugged out and I heard Amy start sputtering beside me as Lisa’s smirk widened. “Oh don’t worry, I’m not trying to move in on your territory, it’s a subconscious thing. It was kind of cute, if a little worrying, when your crush on her made you so desperate for her attention you accidentally made my friend start looking at girls like a horny teenage boy. But now she’s changed again, and let’s just say I’m concerned. So I need to know what's going on to make sure there aren't going to be any distractions later. Can’t have anything going wrong when we take down Coil.”

Crush? She mentioned that last time too but was Amy really that interested in me? I thought it was just a momentary thing. A slip up because I reminded her of Victoria or because I was taking care of her or…

I thought about how she acted around me sometimes; all the blushing or going quiet or getting nervous. How she got hostile with Parian or how she seemed so happy when I thanked her for Atlas and the clone bugs.

I thought she was just happy to be appreciated and was nervous about working with villains or awkward around new people. Did she...really think of me that way? I’d never really had anyone show any interest in me like that, so I had never really considered…

I shook my head, trying to push the thoughts away. I couldn’t think about this now. I needed to focus on Coil and my dad. This could wait until after. I had to focus.

“Can’t we talk about this later, Lisa?” I said firmly. “Everything is fine right now.”

“Is it?” She looked between us carefully.

“It’s…” Amy began, nervously. “Victoria came by yesterday. It reminded me of what I did and how scared I was of doing it again and if I could even trust what I did to Taylor before, so Taylor made me change her back to normal to prove she wasn’t just trusting me because I made her…”

Lisa groaned and threw her hands in the air. “I’m thrilled you’re less afraid of your power now but you need to keep your powers and your love life separate. A little tweak here or there for important things might be fine if both of you are fine with it, but if you keep messing with her head like this it’s just going to make Taylor more confused than she already is.”

“She asked me to,” Amy said, unsure. I looked between the two of them, not exactly sure what was going on.

“Of course she did. You couldn’t handle it.” Lisa stared down Amy, almost acting like I wasn’t even here. “You need to decide what you want and who you want to be and commit to it. How do you want things to be between you two? How do you want things to be between you and your family? You and your sister?”

“I...Carol would never take me back now. I can’t go back.”

“That’s not what I asked~!” Lisa sang, advancing on her. “What do you want Taylor to think of you~?”

“Well…” Amy looked at me and blushed a bit before looking away again.

“I thought so.” Lisa smirked at her again. “Then give her a chance to figure it out without you messing around with her head.”

They were totally ignoring me and it was getting on my nerves.

“I’m right here you know!” I glared at Lisa, but she just looked back curiously.

“Yes, you are, aren’t you,” she said simply. Then she gave me a sly smile and turned to leave. “Still a little over an hour until we need to move out. Make sure you’re ready when the time comes~.” A few moments later the door closed behind her, leaving Amy and I alone.

I looked over to Amy to find her still turned away from me, her cheeks tinged a little pink under her smattering of freckles. The silence dragged for several seconds before I finally broke it.

“Amy…” I saw her flinch at her name. “What was she talking about? Do you really…?”

“I…” She shook her head. “I don’t know, okay? Maybe...It’s only been a few days, and there has been so much going on. You were my enemy a couple weeks ago. But now...You saved me. You’ve been taking care of me. It’s...It’s hard okay?” She finally looked back up again and I saw her eyes were red and watery. “You treat me better than anyone I’ve ever met and see me for me more than anyone ever has. I...how am I supposed to feel about that? I feel safe with you…”

“I’m...not sure what to say to that, Amy,” I admitted. And I wasn’t sure. It was the first time anyone had ever said something like that to me, and it was another girl. With so much craziness going on right now, I couldn’t really put my mind to it. “With Coil, and my dad. I can’t right now. But…” I took her hand in my gloved one and gave what I hoped was a comforting smile. “After this is all settled, we’ll talk okay?”

“Mm...mhm.” Amy mumbled out with a small squeak, her cheeks darkening even more as she looked down. She really was cute. Even not really being attracted to her that way right now, I could tell that. I couldn’t help but feel protective of the girl. She’d put all of her trust into me and I couldn’t help but want to do the same.

Right now though, I had to get down to business.

I gave her hand one last squeeze and what I hoped was a winning smile before letting go, pulling my mask back on and heading for the door.


Finally, everything was in place and we were ready to make our move. As my range expanded over the city I recognized the bugs I tagged my dad with down at the south east fringes of the city, in the Shantytown area Regent controlled. It made sense, being the furthest reaches of the city. Coil likely expected my resources to be limited after he managed to slip from my notice, and had spread everything out to restrict my effectiveness. He was about to be in for a surprise.

That settled, Regent, Bitch and Imp started making their way there, while Tattletale, Grue, Amy and I got ready for our part. Tattletale’s guess was right, and I was able to identify Coil in his Calvert identity at the PRT headquarters. We had already managed to contact Assault by giving him the number for a burner phone with my bugs. He was wary at first, but Amy managed to convince him to give us a chance.

Now it was time.

A plague of bugs descended on the PRT headquarters as I walked down the street toward it. I kept a small swarm in my territory and another sent to save my dad, but almost every other bug in Brockton I could gather over the past couple hours was here, bearing down on them. A plague of a scale that could cripple a nation, and it was under my complete control.

The city’s heroes were gathered in a boardroom for a meeting, alongside Director Piggot and one Thomas Calvert. Assault told us the meeting was planned and helped make sure it was in one of the boardrooms with a window, and that Calvert would be there. I could sense they were all in place as I approached the front entrance.

I made my way toward a side entrance as well.

And the roof.

And the parking garage.

Troopers at the entrances saw me coming and shouted for me to stand down. When I ignored them, they tried containment foam sprayers, only to find them dragged off target with thread to foam their reinforcements. Next they tried containment foam grenades, only for them to be webbed to their hands. The unfortunates who had already primed them were quickly buried in foam.

After that failed, some moved to lethal force and opened fire on me.

The bullets tore through my swarm, but most missed their target as I kept advancing. The me at the side entrance was struck in the torso by one round, but it wasn’t enough to stop me.

I didn’t want to hurt the troopers if I could avoid it and instead resorted to covering their visors in bugs. Blinded, most didn’t want to risk firing their weapons and backed off. The ones that still struggled I buried in more bugs until one of my new ones with the paralysis venom could find an opening to take them down.

I advanced into the building. Thanks to the chaos in the city in recent times, none of the usual tour groups were in the lobby; just guards, receptionists and office workers passing through. The civilians ran at the sight of my bug-covered form walking in, with my swarm pushing in after in a cloud as a blaring klaxon began to sound the alarm. Additional guards went down the same way those at the entrances did. A few wall panels opened and turrets appeared and began firing containment foam, pinning down the me in the lobby, even as I directed the bugs to plug up the turrets’ barrels.

I continued through the building with my other selves, and by now I could sense the heroes beginning to panic. Several rushed out into the hall, beginning to make their way toward me to stop my insurgence.

Once most had left the room and it was clear those left were staying, I flew in on Atlas and smashed through the huge window covering one wall of the boardroom, a swarm of bugs flowing in after me. Normally it would be reinforced with bulletproof glass, but now it was only plywood and screens. Likely not replaced since Shatterbird’s appearance. It was almost too easy.

Director Piggot still sat at the head of the table in the meeting room, with Calvert standing beside her; an overturned chair near his feet. While some of the heroes had already left to push me back there were still a handful present.

Assault was still here, next to Battery and Miss Militia by the door. Clockblocker quickly moved over near the Director; likely to protect her if I tried something. At the other end of the room Flechette stood near a long-haired woman in strange power armor I didn’t recognise.

I hopped off Atlas’ back and he quickly moved between me and Flechette and the stranger, hissing at them as Flechette and Miss Militia drew their weapons on me; Miss Militia’s forming into some sort of shotgun.

“Stand down, Skitter!” Militia shouted, co*cking her shotgun for effect. “Whatever you’re trying, it’s not going to work. There are a dozen capes in this building.”

Ignoring her, I turned to Calvert and Piggot. “Thomas Calvert.” My voice clicked and hissed as I spoke through all the bugs swarming the room. “Also known as Coil.” I advanced on him, my bugs swirling through the room, forming a tunnel from me to him, obscuring the view of anyone outside. I heard a gunshot as Miss Militia fired at me, but the bullets just went through my swarm and missed me. “You kidnapped my father and broke the unwritten rules. It’s not the first time you have, but it’s going to be the last time.”

I heard pounding at the door to the boardroom before I felt its texture become slippery somehow and the heroes pounding to get back in stopped having much effect on it.

“Assault!?” Battery’s voice, yelling. “What are you doing? Let them in!”

“You won’t get away with this Skitter.” Calvert growled out as he scrambled back against the wall, staring back at me in fear as I strode toward him. "You can't kill a PRT officer in their headquarters and expect to go without consequences!"

Another gunshot and I felt a few pellets tear through my torso, making me stumble before I recovered and kept walking toward him.

“Everyone will know what you did,” he shouted, fear filling his voice. “Everyone will know who you are! Your father is going to die and the PRT will come down on you and destroy everything you’ve built, Taylor He-”

My clawed hand grabbed him by the face and slammed him against the wall as bugs streamed down my arm to pour into his throat. As he suffocated the rest covered his body, biting and scratching him.

“You broke the rules, Coil!” My voice hissed throughout the room. “All you had to do was keep our deal, but you couldn’t let her go. Then you took my father. Tell me, how many times did you kill him in your throwaways while trying to bait me? You went too far, and now I’m going to tear down everything you’ve worked for. I’m going to destroy you thoroughly, Thomas.” It was only then that I had the Damocles Beetle I had kept on him cut into his leg, knowing the venom would act swiftly.

“This wasn’t what I agreed to, Skitter!” Assault’s voice shouted over the buzz of the swarm. “You can’t kill him!”

I hissed and pulled my hand back, letting Coil fall to the ground. He wasn’t moving, but I knew he wasn’t dead. Thanks to Amy, I didn’t have to kill him. He wasn’t going to push me that far. As Assault had said, I had made a deal, and unlike Coil I planned to hold up my end. He was theirs to deal with for the moment.

I stepped back and let my bugs clear away a bit to see the heroes.

Immediately several gunshots and the twang of an arbalest sounded out in succession and I felt bullets blast away my mass of bugs and chunks of my torso, before a needle slammed into my shoulder and pinned me to the wall.

Green blood painted the floor and wall as I felt the life fade from my clone bug. Moments later, nano-thorns started tearing through the boardroom door, making Assault pull his hand back from it and jump back.

Elsewhere in the building Triumph blasted away the bugs covering one of my clones so Prism could merge her own clones for a strength boost to dash in and crush the exposed clone against the wall. Meanwhile, Ursa Aurora and Weld tore into my other clone.

But my mission was already accomplished. Coil was finished.

Across the city I could sense our other team finish rescuing my dad. They had some trouble with Trickster it looked like, but Imp took him down and they got my dad without much issue. I’m sure I was going to have some questions to answer there, but...he was alive. That was what truly mattered in the end.

I don’t mean any harm to the rest of you.” My swarm-speak sounded throughout the building. “I just wanted Coil. He broke the rules and threatened my family. He needed to be stopped. Now that is done, I want to discuss my terms for peace. We can make this city better, together. Meet us out front the building. Bring Calvert.

Message delivered, my team came out of our hiding spot a couple blocks away and began making our way toward the headquarters. It was a risk, if they weren’t willing to talk after that, but I wanted to give them a chance. Coil was finally out of the way and I no longer needed to be a villain for him. I was finally free to be what I wanted without anyone to tell me otherwise. No more acting a part, no more playing a role; I could be what I wanted to be and to hell with whatever label they slapped me with afterwards. There was no reason for us to fight, but I wasn’t about to surrender to them either.

As I pulled my swarm back out of the PRT building, its mission done, I tagged the heroes and felt most of them streaming out to meet us, with Piggot and several troopers alongside them.

We approached, concealed in a huge cloud of Grue's darkness. To complete the impression I was going for here, we needed to do this right.

We stopped twenty meters from where the heroes were gathering. I noted that Triumph and Prism had stayed behind, with Triumph carrying Calvert to the adjoining hospital. I didn’t really expect them to follow that request anyway; not yet at least.

More surprising however, was that Clockblocker seemed to have tagged Chariot, freezing him in one of the hallways. Weld and Vista were standing guard over his frozen form while Clockblocker doused him in containment foam.

That left Assault, Battery, Miss Militia, Kid Win, Flechette, Ursa Aurora, Armsmaster and the woman in power armor arrayed across from us. I was surprised to see Armsmaster there, remembering that he had been benched during the incident with the Nine. His armor matched the woman’s dark green armor rather than his traditional blue but I still recognised his build and style. Not to mention his signature halberd.

It was an intimidating lineup, but I still felt confident in my plan. Despite that, I kept my plague of bugs flying overhead in a cloud. It paid to not underestimate your enemy and gave us an intimidation factor of our own.

Our opponents in place and the set up done, I signalled for Grue to disperse his darkness. As the cloud faded to a low, oily fog across the ground and my sight returned to me, I felt the heroes tense up and Piggot's breath quicken in fear.

Now they could see Amy's newest creation.

Tattletale, Grue, Amy, Dinah and I sat atop a massive bug the size of a city bus. It had dark, chitinous armor plating covering its heavily segmented body and at least a dozen massive legs on either side. The legs grew in size the closer to the front they were until its very front was almost reared back upright, resting on front legs more like huge, muscular arms covered in chitin, with strange grasping fingers at the end.

Amy named it the Gorillapede, proving both how terrifying she could be, and that she couldn't be trusted to name anything else.

We looked down on the heroes from where we stood in a groove Amy had made in its back for us to ride in, just behind its massive head. The Gorillapede gnashed its mandibles as it stared down at the assembled Heroes.

"This attack was just about Coil," I shouted down to them, my voice amplified by the hissing and clicking of my bugs in the cloud above us. "I don't want to fight the rest of you."

"Do you think you can?" Ursa Aurora called back. I wasn't very familiar with her, but I recognised the glossy, black bear mask and blue, iridescent robe she wore.

I had the Gorillapede lower its head so we could all climb down as I answered. "Maybe. You're strong, and you have us beat in raw numbers, but I don't think it would be worth it for you." I slid down the side of the bug's neck, keeping my eyes on the heroes. Piggot's face had paled, her wide eyes locked on the Gorillapede. "If you attack me, I can have my bugs tear through every person in the PRT building behind you. The whole city if I wanted to. My range covers all of Brockton Bay now, and even if I get knocked out or die, they'll keep following my last order."

I reached back to give Amy a hand down, the bugs covering her arms shifting so I could grab her hand. Relay bugs and other creations occasionally winged away from her still as she was constantly making more unique bugs. Once she was on her feet I broke off a small part of my swarm to gather beside her and she wordlessly stuck a hand in it to begin making me a new clone bug to make up for our losses. I didn’t even have to say anything; she already knew what I needed.

"You wouldn't do that," the woman in the power armor spoke up. "It doesn't match your past actions and motivations. You care about this city and its people. You wouldn't attack them out of spite."

"Can you be sure of that, Dragon?" Tattletale said as she hopped down behind me. "How much are you willing to bet?"

Dragon? I'd never seen her in person. Why was someone as famous as her in Brockton Bay?

"Attention all Protectorate and PRT forces," a sudden shout rang out and everyone present turned to Director Piggot, as she glared at Amy and the growing clone bug she was making. "By my authority as Director of Brockton Bay I am invoking emergency powers to declare Amy Dallon and Skitter as a class-S threat! Shoot to kill."

Everyone froze for a moment in shock, but the troopers alongside her barely hesitated a moment before directing their rifles at Amy and me.

Everyone started moving at once.

I sensed the troopers raising their rifles and managed to jump in front of Amy just as they opened fire. Three bullets slammed into my shoulder, hip and gut, like someone fired red hot pokers at me out of a cannon, knocking me off my feet. I pulled Amy down with me, attempting to shield her from the continuous fire.

It was nothing like when my clone bugs were hit and I could barely think through the pain. I tried to cast my mind into my swarm to distance myself from it, and I could sense everyone else in movement.

Assault stood before a pair of troopers, bullets clattering to the ground around him. I had sensed him moving at the same time I did. He must have blocked some; likely the reason I was only hit by so few.

Dragon had charged in immediately but only made it a few steps before Grue buried her in darkness. Ursa summoned her bear projections, but I directed the Gorillapede to immediately start hammering on them. Militia, Kid Win and Flechette hadn't moved yet, but Battery and Armsmaster rushed to help Assault and Dragon, respectively.

Amy slid a hand under the fringe of my mask to touch my skin as I brought down my frankly biblical swarm of bugs onto the battlefield.

As the pain eased away my first priority was to shield Amy, Dinah and I from view with the bugs. I hadn't had time to make them silk bodysuits so they only had on spare undershirts cannibalized from my test runs for the Undersiders new outfits. It wasn't secure enough for them to be out of danger.

Tattletale took Dinah to hide behind the Gorillapede as Amy got me back on my feet. Only the bullet to my hip had pierced my costume, but the force of the other two had still been enough to cause some damage, though I could tell Amy was quickly repairing it.

Just as I was about to have the swarm engulf the heroes there was a screech as an impossibly bright flare pierced into the sky over the battlefield, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Everyone stand down!" A voice I recognised as Miss Militia’s shouted over the commotion. Ursa Aurora immediately pulled back, and the troopers lowered their weapons after a nervous glance between Miss Militia and Piggot. Miss Militia seemed to be holding some sort of strange, black and green flare gun. Seeing the troopers standing down, Assault and Battery relaxed as well.

With the heroes backing down, I called off the Gorillapede and signalled Grue to stand down. Grue's darkness cleared and Miss Militia repeated the order as Dragon and Armsmaster's senses were returned to them. With the fighting stopped for the moment, everyone turned to Miss Militia.

Piggot rounded on her with a glare. "I gave you an order!"

"The PRT is under your command, Director, but the Protectorate is under mine." Miss Militia stared back unflinchingly. "And if you give another absurd order like that during what so far had been a peaceful meeting I will have to relieve you of command under suspicion of Master influence, for inciting your so-called class-S threat into violence that could have cost us a city. Now, is everyone going to behave or should we just start doming the city now?"

Piggot glared back, seething. "You know the protocol for dealing with villains capable of exponential growth. Her range is growing and Dallon is giving her more and more new monsters to work with as we speak. It's the city now, but it could be the whole state in a week!"

Tattletale stepped back out from behind the big bug with Dinah, staring at Piggot.

"You're biased," she said, confidently. "You were part of that last operation against Nilbog. Your PTSD makes you look for monsters where they aren't."

"And you're too close to see the monster they have become," Piggot shot back.

"That's what we're here to discuss," I cut in before Tattletale could push it further out of hand. "We will agree to confine ourselves to this city and cooperate with the PRT if you agree to cooperate with us and meet our demands."

"We're not going to give you the city!" Piggot growled. "And how do we even know you were telling the truth about Calvert being Coil in the first place?"

"You served with him in Ellisburg, Lady." Tattletale said snidely. "You should know better than anyone what kind of person he is. Now that you know to look into him, Dragon can probably find some proof in his records easily enough."

I saw Dragon put her helmet back on and start tapping at some keys on the side. She would probably have our evidence within minutes.

"You promised you wouldn't kill him." Assault said warily. "You said you'd let us decide what to do with him if I helped."

"Is that what all this has been about?" Battery turned on him and smacked him in the chest. "You're working with them?"

"Just me." Amy said, stepping forward. "And Coil is still alive. The venom I made is designed to put him in a deep coma. He won't be waking up unless I wake him up. With his power it was too risky to keep him conscious."

Miss Militia joined Battery in eyeing Assault. He knew helping us risked his position with the Protectorate, as a hero, and maybe even as a husband. But he still did it. For Amy, and for Battery.

"She saved Battery just last week, and has saved all the rest of us at some point or another," Assault said, crossing his arms and holding his head high. It was clear he felt no guilt for what he did. "After all that, all she asked for was my trust, so I gave it."

"Trusting her is dangerous, Assault." Piggot spoke up again. "We have already seen with her sister that she is capable of Mastering people. You could have been too."

My bugs began buzzing loudly as my annoyance fed into them. "We are quite clear how you feel about the situation, Director Piggot, and it's become quite clear we're not going to make any progress with your continued interruptions. So stay out of it!" Part of my swarm split off to swarm around the director, cutting her off from the others and drowning her out. The troopers raised their guns again, but stopped when they saw my bugs weren't actually attacking yet.

The bugs I had on Miss Militia felt her give a small sigh of relief I don't think anyone else but Tattletale would have caught, before she turned back to us.

"That settled, Assault will have to be subject to M/S protocols alongside Director Piggot. But that will have to wait until we're finished here. To start with, who is the girl you have with you?" She nodded to Dinah.

"Thank you, Miss Militia." I said, glad to finally have the opening to discuss that. I turned my gaze to the man in power armor, who still stood to the side, watching us warily. "Armsmaster, do you remember how I wanted to be a hero, back when I originally joined the Undersiders to gather information?" He stiffened up at his name, and the others joined in at my admission. I didn't much care, since my team already knew why I joined by now. "Coil was the mysterious boss behind their team that I had been trying to learn about. But by the time I did, I also learned about her." I stepped over to put a hand on Dinah's shoulder. "This is Dinah Alcott. She triggered with a powerful Thinker ability. Coil was keeping her as a slave; drugged out of her mind as his personal 'pet'." My bugs all vibrated in revulsion at the word. "She was why I worked for him so long. The chance to save her.

"You might be thinking that we'll turn hero now," I continued, "and I have thought about it since Leviathan. The thing is, I've helped more people as a villain than any of the so-called heroes in this city." I reached out and took Amy's hand, shifting her bug sleeves onto her back instead, and she gave it a hesitant squeeze.

"I'm not leaving the Undersiders, and we aren't surrendering. Nor are we giving up our territory. Brockton Bay is ours, and we intend to hold it; to protect it as you never could. You can help us, and treat us as you would an "independent hero team', but you would look to us as the keepers of this city. Alternatively you can keep calling us villains and attempt to put us down, doing nothing but provoke us as you have with every other villain in this city. The same threat holds for any villains that come knocking; either they turn away or they get the same fate we just handed down to Coil.

"Hero or villain, this city is ours. Call us whatever you want, as long as you accept it." I slowly swept my gaze across the assembled heroes as I finished giving my ultimatum. There was a few seconds of silence as they all considered my words, before Miss Militia gave her answer.

"And what exactly are you proposing then, specifically?" I could feel her hand tensing on the handle of the large rifle her power had turned into, but she kept her finger off the trigger. "You mentioned...demands?"

Finally, I sensed the last party for the meeting approaching, and just in time. They hesitated as they saw us, but I signalled them with my swarm and herded them toward us.

In the front came Mayor Roy Christener, looking a little more confident than the last time I saw him, though he wasn’t doing a good job at hiding the worried glances at the cloud of bugs looming overhead. Behind him was a nervous looking man and woman; the woman having a similar portly build to the mayor.

Flanking them were several police officers on either side. They likely wouldn't make a difference, but if they made the civilians feel safer coming here I would allow it. Worst came to worst my bugs would easily take them down.

"Mayor," I said, trying to sound confident, even as I still felt the shame for what I had done to his family. "Good to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same Skitter." He looked over to the heroes. "What is this about? I was just about to leave for Washington when your officer called saying you found my niece?" The heroes looked at each other in confusion for a moment before Tattletale stepped forward with her fox grin.

"That was me actually." She raised her hand playfully.

Dinah shuffled behind me, seemingly trying to hide, but the Mayor saw her, his eyes narrowing.

"First extortion and now ransom, is it?" He stared us down, tense. I almost felt like he was about to charge us to take her back.

"No, this is us returning her," I replied, trying to gently shift her in front of me. "Coil was the one who took her. We took her back." I didn't mention I played some part in her kidnapping and part of why I did this was out of my own guilt for my small part in that.

"They won't take me back…" I heard Dinah mumble. "They were scared of my power, and now I look weird. Skinny and dirty…"

I kneeled down next to her and rubbed her back lightly, whispering, "They will. I don't have your power, but I guarantee they will."

Amy crouched down with me, looking her in the eye. "And if they won't, we will."

"Dinah…?" The woman with the mayor stepped out in front of him, easing toward us.

"Anna, be careful!" The other man hurried after, grabbing her arm and eyeing us warily.

"I've made sure she is healthy now," Amy said, standing up again and turning to the couple who could only be Dinah's parents. "But Coil had her heavily drugged. She is malnourished and will still need time to recover, physically and mentally. I reduced the withdrawal symptoms, but she may still experience some signs of addiction. No narcotics, painkillers or tranquilizers even near her unless it is an emergency. Take care of her."

"Panacea…?" The man asked, confused. Meanwhile his wife just pushed him off, sobbing and hurrying toward us. People on all sides tensed up as she ran at us, but I just stepped back and gave Dinah a light push toward her.

Shaking, Dinah barely made it a step before her mother fell to her knees and through her arms around her daughter. Her father was only a few steps behind, embracing them both as he reached us.

Seeing them, I was relieved I had been correct that they wanted her back. I knew the way some families were. It made me miss my own parents. My mom...But I still had dad. I needed to talk to him after all of this; there was a lot that needed to be said between us.

"Thank you," Dinah's father looked up at me with damp eyes and a grateful smile.

I felt a lump in my throat. Before I could find my words, Amy did it for me.

"I'll want to see her again in a week for a checkup." She told him, simply.

"Yes, of course. Thank you!" He gave her a grateful nod and led his family away, back near the mayor. I could hear Dinah crying quietly as they left.

"What was the point of this whole display, hm?" Armsmaster's voice pulled my attention back to the heroes. "Win sympathy? Show you're heroes now?"

Now that Dinah was back with her family, I tried to put that out of my mind now to harden my heart and focus on the other point of this meeting.

"No, I told you we aren't trying to be heroes. Think of it as a show of good faith, like the fact I'm here in person at all. With my new bugs, I could take out any of you from across the city. You would have no way to stop me. I am only here to show you how serious I am, and how confident I am in what we're doing."

"By the way, Dragon?" Tattletale cut in. "I know about the reinforcements you're bringing in. All those suits, right? I'm sure that'd cause us some trouble, but that would force our hand and Skitter would use those new bugs she just mentioned. You don't want that, now do you?"

"I...guess not." I couldn't see Dragon's expression behind her helmet, but by her tone I could tell she was annoyed. I hoped that was good for us, since I didn't know about those reinforcements until just now. Tattletale was telling the truth about how much trouble that would cause us. Though, given the Gorillapede, Amy could probably make counters to whatever Dragon brought to bear, though it would take time. It still wasn’t a fight I wanted, even if I thought we could win it.

"I also thought it would be good for the mayor to be here for this discussion." I continued, trying not to think about the looming threat of Dragon suits. "You asked what we had in mind, Miss Militia? Our demands?" She turned back to me with a careful nod to continue. "First, we want you to bring Calvert out here. I want Tattletale to make sure he isn't a body double. Coil has been a slippery bastard and we don't want to take any chances."

"I have been finding inconsistencies in his records, Miss Militia…" Dragon reported. "Times he was declared present but there was no sign of him in the cameras; some of which matched up with reports of Coil's activity. Files he accessed that went missing. Files or troops he requisitioned for unclear or suspicious purposes. There is every possibility he was Coil...They may be telling the truth."

"Fine, we can do that then." Miss Militia nodded reluctantly, then activated her communicator. “Triumph, bring Calvert to our position.” Then she turned back to me sternly. “What else?”

“It’s pretty simple,” I said, crossing my arms and trying to keep my confidence up. “You stay out of our way. Don’t attack or interfere with us or our people and we’ll do the same for you. We can work together to stop any villains who try to cause any problems, but we’re in charge of the cape scene in Brockton Bay now. If you go after some new cape and we tell you to back off, you do. Dinah, for example; I don’t want anyone bothering her for her power. She has had enough. And if we both show up to deal with a situation, you follow our lead. We’re not asking you to ignore crimes, but if any of my people cause any problems, you bring it up with me. You don’t touch them.”

“Why would we agree to that?” Armsmaster growled out. “Why shouldn’t we just take you down now while we can? Like you said, we might not be able to find you again. This could be our only chance.”

“You’ll agree to it because you don’t have a choice,” Tattletale shot back.

“We told you what will happen if you push us or if you attack us now,” I added. “A deadman switch on all the bugs of this city.”

“You wouldn’t,” Armsmaster said carefully, taking a step toward us. “You said yourself, you wanted to be a hero. You wouldn’t attack civilians..”

“A few months ago, no. I wouldn’t have. But I have had to do a lot of things I didn’t want to. Knowing you, you might still take that risk, but I don’t think anyone else here would. Except Piggot of course.”

“Speaking of!” Tattletale smirked and raised a finger in the air, before pointing at the bug cylinder containing Piggot. “She’s going to have to go.”

“What?” Battery exclaimed in surprise. “You can’t dictate PRT staffing!”

“No, but we all know she won’t agree to any of this.” Tattletale pointed out. “If you want any chance of peace, she can’t stay in charge. And be careful who you pick to replace her; we wouldn’t want the wrong person to come in here and force our hand.”

Battery opened her mouth to reply but Miss Militia waved her into silence before speaking.

“We can’t make any promises, but we will bring it up with our superiors.” My bugs heard Miss Militia gritting her teeth as she asked again, “Anything else?”

“That’s it,” I told her. “And to sweeten the deal, I’m promising to keep our activity restricted to Brockton bay outside class-S emergencies as well as offering my services to help track down Jack and the rest of the Nine. End of the world scenarios concern all of us.”

Miss Militia nodded in consideration. Before she could reply, Dragon stepped forward.

“The Guild would gladly accept your aid in capturing Jack Slash. Defiant and myself are about to begin hunting them personally.”

She gestured to Armsmaster as she said ‘Defiant’ and I looked at him questioningly. He just stared back...defiantly. Were they seriously rebranding him and thinking no one would notice? I shot him a glare that would go unnoticed behind my mask and set that issue aside for later.

“Agreed,” I gritted out myself this time. I could tolerate working with Amrsmaster for this. “We can arrange that later.”

“And what about me?” The mayor spoke up, bringing our attention back to him. “Do you have any demands for me as well?” Their group had since shifted to stand closer by the heroes, but still facing us.

“Just the same as we asked of them,” I told him, simply. “Work with us. We are the protectors of the city and I hope you’ll treat us like it.”

“And if I don’t?” He glared at us. “Will you hold my family hostage again?”

“No.” I said firmly, then ducked my head. Amy put a hand on my arm, encouraging me to continue. “I did that on Coil’s orders while trying to save Dinah. I’m not using that as an excuse or saying you should forgive me. You shouldn’t, and I’m not going to hold you to what we agreed then, but we won’t do something like that ever again. I do still hope you’ll argue for the city to be restored in the meeting you’ll be attending. We’ll still be here trying to fix it either way. And...honestly, I’d rather you win this election than any of the other candidates. At least one of them was in Coil’s pocket. But you...let's just say I like your stubbornness.”

His glare fell away in surprise, and he didn’t seem to know what to say. Before he could think of a reply, the doors to the headquarters behind them opened. Prism emerged, with Triumph carrying a dark skinned PRT officer over his shoulder.

“Tattletale?” I looked to her and she skipped forward to examine him.

“On it~.” She stopped halfway between our groups as Triumph laid the man down. From what I could see of him, he did match the picture I saw of Calvert. “Yes. That’s him,” Tattletale confirmed my thoughts, her voice turning grim. This was the man that tormented her for so long, finally laid low.

“Good,” Miss Militia said, turning to the comatose man. “If Panacea could wake him again so that we could-”

“Di-!” Tattletale began crying out, and I sensed the movement but neither of us could react in time.

A loud crack echoed through the air and everyone froze, the heroes looking about for the source. The loud retort of the gunshot made it hard to pinpoint the source at this range, but when the quiet sobbing started everyone finally noticed what Tattletale and I had, too late.

Dinah stood, still clutching her mother’s leg, but her other hand held a pistol she had taken from the belt of one of the police officers that came with the mayor. Its barrel was pointed right at Coil’s body, where a small puddle of blood was beginning to pool from the hole in his chest.

“Thirty-eight point five nine four percent chance he would have hurt someone again…” she choked out quietly. “I...I couldn’t…”

“What is it now?” Tattletale asked softly. I quickly walked over to her side and saw an unreadable expression on her face.

“Eight point one four two eight…” The gun fell from her shaking hand and she clutched her mother tighter.

I saw Tattletale’s expression harden and her mouth pull in a tight line. She wasn’t smiling. I almost didn’t recognise her for a second.

I felt her hand move, and I could tell what she was going to do. I might have even been able to stop her but...I didn’t.

Another gunshot rang out.

Tattletale turned back to Dinah, lowering the pistol she had pulled from her holster and ignoring all the guns that were now pointed her way. More blood pooled from the new hole in Calvert’s chest, just over his heart.

“How about now?”


Some people really seemed to be getting impatient with Coil's presence in this fic. I originally planned one chapter for the set up and one for the execution, but the response made me want to get it done in one. There kept being more I wanted to fit in before the planned end however, which kept pushing it back.
So now there is this monster!
Also, you can thank my beta Pendragoon for suggesting the scene with Lisa, Amy and Taylor after the Undersiders meeting.

Chapter 10: Aftermath


The stand off between the Undersiders and the heroes finishes, and Taylor takes her team back to settle things.


Sorry for the delay! Life has been busy, and this is a critical chapter and I wanted to do it right.
Much research was done and I pulled lines from Colony 15.10, Monarch 16.13, and Cell 22.3. I hope the result was satisfying.
Also, for everyone speculating and commenting on the potential fallout of what Taylor declared to the heroes, and how the PRT and government won't stand for it...there is much discussion going on behind closed doors that I can't show without numerous Interludes. But things will be happening.
Though I am considering a Battery interlude soon...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Jun 18, 2011

“One point three nine five…” Dinah muttered, staring at Calvert’s bleeding body.

I followed after Skitter and Tattletale, standing alongside them now only a few meters from the downed supervillain. I could see Lisa’s hand tensing, like she was considering firing again just to be sure.

“Tattletale, don’t.” Skitter said, reaching out to grab her arm and lower it, to the clear relief of the heroes and troopers; though I saw they were in no hurry to lower their own guns.

I looked at the heroes arrayed across from us, tense. I knew all of them. I had healed all of them at some point or another, and now I was here, helping their enemy. It made me nervous. Unsure. But...when the Nine were hunting me, none of them came looking. None of them helped. Only the Undersiders offered me a place. The heroes were the ones who seemed terrified as I finally used my abilities to their fullest. The look in their eyes was everything I had feared when I laid awake at night after my nightmares, dreaming of how people would react to seeing what I could truly do with my power.

Miss Militia waved a trooper to check on Coil, while another carefully took the gun away from Dinah. She herself didn’t take her eyes off Tattletale and the rest of us, her hand tightly gripping the rifle her power had turned into.

“This doesn’t reflect well on your honesty,” Miss Militia said warily. “Panacea, could you please-”

“No,” I interrupted her, knowing what she was going to ask. “I won’t heal him. Not after seeing what kind of things he has done.” My eyes flicked over to Dinah, clinging to her mother’s side, her eyes still fixed on her former captor.

“If you don’t then you are condemning him to-”

“No!” Skitter shouted, her entire swarm echoing with her shout. “She isn’t condemning him to death. She isn’t obligated to use her power to heal anyone, let alone someone suffering from the results of his own actions like he is. Just like you better not blame Dinah for what she did.” Her voice lowered, so Dinah hopefully couldn’t hear from where she was standing to the side with her parents. “She’s an abused kid with a precog power that just told her there was a good chance her abuser was going to escape to do it again. Tattletale has a little less excuse-” She briefly looked at the girl in question, who just smiled and shrugged, totally unapologetic, before looking back to Miss Militia, “-but he didn’t exactly treat her well either and he was already dying at that point. I know this might make it harder for you to believe we want to do good for this city and it’s people but...in the end, it doesn’t really matter whether you believe us or not. I want an agreement with you about all this, but we don’t need one. We’re going to do what we want anyway, and I just hope you’re willing to cooperate.”

I could tell Miss Militia was unsure what to do, looking between Skitter, Coil, Dinah, and me.

“Take him back inside,” she said to the troopers, not taking her eyes off us. “Get him what help you can.” She seemed to not have much to say to Skitter’s speech. She knew as well as we did, there wasn’t much she could do without starting a war.

“If you won’t take it as a deal,” Skitter continued, “then take it as a warning.” She turned and began walking back to the Gorllapede as it bent down, and I followed alongside Tattletale and Grue. I saw Atlas flying back from around the PRT building to join us as well.

Seeing Skitter turning to leave, Tattletale quickly pulled out a cellphone and tossed it to Dragon. As Dragon caught it, Tattletale brought her hand up by her ear with her thumb and pinky out in a ‘call me’ gesture.

I looked back at the heroes as Dragon easily caught the phone and the heroes silently watched us climb on our mount. The troopers carried Coil’s body back inside while the heroes just stared, warily. Battery seemed to be arguing with Assault about something while the rest just seemed angry; Piggot especially, as the bugs around her finally cleared. There was nothing they could do, and they hated it. It was a feeling I was well acquainted with.

This would be my last chance to turn back. To decide which side I would be on. Who I wanted to be.

I turned away and climbed up behind Taylor as she commanded my creation to take us home.



Coil was dead, or dying. Even if he pulled through, he wouldn’t wake from his coma without Amy’s help, and according to Dinah he wasn't likely to be a problem anymore.

Was it worth it?

I had just threatened the Protectorate! It wasn't exactly how I planned for the meeting to go. I'd hoped we could talk more peacefully and make some kind of alliance, but I went overboard while making my point with Coil and then Piggot ordered them to attack us and...They were too defensive, leaving that asthe only option I had left.

I would never actually command my bugs to attack civilians; Armsmaster was right. The fact that the others even considered that I might kind of hurt, but it worked in my favor regardless. They would be less likely to try something, knowing the threat was there.

Less than half a year ago I practically worshipped Armsmaster and Miss Militia, and now I was threatening their lives. They were afraid of me.

And they were right to be.

I hadn't even realised I was shaking until I felt Amy's hand slip into mine and squeeze it softly. It helped me re-center and I took a deep breath and held it for a few seconds before letting it out. I focused on her hand in mine; the strange feeling of her two shortened fingers resting on the back of my hand.

I knew this couldn’t be any easier on her. She used to be a hero and knew all of them and she threw it all away. But she was the one here trying to comfort me.

I squeezed her hand back and turned to give her a small smile, before remembering she wouldn’t see it through my mask. Still, I hoped she could tell how grateful I was. From the smile she gave me back, it seemed like she probably did.

“Thanks,” I whispered to her, and she just nodded knowingly.

We still needed to have our talk. I hadn’t decided what to say just yet, but I at least had a little longer. Hopefully I would be able to push through the rest of this day before everything caught up with me and I broke down.


It was afternoon by the time we returned to Tattletale’s new base. The sun would be just making its way to the west side of the sky if we could see it past the tall buildings ringing the base and the cloudy skies.

We left the Gorillapede sitting outside in the shell of an abandoned building near the base as we made our way down. I could already sense everyone gathered for the meeting below with my bugs. I knew Bitch and the others’ mission to save my dad had gone well, but I couldn’t be sure how this would go now. I had been afraid of this moment for a long time now, but it was long overdue.

I barely spared the mercenaries we passed in the hall a glance as Tattletale, Amy, Grue and I descended through the concrete passages into the depths of the base. I tried not to let my nervousness show as we finally reached the door to the central chamber where they were waiting. After making sure my mask was on securely I pushed the door open and entered, the others following behind me alongside a small cloud of my bugs.

More mercs lined the outsides of the large room, sitting or standing amidst crates of supplies and some on the walkways above, but all with their eyes focused on the small group in the center. Bitch stood next to Regent, with Bastard and Bentley already somewhat bulked up and looming over Trickster; tied up and blindfolded on the ground, his hat missing and his black suit heavily dishevelled. Beside them was another man; tall and dark-haired and somewhat balding, wearing glasses and a messy button up shirt.

My dad.

I tried to act normal and not stare as we entered, but I could feel his gaze on me already. I walked over to them, standing tall and trying to be confident.

“Is that you Skitter?” Trickster asked, bitterly. “Come to judge me? Coil isn’t going to let this stand you know. This will be the last straw with him. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.”

Rather than respond, I just signalled the group Tattletale had invited that were waiting in the next room to enter with my clone bug. Another of the heavy metal doors leading off the room opened, revealing a small group of teenagers; two boys and two girls. All the mercs around the room stiffened up a little; most putting their hands on their weapons, readying themselves, while others fully drew them and held them at their side.

“Trickster?” The boy in the bulky black armor said in confusion, looking down at his teammate before hurrying forward and turning to glare at me. “What’s going on? The rest of the Travelers followed Ballistic in; Sundancer in her costume as well, while Genesis rolled after in her wheelchair alongside the blond boy I had only seen a couple times. Before they could react further, I spoke.

“Coil is dead.”

Trickster froze where he lay on the ground, and the other Travellers just stared at me, wide-eyed.

“What…?” Sundancer gasped.

“He made a move against us,” I began, “and we-”

The blindfold disappeared from Trickster’s face, his shoes falling down near his head. There was just enough time for me to see a smirk spread across his face before Grue took his place. I turned to where Grue had stood before only to find a confused merc. Hearing a click behind me, I turned again to find Trickster standing where Regent had been, Tattletale’s handgun now in his hand. A crumpled coffee cup fell to the ground from her now empty holster.

“You might have captured me, but did you really expect me to believe you were able to take down Coil?” He glared at me, and I caught Ballistic slipping some ball bearings into his hands. He was the only one other than Trickster that would really be a threat. Sundancer couldn’t do anything at this range and Genesis would take too long to prepare a projection. “He has way too many backup plans to fall for any of your tricks. And we all know you’ve been trying to get something over him for a while. I know you have your problem with him, but you need-”

There was a loud clang as a metal chair impacted the side of his head and Trickster dropped like a rag doll. Everyone turned to the one holding it in surprise, as my dad set the chair back on the ground. Like everyone else, Trickster must not have...expected him to actually do anything.

“Nice hit Mr. H!” Imp jumped to his side with her hand held up for a high five. “Knocked out twice in one day, you’d think he’d learn. I was about to take him down again, but I’m not gonna complain that you beat me to it. That was f*cking awesome!”

“I might not look like much, but you don’t get to be the union rep for the dockworkers in this city without being able to deal with the occasional thug,” Dad said, sheepishly high fiving Imp. Then he looked to the other Travelers, eyeing them warily. “Now, how about we calm down a bit and talk this out?”

I took the chance to turn to the other Travelers. “Ballistic. Sundancer. I know you guys aren’t happy with the status quo. If you want to stop running, stop moving constantly and move to Brockton Bay permanently, we’ll have you.”

“Coil was lying, you know,” Tattletale added, when they still looked unsure. “He can maybe help you, but he can’t help Noelle. None of the plans he’s been talking about will work, and he knows they won’t work. He wants Noelle for entirely different reasons. He thinks he can get her on a leash, so he’s got firepower even if he gets rid of the supervillains working under him. A threat that only the great PRT leader Thomas Calvert can address.”

“Coil’s civilian identity,” I clarified. “Or, it was.”

There was a pause, then I saw Ballistic’s hand close around the ball bearings he held and lower. Sundancer and Genesis looked at him, confused, as he glanced back at them briefly before walking over to us.

“Ballistic…?” Genesis said, confused and hurt.

“I’m done. This was a doomed quest from the start,” Ballistic said. He stopped to free Grue from Trickster’s bonds before turning around to face his teammates.

“Unlike Coil, we actually want to help you,” Tattletale continued. “Between Amy and I, we might be able to figure out a way to help Noelle. Especially if Dinah is willing to help.” I shot her a look and she clarified, “If she is willing of course. But we have nothing to gain by keeping Noelle as some monster. We will actually be trying to fix her.”

“Why?” Sundancer asked, narrowing her eyes at us. “Why should we believe you’re any better than Coil?”

“I could tell you we’re different than Coil, but you wouldn’t believe us.” I replied. “So just think about it logically. We already control this city. With Amy’s help, my range covers the whole city. We have nothing to prove by taking down some monster, and we don’t need the firepower either. Letting her loose like she is would just cause problems for everyone.”

“And,” Tattletale cut in with a smile, “I think I might have some ideas for your other problem.” I still didn’t know what that problem was, but as I saw their eyes widen with hope I jumped on the chance.

“Sundancer?” I asked. “You said before that you were lonely, that all of this was too intense for you. Even the stuff I’ve done, it didn’t sit right with you. I get that. Don’t you want to stop? To say goodbye to this life?” I could see her hesitate for a few seconds, biting her lip and looking between Trickster and I.

“Well...what would we be doing, working for you?” Sundancer asked, nervously.

“Just look after your territory,” I said simply, with a shrug. “Take care of the people there and help us if any villains come to town. I won’t even make you fight the heroes if they start something.”

“I...Okay.” She sighed and nodded. “I can do that.”

“Genesis?” I turned to their last member, as she looked quickly between Sundancer and I with narrowed eyes.

“What about Trickster?” She stared up at me firmly. “What are you going to do with him?”

I looked down at their leader, splayed out on the floor. “I don’t want to kill him.” Looking back to her, I continued. “We’ll have to lock him up. He helped Coil try to kidnap-” I froze up and glanced at my dad. I didn’t want to reveal that here. “He...we can’t trust him anymore.”

Genesis sighed. “I...I can understand that. He has always been desperate. It’s caused a lot of problems. Just...let me talk to him?”

“Okay.” I nodded. I could accept that. “Grue, Imp, could you take him to one of the cells? Make sure he can’t see out of the room.”

“Sure thing, boss lady.” Imp gave a mock salute and went to help pick up Trickster with her brother, and I waved a couple mercs to help them.

“Ballistic, Sundancer, if you’re willing to work with us you can go back to doing what you were doing then. Like I said, I just want you to take care of your territories.” I said to the pair of them, and they just nodded, accepting, before looking back to Genesis and their other member I didn’t know.

“Oliver?” Genesis turned to the blonde boy.

“It...seems like our best option, Jess?” He replied quietly.

"Fine,” she muttered. “If everyone else is on board, I’ll stay and talk to him when he wakes up. But if you betray us too Skitter, you better make sure we don’t get a chance to find out.” She glared at me as she rolled out of the room after the others carrying Trickster. Ballistic and Sundancer gave me unreadable looks before they left as well, heading for the exit to the base. Hopefully just going back to their own territories.

I looked at my dad and the others nervously, glad for the mask hiding my expression as I shunted more of my emotions into my bugs. I had to keep up the act until we were alone. "We need to talk in private. The rest of you can go back to your territories if you want, I need to have a talk with our… guest. We need to see how much he knows."

"Sure thing, boss lady." Regent gave a mocking salute and grinned before turning to leave.

"Please say you two aren't going to make that a thing?" I said, stifling my groan.

"Already is!" He called back over his shoulder, twirling his scepter as he walked out.

I sighed and just glanced at the others; Tattletale, Amy and Bitch made no move to leave. Surprisingly, I didn't mind as much as I thought I would..

Waving for them to follow, I lead everyone to one of the meeting rooms down the hall, gesturing for the mercenaries to stay behind. Dealing with the Travelers was good to show the troops, to show them what we're capable of and earn respect. But this...I didn't want them to see.

I closed the door and turned to my dad. I was barely aware of the others in the room, watching in silence. I had been afraid of this moment for so long. What would he think? What would he say? Would he be mad? Would he reject me for being a villain? Or worse...would he be afraid?

I pushed the bugs swirling around me to the sides of the room to give him a clear view, and slowly reached up to slip my mask off. I had pulled everything back from my bugs, not wanting to hide my emotions this time. My hands were shaking as I pulled my hair free and let my mask drop by my side.

"Hi dad," I said, with a nervous smile. "I-"

His body crashed against me and his arms circled around my back, squeezing me tight. My new instincts screamed at me to fight back against the sudden attack, but I forced myself to relax. That just proved it had been too long since we hugged like this.

"Taylor," I heard my dad choke out as I hugged him back. "I'm so glad you're okay." I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I eventually pulled back. We had a lot to talk about.

“You’re not...mad?” I asked.

“Well...I am,” he said, looking down at me wryly. “But I was also worried. I...suspected for a while. I wasn’t sure whether to hug you or yell at you, but it’s not the time. Not right now.”

“You suspected?” I stared at him incredulously. I thought I’d been so careful. “For how long?”

“Well, it wasn’t too hard,” he snorted quietly in grim amusem*nt. “There were clues. Exercising harder. Coming home late. Your new friends. I thought it might have been something else at first, but I’d been looking into some of the local capes as part of my duties for the Union since we need to know what to look out for, and I came across the Undersiders. The timing and the hair...I still wasn’t sure, but it got me thinking. I hoped you would come home and talk to me, tell me what was going on by yourself.” He paused for a moment and just reached out to stroke my long, curly hair, like my mom’s. There was no anger in his eyes right now. “At first, when Coil’s men grabbed me I thought he wanted something from the Union, but he never asked me for anything. Then, when the Undersiders came to save me,” he glanced at Bitch, who had taken off her mask and was sitting down petting Bentley, “it got me thinking again and I remembered how similar Skitter looked to you and...seeing you here finally confirmed it. Everything finally added up. All the strange things over the past months with you. When you walked in…” He smiled sadly. “I was ready to give you the scolding of a lifetime, but all I could think about was how relieved I was.”

“I’m sorry dad. So much happened, and I was scared of what you would think if you knew and…” I stepped back, finally giving him a closer look. He had marks all over his body and a large bandage on his shoulder that made me think Coil’s men tortured him, but I noticed they were all dried scabs in lines and circles all over his face and arms. “Is this still from Shatterbird?” Shouldn’t he have healed by now? Or had they been that bad?

“Some of the wounds were a little deeper, but I’ll be fine.” He tried to wave it off, but Amy stepped over and took his hand.

“He has severe kidney damage,” she said, with a frown.

Dad turned to her in surprise. “Are you...Panacea? I thought I heard something about you disappearing and turning up healing people on the street somewhere. You joined?”

“That’s not important right now,” I rounded on him. “You have kidney damage? Why didn’t you-” I couldn’t blame him for not telling me. He didn’t have any way to contact me if he wanted to. And he couldn’t get help anywhere either. “You couldn’t...Are you okay?”

“Yes,” he sighed. “I had to sell or trade some things for food. The doctor advised me to up my iron and protein intake while we wait to see if it’ll scar. Not nutrients you find in good supply in supply kits. But I’ll be fine.”

“Actually, no you wouldn't.” Amy said suddenly, as dad’s scabs suddenly began fading away, sinking back into him. “I'd give you five years before your right kidney failed; ten at most if you got good treatment. Now you’ll be fine.”

“O-Oh, thank you!” Dad gasped a bit and his eyes widened as he no doubt felt the strange squirming sensation inside that I was now familiar with. “Wow. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you end up with these...villains?” He looked us over, eyes narrowed but his mouth quirked a little. As he finished speaking, he suddenly winced a bit. I wasn’t sure why until I saw the glare on Amy’s face.

“Those villains just saved your life.” Amy dropped his hand and stepped back again. I just crossed my arms and frowned, stepping beside her. I couldn’t blame him for seeing things that way, but it still hurt.

Turning back to me, I saw his expression soften again and he sighed. “I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s just hard for me to understand. You always wanted to be a hero, and now you’re one of the villains taking over the city. I know there must be more to it. Taylor...you would never become an evil person. I know my daughter. Even if I barely feel like I know her right now, I can look her in the eye and know that you’re the same girl I’ve spent the last sixteen years with. With some of the worst qualities of my wife and I, and a lot more of the better ones. I know you must have had reasons for the things you did. I just wish you told me.”

“Dad…” My arms dropped to my sides again and my frown fell away as I took a step toward him again. “I...I do still want to be a hero. I always have. Everything I’ve done, I did have my reasons. Some don’t seem good enough, looking back, and there are things I would have done differently. But every step of the way, I’ve just been trying to help people. But...the Protectorate isn’t the way to do that.”

“She’s telling the truth,” Tattletale cut in, taking off her mask as everyone’s attention turned to her. I was surprised she had been able to stay quiet this long, honestly. “When she first joined us, she had been a hero and was trying to use us to get to our now dead boss. Things got complicated after that and she stayed on longer, but she kept talking us away from the worst jobs. At this point she has pretty much turned us into heroes after a fashion, not that the white hats will ever see us that way.”

“Lisa, right?” My dad asked. “I remember you. Thank you for being there for her.” He chuckled. “I’m glad she was a good influence on you all. And I admit, you and Brian were part of what made me suspect. He is Grue I assume?”

Lisa just grinned back at him. “Damn Taylor, your dad is a pretty smart guy. Here I thought we were being subtle.” Off to the side, I heard Amy snort.

“So,” I let myself smile a bit, glad things seemed to be going well. “What happens now? You’re really not upset?”

“Oh I am upset. Very upset.” He laughed a bit, but I noted there was a slightly unhinged tone to it. Like he was trying to stay calm but was on the verge of losing it. “But I know there is a lot I don’t know. A lot...a lot has happened the past couple months. You got powers and became a hero. A villain. You robbed a bank and attacked heroes. You fought Leviathan and the Slaughterhouse Nine for god’s sake! The stories I heard about Skitter fighting Mannequin head on, knowing now for sure that it was my daughter… Some things worry me and some things scare me but...like I said, you’re my daughter and I’m willing to believe you’re doing it for good. I have heard some good things about your...territory too. You’re taking care of the people there right? And I know your friends at least aren’t giving their people a hard time.” He glanced at Rachel for a moment and quietly added, “mostly,” before continuing. “What I want to happen now is to just...be a part of your life again. I’d like it if you came back home, but I know you have people you need to take care of now too. I may not have powers or money.” He gave a pained laugh. “I’m not even a strong guy, I know that. But...” He turned and looked at me firmly, his jaw set. “I’m your father. And I will do anything to be a part of your life again.”

“Dad…” I could feel my eyes getting hot with tears before I threw myself forward and wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner! I just...I thought...” I could barely string a thought together. I was just so relieved, my body was practically going limp in his arms as he returned my hug tightly.

“I know,” he whispered back, stroking my hair softly as he held me. ”It’s my fault too. I was distant and...I wasn’t paying enough attention to you as I should have. I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry you couldn’t trust me, and part of that was my fault for pushing you. We have another chance now. We can set things right.”

“I-I’d like that.” My voice shook as I choked the words out. Tattletale said something to the others, and they quietly filed out of the room, but I wasn’t paying attention. I clung desperately to my father in a way I hadn’t since mom died. Fittingly, since it was the closest I had felt with him since then as well. And for the first time since then, I really felt like we were a family.



Seeing Taylor with her dad like that got me thinking about Mark. We were never that close, between his depression and...Carol, but I still cared about him. I regretted not helping him with his depression before I left. Of course I still wished none of that happened at all, but since I was healing his brain anyway, I could have at least done that. Now that I was more comfortable with my power, there is so much more I wished I could have done.

I was sitting against the wall beside the door for almost an hour before it finally opened and Taylor’s dad stepped out. His eyes were somewhat red, and I realized he must have been crying. The thought made me feel like I was intruding and I wasn’t sure what to say.

“Oh, Amy, right?” He said, as he spotted me sitting there.

“Hi, Mr. Hebert,” I finally answered. “I’m...glad you’re alright.”

“I have you to thank for that, in more ways than one I hear.” He gave me a small smile. “And to you, it’s Danny. I don’t know your full story, but you helped me and you helped her. So if you need anything from me, you just let me know. For now though Tay- uh...Skitter needs to talk to you first.” He glanced at the mercenary guard down the hall at his near slip up, before turning back to me and offering me a hand up.

I hesitated a moment before taking his hand again. I still wasn’t very comfortable with skin to skin contact, but I had just healed him an hour ago. Still, I quickly let go once I was back on my feet. After giving him a nervous smile I followed his direction and went back into the room, closing the door behind me.

Taylor was sitting at the table rubbing her eyes a bit as I entered, and I had that feeling again of intruding. I almost considered turning and leaving, but she caught me before I could, giving me a gentle smile that almost stopped my heart. It just wasn’t fair.

I went to sit across from her, but she waved me to the chair next to her instead, and I couldn’t refuse.

“Amy,” she began slowly. “I just...wanted to thank you for everything.” I just nodded, looking at the ground and not sure what to say, so she continued. “When you first came to my territory and offered to work for me, I promised myself I wasn’t going to ask you for anything. That I wouldn’t pressure you like everyone else had. When you helped Atlas and my people I was grateful, but I still wanted to let you do things at your own pace. But I...broke that promise today.”

“I-It’s fine!” I quickly told her. “I would have offered to help you anyway! It was for your dad, and Dinah. Coil had to be stopped.”

“And me using your creations against the heroes?” She said, and I bit my lip. That was harder to answer.

“You...had to.”

“No, I didn’t.” She said firmly, and I looked up to see her staring me in the eye. I felt my cheeks darken a bit at that, but I didn’t look away.

“It was...necessary, for what you were trying to do,” I said, trying that as an answer. “And like you said, they haven’t been helping. The Undersiders can help the city better.”

“Do you really believe that?” She asked. “And that’s still not what you made them for.” I opened my mouth to answer, but when nothing came out she continued. “I’m...I am very grateful you helped me. I couldn’t have saved my dad without you. And then you even healed him. I...I don’t know what I would have done without you. And I won’t ask you to do anything like that again. But...I need to know why you did it.”

“I...I had to!” I stammered, and I saw her face fall. “No, f*ck, that’s...that’s not what I meant. You didn’t pressure me into anything. But I just...I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. You took me in, and protected me. You saved me from Jack. And even if you didn’t, your dad didn’t deserve any of that.”

“No other reason?” She looked back at me curiously. “It didn’t have anything to do with...what Lisa said?”

I felt my face heat up again as a swirl of emotions blew through me with the memory.

“I...I don’t know!” I did know, but I shouldn’t. There was no way I could be crushing on her this hard after only a few days, but I was. I still wouldn’t have just stood by and let her dad die otherwise, but...would I have gone this far? Made all those things and extended her range to cover the city. and even go as far as to side with her against the heroes? How much was because she saved me and how much was...that? I didn’t know.

“Amy...do you have a crush on me?”

I ducked my head in embarrassment, my thoughts warring with each other. After a minute I finally said, “What if I did...?”

To my surprise she reached out and took my hand. No explosion of my senses since she was wearing gloves; just my own racing heart.

“I’m going to stay with my dad tonight, but maybe in a couple days we could try lunch together? Alone?” I glanced back up at her face, to find a faint blush on her face above a shy smile.

“I think I’d like that?” I squeaked out, nervously. Was this really happening?

“O-Okay,” She replied simply, seeming nearly as nervous as I was. “I’ll be back soon. And...thanks again Amy. For everything.” Her mouth spread into a stunning smile, then she leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek.

Before I could react she had hopped out of her chair and hurried out the door, donning her mask again as she went.

Did that just happen?


Also, please thank my beta, Pendragoon!

Chapter 11: Catching Up


Taylor spends some time catching up with her father, before going to catch up with some other friends.


Some parts of this chapter taken from Interlude 15, but as always the outcome is...a little different.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


June 18, 2011

As I left Amy behind in the meeting room, I was glad for my mask hiding the inevitable blush I had after that. What was I even doing? Did I just ask a girl out on a date? Did I just ask Panacea out on a date? I wasn’t even interested in girls like that!

Was I?

Sure she was cute, but in the same way a puppy was cute! It was a little different after she...made me gay that time, but that’s gone now. Was I just that desperate that I’d just take the first person to show any interest, even if they were just another girl?

No...It was an insult to Amy to even think that. She wasn’t just anybody. She came to me for help, trusted me to protect her, and she helped me. I...cared about her. She’d put her faith in me and I didn’t ever want to betray it. She represented everyone I had ever tried to save. It was like...if I could save her, then everything could be alright. Everything I had done wouldn’t have been for nothing.

Of course that still wasn’t enough to just ask her on a date but...she liked me. Tattletale said she had a crush on me, and Amy herself pretty much admitted it. And...I wasn’t really against giving it a shot?

“Taylor?” A voice snapped me from my thoughts. “Something wrong?”

“N-No dad. It’s fine.” I shook my head and focused back on the present. “But remember, until I’m out of costume, it’s Skitter.” Luckily there were no mercenaries in the hall here, but we still needed to make it out of the base.

“Of course.” He straightened up, putting on what I recognised as his ‘work face’. “Coil kidnapped me to get a foothold with the Dockworkers, and after you saved me you wished to discuss if hiring us to assist with the cleanup was viable or not..”

“That...works.” I looked at him, impressed. He was taking this pretty well. I guess he must have been pretty good at keeping a professional attitude to have been the DWA’s representative for so long.

“I do hope you will be planning to give plenty of work to the Dockworkers Association after all?” He looked back at me with a teasing smile.

“I...Of course!” I stammered out, still not sure how to deal with this new side of him. “But I thought you didn’t want the DWA involved with any gangs or villains?”

“That was before I found out my daughter was one of them,” he said simply. “One of my main problems with the gangs was that I either didn’t know their motivation, or I knew it and didn’t approve. I know why and how you’re doing things, and I can be sure it’s good. So...I don’t mind my people working with you, and I’ll tell them as much.” Then he waved an arm toward the hallway back to the main room. “Now, if that is everything, lead the way, Skitter.”

I smiled behind my mask before straightening my back and striding forward with confidence, doing just that.


We left the base together after I changed back into my normal clothes, taking one of the less obvious exits that Calvert no doubt used for this very purpose. My dad offered to keep watch to make sure no one saw us together, but I knew there was no one nearby who could see. I could see everywhere in the city after all. I still hadn’t quite processed it yet but...I could sense the entire city.

The group of homeless around a burning trash can several blocks away. The people of my territory still working hard at clearing debris and repairing buildings, while I guided them with my bugs. Genesis talking with Trickster as he woke up back in Tattletale’s base. A group of Merchants across the city converging on some people who strayed too far into their territory that I sent running with a small swarm of bugs.

I could sense it all. It was overwhelming when I thought about it too much, but I did notice the outer edges of my range weren’t as clear, even with the relay bugs. And the more I focused on one thing, the less aware I was of other things. I guess my multitasking did still have it’s limits. Any dreams of controlling the world from an iron throne were dashed before they truly began.

Yet it was still good enough that I couldn’t distract myself from being in the car with my dad, driving home. Since his car was still at home, Tattletale offered one of the ‘undercover’ cars that Coil kept for surveillance purposes. In reality, it wasn’t much better than what dad had. Even with the unfamiliar car, driving home with dad was all too familiar. I never thought I’d be able to do something like this again. I thought it was all in the past, but...here I was.

It still didn’t feel real.

We were silent on the drive back, with only a brief stop for dad to pick up some groceries. It wasn’t an awkward silence though. Despite the unfamiliar familiar feeling, it was comfortable.

When we arrived home, I followed dad inside, stepping over the broken step of the porch on instinct, even after so long.

That’s when it hit me. It hadn’t actually been that long. It might have been a while since I was this close with dad, but it had only been a month and a half since I left home, not counting my brief return during Shatterbird’s attack. It felt like it had been years, with everything that had happened.

As I took off my shoes in the entryway, dad hovered a little awkwardly like he wasn’t sure what to do or say, before taking the groceries to the kitchen and saying he was going to make dinner. Was he afraid I would leave again if he let me out of his sight?

If so, I couldn’t really blame him.

Wanting to find some way to occupy myself until dinner, I went up to my room. Everything was still as I left it, more or less. Someone had cleaned up the glass from my broken window, and boarded it up at some point.

As I checked things upstairs I noticed the spider nests in and around the basem*nt from when I had made my first costume. Reminded of them now, I collected the stragglers that hadn’t moved on and sent them toward my territory to add to my stock there. Dangerous to leave that many black widows so close to dad even with my expanded range.

As the spiders from the nest in the sealed coal chute crawled back into the basem*nt, I felt them crawl over the fabric of a bag stored there and I remembered. The money I’d stashed from the bank job, back when I was still planning to betray the Undersiders. I noticed how empty the living room seemed before I came up here. Dad had to trade so much away just to get by…

I was lost in thought for some time before I heard my dad call that dinner was ready and I hurried back downstairs. The smell of melted cheese, pasta and tomato sauce hit me like a wave of nostalgia.

“I made lasagna. That was your favorite, right?” Dad gave a crooked, nervous smile.

“Yeah...Mom’s recipe?” I asked in return, stepping closer into the familiar scent.

He nodded. “Yeah, sorry I couldn’t get you anything better for your birthday last week. I found the book in the cupboard here the other day while I was going through um...selling things. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it though.”

“Good!” I shouted immediately, before coughing and trying to settle myself down again. “Good, sorry. You shouldn’t be selling things. Especially...” I trailed off, but it was clear what I was going to say. Her things.

And...birthday? I guess I was sixteen now. Should I ask Lisa about getting a fake drivers license now?

Dad winced and then sighed. “I know but, you know money has been tight. And with the kidney damage-”

“No, no, that’s not what I meant.” I cut him off, putting a hand on his arm and smiling awkwardly at him. When would we really be comfortable with each other again? “I meant...you shouldn’t have to sell things.”

Right on time, there was a thump at the top of the basem*nt stairs and we both turned to see a small cloud of Amy’s enhanced bugs dragging a canvas bag over the lip of the stairs into the room.

“Taylor?” Dad looked between me and the bag, confused.

“It’s money,” I said simply, looking away nervously. “Pay from my first job with the Undersiders. I don’t remember how much was in there, but it was at least twenty grand. With the money we’re getting from Coil’s accounts and Lisa’s investing, I don’t need it. I...hadn’t wanted to spend it when I first got it. I felt guilty over being a villain at all and...It’s complicated, but it doesn’t matter now. You need the money, so take it. Buy back the stuff you had to sell. Take care of yourself. Give it to the Union if you want, just...I want you to have it.”

“Taylor, I…” he sighed again and I was worried for a second before I heard the clink of plates and cutlery hitting the table. “How about we just sit and have dinner first? We can talk while we eat.”

I nodded and we both took a seat at the table and started eating. The taste was a little off, and the noodles were a little crispy at the edges, but it was still mom’s recipe. It had been years since I tasted this. The memory alone almost made me cry.

“Why don’t we start with what Lisa mentioned; how you joined the Undersiders?” His question pulled me from my reminiscing and I looked back to him. “You said you were guilty about it?”

“Yeah, like I said I never wanted to be a villain, but…” and I told him the whole story. I told him about my first night out and my fight with Lung, and the talks with Armsmaster and the Undersiders. I told him about why I joined them, and my struggles after; how I was torn between loyalty to my new friends and doing what was right as a hero. How Armsmaster abandoned me, and everything that led into the fight with Leviathan and how my secret was revealed and how things went after. He didn’t ask about the Nine, and I was hesitant to talk about it. He had probably heard the rumors and most of them were true enough.

Throughout it all he stayed mostly silent, aside from asking for clarification or asking questions to prompt me along; but I saw his expression harden when I mentioned Armsmaster turning his back on me, or his hand tense as I described the desperate battle against Leviathan.

It was nice to finally be able to talk about all this. To have someone actually listen to me tell my side of the story and believe my justifications, even if I didn’t believe them myself sometimes. You always hear about people talking about having a weight on their shoulders as some sort of metaphor, but telling my story like this, I did feel a sort of tension leave me. I was more relaxed now than I had been in a long time.

I was glad to finally have my dad on my side again.

I don’t know how much time passed before I finally finished talking and my dad’s questions had run out, but a silence eventually fell between us. Looking down at my barely touched lasagna, and seeing the droplets of water falling onto it from somewhere, I was the first to break the silence.

“Thanks Dad. Thank you...for listening.”

“Taylor…” I could hear the raw emotion in his voice. The regret. The pity. The sympathy. But I didn’t care. For once, I didn’t mind the pity as I heard the groan of his chair pushing against the wooden floor before he got up from his own barely touched meal and wound his arms around me.

I had my dad back.

We eventually got back to our dinner and talked a little more casually for the rest of the night. Dad asked me about the other Undersiders, and he seemed relieved to hear I got along with all of them. That I had friends again. It had been rocky but...I really did have friends now. We talked about Amy too, and how the heroes had essentially abandoned her to the Nine. His fists clenched at that, but he didn’t interrupt as I recounted how she came to work for me.

After that I finally went to bed. It had been a long day. I could still sense the whole city, and was keeping an eye on my territory especially. I could sense Amy flitting nervously around our base after she got back, and I took control of the clone bugs she continued to make, using them to help supervise things.

I was almost afraid to fall asleep after my declaration about this city being ours. I could watch and protect the whole city, but not if I was asleep. I’d taken the responsibility on myself and I was scared to let the city down now, but eventually I did manage to fall asleep, and miraculously the city was still there when I woke up.

Dad’s expression when he saw me that morning was heartbreaking. It must not have felt real to him yet either, having me there. When I told him I would stay another day he called in and took the day off work. We didn’t talk much more about my villain life or the bag of money still sitting in the kitchen that day; we just spent the day together, enjoying each other’s company like we hadn’t since mom’s death.

It was good to finally take a day to relax after everything that had happened lately with Coil and the heroes. I was a little surprised I didn’t sense the heroes make any moves that day, just continuing their regular patrols and reporting to HQ. Amy continued just mass producing clone bugs to the point I considered telling her to stop, but I knew they would come in handy eventually so I just kept using them to do patrols of my own. Dozens of Skitter clones were now patrolling the city, and the heroes were giving them a wide berth.

Genesis stayed with Trickster at Tattletale’s base talking, but didn’t get up to any trouble. The Undersiders and the rest of the Travelers had returned to their own territories. The city was...surprisingly calm, so I let myself enjoy the day off.

As relaxing as my mini vacation had been, it was time to get back to work the following morning. Dad seemed worried, but he knew I had things to take care of and didn’t argue. It was good to know I had his support again.

My first stop was to check in on Brian. He had been looking worse and worse lately, and it was long overdue. I may have been putting it off to be honest; I wasn’t sure what to do. I wasn’t a therapist, and it was clear that’s what he really needed.

Atlas met me a few blocks from my dad’s house and I changed into my costume before flying him to Grue and Imp’s territory. Their lair was actually not far from the house, so it was a short ride. I might have preferred it if it was longer, so I had more time to think on what I would say, but soon enough I was there.

I changed back into my civilian clothes and left my costume with Atlas before walking the last couple blocks to Grue’s lair. After signalling him with a moth he came to meet me at the door. The moth smelled blood on him, making me even more concerned, which was only confirmed as he opened the door.

Brian looked gaunt, and his eyes were sunken into his face with dark circles under them. He was covered in sweat, wearing a white tank top over a pair of track pants. I scanned over him with my eyes before noticing his torn knuckles; the source of the blood the moth had smelt. It made it easier to keep my eyes off the sweat drenched muscles of his arms.

Amy had definitely not taken away my old interests.

“Decided to check in on me?” Brian asked, his voice solemn. I snapped my eyes back to his face before replying.

“Yeah, it's been a while since we talked and I want to stay up to date with the team.” I tried to keep my tone casual as I followed him inside. “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine,” he grumbled, looking away. “Keeping up. Getting the job done.”

“I wasn’t asking about work,” I said softly. I wasn’t good at this.

As we passed from the entry into the lounge area, I saw a punching bag hanging in the corner, blood staining it around shoulder height. At least he didn’t tear his knuckles another way, but still not a good sign.

“Are you...doing okay? A little early for training isn’t it?” I tried.

He glanced down at his knuckles before turning his hands away from me. “I told you I’m fine. Just trying to stay in shape. Never know what's gonna happen.”

“I guess that’s true,” I sighed. “Hopefully things will be calming down soon though. Coil is done and what’s left of the ABB, E88 and Merchants are all scattered. I can see everything going on in the city, and between us, New Wave and the Protectorate, the city is safer than it’s ever been.”

He looked back at me, the dark circles almost making it look like a glare. “You really think that’s gonna work? They let us walk away after we took out Coil, but do you really think they’ll let it stand?”

“I hope they do, but honestly? Not really,” I admitted. While there wasn’t much the Protectorate could do to retaliate, I didn’t think they’d cooperate so easily just because I told them to. It was hard to stay optimistic in this city. “Even if they try something though, I will see them coming. We have the upper hand here now, Brian. The city is ours. You can relax. Maybe take a break for a while? Imp has been handling things pretty well.”

“She has, hasn’t she?” He sighed, turning to look at a map on the wall, showing his territory. Symbols representing gangs and looters were littered throughout the map, but most had been crossed out with red ‘x’s. “That’s all the more reason I can’t take a break though. I need to get back on my feet. Get back out there. I can’t just let my little sister handle everything. She’s only fourteen, Taylor!” He turned and slammed his bloodied knuckles into the punching bag, sending it rocking back and forth. “I’m supposed to be the big brother. The strong one. I’m supposed to take care of her, but here she is looking after me, because I’m just stuck here spinning in place. I backed you up on the job with Coil, because we’ve been planning that for ages and your dad was in danger. But aside from that? I...I can barely bring myself to make food, let alone leave here and take care of business. I can’t sleep. I can’t eat. I just keep seeing...her, and her little grinning face.”

Even without a name, I knew who he was talking about. My own mind flashed back to that freezer, and the sound of that saw slicing through the bone of my skull as she grinned down at me. And I knew it must be so much worse for him. What do I say to that?

“How do you deal with it?” he muttered. “You always seem so calm, even after everything. You fought Burnscar, Mannequin. You were there when...Bonesaw, she...How are you so calm!?” He raised his voice and I had to resist flinching back.

“I...I don’t know,” I said. “I have you and the others to help back me up, and...my bugs help center me I guess.” I leaned against the counter to a small kitchen area, watching him.

“I wish I could find the same comfort in my power,” Brian murmured. “Could I…?” He held out a hand, his oily darkness spilling from it in a clear question.

I nodded, a little nervous. “Yeah, sure. Anything to help.”

He didn’t say anything else in reply, just letting his shoulders relax a little as the darkness spilled forth more, swirling over the floor before climbing higher. Soon enough, I was fully engulfed in it and my vision went black as my hearing dulled. I could still sense Brian and most of the room with my bugs; I had always been the most at ease in his power out of the team due to my extra sense.

I closed my eyes and tried to let myself relax. My bugs tracking Brian sensed him just standing there across the room from me, but with my ability I could feel a sort of foreign presence pressing against my control. It was weaker than my hold and only spread over the immediate area, but it was definitely there. I let him move a few around and didn’t resist his control much, letting him feel things out.

“It’s sort of calming, when you think about it,” I said. It was strange, talking without being able to hear my own voice. “You realize how small you are in the grand scheme of things. We’re not really the rulers of this planet, we’re just tenants, and it’s the small stuff, the bacteria and insects and the plant matter that really runs it all. Even the big stuff, the nasty, scary stuff, it’s all pretty small in the grand scheme of things, isn’t it?”

When nothing happened or was said after a minute, I just continued, “I guess it takes me out of myself when I think about it, reminds me that we’re only one part of this vast system, we’re cogs in the universe, in our own way. Seeing the little details makes me feel like the big problems aren’t so personal, they aren’t as overwhelming. I don’t know if that makes sense, but I usually try reaching out to these guys when things get bad.”

I sensed Brian stepping closer to me, but I didn’t think much of it, just continuing to lean there and letting him work through things. I felt some vibrations as though he were talking, but of course I couldn’t hear it through his darkness.

After another moment I continued, quietly. “I don’t want to stir up any unhappy thoughts, but I don’t want to ignore the subject either. I did some reading, and there’s a pretty scary number of people who have their second trigger events and then have a bad ending shortly after. I think it has to do with the toll it takes on you, the event…I’m…I’m not good at this. At the people stuff. But I have been through some dark spots. My mom died not too long ago, I can’t remember if we really talked about that. And there was the bullying, I sometimes wonder how much that influences what I do and why. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I guess I’m saying I’m here for whatever you need.”

Another pause, then I felt him reaching for me before hesitating. Just as his arms started falling back to his sides I spoke.

“Hey.” Too nervous, I barely put any volume into it. To make sure he heard me I said a little louder, “Go ahead.”

He hesitated again, maybe confused I had seen him, before stepping forward and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly, glad to finally be able to help. Glad I finally seemed to be getting through to him.

The darkness slowly faded away from us as I finally felt him fully relax for what seemed like the first time since I found him in that freezer.

“You’re so still,” he whispered in my ear as he held me. I wasn’t sure how to reply, so I just kept holding him. After a few seconds he whispered again. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I wasn’t sure what he was apologising for, but he didn’t need to. Not right now, and not for this.

Finally breaking the hug, Brian pulled his head back before he slowly leaned down, bringing his lips toward mine and-

I pulled back on instinct.

"Brian, what…?" I stammered, looking at him in surprise as he jerked back, looking hurt.

"Sorry. I thought...You used to like me, so…" he seemed to be scrambling, and I could see him shaking a bit. This was bad.

"I- I did, but…" I trailed off. Did I still? I hadn't thought about it in a while and we had both changed so much. I couldn't really blame him for how he was now, with what happened to him, but...he wasn't the man I'd been attracted to anymore. Maybe he needed someone, but it couldn’t be me. I couldn’t give him what he deserved.

Looking at him now, and remembering what he told me when I confessed to him before, about seeing me like a sister...I couldn't help but think he was just doing this now because he was desperate for any kind of comfort. The hug was fine, and I think it helped me as much as it helped him, but anything more...It wouldn't be good for either of us.

Ironically, I might have even been starting to see him as a brother myself. And then there was Amy…

"I can't Brian. I'm sorry." It hurt to say, but I had to. "You need someone who can help you, but that can't be me."

"Right." He turned away, his hair falling down to shadow his face. "Sorry."

“I-I…” I stammered, turning away as well, trying to think of something to say. “Do you want some breakfast? You said you were having trouble eating. I can make you something?” I desperately started looking through cupboards in the kitchen area.

“No. It’s fine.” His voice was firm. Rough. None of the softness I had heard in it moments ago. I’d messed up.

“Are you sure?” I tried. “I could-”

“Yeah. Just go. I’m sure Amy is waiting for you.”

I froze. What did that mean? Did he know something?

“I’m…” What was I? Sorry? Not going on a date with her later? Going to make food anyway? “I’ll see you later then…” I muttered and headed for the door. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”



June 20, 2011

These past two days had been my first time in Taylor’s territory without her there. I guess there had been her missions against the Chosen and her job with the Mayor, but both times I knew she would be back soon. This was the first time she was really gone, and I had to admit, I was going a bit stir crazy.

For the first night and part of the next day I’d made clone bugs almost continuously. When they started looking a little too eerily close to Taylor I stopped myself and started making a point of emphasizing their more buglike traits to make up for it. Then that went too far and I had to stop. Instead I spent some time experimenting with a few other projects and making some other new bugs, or checking on the people of the territory to offer healing, but eventually I couldn’t distract myself anymore.

Was Taylor alright? How were things going with her dad? Were they talking about me?

I clearly had some issues.

This morning, while I was relaxing in the garage with Atlas, petting and feeding him and giving him some light tuneups, he suddenly left.

Did that mean Taylor was on her way back?

I waited, eagerly watching out the window; but after an hour Charlotte finally called me out on it and told me to help her watch the kids. That girl used to be so much more respectful and careful with me. I wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or relieved that she was treating me more normally now.

So I went to help her watch the little ones again. We collected and relayed messages from the kids acting as runners, sent some with water bottles to some of the workers, and entertained the youngest that still needed constant supervision. I wasn't sure what to do with them at first, but I found that turning a bug from the sleeves I still had into a flower, or other random shapes seemed to work.

I found a strange sort of comfort in The Sleeves. I never would have thought having my arms covered in bugs would be a comfort, but it was a reminder that Taylor was watching, and like a small part of her was still here. It was easier to not be bothered, knowing they were under her control, and even easier since they were also under mine; though the prickling of their legs could get itchy, they couldn't hurt me unless both Taylor and I wanted them to. I had never been too bothered by bugs since I got my power, even after the bank, but now it was somehow reassuring. Especially since it provided me with a constant source of material for my power. I would never be caught 'unarmed' again.

Well, except for when Taylor sent them away before turning in for bed, but that was a good hint for me to go to sleep as well, anyways.

A short time after Charlotte distracted me with the kids, a soft buzz started. I cast my eyes around eagerly from where we sat out on the street, noticing the bugs on my arms were fluttering their wings as well. Soon enough, Atlas came into view flying toward us from down the street, with a small dark figure on his back, obscured by a cloud of bugs.

I felt a smile bloom across my cheeks. Why was I so happy to see her already? Was I really that much of a sucker?

Then I realized...I didn't really care. The old me was gone, and this new me could be whatever I wanted. If I wanted to be a happy, sappy, romantic then...dammit I was going to be! Better than the bitter witch I used to be. I could finally just...enjoy myself, guilt free, and not worry about being judged. It was freeing.

As Atlas landed near us I let myself grin at Skitter as she hopped off.

"Hey!" I shouted cheerily, skipping closer, before remembering myself and trying to calm down a little. I wasn't going to worry about being judged, but I still had some self-respect. I coughed and tried again, "Hello Skitter, how's it going?"

I caught the kids giggling and glanced over to see Charlotte roll her eyes at me. Shut up, Charlotte.

When I looked back to Skitter I noticed she hadn't replied yet. She often had a habit of standing eerily still, but she seemed even worse now as she just gave me a stiff wave before guiding Atlas into the garage. I exchanged a confused glance with Charlotte before following after her.

The door closed behind us and she immediately took off her mask and tossed it aside, before collapsing heavily in a chair to the side and putting her face in her hands.

“Taylor? What’s wrong?” My good mood immediately evaporated as I hurried over to her, Atlas lumbering after me.

“Ugh, I f*cked up,” Taylor muttered before letting out a cute, surprised squeak as Atlas licked her, prompting her to reach over and pet him. I spied the ghost of a smile on her lips, it seemed my work on Atlas was paying off.

“What? What happened?” I kneeled next to her, my hands hovering awkwardly, unsure if I should put an arm around her or not. Would she want that kind of comfort or were we not close enough for that yet? I settled for sitting next to her and just petting Atlas, to keep him content while we talked.

“I was checking on Brian. He hasn’t been doing great since the Nine. Bonesaw captured him for a while and...it wasn’t good.” She didn’t need to clarify. I had seen what Bonesaw did with her captives. “I was talking to him and trying to help, then he...he tried to kiss me.”

“He...did?” I forced the words out, but I’d gone stiff. It was Dean all over again. I didn’t want this, and I hated myself for that. I wanted her to be happy, so I wouldn’t say anything or try to stop it, but I couldn’t stop myself from hoping it wouldn’t work out.

“I pushed him away. I told him no,” Taylor groaned. “He needed me and I pushed him away!”

“You did?” My heart soared with newfound hope, and I hated myself even more. This was a bad thing. I should be hoping things went well, but all I could think about was how this helped my odds.

Taylor nodded solemnly. “He was so angry...I don’t know what to do now. I feel like I just made things worse.”

“Why did you turn him down?” I couldn’t help asking, as I finally put a hand on her shoulder.

“It just...it wouldn’t be right,” she said, pulling her knees against her chest, her spindly limbs standing out at sharp angles. “I used to like him, but I’m not sure if I even still feel that way about him after he said I was like a sister. And...he’s hurting right now. I can’t be sure if he even really likes me like that either, or if he’s just grasping for any kind of comfort he can get. It wouldn’t be fair for either of us.”

“That’s…” I began, unsure. It wasn’t the answer I’d expected or hoped for, but I could understand it. Though the sister comment stirred some unwelcome memories. “It sounds like you made the right decision?”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t feel like it.” She sighed. “Sorry, you don’t need to hear all this. It’s my problem. I don’t know why I’m even going on like this to you.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” I reassured her. “I’m glad you’re willing to talk to me like this. It’s good to know you trust me with your problems. And if you need the rest of the day to think through all this, I understand. We can...reschedule our lunch to another time.” I didn’t want to, but if it’s what she needed then-


I looked back at her, confused, and she turned to me with a soft smile.

“I still want to do this,” Taylor spoke softly. Cautiously, almost. “If anything, I think I need it more now. I could go wallow in my room, but that wouldn’t help anything. I need to take my mind off it for a bit. So, if you’re still willing…?”

“Of course!” A smile spread across my face again and I blushed lightly. “It might surprise you to hear this, but I have been looking forward to this.”

I saw a small blush dust her cheeks to match mine before she took my hand in hers. “Okay. Well, I hope you’re ready for the most awkward date ever, because I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.”

“Oh Taylor…” I said as I grinned, digging deep into the few nerves I had, leaning forward and-

There was a sudden squawk from Taylor as Atlas bowled her over, licking her again, seemingly happy she was feeling better.

“No Atlas, you can’t come!” She cried out between giggles. She eventually managed to shoo him off, though the smile stayed on her face.

Annoyed that my first attempt was interrupted, I took the new opportunity and swooped in to quickly kiss her cheek. Pulling back just as quick, I grinned down at her and asked. “Are you ready to go now?”

She blinked up at me for a moment, dumbfounded, before squeaking out. “Y-Yes!?” Jumping to her feet suddenly, it seemed she was about to lead me back outside before I stopped.

“Um, maybe you should get changed first?” I giggled and pointed to the Skitter costume she was still wearing, minus the mask.



Don't feel too bad for Brian. I am not done with him yet.
And thanks again to my editor, Pendragoon.
Speaking of them, I was planning an Interlude chapter next but they said they would revolt if I don't deliver on the promised gay date soon. So look forward to that!

Chapter 12: Date Night


Taylor and Amy go for a night on the town. Well...Afternoon.


Was a little delayed due to work and...the new Stellaris dlc, but the next chapter is here! Fought me a little and there were a couple moments I was worried I might have pushed things too far, but I think it still turned out alright. Let me know what you think!
And thanks again to my beta, Pendragoon!

Chapter Text


June 20, 2011

Once I got changed, Amy and I left on our date. I suggested she might want to change into a disguise herself as well, but she shrugged it off and said they could stare if they wanted to. I had to guess that she was more acclimated to the attention and her new found confidence certainly wasn't helping matters. I had created a monster.

I didn't put up much of a fight though, as I was still a little stunned by her flirting. It felt good somehow. I knew she liked me for some reason, but I still never expected...that. It was the first time anyone had really shown any interest in me. Well...aside from Brian, earlier.

But I wasn’t going to think about that right now. He did need some help, and I was worried about how I left him but...there wasn’t much I could do for him right now aside from make sure someone was keeping an eye on him. I’d sent Lisa a text about what had happened and she promised she would keep tabs on him. I had also felt Imp returning shortly after that, so I hoped she could handle things. It really wasn’t fair to her that she had to help shoulder his burdens like that, but I really appreciated everything she had done. She was a lot more mature than she often seemed.

As for right now, I needed to figure out how to get through this date without making a fool of myself. I had never been on a date before, especially with a girl. I didn’t want Amy to think I was an idiot.

We decided to go to the boardwalk for lunch. Coil had been focusing his reconstruction efforts there and at least some parts had reopened for business. Plus, it was on the edge of my territory and we could easily walk there without much risk of harassment, and I had some clone bugs patrolling the rooftops. However, before we found somewhere to eat I spied a clothing store that was reopening.

Since joining me, Amy only had the clothes she salvaged from the supply drops. Dull shirts, jeans, hoodies and jackets. Plain. I didn’t really care much about fashion, and she didn’t seem like someone who did either; I remembered the concealing jacket she wore when I first saw her in the bank all those two months ago. Like me, she seemed like someone who was used to hiding in her clothes, though we both seemed to have been moving past that recently; with the tank top I wore and her simple t-shirt.

Despite all that though, she might want some things to call her own, right? She left all her belongings behind when she fled home, and she hadn’t gone back since then as far as I knew.

Shopping was a thing people did on dates right? Unless television lied to me.

“How about we stop in there?” I pointed out the clothing store with my free hand; my other had been captured by her own gloved one on the walk over.

“You want to go shopping for clothes?” She looked at me incredulously. Maybe she wasn’t as desperate for new clothes as I thought.

“Well,” I tried to explain myself, “I thought you might want something else to wear?” I gestured to the dull, threadbare grey t-shirt, worn gardening gloves, and faded blue jeans she was wearing.

She gave me a small smirk and replied, “I thought you were going to make me some spider silk stuff?” I could tell from my bugs that we were clear of people eavesdropping, so I wasn’t too worried about speaking freely at the moment.

“Yeah, but,” I scrambled a bit. “I am, but I don’t know much about making things look good. Just functional. I am making you a new costume but...” I waved my hand helplessly toward the store. “You deserve to have clothes that are your own, not just what we had lying around to spare.” I wasn’t sure why I was pushing for this so much. Maybe I felt bad that she couldn’t be with her family and had to leave her whole life behind? Maybe I wanted to help her rebuild?

Amy seemed to consider it for a moment, then her smile widened a bit. “Actually? Sure, let's go.” Then she started leading me in.

I followed her in, a little confused at her change of heart. The clerk behind the counter glanced up at our entry, watching us carefully. The store was a fairly traditional teen clothing store; racks and shelves of clothes with different graphics and designs, pop music blaring over the speakers, and posters with ads and ‘hip’ designs on the walls. Less traditional was the lack of any other customers and the brawny guard standing in the corner watching us. The boardwalk always had its enforcers, but they weren’t usually in the stores themselves.

Times had changed, and things weren’t as safe as they used to be. Hopefully with time the city would calm down as things went back to normal.

I was a little nervous about being watched, but I tried to put it out of my mind. I could understand why they were doing it, and with my power it would be a little hypocritical anyway. If only they knew.

“So...what do you like?” I asked Amy nervously, waving vaguely to the racks.

“Well,” she began, looking around contemplatively, “when Vicky took me shopping we usually didn’t come to these kinds of places. And...I didn’t really care much what I wore before anyway, but…” She gave me a crooked smile and took a shirt off the rack. “I think I can find a few things.”

I smiled back nervously and followed her around the store as she grabbed whatever caught her eye. I wasn’t paying too close attention, distracted by the enforcer watching us and watching the area through my clone bugs.

“Alright, I’m going to go...try on some of this.” Amy said, pulling my attention back with an awkward smile under freckled cheeks. Oh no, was I zoning out too much? Did she notice I was distracted?

“O-Okay, I’ll wait here for you!” I replied quickly, taking a seat on a bench outside the change rooms. I was reminded of when I used to go to places like this with Emma. Just like back then, it always ended with her trying on an armful of clothes and asking my opinion while I just sat there, waiting and trying to give polite commentary about something I knew nothing about. It had been fun, just spending time with her; though the memories were soured now.

After a minute the door opened and I pushed the memories away, focusing on the present, here with Amy. She wasn't Emma, I knew that. If anything, she was closer to how I used to be.

I looked up to find Amy standing there awkwardly, wearing some tight, form-fitting jeans and a black t-shirt with the name of some metal band I didn't recognise scrawled across it.

Okay maybe she wasn't quite like I used to be, but the redness in her cheeks, hesitant smile, and awkward shuffling showed she was close.

"W-What do you think?" She asked nervously, co*cking her hip and striking a sloppy model pose she must have copied from her sister. I need to stop comparing things to Emma and Victoria. It's me and Amy here now, and she wants my support.

"It looks good!" I answered honestly and tried to give her an encouraging smile. Neither of us were exactly 'model' material, but it did look good on her. She wasn't as thin or 'hourglass' as some might like, but the tight jeans hugged her wide hips and thighs, and the shirt helped emphasize the slight curves and modest bust she had.

Amy's smile slipped a little for some reason, but she still gave a satisfied smile and said, "Okay. That's...good. I have some other ones I want to try on. I'll be right back." Then she hurried back into the change room again and I went back to waiting.

This wasn't exactly what I had hoped for from the 'date'. Though to be fair, I wasn't sure what I had been hoping for. But an uncomfortably familiar shopping trip wasn't really it.

Then again, this was my idea.

The door opened again and I looked back to find Amy in a pair of tight, knee-length white shorts and a light blue spaghetti-strap tank top that showed her midriff a little. This was...not the kind of style I had expected from her.

It was still a good look, I thought, but...surprising. She might have had a little too much pudge to really pull off the revealing, overly small shirt but I still liked it. I mean, I thought it looked good anyway.

"That's pretty nice!" I said, trying to be encouraging, as she looked at me with that eager smile. Why was she pushing so hard, when the nervous shuffling and red face clearly showed she wasn't comfortable in this?

"Is it?" She asked carefully, her blush making her freckles stand out like little polka dots.

"Y-Yeah," I said back, her nervousness seeming contagious. "It's not what I expected you to go for but...it's nice."

She nodded again, smiling. "Okay. Alright." Then she turned and went back to the change room without another word.

I sat there, waiting, getting more and more anxious. Why was she so awkward about this? Sure, I didn't like trying on clothes either, but if she was so uncomfortable with it then why was she showing them off and not just picking which she liked in the change room? Those things usually had a mirror.

When the door opened again, I felt like all my questions had been answered as my face grew hot at the sight before me.

Amy stood there, hands on her hips, head held high, and face as red as a stop light. This time she had picked out a pair of stockings, stretching up her legs to end somewhere under her black and white checkered short skirt that barely reached halfway down her thigh. To complete the look was another midriff revealing tank top, but this one in black with 'bad girl' spelt out in rhinestones.

The ‘i’ was dotted with a heart.

I choked.

"Amy, what-"

"You don't like it…?" She squeaked out, before stumbling through an awkward twirl.

"It's...unexpected?!" I nearly screeched, glancing around to make sure no one else was seeing this.

The clerk and enforcer were staring right at us.

"But good…?" Her voice had fallen a bit, sounding dejected. I just wanted her to change out of it before someone started to get ideas.

"It's good, it's good! You should just change back into your other clothes now though!" I hurriedly reassured her, standing up and waving at her, trying to block the view from the other two.

Amy just grinned at me and said "Okay!" before hurrying back into the change room. Good, she was happy. And more importantly, not out in public in skimpy clothes. I did not want to be responsible for turning 'Pure Panacea' into...whatever that was.

After a few minutes I had calmed my breathing just in time for the door to open again. I looked up, dreading what I would see, only to find Amy in the first outfit she showed me; the jeans and black band t-shirt, plus a pair of nice leather gloves she must have found.

"I...I think that's enough for today," she said with a shy smile, her old clothes and piles of new ones draped over her arms. "I grabbed some other stuff in the same sizes too. Don't really need to try everything on."

"Right, yeah. That's true," I mumbled out. Come on brain, work with me here. "Need some help?" I held out a hand to take some of the clothes and she passed me a handful. As we walked to the counter I felt something particularly thin and looked down to see...underwear.

This girl was trying to kill me.

I could feel the bugs in the area start swirling in place in response to my distress and I tried to put it out of my mind and calm down again.

We reached the counter and piled all the clothes on it for the clerk to begin bagging as she rang them through. My eyes bugged out a bit when they said the price for all of it but...I suppose we were buying a whole new wardrobe at a reasonably upscale clothing boutique. Before I could step forward to pay, Amy had pulled out her wallet and swiped her card, only for it to be declined.

“What?” She said, confused, her brow scrunching up. “I should have enough for this. ‘Work’ paid well, and I never really spent mu-... Carol. Dammit!” she cursed. “My mom must have cut me off. From my own account too. f*ck!”

“Hey, it’s alright.” I put a hand on her back, rubbing between her shoulder blades and trying to reassure her. “We can sort that out later. I’ll pay for now. I have...a lot saved up too. And after all this was, um, my idea right?” The shopping and the...date. I know normally the ‘guy’ pays, but well, that didn’t apply for either of us. So maybe the one who asks does, if I had to guess?

I heard Amy grumble, but she still gave me a grateful smile as I stepped up to pay for everything. Once that was done, we took all the bags and left the store; finally escaping the searching gaze of the enforcer.

As we went back to walking down the boardwalk I took her gloved hand in mine. The soft squeeze she gave in return showed me it was appreciated. Just a month ago people would have been afraid to do something like this, but the Empire had been dismantled with only the dregs left; nothing for the two of us to fear. I hadn't even sensed anything from the few surviving capes since we released Victor. They must have fled the city.

After finding a nice café with outdoor seating, we ordered some light sandwiches and tea and took them back to a table sequestered off in the corner, setting our bags at our feet. We weren't expecting anything too fancy as far as food with the limited supplies, but it was still nice to get out.

It was a little dangerous to have our purchases in plain view like this, but one of my clone bugs was on the rooftop across the street, keeping an eye out. No one would try anything here.

There were a few other patrons at nearby tables, but none close enough that we had to worry about them eavesdropping if we talked quietly. I did tag all of them first to make sure no one caught us off guard before beginning to talk though.

"So…" I started carefully, "how are you enjoying yourself so far?" Smooth, Taylor.

She giggled. "Well, I don't normally enjoy shopping, but it's been fun." She looked down at the table, picking at a loose piece of plastic as her smile faded a little. "Definitely better than the double dates my sister used to take us on."

"Oh. That must have been… awkward. Guess you didn't pick your date either?" I tried not to wince. Bad topic.

She snorted. "Definitely not. If I had my way I never would have gone on them. But Vicky wanted to "pull me out of my shell'. Didn't help that they were all guys either. I wished I could fall for one of them and have everything just work out but it's never that easy."

"You can say that again." I sighed, thinking of my own non-existent romantic history. "Why didn't you try dating other girls?" I couldn't help asking.

She tilted her head, staring off into space as she actually seemed to consider the question for a moment before answering, "Well, there are a few reasons. First, it's not exactly...easy, being gay in Brockton Bay." That...made sense. "My parents were never the most supportive either. They don't have anything against people who are gay, but Mark wasn't really there enough to help and Carol would just see it as another thing about me that wasn't 'normal'."

I nodded, not sure what to say so I just let her vent. I could at least understand having a dad that didn't fully seem 'there' sometimes, though I was glad to say that was changing.

"On top of that," she continued, "I was always too busy to really consider meeting anyone, and I didn't really find anyone else I was interested in among those I did." She looked down at the table, picking at it again. "For a long time I wondered if I really was gay or if it was just...her."

Another bad topic. Quick, change it.

"I know I might have asked this before but...why me then?"

She looked back up at me, meeting my eyes before I looked away nervously.

"Taylor," she began, slowly. "You took three bullets for me a few days ago. You do realise that?"

I blinked in and looked back to her, confused. "I had armor on and you didn't. Plus you can't heal yours-"

"See, you don't even see it as unusual!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up. A few people at nearby tables threw us some curious looks before she lowered her voice again. "What if one of them hit you in the head where you aren’t armored? I can't heal that. And I don't just mean healing brains, I mean brains on pavement, dead. You're just...so selfless. You're more heroic than most of the heroes I've met. I know you might have done what you did for anyone on your team, but that just shows even more how great you are. You'll go to any lengths for your friends, and now you include me in that." Her voice got softer and she smiled a little. "I haven't had many people really care about me, Taylor. And most who did just cared about Panacea, not Amy. You went out of your way to look after me, and not just for my power. Especially after how I treated you the first few times we met."

"Well," I chuckled nervously and scratched my head. "I can't exactly blame you for how you treated me at the bank. I wasn't exactly the best there either."

"Maybe," she giggled. I was glad we could talk about it so casually now. "But you didn't deserve how I treated you after Leviathan. You showed up for an Endbringer fight and saved lives; I should have respected that. And then when I heard them say you were actually an undercover hero in the Undersiders, that's when I really started questioning everything I knew about you."

Before I could think of what to say, she took my hand and continued. "Before then, everything had been black and white. Either you're a hero or a villain. Good or evil. It didn't matter how they acted, my family were heroes so they must be good. It didn't matter what you did, you were a villain so you must be evil. I was always worried if I slipped it would make me become an evil villain too, especially after I found out about my dad. But...it's not that simple."

I chuckled darkly and squeezed her hand softly. "It's really not. Just among the Undersiders, Brian was only doing it because Coil promised to help him get custody of Aisha from his abusive mother. Lisa was being threatened by Coil, Rachel was declared a villain after an accident during her trigger but really she just wanted to be left alone, and Alec…" I paused, not sure how much she knew or how much I wanted to say. After a moment I decided. "You have probably heard anyway, and if not you deserve to know. His dad was Heartbreaker, and he was raised as part of Heartbreaker's cult. Whatever he might have been before, that twisted him in some bad ways. I think he is coming into his own more now that he's escaped, but...that kind of upbringing didn't really lend itself to joining the Wards. Even he has his good sides though, and for better or worse he seems to be building something with Aisha…"

Amy didn't say anything, so after a few seconds I continued. "There are still always villains like Kaiser, Jack or Bakuda - people that are just fueled by hate, violence or just some desire for mayhem - but even Coil was doing what he did because he wanted to improve the city. Even if his methods were unforgivable. So...yeah, things really aren't that simple, even among the villains."

The silence stretched again, but this time I didn't break it, content to leave Amy with her thoughts. I took the chance to finally have a bit of my sandwich and tea, wetting my throat after all the talking. After a couple minutes, Amy finally spoke, a simple quiet request.

"Tell me about them…?" When I looked back at her, questioning, she clarified. "The Undersiders. I never really got the chance to get to know them. And since coming here I...haven't really tried.”

I smiled at her and began. "Well, Lisa has pretty much become my best friend. She can be a little difficult, but once she gets close to you you can trust her with pretty much anything despite her nickname. Rachel is pretty similar, though more extreme; even harder to get along with at first, but you can trust her even more once you find out how to earn hers...despite her nickname too." And I continued on like that for some time.

I told her what the others were like, how it was to have friends again, the good times and the bad. I told her about the jobs we did, working with Coil, and all the moments in between.

We talked well into the afternoon; what was left of my sandwich and tea were cold and forgotten. It had been so long since I was able to talk to someone like this. I used to be a motormouth when I was younger, and it felt like a bit of that had come back as I told Amy about my new friends, and from her smile she didn't seem to mind.

"-so one time Brian convinced Alec to join us for our sparring, but of course Alec didn't last long against him. Now we generally have a rule of 'no powers during spars', but Alec is never one to pay attention to rules. So when he started losing and Brian managed to slip behind him to get him in a headlock, he made Brian's arm twitch as he went to wrap it around his neck so it flew back and Brian hit himself in the face!" I giggled. "He ended up with a bloody nose and hasn't asked Alec to join again since."

"I bet he hasn't." Amy laughed alongside me. As our laughter subsided I finally noticed how far the sun had moved across the sky and checked the time on my phone.

"Oh wow, it's been that long already?" I said, surprised. I looked from the sky, to my phone, then back to my date. "Do you...want to go for a walk before we head back?"

The way she lit up at my request told me I made the right choice.

"Sure!" She got to her feet and grabbed her empty cup and the wrapper from her sandwich - she had time to finish hers, since I was the one doing most of the talking - to bring to the garbage can, while I collected my own cold meal.

We had already paid, so we just walked out of the little enclosure for the tables and set off back down the road. I took what was left of my drink and sandwich with me, taking a bite as we went. It was cold, but I didn't want it to go to waste.

Unfortunately this did mean when Amy reached for my hand she found it full and had to pull it back. I would need to eat fast.

It might have been for the best, however, as after walking for only a couple of minutes my clone bugs saw a figure flying down toward us. I barely had time to put my guard up before it landed barely a dozen feet ahead, revealing Glory Girl carrying Brandish.

Once Brandish was on her feet she stepped forward, but I noticed Glory Girl actually stepping back somewhat, behind her mother. Brandish was in her white costume with orange trim and no mask, clearly ready for a fight and here on cape business, while Glory Girl just wore the generic costume the Protectorate used against the Nine. Did she not have any spares?

Amy stood firm as her mother approached. I wanted to stand with her, but I couldn’t make it too obvious or they would figure out my identity. I didn’t have my costume or any of my supplies. Though, thanks to Amy’s relay bugs, there was something I could prepare...

“Amy, I’m glad I finally found you. It’s time to come home.” Brandish’s words seemed normal for a mother coming to collect her daughter, but the tone was wary and cold.

“No, I don’t think I will, Carol.” Amy glared back.

Brandish frowned and crossed her arms. “I thought as much, Regent.”

Everyone else froze in shock, before Glory Girly exclaimed "What!?" At the same time Amy said, "Excuse me? "

"Amy would never join a group of villains or dare disrespect me like this," Brandish said simply.

"It's sad that that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me," Amy said back, staring at her adopted mother with a scowl.

"After the Nine left, Amy was missing for days before being seen with members of the Undersiders." Brandish continued, ignoring her comment. "Then I heard she was with Skitter when they confronted the Protectorate, but didn't say much. It's obvious Regent has Mastered her."

"Mom, what the hell are you talking about?" Glory Girl shouted, stepping up beside her. "I talked to her with Assault, remember? I told you about it."

"He tricked you, Victoria. It's what he does." Brandish sighed.

"Amy has been in Skitter's territory this whole time though, and Regent has been seen in his. How could he be controlling her from that far away?" Glory Girl reasoned desperately.

"We don't know what his range is, and even if it was shorter, they could have used Amy to increase it like they did for Skitter." Brandish continued talking down to her daughter, like she was explaining something simple to a small child.

"Alright, I've had enough of this," Amy cut into their argument. "I am not being controlled by Regent, Carol, I just finally found somewhere I'm actually wanted. How hard did anyone from New Wave actually look for me while I was being hunted by the Nine after they named me as their candidate? Why is it so surprising that I would join the only people that tried to help me? I'm surprised you of all people wouldn't believe that I would join a group of villains. You've been treating me like a villain waiting to happen my whole life."

"The reason I don't believe Amy would join a group of villains like this," Brandish continued talking as though Amy wasn't there, "is because she would never be this flippant about things if she were really free. She followed a strict code, just like her father. If she finally broke that code as far as you've done with the abominations you've made her make, she wouldn't just join some villains. She would have gone on a rampage that would make Nilbog look like a child playing in a sandbox. No one else understands just how powerful she really is."

"That's more like what I would have expected from you…" Amy sighed sadly. I wanted to comfort her, but I couldn't draw any attention to myself yet. "And if I was Regent, why would you be telling him how strong my power could be? Why would he have me just shopping along the boardwalk if he was controlling me!?"

"I don't want to think about what twisted dress-up games you are playing with her Regent. And I'm not worried about telling you how strong she could be, since you clearly know already. Especially with Tattletale on your side. I don't expect you'll be using that side of her power anyway, since you want to take over this city, not destroy it. And Skitter is threatening it already."

"Mom, stop it!" Glory Girl shouted, grabbing her mother's shoulder and making her face her. "You really saw her as some monster all this time? It's no wonder she turned out like this then." I could hear the despair in her voice as I felt her aura hit me, but it wasn't fear it filled me with like before. She wasn't directing it the same way she had been at the bank. It just made me feel a vague, crushing despair.

"Don't you remember what she did to you before she left home, Victoria?" Brandish growled back. "Don't you remember the pictures of that abomination they brought to their meeting with the Protectorate? She's just like her father, but far more dangerous."

"Of course I remember!" Victoria screamed back. She wrapped her arms around herself and her aura faded into a vague fear, and I saw she wasn't the terrifying Alexandria-package cape anymore. Just a scared girl. "I can never forget how that felt...But it never would have happened if you had just treated her like an actual daughter and not a walking bomb!"

As Brandish seethed in rage, Amy stared at her sister, stunned.

"Vicky…" Her voice shook as she took a step forward, a hand starting to raise toward Victoria.

Victoria flinched back and Brandish stepped between them, summoning a pair of glowing blades made of light.

"Don't you dare lay another hand on her," Brandish growled out. "If I have to take Amy back by force, I will. And if I can't take her alive...I'll do what I have to, to protect this city."

"Mom, no-!" Victoria pleaded.

"Stop it Victoria. If you won't help, then stay out of the way and let me handle this." Brandish snapped back.

Victoria's face fell and she looked between her mother and her sister for a long, silent moment with tears flowing freely down her cheeks, before suddenly taking off into the air and flying away.

The silence continued a moment longer before Amy spoke.

"That's two daughters you've driven away now."

"Shut up, Hijack. I'm not done with you." Brandish turned back to Amy, her swords raised.

But their conversation had bought me just enough time.

A loud buzz started from the surrounding rooftops, as a dozen of my clone bugs stepped up to the ledges, each with a large swarm around them beginning to block out the sky, but not quite enough that Atlas couldn't be seen winging his way toward us. Meanwhile a rumbling could be felt coming closer, soon revealing itself as the Gorillapede turned the corner onto our street a couple blocks away, quickly closing the distance.

The civilians with common sense had long cleared out, seeing a dangerous fight brewing, and the rest vanished with the arrival of my swarm. It was just us left in the street, as Brandish was quickly realising. She looked at the approaching monster, then the swarms of bugs on the rooftops and the quickly forming carpet of bugs around us. Then she looked back to Amy, then finally me, a few steps behind her adopted daughter. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she quickly returned the gesture.

"I see," she said simply, then dispelled her swords. I had made it quite clear this wasn’t a fight she could win.

"I doubt it," I replied, stepping forward and taking Amy's hand in mine now that it was free; my bugs carrying away the garbage left from our lunch.

“You’ve broken every one of the unwritten rules now,” Carol said, grim. “Enslaving another cape with mind control. Outing and attacking a cape in their civilian life when you killed Coil. Making abominations that can reproduce on their own. You’re not going to get away with this. The heroes won’t let this stand; they’re going to come down on you with force. You may as well kill me here, or I’ll be the one leading the charge when the time comes.”

“Carol…” Amy looked at the mother that had never wanted her, sadly. “Get some help.” She turned to leave, leading me with her. “Let’s go.”

I formed a wall of bugs between us, cutting Brandish off and hiding us from view. Atlas landed between her and the wall as an extra deterrent, with the Gorillapede still approaching down the street and the clone bugs watching from above. I didn’t have them attack and Brandish didn’t try to push through. I tracked the bugs I placed on Victoria and I could sense her still flying away and knew she hadn’t turned back.

Amy and I left down some side streets, trying to slip away and rejoin the civilians, leaving Brandish behind. After a couple minutes, Brandish finally turned and began leaving as well. With Victoria gone she had to go by foot, and I tracked her walk of shame the entire way to the Dallon home. She didn’t turn off anywhere strange or cause any trouble; simply walking away. My swarm followed her for a couple blocks before I gradually sent them all back to their patrols or homes, putting them back on standby. I knew I could have won that fight, but I was still glad to have avoided it. Brandish could have killed Atlas and maybe even the Gorillapede before I took her down, and I didn’t want to be seen fighting the heroes. At least not so soon after the Coil incident.

And despite everything else...she did still raise Amy. I hated her for how she treated her daughter, but she had opened her home to Amy for years.

Putting Carol out of my mind, I focused on the girl with me. Our date had taken a bit of a dark turn and, despite how composed she appeared, I knew it must have shaken her up. I released her hand to slide my arm around her back, pulling her against my side as we walked. Right now I didn’t care who was watching, I just wanted to make sure she was alright.

Amy looked up at me in surprise, and I just smiled back. She blushed a little and looked away again, but still leaned into my side with a small sigh.

“Are you alright?” I asked, before cursing myself. “Sorry, stupid question. Of course you’re not. That was pretty rough. I would have tried to avoid them, but I didn’t sense them coming until it was too late since they were flying, and-”

“Taylor, stop,” She said quietly. “It’s alright. That wasn’t your fault and...you’ve done more than enough to help me already. If something like that happened before I joined you it would have destroyed me. I’d already be going crazy and...either kill myself or go on some rampage like she said I would. I am a bit worried about Vicky and I’m surprised she defended me a little but...right now I just want to get back to our date, more than anything else.”

“Are you sure?” I had to ask again, giving her a soft squeeze against my side. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like dealing with something like that.

“Yeah…” she answered. When she realised that probably wasn’t enough to convince me she continued. “Like I said, you’ve already helped me. I used to believe all these horrible things she said. She was never so...direct, but I’ve been dealing with this for years. You showed me it’s not true. I’m not evil just because of who my dad was or what I could do. Hell, maybe my dad even wasn’t that bad, despite being a villain. Carol is just...she’s f*cking crazy. And I’m done letting her problems ruin my life.”

“Good.” I turned to put my other arm around her too and pulled her into a full hug as we reached the beachfront. “And you’re not gonna have to deal with that sh*t again if I have anything to say about it.” I had barely managed to stop myself from going biblical on Carol during that shameful display, but I knew that wouldn’t have helped things. In some ways, Carol reminded me a little of Emma, the way she was trying to force Amy under her foot.

Amy actually giggled a little before looking up at me with a small smile from where I held her against my small chest. “And you still wonder why I like you.”

I looked out over the bay as the sun was starting to set behind us, turning the sky a pretty orange, then turned back to the girl in my arms, seeing the warm light mingling with the red tint spreading across her freckled cheeks. At that moment, it felt like there was only one thing I could do.

I leaned down and softly pressed my lips against hers, kissing her.

I felt her tense up in my arms for a moment and was worried I did something wrong, before she quickly responded and started kissing me back. I gave a small sigh of relief. It was a strange feeling but...nice.

And then I did something that I hadn’t done in a long time.

I slowly relaxed and let myself enjoy the moment.



June 20, 2011

Aside from the...brief hiccup that I was doing my best to put out of my mind, the date had gone amazing! She even kissed me! I had to lock myself in the bathroom once we got home to avoid screaming with joy; at least where everyone could hear me. Taylor hadn’t even been disgusted like I was worried she might be without the change, but she genuinely seemed to enjoy herself! She was all blushes and stammers after the kiss, and then I remembered her reaction to the last outfit I tried on and-!

It took me a while to calm down before I could actually come out and act normal again.

I managed to restrain myself for the rest of the night, though Charlotte kept giving me these weird, 'knowing smiles'. I briefly considered altering the muscles in her face to give her a permanent frown.

Not really, but a girl could dream.

Taylor had gone to bed (and invited me to come along!!) but I was still too wound up. And there was something I wanted to do, especially after what Carol had said earlier.

If I was going to be called a villain, then I needed to do some research on what villains were like. And what better place to start than this?

I sat on a couch on the first floor of Taylor’s base, staring down at the screen of the laptop I had borrowed. Then I clicked on the browser's search bar and typed in one phrase.

'Brockton Bay Marquis'

Chapter 13: Interludes - The B Team


We check in on some of the other heroes of Brockton Bay, and see how things are going with them while the Queens go on their date.


Again, sorry for the wait! I am exhausted, but hopefully I will have more free time to write in the new year.
Thanks again to my editor Pendragoon, and you can blame them for suggesting the last scene.
I hope things flow well. I was not as familiar with some of the characters used here.

Chapter Text

Chapter 13: Interludes


June 20, 2011

It looked like Battery finally had her husband cornered after he had been avoiding her for the past few days.

"I've had enough, Ethan. We're going to talk about this, and you better not walk away on me again," Battery growled out. Assault was just leaving the bathroom in a lesser used side hallway in the PRT headquarters, and she had been waiting outside to pounce. No one else was around and she finally had her chance to grill him.

"I'm not going to apologise, Jess." He walked across the hall and opened the door into an unused meeting room and beckoned her inside. Begrudgingly, she followed, shutting the door behind them as Ethan leaned against the wall with a sigh, staring down at her. His lack of pet name or his usual jokes showed he was actually taking this seriously. It would have been refreshing if it wasn’t such a concerning topic.

"Apologise? You worked with villians, Ethan! You helped them assassinate a PRT official!" She hissed the words out, trying to keep her tone low, but make her anger clear. "This is way worse than what you did before you joined up. You're lucky they haven't put you in the birdcage for this."

"He wasn't a 'PRT official', he was Coil. And you heard what that kid said he did to her, same as I did." Assault replied firmly. “And Panacea backed them up too.”

Battery flailed her arms in silent frustration before saying, “What if they were lying Ethan!? Have you considered that? They’re Villains! Panacea could have been Mastered by Hijack. That clearly traumatised kid could have been tricked. Even if Coil really did that, are we absolutely sure Calvert was Coil?”

“Right before Skitter took him down, Calvert threatened to have her dad killed, Jess. I’m also pretty sure he tried to out her too.” Assault pointed out. “Even if he wasn’t Coil, there was clearly something going on. I’ll admit, I didn’t agree to let them kill him, but they seemed just as surprised the kid shot him as we were." He pushed off the wall and stood straighter, looming over the shorter hero. "As for Panacea, I spoke to her. I watched her talk to her sister. That wasn't fake. Either that, or Regent is a much better actor than we give him credit for."

"Ethan…" Battery seemed less sure now. Like she was trying to convince herself it wasn't true, but she knew it was.

"You told me yourself when she saved you, that she told you not to call her Panacea. That was before she joined the Undersiders and Regent had a chance to get to her. This is Amy. And she saved your life." He reached out and gently took her shoulders. "I can't lose you, Puppy. You're all I have. I am here because of you." His voice softened, almost breaking. "I don't know what I would have done if you died...But because of her, I didn't have to find out. I owed her for that. She could have asked me to kill Calvert with my own hands and I might have done it."

"Y-You can't be serious?" She tensed up and turned to look up at him, but he just gave a pained chuckle.

"Okay, maybe not that far, but we'll never know." His hands moved from her shoulders to her masked cheeks. "I'd do anything for you. She saved you, so when all she asked for was helping stop a villain they were after from escaping? I did it happily." He suddenly turned away from her and coughed, clearly trying to regain his composure. "So yeah. I'm not going to apologise."

Battery sighed and lightly slugged him in the back. "I can't stay mad at you after that, you jerk." Then she slowly shifted from the punch to wrapping her arms around him from behind and hugged him. "I love you too, idiot. Why do you always get to be right?"

Assault snickered. "Yeah, isn't the wife supposed to be the one who is right all the time?"

"Shut up."

I heard a thump as she kicked him in the leg, then both of them laughing quietly. It was good to see them getting along again. The awkward tension between them had been making the bad atmosphere at the headquarters even worse.

I let the space between us snap back to normal and stepped away from the wall around the corner from the room the heroes were in, turning to start heading in the other direction. They needed some alone time and it was probably for the best that others didn’t know I could pull off that trick with doors too.

The loving couple were the last of the old guard, aside from Miss Militia and Triumph, so it was good to see them getting a little back to normal. Of the Wards it was just me, Clockblocker and Kid Win. Militia was trying to keep things together as best she could, but she wasn't used to being in charge. Triumph had been distant since the attack on his family. Clock had just turned more and more grim over the weeks, and I wasn’t even sure when I last heard him tell a joke. As for Kid...I barely saw him anymore. He spent a lot of time in his workshop before, but now he barely left.

Dauntless. Velocity. Gallant. Aegis. Browbeat. All dead to Leviathan. Shadow Stalker arrested. Armsmaster was put on house arrest and then 'escaped'. Chariot arrested for being a spy. Flechette didn't even stay long after the Nine before going back to New York. Now even Piggot had been sacked, not that I was complaining much about that one.

Weld was trying his best as the new team leader, and they had brought in a couple new heroes, Sere and Dovetail, that they thought might be able to counter Skitter if it came to it, but I barely knew them. And I knew they wouldn't be able to do much against her. I was probably a better counter because I could limit her range, but I knew I'd never get the chance.

They were even bringing in some 'Yes Man' from Boston named Armstrong to be the new Director. The PRT had no power in this city anymore; it was all just for show. Waving the flag and pretending we were still in control.

I reached the exit to the headquarters, wearing the plain black standard issue costume. I’d be leaving my old green one with with it’s stupid skirt behind. Along with my headset and cellphone; I didn’t want to give them any way to try to convince me to come back.

I took a step outside and I was already a block away from the building. Another step and I was down the street.

No one thought to question me as I was leaving, and now they wouldn’t get the chance. I wasn’t going back there any time soon.



June 20, 2011

I had trouble deciding whether to make the trip in my costume or in my civvies. I was going to visit Taylor, but it wasn't exactly for business. In the end, I decided on the costume. It had been a while since I was out, so it would be good to make my presence known again.

Even thinking that brought the doubt back. Why did I need to make my presence known? What good did it do? They didn't need me. They didn't need me as leader. They didn't need me holding territory. Taylor didn't even want me anymore.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts again as I continued down the road, wisps of darkness pouring from my mask and off the leather shoulders of my costume. This was the kind of thinking that got me in this situation. Taylor rejected my desperate attempts at making some connection, only for me to snap at her.

It wasn't fair to her. I didn't really feel the same as she had. I just needed something . Anything. She was there. I thought she wanted me. So I took the chance.

When Aisha got back she told me just how bad that had been. She went off on me, telling me how f*cked up it was and how it wasn't fair to Taylor. Not that she put all the blame on me. Once she made it clear how bad I messed up, she was ready to go take her anger out on Taylor too until I stopped her. Of course the only way I could convince her was by agreeing to go talk to Taylor myself.

But I was worried I ruined what friendship we had.

Taylor was smart. She had been the only other responsible one on the team when she joined, and I loved planning with her. Training with her. I saw her like a little sister; as weird as that felt now. It made sense that she took over leading the team after...I couldn't anymore. Even if it hurt.

Now I was pushing everyone away. Lashing out, just like my mom's boyfriends would. I was becoming everything I hated, but that only made me angrier. I didn't know how to break the cycle and-

I stopped and took a breath.

I had to calm down. I was losing myself in my thoughts again. It was so easy to do now. It was so hard to focus, and so easy to lose myself. I had to wonder if she did something to my mind too.

Another breath. I couldn’t think about that right now.

I cast my gaze around the street, my darkness billowing around me like a comforting blanket. It helped keep me calm, and make me feel at least a little more in control as I watched the civilians flee at the sight of me; running to the side of the street or into buildings to make way. Like I was some kind of monster. A Grue.

But I had met the real monsters.

My eyes snapped up as I caught movement on a rooftop. There was a figure cloaked in darkness like I was, but their darkness was…writhing. One of Taylor’s clones. I was reminded again, how pointless the rest of us felt. She had this whole city under her control now. Did she really need the rest of our team? Tattletale fed her information, but me? Regent? Bitch? Aisha? No, all she needed was Tattletale, her bugs, and…Amy.

I didn’t know what was going on between them, but Amy had been following her like some lost puppy. Crawling to her after the Nine left. Staying with her constantly since then. Giving her new creatures, and then she came along to take down Coil too. Why did she need to be there for that? And the way Taylor seemed to stick close to her too…I knew Tattletale cleared her; said that Amy hadn’t Mastered her but…that could only mean one other thing.

I didn’t want to think about it. I was here to apologise. I shouldn’t spin in place making myself angry all over again.

I saw something else move somewhere above and my eyes snapped to it again, even knowing it was probably another bug clone.

It wasn’t; unless Amy was making her some new type that was humanoid and didn‘t have the bug cloud around it. And we didn’t have any other fliers.

I let my darkness pour out more steadily, readying for a fight as it billowed off of me, filling the street. The figure screamed in rage and dove down toward me.

I waited until they got closer before side-stepping into my cloud of darkness and sending out more to bury them.

It felt a little too easy as they fell right into my trap, diving straight into the oily cloud and impacting the ground with a crash. As they stood up again, perfectly fine, and I felt a tight sensation wrap around my body from their stolen power, I realised who it was.

Glory Girl stood amidst my darkness, blonde hair waving wildly in the flow of the oily black and eyes darting around, unseeing. As I took a moment to get used to the feel of her power and stepped forward to strike I realised something else.

Her wide eyes were red and her cheeks were wet with tears. She whipped about, searching wildly for me in the dark, and I noticed she was shaking, sending ripples through my darkness even when she wasn't moving.

I couldn't bring myself to attack her. Even with all my barely suppressed rage and the chaos of the city, I wasn't about to lash out at a blind, crying girl who hadn't done anything to me.

At my command, the darkness around her sunk down to knee height and I made a tiny path to my mouth so she could hear me, even while I hid the rest of my body in case she attacked. This way I also still held her power myself. Just in case.

"Why did you come here?" I asked, the dark distorting my voice.

"I-I don't know." She looked around warily, still shaking. "I was out with my mom, and we saw Amy and...and...Argh, why are you hiding! I don't want to talk, just fight me!"

They saw Amy? Taylor might have been with her. Did Brandish attack them?

And why was Glory Girl pushing for a fight she knew she would lose? I could take her powers for myself and she couldn't see. For a Brute, that was a death sentence.

"What happened?" I pressed her. "Was there a fight?"

"If you call my mom accusing my sister of being Mastered and threatening to kill her a fight, then sure!" She laughed hysterically, and I could see the tears starting to flow again.

"Was anyone hurt?"

"I don't think so. I don't know. Last I saw they were still in a standoff, but they looked ready to fight." She mumbled the words out with a small growl, still desperately glaring into the darkness. "Why do you care?"

“I…” I cared because of Taylor. Because she might be there. But should I? Of course I should; that was why I was going to apologise. Wasn’t it? Even if I should, could I say anything in case she was out of costume?

“I don’t know,” I settled on. It was vague and unsure, but that felt like it fit me right now.

She stopped, confused, and then scoffed. “You don’t know? What do you mean you don’t know?”

“What about you?” I shot back. “If things were coming to a fight, why did you leave?”

Glory Girl froze and looked at the ground, not bothering to search for me anymore. “I…I don’t-”

“You don’t know, do you?” I interrupted her, slowly clearing the darkness around us, revealing myself. She looked at me as I came into view, but she didn’t attack. I could see that she didn’t have any more fight in her right now.

“I-I grew up with Amy! I knew her for years and now she’s becoming this…thing. The things she has done…” She trailed off, shaking and rubbing her arms. “And now I’m finding out my mom is the one who pushed her to this in the first place. What am I supposed to think?”

I saw it now. The jittery movements. The uncertainty. The aggressiveness.

It was like looking in a mirror.

“Are you sure it’s them you don’t recognize?” I found myself saying, looking down at the gloved hand hiding my bloody knuckles. “Or yourself?”

"W-What?" She stammered, confused and maybe a little scared.

"Before everything that happened you used to be strong. Confident." I continued talking, not sure if I was even talking about her anymore. "But now you don't know what to do anymore. You feel fragile; like one wrong step will make you shatter. You don't know what parts of you are you and what parts are what you were made into. You're angry and scared, but that just makes you more angry, but you don't know what to do with it."

"How would you know!?" She snapped back. And I knew what I needed to do.

I took off my helmet and pointed to a spot just above my cheekbone. "I used to have a scar right here you know. A small one, from when one of my mom's boyfriends hit me with a bottle after I talked back." She was surprised at the sudden unmasking and shift in the conversation, but she didn't say anything so I continued. "I also had a scar across my ribs from when someone tried to knife me on one of my first nights out as a cape. Another scar on my back from where Shadow Stalker tried to kill me. Those scars are all gone now. When we were fighting the Nine, I got...captured by Bonesaw. I was only with her for a few hours, but that was long enough for her to...to..."

My breath stuttered and images of her smiling face flew through my mind. Memories of the searing pain of my nerves being stretched, or the sound of my rib cage cracking as she forced it open. I tried to push them aside. I was finally doing something. Finally someone I could help.

"Grue?" Victoria's voice sounded pained, making me look back up at her. Her face was drawn in horror. "You don't have t-"

"She took me apart," I forced out. "Splayed me over the inside of a freezer." It was easier to talk about, knowing I could help her. Knowing she knew what it felt like to be made something you're not. "I used Crawler's power to pull myself back together but...it feels like I left something behind. Nothing feels right. I look in the mirror and see that scar missing, and it doesn't feel like my face."

For a minute, there was silence. I worried I had overstepped. Disgusted her. Weirded her out by bringing it up out of nowhere. Then she slowly began speaking again.

"Amy...she messed with my head. I always loved her as a sister, but she made it something more. Right away, it didn't feel right. She made me love her, but she didn't make me want to feel that way. I was sickened by myself. By how I felt. By the fact that she made me feel that way." I could hear the disgust in her voice, as though the thought of it made her want to vomit.

"We heard about that," I told her, trying to spare her relieving it. "When Amy wanted to join, it made me nervous. Thinking about what she did, it reminded me of Bonesaw, and the fact Bonesaw chose her as her recruit. I wasn't really comfortable with it, but...I'm not the leader anymore."

They don't need me anymore , my mind reminded me.

"It's not her fault," Victoria suddenly said, and I looked at her in confusion. "Bonesaw just attacked her, and she was freaking out and…she told me not to touch her but I did anyway! I-I, I feel like I shouldn’t blame her for what she did but I still do .” Her words were more hurried, spilling out of her in a familiar flood. “I’m terrified of her, but she’s still my sister, but she messed with my head in a disgusting way, but she was pushed into doing it, but she was in love with me but she also saved my life and changed me back like she said she would in the first place.” She stopped, taking a deep, shaky breath. “I don’t know what to think anymore. And on top of everything else, there was Crawler. I still remember being drenched in his acid and feeling it eat away at me. Melting until I could see my own bones…” Her body shuddered. “Amy had to build me back up, my body and my mind. I keep finding myself asking how much of me is me , and how much is…what she wanted me to be.”

I turned and took a few steps to the side before sitting on the curb with a sigh, putting my face in my palm, rubbing my forehead. “Bonesaw talked about…stripping my skull like my mask and setting my power to pour my darkness out constantly,.”

“sh*t…” Victoria cursed. She slowly walked over to me, pausing in front of me for a moment before sighing and sitting down beside me. “Guess I shouldn’t have assumed I was the only one messed up by the Nine’s visit…Amy was too, probably.”

“And Skitter,” I added. “Some people hide it better, but I doubt any cape in this city made it out without problems. Some just…got it worse than others.” I looked down at my hand again. Victoria hummed in acknowledgement and we sat there, stewing in our thoughts. After a couple minutes I spoke up again.

“Not good for us to just sit out here together, especially with my mask off. You want to come back to my apartment with me to talk more?” I offered. “I feel like we could both use it.”

She looked back to me. “You sure that’s alright?”

I snorted. “What, you gonna arrest me?”

“No, of course not!” She said quickly.

“Then yeah, come on.” I pulled myself to my feet and offered her a hand.

The first genuine smile I had seen on her slowly broke across her face as she took my hand and I pulled her up. “Alright. Let’s go then.”



June 20, 2011

It was the first time in a while that things were quiet. I knew it wouldn't stay that way for long if we didn't take care of a few things, but Taylor had earned her break so I was doing what I could to make things easier on her.

Though I had to admit, this part at least, I had been looking forward to.

I strolled down the street in the upper end neighborhood, with a basket under my arm, looking for the right house. I had the address, but I had never been here before and it was after dinner and beginning to grow dark. It was strange, seeing so many clear streets and clean houses. It was the same neighborhood as the Mayor's house, near Captain's Hill, above the flood line.

Finally I found my target and walked up, knocking on the front door. I had to stifle the giggle at the thought of villainous me being so polite. At least I wasn't in costume right now, just wearing a comfy blue vest over a white t-shirt and tight jeans. My hair was pulled back in a pony tail and my freckles were visible under my sunglasses so they might not recognise me. Though this might actually be easier if they did.

After a minute the door opened, revealing a cozy entry hall, blocked by a heavy-set and middle-aged balding man in a brown sweater and slacks.

Well off neighborhood and expensive clothes, but modestly worn and no wealth on display in entry. Wealthy but humble, or just wary of thieves. Balding but no attempt to hide it indicates humbleness more likely.

"Who are you?" He asked, eyeing me warily.

Not expecting guests. Knows they might be targets. Posture leans toward the wall behind the door. Likely weapon hidden there. Will do anything to protect his family.

I winced slightly as my power prodded at me again, but tried to keep a smile as I replied. At least he seemed like a good guy. I hadn't had a chance to get a read on him at the exchange.

"Hi, I'm Mary!" I injected a little false cheer into my voice to throw him off a bit. "My little sister goes to Dinah's school, and we heard she came home so I thought I'd come by with a care package for her!" I held up the basket as evidence.

"We haven't told anyone she was home yet." His eyes narrowed more. Dammit.

"Well, we saw her out the window," I waved vaguely down the street and-

"Bruce," a woman's voice cut in, as the man's wife shuffled into view. "L-Let her in."

Voice shaking. Nervous. Unsure. Scared. Not just of us. Thinks we can help.

Well, back up plan it is then. I didn't really think the first plan would work in these circ*mstances anyway.

"Thank you. I am here to help." The fake smile fell away a little as I shifted my sunglasses down to show my eyes and cover my freckles.

He looked at his wife, then back to me as his eyes widened and he took a step back.

Fear, Wariness. He recognises us now. Doesn’t believe that we saved Dinah or that we are here to help, but is willing to listen to his wife and doesn’t think he can stop us. Doesn’t like Parahumans.

Doesn’t like parahumans? Well, that would need to be unpacked later, but first things first. I walked past the pair as they silently watched me, heading for the room the mother emerged from. I found Dinah sitting on the couch, with what looked like a stuffed beetle hugged in her arms. Where did she even get that?

And where could I get one?

"Hey Dinah, how are you doing?" I spoke softly as I entered, sitting down in an armchair near her and setting the basket down between us. "And thanks for convincing your parents to let me in."

She looked over to me with her typical far away gaze as she replied, "I told mom there was a fifty-seven point eight nine five percent chance of a lot of the city being destroyed if she didn't."

Not lying. Believes that if she didn't let us in, something bad would have happened. Doesn't blame us, but is worried about us for a different reason.

I blinked.

"Well. That at least answers a couple questions." A relief in other ways though. "I did come to check on you, and the care package thing wasn't a trick. I did want to bring this for you. I...do have some questions though, but only if you're up for it. Skitter would kill me if I pressed you all the time. But this is something important, and now I'm worried that not getting those answers is what causes that fifty-seven percent."

"Fifty-seven point eight nine five…" she muttered, before focusing her eyes back on me. “Do you really think she would?”

Worried Skitter might actually kill us. Worried about what people are capable of. Has seen many possible futures where people do bad things, Taylor included. Has trouble trusting people to be good.

She really was like me. She could see the worst in people.

I guess I just needed to help her see the good too, like Taylor did for me.

"Of course she wouldn't!" I laughed. "I was just exaggerating. Whatever anyone else says, Skitter is a good person, and doesn't do that kind of thing without a good reason. She still hasn't actually killed anyone, despite everything that has happened." It was said as much for her parents' benefit - looming in the doorway watching us - as it was for Dinah's.

"I have…" Dinah whispered, the breath barely making it past her lips.

"No, you haven't," I shut that down quick. She didn't need that on her conscience. "If you mean Coil, you didn't kill him. You shot him. I killed him, remember? The odds went down more after I shot him didn't they? That means they still could have saved him after you shot him."

"I-I guess so…"

Still not convinced, but somewhat reassured. More worried about us now due to us pushing that we killed him.

Well, I would take what I could get.

"Now then, want to see what I brought you?" I lifted the basket and tried to put on a smile as I changed the subject.

"Okay." Her voice stayed reserved, but I could see her eyes light up a bit. Despite everything she had been through, she was still a kid, and kids couldn't resist gifts.

I smiled back and began taking things out of the basket.

“Now, Amy would be mad if I so much as gave you a Tylenol right now, but I know how Thinker headaches can be so I brought some of my other remedies for you!” I held up the different items as I told her about them, trying to keep the tone light so we didn’t have to go into why Tylenol wouldn’t work. “I brought you some ice packs, a cute insulated water bottle with a cat on it, to keep some cold water with you to stay hydrated, a book on some yoga exercises, and some boxes of different teas. Different things work for different people, but hopefully some of this helps you. Important thing is to just make sure to get good sleep, eat well, stay hydrated, don’t overuse your power, and try to take time to relax, alright?” I turned a little stern at the end, trying to get the message across.

Dinah smiled a little as she took the ice pack. “Why me though?” She asked, the smile turning a bit sad. “Is it just because you have questions for me?”

I heard her parents shift behind me, and I knew I had to be careful with my answer. I didn’t want to take advantage of her, but I needed to make sure they believed that too.

Reaching over and ruffling her messy brown hair, I laughed softly. “No, kid. I’ve just been there, and it wasn’t easy figuring this all out myself. You deserve some help. And us Thinkers gotta stick together, huh?”

"Yeah. Okay." Her mouth quirked up a bit at the corner as her smile slowly returned.

Glad to see her relaxing, I let myself unwind a bit as well, chatting for a while. I gave her some more tips I'd picked up, suggested limits, and advice on what to do if the PRT came calling. After a few minutes her parents did go off to do other things, though I knew they didn't go far.

I also asked how things had been going since she got home, indirectly trying to get a read on how her parents were treating her, especially after that one tidbit I picked up from her dad. I knew she had been worried about that herself. Luckily, they seemed to be treating her well. They had missed their daughter, and whatever reservations her dad had about parahumans, they didn't seem to apply to her.

Finally, I couldn't stall any more and I had to bring it up.

"Dinah, as much as I don't want to, I do have some questions I want to ask. Is that alright?

"Yeah, I know." She sighed, seeming disappointed but not surprised. "The fifty-seven point eight nine five."

I would be coming back here later just to visit and check on her. No questions next time. I would prove to both of us that I wasn't like Coil. I wasn't just using her.

"Yes. Thank you." I took her hand and tried to smile reassuringly, before beginning the questions. "Now I know Coil asked you about Noelle before. We're trying to help her too, but if we don't I think she’s going to become that fifty-seven point eight nine five risk that would have happened if I didn't get to talk to you. So to start with, I want to find out how quick we need to be. What is the chance she goes on a rampage in the next three days if we don't do anything to help her?"

Dinah scrunched up her face for a few seconds and then answered. "Twenty four point two seven eight. Eleven point eight two nine chance she destroys the base and kills a couple of the Undersiders before disappearing without rampaging."

"Hmm, not great, but still low. What about the same question for a week?" I asked again.

"Seventy two point two four five chance of a rampage and six point two two one chance of just the base." She answered again, promptly.

Noelle is getting impatient. Or Trickster. The longer it takes, the more likely she is to snap, but the Undersiders are her main targets. She blames us for killing Coil and thinks we stopped her from getting the help he promised. We need to prove otherwise, soon.

“Okay, so we need to do something, soon.” I nodded, thinking. “Coil has probably already tried everything simple, but he wasn’t exactly trying very hard. She served him better as a monster. I think he tried Amy before, but she’s still our best bet.” I looked back to Dinah and smiled. “Okay Dinah, next question. What are the chances of changing Noelle back, if we have Amy’s help?”


Twenty minutes later, I left the house, saying my goodbyes to the Alcott family and giving Dinah’s parents a few tips on how to help her. I tried to keep my questions simple and few, to spare her any pain, but it was enough for me to have a rough plan now. We needed to act fast, but it wouldn’t take long to get things in place. I wasn’t looking forward to telling Taylor, but needs must.

I was still lost in thought, thinking and planning, when I heard a phone ring. I automatically reached for my phone, before I recognised the tone. That wasn’t my normal phone, or my casual phone or even my mercenary phone. I reached into the third hidden pocket in my vest and drew out the small phone, pressing answer and lifting it to my ear.

“Hello, Dragon.”

“Tattletale,” the voice replied. “We have tracked the Nine moving toward Boston. I have decided to call in Skitter’s offer of assistance. If I send a ship to pick you up, can you be ready at dawn?”

Well, hopefully Noelle could wait at least a day or two.

I looked back at the Alcott house, considering.

But no. I wasn’t going to break my promise so soon. This one we would have to figure out on our own.



June 21, 2011, Shortly after midnight

f*ck, if it hadn’t been a hell of a day. Sometimes it really felt like I was the only one holding this group of maniacs together. Tattletale always caught up in her scheming, Brian was lost in himself lately, Bitch never seemed to care, Taylor was lost in her new minion, and as much as I liked Alec he wasn’t really a people person.

So it was up to little old me. It was up to me to keep Alec in line. It was up to me to take the slack off my brother, (not that I minded, he needed it). And it was up to me when Tattletale called and told me to check on my brother, and I found him beating his punching bag bloody with his own blood. The idiot f*cking came on to Taylor when she came to check on him! He wasn’t in any condition for something like that, and I told him as much. Then I went to f*ck Taylor up for leaving him like that but he told me off, so I went to f*ck up some skin heads instead.

And now Tattletale was calling me to check on him because she needed to meet up and he wasn’t answering his phone. So here I was playing errand girl again, trudging back to our apartment base. And I just thought I’d caught a glimpse of something weird, flickering past down the street…

I threw the door open and stomped in, not that he’d notice me anyway with my power. I sighed and tried to suppress it as I called, “Brian, where the f*ck are you!”

I heard some shuffling from his bedroom. I hated to wake him up if he was actually managing to get some sleep, but I didn’t want Tats biting my head off, so I made my way over and pushed the door open.

The last thing I was expecting to see-

“Aisha, wait!”

-was my brother in bed with some blond bimbo holding the blanket up to cover her chest!

“Brian, what the f*ck did I JUST tell you!?”

Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm


Taylor gets some bad news and goes on a trip.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


June 21, 2011

2 AM

I blinked quickly, trying to keep myself awake. I had been up late doing research, and only got a couple hours of sleep before Lisa called and woke us up for an emergency meeting. After sleeping a little more while flying over on Atlas - hugged tight against Taylor's back - I was a little refreshed, but not much.

This had better be good.

I sat down with the rest of the Undersiders in a meeting room at Lisa's base, again, trying to stay awake. I had told them I wasn't one of them, that I worked for Taylor, but I still ended up being invited to these things. I knew Bitch had capes working for her too, but I never saw them here.

If Lisa asked Taylor to bring me, then I would be annoyed, but if Taylor was just bringing me anyway because she wanted me there then...that was different. I wasn't sure which it was though, so instead I was just tired and vaguely annoyed.

And for once, as much I hated to admit it, I agreed with Regent.

"It is way too early for this Tats." Regent sighed and yawned. "Just get to the point."

Lisa closed her mouth and frowned, making a small, irritated noise as he cut her off before she could really go into one of her 'listen to how smart I am' intros. "Fine. I went to-"

"I'd like to raise a point before Tats begins her speech, if I can!" Imp suddenly declared, to everyone's annoyance. "I saw a couple rogue blondes last night!"

"Aisha don't-" Grue growled.

"One of them was f*cking my brother," she continued, with a vindictive smirk.

"Rogue blondes?" Lisa asked. "What? Well it wasn't me, and you wouldn't...You mean from the heroes? Well there are only a couple blond heroes, so assuming Laserdream didn’t go rogue, Vista and Glory Girl? I damn well hope he didn't f*ck Vista!"

My mind went blank for a moment, as the implications hit me. "Wh-"

"You f*cked Collateral Damage Barbie?" Regent crowed, offering Grue a high five. "You dog!"

Grue did not high five him.

"Excuse me?" Bitch spoke up, eyeing Regent.

"You know what I meant." He waved her off, lowering his hand.

"I don't."

"You WHAT?" My mind finally rebooted and I rounded on Grue.

"That's not what happened," he replied quickly.

"Then please tell us brother, what were you two doing in your bed together, naked?" Imp snarked. "Playing erotic Twister?"

Grue groaned and put his head in his hands, but I couldn't find it in me to feel bad for him. "We ran into each other yesterday, and she was pretty upset about something, and we were just talking and...could we please just move on to whatever the more important thing Tattletale called this meeting for?"

"No," Taylor said quietly, her voice still commanding everyone's attention. "Sorry to put you on the spot, Brian, but we need to know where she stands. Brandish threatened Amy yesterday, and it seems like she is going to try to convince the PRT that Regent Mastered her."

"She...did mention that." Grue sighed and nodded.

"What?" Regent said in surprise, before laughing. "Sorry Ames, but you're not my type!"

“I’m devastated,” I answered dryly before focusing back on Grue. “You…and Vicky?” Stay calm, I told myself, clenching and unclenching my hand beneath the table.

“Yeah. I don’t know how it happened. One thing led to another and…Anyway, I don’t think we have to worry about her. She doesn’t believe any of that Mastering stuff, I’m not sure she even knows what to do with herself right now.”

“Except you!” Imp cut in.

Grue just growled at her before finishing with, “I don’t think she’ll be a problem.” He turned his gaze on me, staring at me with an unreadable look in his eye.

“Alright, we’ll sort that out later then,” Taylor answered. She seemed calm, but I knew it was just a front. Given what she had told me about how her visit with him went just yesterday she must have more to say, but since coming to work for her I had learned Taylor was very good at putting on a mask, and right now she was more Skitter than Taylor. “Now, Lisa, what did you have to tell us?”

Thank you,” she gave Taylor a grateful nod before looking over everyone again. “Now! As much as I would love to continue discussing Brian’s love life, and I really would, we have some more important things to talk about. Last night I went to visit Dinah-” she caught Taylor’s - and my - glaring look before backpedaling, “- I know, I know! I did just want to check on her, but there were some things I needed to ask her too. I went easy on her and made sure I didn’t push it too far, but our options were limited. But now, with her help, I know how we can fix Noelle. That’s the good news.”

Probably catching the implications of that last note as I did, Taylor asked the obvious question.

“What's the bad news?”

“We have about a week to do it, tops. She is getting impatient,” Lisa explained. “Also,” then she turned to me. “Amy has to do it.”

“What?” Taylor’s brow furrowed. “I thought you said Coil tried that?”

“He did, but he wasn’t all that thorough about it. Also, I guess Amy didn’t have the right confidence or motivation back then.” Lisa smiled at me and I just scowled back. “Dinah said the odds are better now, compared to when Coil asked her before. I guess she just needed proper motivation, huh?” Her smile slipped into a smirk as she turned it toward Taylor, and I think everyone caught what she was getting at.

“You’re sure there’s no other way?” Taylor asked, insistent. I felt the bugs on my arms stir, skittering uneasily.

“Why?” I asked. As much as I appreciated her worry, I needed to carry my own weight. “I can do it.”

“From what Lisa has told me,” Taylor began, warily, “Noelle is big, strong, hungry, and violent. And that is without her power. Imagine Crawler, if he traded his adaptation ability for an ability to make violent distorted copies of anyone he touches.”

“And we do not want a warped and evil version of you running around,” Lisa added. “But like I said with Dinah, our options are limited. Noelle’s problem is…unique. Her power’s limiters were removed and its gone out of control. She’s hard to even kill, let alone fix.”

I looked down at the table, realising why Taylor was worried. I had never been a fighter, so going up against something like that was terrifying. Not to mention the idea it could make some clone of me that would make everything I feared I would become a reality. And yet, despite all that-

“Still, I have to do it.,” I said firmly. “Like you said, she’s getting impatient right? If I don’t do it, it will only be worse.”

“I do have a plan for how to do it, but it will have to wait at least a few more days.” Lisa sounded a little uneasy. “Which brings me to my other news.”

“Good news or bad? And does this one explain why you called all of us in the middle of the night?” Regent asked.

“Yes,” she answered. “And whether it’s good or bad, I’ll let you decide. After leaving Dinah’s I got a call from our little friend Dragon. She found the Nine, and decided to take Taylor up on her offer to help. How do you feel about taking a trip to Boston as a guest of the Guild?”

“She found them?” I could tell Taylor was surprised to be called on by Dragon, despite her offer, but she recovered quickly. “I’m going then. If we want to get the PRT off our back, then we have to be good to our word. And Jack still needs to be stopped if we hope to prevent Dinah’s prophecy from becoming reality.”

“You’re going alone?” Bitch spoke up before I could, looking at Taylor with what I imagined was a surprisingly similar combination of hurt and annoyance as I felt.

“Since the fight will be in Boston, the truce won’t be extending back here. We need people to stay behind to keep control in the city-” Lisa began before Taylor cut her off.

“-and I’ll be putting Lisa in charge of things while I’m gone.” She leaned over the table, looking sternly at Lisa.

“You can’t be planning to take them on on your own!” Grue shouted, sending his chair flying back as he shot to his feet, staring at her with furrowed brows in shock and anger.

“I’m not.” Taylor calmly stood to face him. “I’ll be with Dragon and Armsmaster.”

“Hah!” Imp scoffed. “Like that’s much better. Wasn’t Armsmaster the one who almost got you killed against Leviathan, breaking that truce Tats just mentioned?”

“I think he’s learned his lesson about pulling something like that, especially with the Nine. And if not, I at least trust Dragon to keep him honest.” Taylor’s tone didn’t invite any argument. “Anyway, with Dragon’s suits and my bugs, I don’t plan for any of us to get anywhere near them, so we shouldn’t be in much danger with Crawler and Burnscar dead and Shatterbird at Regent’s disposal here at home. None of you can really fight at these ranges, so you’ll just be sitting around or going into needless danger if you come.”

“Fine,” Lisa replied. “I knew you wouldn’t take the others, but if you won’t even take me for strategizing, then at least take Amy. She is supposed to be your minion, and she can make you new bugs on the fly if you need them. If you don’t she’ll do nothing but sit around worrying about you anyway.”

I scowled at Lisa, annoyed, but I felt a bit of heat rising in my cheeks. I knew I should be mad but…she was right. Admitting that, even to myself, still bothered me.

And as much as the idea of facing the Nine again scared me, Taylor said we wouldn’t be getting close and I did want to make sure they were defeated for good.

I looked back to Taylor to find her looking at me as if seeking my permission. It was sweet of her. I nodded which got me a radiant smile in return that sent flutters through my chest. Turning back to Lisa, she asked, “When do we leave?”



We spent the next few hours preparing. It wasn’t my first time going on minimal sleep, and I knew it wasn’t for Amy either; especially with how she immediately made herself a pot of coffee and disappeared into the Gorillapede’s den muttering something about an idea to counter Bonesaw. She seemed even more exhausted than I was, but she was determined to join me on this, and I was grateful.

It wasn’t just her power I wanted, though that would be very helpful. As much as I didn’t want any of the others involved in this, it was a relief to know Amy would be there with me, watching my back and keeping me level.

I didn't trust Armsmaster, and I barely trusted Dragon. Going against the Nine with them, alone, wasn't something I was looking forward to. A part of me worried that the heroes would be tempted to eliminate us after the mission was over, or just fly us straight to the Birdcage. Trust didn’t come easily to me and Armsmaster had done nothing to earn mine. It was up to Dragon to prove that there was still good on their side of things.

While Amy got her new creations ready and modified others I gathered my swarm, keeping a reasonable amount in the city to keep an eye on things with. With my range stretched so thin, I wouldn’t be able to notice much going on in the city unless I focused, but it was still a relief to have the option. It was a good thing Amy had made me so many relay bugs, and built a relay function into the new ones too. I could at least maintain a link to Brockton by leaving a trail behind us, like breadcrumbs

But aside from that small garrison I summoned every single bug in the city to gather in an apocalyptic swarm, making extra sure to grab some of Amy's other creations. Especially the more...lethal ones had she made just in case. If nothing else, the cloud would serve as a good signal to Dragon of where to find me.

And eventually, she did. If it weren't for the advance notice, I would have taken the sight of her own swarm as a declaration of war; but whatever else I thought of her, I knew Dragon was a good person. She wouldn't go back on her word, especially if it risked me going biblical on the city.

Not that I ever would, but she didn't need to know that.

Amy and I were gathered on the street in my territory alongside the Gorillapede, several Clone bugs and some as yet unnamed Brute bugs Amy had been making that were like Atlas but twice as big and couldn't fly. I couldn't fully sense the Gorillapede anymore, similar to when Atlas was first made. Amy must not have had time to update its genetic blueprint to match her new modifications.

Above us several of Dragon's crafts were circling. I parted my cloud of bugs as a rough, armored and knightly looking dragon descended onto the street in front of us.

The head lifted over us so the chest could open, the ramp lowering to reveal Armsmaster standing in the entrance in his new armor. Which I suppose made him 'Defiant', but I still had trouble seeing him in his new identity.

“I hear you’re going to be helping us?” he asked, his tone making it clear he didn’t believe it.

“Letting the Nine walk free doesn’t help any of us,” I answered simply, glaring back at him. It was hard to look him in the eye when we were both wearing masks, however.

He looked past me to our larger ‘custom’ bugs, then directly at the Gorillapede.

“I assume you’ll be wanting to bring those.”

“Yes,” Amy replied, stepping forward. She had seemed unsure behind me, but her confidence was quickly returning. “We’ll need everything we have to stop them. I also just built some failsafes into the Gorillapede to help counter Bonesaw’s plagues.”

“I see,” ‘Defiant’ nodded slowly. “And…Gorillapede?”

“Yes,” I cut in before Amy could protest. “So have some of your other suits carry it and the other brutes and let's get going.”

A woman in armor like Defiant’s walked out from the craft behind him, and I recognised her from our last encounter with the PRT. Dragon.

“Please, we need to cooperate.” She waved toward the open ramp. “We will take the Uther to Boston and the rest of the Dragonflight will follow after. I will have the Glaurung, Melusine and Pythios carry your larger bugs. We can discuss strategy on the way.”

I looked to Amy for assurance and she took my hand with a small smile. I felt a flutter in my chest and returned the smile before turning back to Defiant and Dragon with a firm nod, stepping aboard.

As we passed Defiant, I turned to him. “Your girlfriend is no more creative than mine with names, so I’d appreciate it if you keep the comments to yourself.” I felt Amy’s hand squeeze mine and saw her looking at me in shock, her eyes shimmering. I just smiled and squeezed her hand back. Saying it out loud may have got my heart racing as well, but she didn’t need to know. Right now, I needed to be confident and focused.

A few minutes later, Amy and I stood alongside the Tinkers. The clone bugs had filed onto the Uther behind us alongside a small part of the swarm and just stood at the back of the ship, awaiting orders. I could tell they made Defiant uncomfortable with how they just stood there. And what they represented. I’m not sure if it would be better or worse for him if it was Alec with us instead, or heavens forbid, Aisha.

Dragon gestured to a screen on the wall and began her briefing.

“Jack has been on a recruiting spree, trying to replenish their numbers since the fight in Brockton.” The screen changed to show a series of pictures with a few lines of text under each. “You know the main members of course, but I will go over them again for completion's sake.” She gestured to each in turn as she continued talking, bringing that one to the forefront.

“Jack Slash; infamous leader of the Slaughterhouse Nine for the past twenty-four years. Male. Late thirties. Blaster seven with a focus on bladed objects, and a tentative Brute two rating due to modifications by Bonesaw. Not a major threat on his own, but given his ability to somehow evade capture and lead a group like the Slaughterhouse Nine for as long as he has, he should not be underestimated.”

“Tattletale suspects he has a Thinker ability as well.” I spoke up. “Helps explain how he’s stayed alive as long as he has. Either way, I have a plan to take care of him. Who’s next?”

“Bonesaw.” Her picture came to the forefront as Jack’s fell back. “Birth name, Riley Grace Davis. A long standing member, she has been with the Slaughterhouse Nine since she triggered during an attack and was abducted six years ago. Tinker nine with a focus on biology. Her personal enhancements and ability to enhance others and create hybrid parahumans also gives her a Brute four and trump four rating.”

“Skitter can have the Gorillapede focus on her.” Amy said confidently. “It should be able to easily overpower her and I made it resistant to just about anything she can throw at it. And if she tries to release anything as a last attempt to spite us, it can release counteragents I built for past viruses she’s made. I also lined its stomach so that if Skitter has it eat her, it can contain anything her body releases on death. If she releases some new plague before we contain her that Gorillapede can’t counter, well…that’s part of why I’m here.”

“That’s good to hear,” Dragon replied. From her small sigh and her shoulders dropping a little, I could tell she meant it too. “To be perfectly honest, I considered her the largest threat on their team. I wasn’t sure how Defiant and I were going to contain her without something being released. It is a relief to have you here.” Her helmet was off, so we could see as she smiled at Amy. “Thank you again for your help, Panacea.”

Amy’s brows came together in a frown and it only deepened as Dragon called her ‘Panacea’ and she crossed her arms in displeasure. It stood out even more with her being the only one not in costume, just wearing her new jeans and a jacket over her ‘bad girl’ shirt. At least I had managed to finish a spider-silk undersuit for her; not that we planned for her to see any combat today.

“You’re welcome,” she finally said, the acid clear in her voice.

Dragon seemed a bit taken aback, and not even I was sure about the reason for Amy’s annoyance, aside from her dislike at being called Panacea. After taking a moment trying to think of something to say, Dragon just sighed and continued on with her presentation.

“Next is Siberian,” the screen changed again. “After her first appearance eleven years ago where she engaged the Triumvirate, taking Alexandria’s eye and killing Hero, she was thought to be a Brute ten. After the recent battle in Brockton bay we can reclassify her as a projection of the Master nine, William Manton. Now knowing that she is a projection reveals a significant weakness. As long as we can locate and eliminate Manton, we can remove her as a threat.”

“And since I’ve found him before,” I said, thinking, “I should be able to again, especially with your surveillance to narrow it down.”

“Yes, and we believe Jack is keeping him close as well, after discovering his true nature,” Dragon answered before turning back to the screen.

“Hookwolf, also known as Bradley Meadows. Ex-Member of the Empire Eighty-Eight, recently joined after the attack on Brockton Bay; possibly due to memory alteration. Even before joining he was a violent villain with mutliple murder charges and a standing Birdcage sentence. Changer four that allows him to turn into a metal wolf made of hooks and blades, making him a functional Brute seven.”

I nodded in recognition. As Brockton residents from birth, Amy and I were both very familiar with Hookwolf. “He will be harder for me to deal with. The Brute bugs or Gorillapede might be able to keep him busy, but they would struggle to take him down.”

“I thought as much,” Dragon agreed. “I will be assigning the Melusine to prioritise Hookwolf. It’s designed to break down metal constructs to repair and reinforce itself. I never intended for it to use that function against a living target but…we can’t hold anything back against them now.”

I nodded grimly, staring at the picture of Hookwolf. He had always been one of the worst villains in Brockton Bay, but I had tried to draw the line at killing. Even with Coil. But now…I couldn’t hold back on the Nine, and there was no other way to stop someone with a power like his.

“Next, Damsel of Distress.”

I refocused as Dragon got to the capes I was less familiar with, though the first name caused me to raise an eyebrow. Regardless of the over-the-top name, if she was a Nine recruit I knew not to underestimate her. The picture showed a young, very thin woman in a black gown with flowing, platinum blond hair, black lipstick, and a stained glass mask covering the top half of her face.

“Also known as Ashley Stillons, she has been an independent villain for the past seven years since she accidentally killed her parents during her trigger event.” I winced at that, as Dragon continued. “She participated in the Boston Games before being driven back to working as a small-time villain in Stafford, New Hampshire, and now a recent recruit of the Nine, possibly against her will. She has a short to mid range matter destruction power that warps reality in cone-shaped blasts. Maximum range recorded is fourteen feet. She qualifies as a Shaker six due to the area her power covers, and a Mover two thanks to her ability to use the recoil of her power to propel herself. She is recorded as having poor control over her abilities, but we can assume Bonesaw has corrected that. Still, she should be considered a minor threat and either of our forces should be able to handle her as long as we maintain a distance.”

Not having much to discuss, Dragon flicked to the next target and the figure of a grotesque, patchwork man came into view.

“Skinslip; real identity unknown. Changer six with the ability to manipulate his own skin and regenerate, allowing him to also function as a Brute five. A vicious serial killer that wandered throughout Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine for the past year.”

“We were briefed on him when he came near Brockton once,” Amy said, staring at the image. “He flays his targets to stitch their skin onto his own with his regeneration to extend his reach, right?”

“Yes,” Dragon answered somberly. “The extra range lets him use it to attack his targets as well as climb and grapple around more easily, also giving him a Mover rating of four. He is not a priority target, but his lack of strength is made up for by his sheer viciousness, and his regeneration might make him difficult to defeat with bugs alone. I will assign the Azazel to him. Its nano-thorn branches should be able to disable him more permanently.”

My bugs felt Defiant tense up and shift on the spot slightly; maybe uncomfortable with Dragon revealing the capabilities of their suits. Well, he was just going to have to get over it if he wanted our help.

The screen flicked to the next target, displaying a dark haired woman in a black dress with paper-white skin.

“Night Hag, boogeyman of Keene, New Hampshire for the past three years. Another serial killer; less vicious than the last, though no less brutal. A Breaker/Shaker six who never leaves her Breaker state, Night Hag infects her surroundings and transmutes them into a strange glassy material similar to her own body in its Breaker form. If her body is destroyed, she can reform from any infected material, making her hard to put down permanently. In her Breaker state she doesn’t eat or sleep and is known to hunt her ‘prey’ for weeks at a time before trapping them and slowly taking them apart. In order to keep her down we will have to destroy her body and any infected material at the same time. It may be difficult for your bugs so I will be assigning the Cawthorne to her.”

Dragon continued to the next, not missing a beat. A slender man in a full white face-mask and a traditional stage magician’s costume; a full formal suit in blue and purple with a purple top hat.It reminded me of Trickster’s outfit.

“Candyman. He was a part of a small-time gang of burglars called the Courtiers in New York City for a couple of years before a falling out a few months ago. A Master seven with an ability to completely control the mind and body of his target. The trigger for his control is still unknown as he is able to disguise it amidst other movements, but it is suspected to be some form of hypnotism that requires the target to see him. After his falling out with his old group he was reported on a number of rape charges, some against other capes. After a couple escalated to murder, his sentence was increased to Birdcage before the Nine picked him up.”

I tried to suppress a shudder at the thought, but my bugs on Amy sensed her unable to resist her own. I took her hand again. He broke one of the few unspoken rules between capes. Even setting aside the mind control, as that was his main power, capes…didn’t do that. Especially to each other.

“The maximum he is recorded as controlling at once was five.” I focused back on Dragon’s analysis, as she kept going, oblivious to our discomfort. “But his control does seem to go down with each target past the first. It is possible to break his concentration, but as long as we are careful to keep the visual portion of our surveillance away from him, we should be fine. He can be dangerous in direct engagements, but with our plan he should be low priority.”

She switched to the last profile; a young, dark haired man in a black and white spotted jumpsuit.

“Lastly, Wormhole, also known as Peter Dodgson. Part of an independent hero team from down in Providence, Rhode Island for the past seven months. We received a report a few days ago that his team had been killed and he was missing. The next sighting of the Slaughterhouse Nine had him fighting alongside them, though his movements were erratic. It is suspected he is either under some form of coercion, or under the control of Bonesaw or Candyman. It would be good if we can take him alive, but if not…” Dragon trailed off, but the message was clear. We would save him if we could, but we couldn’t risk going nonlethal against a member of the Nine.

After a moment she cleared her throat before going back to her briefing. “He is considered a Mover/Blaster six. His power creates localised black holes of varying size and power that seem to absorb anything directed at them. This alone would be dangerous, but he can also make ‘exit portals’ that can launch out anything the black holes absorb. While the portals are Manton limited in that he can not create them inside a target, people -himself included- can enter these black holes and use the exit portals to travel. The Nine have been using this to travel more quickly since they picked him up, though his range does seem to be limited by sight at least. I would suggest you prioritize neutralizing him to help prevent an easy escape.”

As she finished her briefing she turned back to us.

“Any questions?”

I looked to Amy to find her looking back at me. She shrugged wordlessly so I turned back to Dragon. “I think you laid things out pretty clearly. We have a solid plan to deal with each of them, though things might get complicated depending on how they are paired up. We’ll have to adjust to their potential power interactions as we see them. At least it will be easier to communicate with us both here, out of the fighting. Amy has prepared new bugs for the fight, and she will probably be sitting at the back of the ship by the door, making more during the fight. What will Armsm- or, Defiant sorry, be doing?”

Dragon opened her mouth to reply before Defiant stepped forward to speak for himself. He still hadn’t taken off his helmet, which was fair since I hadn’t removed my mask either. I wonder if mine made me seem as unapproachable and eerie as his did right now.

“I will be engaging them alongside your bugs and the Dragon suits,” he declared firmly. “Dragon wanted me to stay here, but we need someone on the ground guiding things in case they have a way to block our surveillance. My armor can take anything they throw at me, and I have failsafes in case Candyman tries anything. I may not be as expendable as the rest of the troops we’re sending in, but I can handle myself.”

Amy silently looked between Defiant and I before just sighing and walking back to take her place by the exit ramp and begin producing more of her ‘piranhants’. I couldn’t help agreeing with her response to Defiant, even if her naming scheme still escaped me.

I sent my swarm to Amy to serve as materials as I collected myself to face Defiant.

“I’m not sure I agree, but if that is what you and Dragon have decided, I won’t argue.”

Dragon gave me a weak smile as she replied, “Thank you, that’s very mature of you.” She gave Defiant a meaningful look as she spoke, but I still couldn’t help the annoyance I felt at the dismissive remark. Thankfully, my mask helped hide it.

“Yeah. When do we arrive?” I asked.

Dragon glanced at her screen before replying, “We’re just five minutes out…now…” Her words trailed off, but I didn’t need to ask why, or ask for clarification on how close we were, because I could see for myself.

The screen she was looking at showed a camera feed from the outside of the craft.

And on the screen we could see smoke from the approaching city. Even as we watched, a building near the origin collapsed. I was already spreading my relay bugs around us as we flew, but I didn’t need my quickly expanding senses to tell me what was going on.

The Nine had already arrived.


Thanks again to my beta, Pendragoon.

I did quite a bit of research to discover the state of the Nine at this point and was surprised at how many members they had. So...hope you like the OCs and extra background details!

And wow, Jack has been around a while. I thought Siberian was supposed to be one of the first villains, but seems not.

Chapter 15: In the Slaughterhouse


A young girl goes for a walk in the city with her family.


Sorry for the delay! been busy closing up my place of work, but I am now unemployed so more time for writing!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 15


June 21, 2011

Skipping along the road, I looked back to the others, impatiently. “Come on, hurry up!” I shouted. It was early morning, and my family was having trouble pushing through the early morning traffic along the sidewalk.

My new sister Ashley looked really annoyed by all the people pushing past her. It was a good thing we got her that big coat to hide her arms. I giggled, thinking about how they’d react if she weren’t wearing it. Uncle Peter was doing better too; his shaking had almost stopped!

The control frame was settling in nicely. It was the first time I had used it on a non-hybrid. Not my best work, and Jack didn’t want to use it, but he didn’t have time to convince Peter to join on his own.

Candyman said that he could control Peter, but Jack didn’t trust him yet. I didn’t either. He didn’t actually even have any candy for me when I asked!

But now wasn’t the time for that. We were going to meet another Tinker, and I was so excited. They even worked with meat, like me! I was still disappointed Amelia didn’t come with us, but maybe Blasto could help me make some fun new things! I was really excited about all the things we could make and what ideas he had and-

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Jack behind me. He smiled at me, but it wasn’t as wide and unrestrained as usual.

“What's wrong?” I asked.

“Mm, something’s not right.” He looked around, with that familiar searching gaze. “They know we’re here. We have to go.”

“Well of course they know we’re here,” I giggled. “The others are making a distraction over by-”

“No.” His hand tightened on my shoulder and he looked at Ashley, Peter and Candyman behind us. “They know we’re here. We’ll have to come back later.” He jerked his head to signal for them to follow and then took off through the crowd. He started out slower, trying to stay casual, but he quickly increased his pace until he was near running and it became harder for me and the others to keep up. Especially with my shorter legs. I could have fixed them, but we were still trying to blend in right now.

I heard a faint buzzing start nearby, then a wall of bugs rose up in the alley we had turned down, blocking it off.

“Skitter came to play!” I grinned. This would be fun. I never got the chance to really examine her. I still wanted to know how her power worked with the Gemma disabled.

“I don’t think she came alone,” Jack said ominously, before drawing his cleaver and slashing a gap through the wall of chitin, continuing to run.

“Why are we running?” Candyman groaned. “I thought the Slaughterhouse could take a few other capes? Aren’t you guys supposed to be the big, scary S-Class threat? That’s why I joined you lot!” I looked over at him. In our civilian disguises he was fairly unassuming. A dark-skinned man with close-cropped hair in a long, black coat and black slacks.

He made the cut, but I didn’t expect him to be staying with the family long, so I wasn’t getting attached. He hadn’t even told us his real name!

“We are running because I say so, Candy.” Jack rounded on him, staring him in the eye. “You’re new here, but I’ve been leading this group for decades. When I say we go, we go .” Jack smiled and his blade flashed up beside Candyman’s face. “You know my reputation, and you know you can’t control me. You’re not the first to think they could. Any more questions?”

“Right, uh, no boss. Sorry.” Candyman lost his attitude fast and backed off.

I heard screaming from the street behind us and looked up to see a dark cloud moving into place over us. It wasn’t a normal cloud though; I could see it writhing and shifting, made up of endless smaller pinpricks. Bugs.

“Well then, time to go.” Jack said, turning back to lead us out the other side of the alley into the next street, but people were already running in fear there as well.

A slender black figure stood in the middle of the street ahead, it’s surface shifting from the carpet of bugs covering it.

“It’s the end of the line, Jack.” The figure spoke with a hiss, it’s voice echoing from the descending swarm above.

“Skitter, good to see you again,” Jack said easily. “But I’m sure you know it won’t be this simple.” He whipped his blade out and it extended to slash across the figure’s middle, slicing them in two.

The figure fell, and the bugs covering it skittered back to reveal a chitinous, sticklike creature, sliced in half across the middle. Jack didn’t seem surprised of course. He must have known it wasn’t her.

“Ooohh,” I squealed out, looking at the strange creature. “Did someone else make Skitter into a walking hive like I planned?”

Before anyone could reply, more black, humanoid figures that looked like Skitter descended to land along the rooftops lining the street. What was left of the crowd around us started to scream and scatter, running in all directions and jostling us. Usually it was our job to scare people!

A whir of machinery and hum of anti-gravity generators was followed by a few giant mechanical creatures swooping down and dropping huge bugs onto the street. Dragon.

“I get the feeling our cover is blown,” Candyman said simply, stepping forward and throwing off the coat covering his costume and unfolding his mask and tophat to don them. “Time for the show to begin!”

“That it is.” Jack chuckled, but I could feel a sort of tension to it again. “Bonesaw, go play with Blasto. We’ll handle things here.” Then he drew his cleaver and quickly swung it to the side, extending it up to slice through two of the Skitters on the rooftops before the others took off, heading for the street.

Ashley shrugged off her coat to reveal her stretched and clawed arms before throwing one out to create a blast that erased a chunk of the descending cloud. Peter followed suit, revealing his spotted, monochrome costume. One of the Dragon suits fired off a shell toward us but Peter obediently jerked an arm up and made a black portal that sucked the shell in before shooting back out a white portal toward the suit that fired it, exploding with a loud bang!

But the suit was still functioning and they kept coming. Walls of bugs were coming down to try to separate the civilians from us and herd them away, while the huge mutant bugs were starting to bear down on us.

“Jack, look! Do you see those giant beetles!?” I cried, pointing. “Do you think Amelia made those? They’re so cool! She’s learning!”

“Looks like we got through to her after all.” He grinned and slashed out, taking out the leg of one of one of the giant beetles, making it crash to the ground. This one seemed a little more genuine. Amelia was finally coming around! So we just needed to find her aga- “Now get going, Bonesaw!”

“Right!” I said, remembering. My own spidery assistants unfolded and crawled out of my dress to follow alongside me as I turned and started running down the street again. As they started to realise what was going on, civilians fled before me, some not fast enough to escape before my spiders jumped on them and speared them through. Glancing back I could see the others fighting off the attack. Jack cut through Skitter’s clones and the larger bugs while Ashley blasted the smaller ones and Peter redirected Dragon’s shots.

Meanwhile Candyman was hypnotising some civilians into acting as human shields for us. I remembered when he tried using his power on Ashley after I put the fail-safes in. I had to reattach his arm after that!

I was snapped out of the memory as the stinging bugs started bothering me more and pushing toward my eyes. I pulled out the spray can with my antibacterial serum to spray it around myself to kill off the bugs. Some of them died — but not all of them. Had Amelia been playing with these ones too?

Big sister was so cool!

Suddenly the ground shook and dust billowed up as something massive was dropped onto the street before me, crushing the abandoned cars blocking the road. A huge segmented body extended down the road, ending in gnashing mandibles over row after row of muscular limbs.

I squealed in joy at the sight of it, flailing my arms and pointing at the absolutely beautiful creation.

“Jack! Jack, look what she made!”

“Well now, isn’t that something?” Jack looked back at the creature with a grin. “Looks like we taught her a few things after all.” He turned and struck out with his blade, slashing across the creature’s legs, but they were too thick to cut through. “Damsel, this one is yours. Peter, go get the others.”

The cloud of bugs crowding around us shifted toward Peter, but he quickly summoned a black portal and stepped in before they could catch him.

Meanwhile, a series of screeching explosions tore into the bugs around Damsel before she launched herself into the air toward the giant centipede. The many arms tried to swat Ashley out of the air but she made another blast to launch her to the side to dodge out of the way before another space warping blast took a chunk out of the creature’s arm.

Another arm swung out to grab at me but I jumped back, mechanical spider legs sprouting from my back to help me skitter across the ground to avoid it.

“Why are they all bugs?” I asked. “She must be making them for Skitter to control, but Skitter can control things like this? That must mean-”

“Later please, girl!” Candyman shouted at me, twirling his baton and directing a small crowd of people toward one of the giant beetles as he went back to his singing. “Who can take a sunrise~? Sprinkle it with dew~?” The beetle slowed it’s advance, clearly trying to maneuver around the people without hurting them. Definitely controlled by Skitter.

Grabbing a few more vials from my dress I used the strength from my enhanced frame to launch them toward the giant centipede. The acid vial exploded against its side with little effect, as well as the antibacterial. The third one I wasn’t expecting to do much to it, but everyone else might be affected. A plague. One of the ones I made to-

Suddenly part of the creature’s shoulder near where the plague vial hit suddenly bulged outward before popping, expelling a yellow cloud. A counteragent? I laughed; big sister really had thought of everything!

My mechanical limbs extended to help throw me out of the way of another of the giant’s grasping hands and I sent my own spiders to start trying to climb the creature and cut into it. Jack told me to go after Blasto, but I had to get past this creature first.

“Damsel~!” I cried out sweetly, “Can you keep this one busy?” I saw her nod in response as she launched herself into the air again, letting off another screeching blast of distorted space, warping and blasting through part of the beast’s outstretched limb. She hadn’t been talking as much since my modifications. I thought she could be my new sister instead of Amelia, but she was no fun at all!

The massive centipede creature let out a chittering roar of pain as the limb that Ashley blasted broke off in a spray of green hemolymph from the distorted stump. The bug flailed out with its other limbs but we managed to dodge away; I tried to sneak around it, sticking close to the buildings while Ashley took its attention and my spiders continued their attack. The creature was throwing off or crushing most, but one was starting to bury itself in the stump Ashley made.

A loud clang drew my attention to the air, in time to see Jack’s blade glancing off the haft of a spear held by someone in green powered armor with lizard frills falling from the sky. He had been falling toward Ashley but the clash knocked him off course.

She turned to him, also drawn by the sound of the clash, but she wasn’t fast enough to dodge as he lashed out with his extending spear and a grey cloud around it’s tip sheared through her leg. Ashley screamed as the pair of them fell back to the ground; the sound of her hitting the pavement drowned out by the almighty crash of the armored man cracking the pavement of the street with his arrival.

I took the distraction to dart out and sink my mechanical limbs into one of the many mammoth legs of the giant centipede and start climbing. It tried to twist around to bite at me but I dodged around it, climbing more.

I glanced back to see Ashley struggling to her feet and lashing out with her claws at the approaching hero, but he just shot his hand out to knock hers away, redirecting her power to warp the street to their side into an abstract sculpture. She tried to raise her other extra-long arm, but his mechanized boot stomped it into the ground with a crack before he swung his spear down and sheared through her torso, cutting her in two.

Well, like I said, she wasn’t too fun anyway.

“I recognise you!” I called out to him as I reached the creature’s shoulder. His style was familiar and I couldn’t help acknowledging a fellow Tinker. “You were Mannequin’s pick. Armsman? Armsmaster?”

He turned to look up at me through the visor of his knight-helm. “Defiant now.”

Rebranded I guessed. Well that was boring. Jack was the one who paid more attention to cape names and things like that. “Well ‘Defiant’, don’t let me keep you! Looks like my friends want to play!” I laughed. He turned around, but too late as Hookwolf spilled out of the white portal that had torn open above him and crashed into him with a sound of grinding metal.

Hooky did look smaller than usual though. Were they having trouble before Peter got there?

Skinslip jumped out of the portal after Hookwolf, followed by Peter. Then it closed, with no sign of Night Hag, Siberian or Manton. I hoped they were alright, even if I was still mad at Sibby since we found out she was Manton’s projection.

With Defiant distracted wrestling Hooky, I went back to climbing the giant and made it onto its back before starting to dig in with my mechanical limbs, slicing through it’s chitin.

With the others joining us here, I could see more bugs and Dragon crafts closing in that must have been engaging them on the other side of the city. Wouldn’t take long for them to catch up, and those that were already here were starting to block off the exits.

The centipede creature’s hide was tough, but my blades were slowly cutting through it, and soon I made a gap big enough to dig down in to reach its spine. It was roaring and flailing now, trying to grab me, but flexible as it was it couldn’t reach me literally in its back. I jabbed a spike directly into its spinal column and injected a powerful acid. I was tempted to jack in and take it over from here, but there was no time to play and it wouldn’t help me much in this fight. Better to take it out of commission quickly.

The beast shuddered a moment before collapsing, and I hurried to climb out of the hole I made and skitter down off it to check on the others. Candy was down and the civilians he had been controlling were causing chaos; some cowering by the side of the street and others running all over the place. Skinslip had taken his place helping Jack with the giant beetles. There were only a few left.

Hookwolf’s blades scraped over Defiant’s armor as he tried to push the giant blender back. A burst of fire over the rooftops heralded the arrival of another dragon suit shortly before it jumped down onto the road, metal claws digging into the pavement. Its middle glowed red like a furnace and I could see churning grinders in it’s chest. For Dragon’s work, it looked pretty rough. It lunged for Hookwolf, but a black hole appeared in front of it, crushing it slightly before sucking it in and releasing it further down the street to collapse on some cars.

“Isn’t this fun, Jack?” I giggled in delight as I skipped back over to him. The street was chaos!

“Great fun,” he chuckled, but there was a strained tone to it. “Didn’t I tell you to go though?”

“I couldn’t make it out. One of Amelia’s bugs got in the way. I stopped it, but more are coming.”

“It might just be time for all of us to go then.” He cut down another of the giant beetle’s before turning away and shouting, “Peter! If you wo-”

We turned back just in time to see a burly man in a tank top tackle Peter to the ground. Jack raised his blade to strike, but the pair rolled on the ground as they fought, putting Peter between us and the man attacking him.

“Dammit,” Jack cursed. I turned to him in surprise to scold him, but he was already shouting over me “Stop playing with your food Peter, it’s time to go!”

A black hole opened under Peter and the pair fell in, only to reappear out of a white hole high in the air, over the rooftops. They fell several stories only to fall into another black hole; shooting out another white hole further down the street. A cloud of bugs descended on the street, chasing after them as they went through portal after portal, finally ending with the pair rocketing out and crashing into the brick storefront of one of the nearby shops.

The stranger started struggling to his feet but Jack stepped forward, growling as he lashed out with his blade, catching the man across the chest in a fountain of blood. Before Peter could rise as well the cloud of bugs that had been chasing descended on him, hiding him from view. Jack slashed at the swarm a few times, but there was no real effect as more bugs just poured in.

“Well, my little Bonesaw, this might be it,” Jack sighed, lowering his blade again.

“What do you mean, Jack?” I was getting a little worried now. I had never seen him like this before.

“I’m not sure we’ll be making it out this time.” He looked back at me a little sadly. “I wonder, if all this is Amelia, do you think she’ll be the one ending the world? Will that be my legacy; finally breaking the great Panacea?”

“Jack? Why are you talking like that?” I pulled on his sleeve, trying to lead him to a nearby alley. “We can still make it out. We always do!” Then I heard a faint buzzing from down the alley, just before the windows burst outward and the alley was swarmed.

They looked like flying ants the size of small dogs, but with enlarged jaws full of razor sharp teeth. Amelia made these!?

They swarmed Jack and I tripped backward as the grotesque sound of chewing started. I vainly tried throwing another vial of my antibacterial to no effect. I tried acid, which ate through some of them, but they kept coming. The last thing I saw before they covered him completely was Jack’s content, smiling face.

I stumbled back into the street, my eyes burning and prickling with tears for the first time in longer than I could remember. Part of the razor-ant swarm broke off to come after me, but I triggered a switch in my wrist and razors tore out of the skin all over my body, inspired by our new recruit, Hookwolf. I swung my arms and the blades cut through the bugs as they tried to get hold of me.


I whipped back toward the voice to find Defiant; his armor scratched up but otherwise fine. What looked like the remains of Hookwolf were being crushed and consumed behind him by that furnace dragon from earlier.

“I don’t know what you have planned, but you know I loaded myself with a mess of epidemics, right?” I spat at him, backing away as he raised his spear and I raised my mechanical limbs brimming with blades in response. “You kill me and I’ll explode into a cloud of a bajillion plagues. It can’t be easy.”

“Maybe, but that’s not my job,” he said, evenly. “It’s hers.”

“Who’s?” I asked. Then I felt the ground shake beneath me. I turned just in time to see the massive centipede pulling itself up and lunging toward me. My mechanized limbs sprang into action to throw me to the side, but one of the creature's limbs was already in place to catch me and pull me back in toward it’s mandible-filled maw.

Nowhere to run, I screamed and started throwing vial after vial at it, but they just broke against it’s chitinous hide with no effect aside from the occasional swelling and release of counteragents. I sliced and cut at it’s limbs and mouth, but it pushed through, undeterred.

Then it’s mouth closed on me and everything went dark.


“Jack is down,” I reported, my eyes closed as I focused entirely on the swarm. There was so much going on that I could sense. It was no more than I had dealt with before, and I wasn't sure closing my eyes even helped, but I couldn’t risk missing anything. I had to sense every wing beat. Every vibration of movement. Every bite the piranhants took out of Jack’s flesh.

I needed to be sure he was dead.

“The Melusine has dealt with Hookwolf,” Dragon reported back. We had been exchanging reports on what our respective swarms detected and accomplished, to stay apprised of the situation.

"The piranhants and Defiant have pushed Bonesaw back toward the Gorillapede." Jack had killed most of my clone bugs, even some of the ones I had hidden. I had to bring in more from other areas so I could still keep an eye on the situation without having to parse the complex senses of my swarm. This was a crucial moment. We couldn't let Jack escape, but Bonesaw was nearly as dangerous. We needed to take her down right or all of Boston would become a quarantine zone.

Since Bonesaw had damaged one of the Gorillapede's spines I had been keeping it dormant. It was somewhat crippled, but Amy had put in enough redundancies that it could still fight. I was just waiting for the right- "Now!" I shouted, jerking the Gorillapede back into action to pounce on Bonesaw. She tried to escape but my bugs had her trapped and the Gorillapede fell on her with full force, pulling her into its wide mouth and swallowing her whole. I redirected her down it's gullet into the second stomach Amy had prepared with quarantine measures. There she could be digested safely, with all her pet plagues contained.

"Bonesaw eliminated," I sighed. I could sense Bonesaw trying to cut her way out, but Amy had built that stomach solid, and I could already feel Bonesaw's struggles weakening. The most difficult threat was down, and the rest should be easy to mop up.

"Skinslip fleeing down Hathaway street and turning on Bardwell," Dragon replied, reminding me the fight wasn't quite over. "Azazel and Defiant in pursuit."

"Redirecting the Swarm to intercept." He was too fast for the Brute Beetles, but I sent my clones and smaller bugs to cut him off, making walls to block vision or ruin his holds for rappelling around. "I'm not sure my bugs can stop him, but they can at least slow him down enough for yours to catch up and take him down."

"Azazel intercepting now," Dragon said evenly. My clones saw one of Dragon's actually more dragon-looking suits I presumed was the Azazel soar down and grab Skinslip out of the air with a more humanlike arm, pinning him to the ground.

As Skinslip struggled and started wiggling out from under the clawed foot, his layers of skin pushing and sliding against it, I saw rods extend out from the clawed foot, branching like trees. They formed a grid around it, with small grey clouds pouring out I recognised as the nano-thorns.

Unfortunately Skinslip must not have recognised them, as once he freed himself he immediately tried to lunge between two of the rods. Only a few scattered pieces of him made it out the other side.

"Skinslip eliminated," Dragon reported again, seemingly unfazed at having just torn a man apart. Well, they did have a Kill order and...I couldn't say I was too broken up about Jack either. Even if the memory of all those bugs tearing into his flesh and stripping his bones bare was still playing in my head on repeat…

"That is Skinslip, Hookwolf and Night Hag eliminated on my side," Dragon continued. "And Defiant reports Damsel of Distress is down. No sign of Siberian."

"I have Manton...eliminated on my side." Another victim to my piranhants Amy had made, once I located his vehicle and had them burrow through the roof. Siberian reformed near him and tried to save him, but by then it was too late. "He was parked in a brown car on the west side of Fidelis way. Candyman and Wormhole were disabled with my Damocles Beetles, and Jack and Bonesaw were eliminated."

"Alerting PRT troopers to redirect a unit to retrieve Manton's body then. Well done Skitter, that should be all of them then." I opened my eyes to see Dragon turn away from the screens back to me with a relieved smile and I finally let myself relax a little.

All I had really done was stand in this ship the whole time, but I still somehow felt exhausted. We had just taken down the Slaughterhouse Nine with just four capes. It didn't feel real.

"Thank you, Dragon." I said. "It's been great working with you. It's a relief to have you as an ally here rather than an enemy. I never thought… Well, let's just say I'm glad how things turned out."

"Yes," Dragon frowned a little. "Still not sure I am happy with how you managed that, but I am glad at the result as well. If the PRT does order me against you, I am afraid I might not have much of a choice, but until then...you can consider the Guild as friends."

"Thanks," I said genuinely, actually smiling a little. "That's good to hear. We've been running short on those lately."

She nodded awkwardly. "I have been meaning to talk with you about that for a while now. I know what happened between you and Defiant in your early days, and how you wanted to be a hero-"

I tensed up again, my relief vanishing.

"It's fine," I said stiffly, turning away. "It's in the past, and we still have a job to do. Are the PRT on their way for cleanup?"

"Oh, yes." I felt Dragon turn back to her screens, the disappointment clear in her voice. I appreciated her concern, but I couldn't deal with it right now. Maybe later but, I couldn't be distracted until this was finished. "Defiant is staying on scene to keep civilians away and make sure Candyman and Wormhole are secured. PRT and emergency response teams were contacted and are enroute."

“Good.” I replied. “We can head down too then so Amy can tend to the wounded, check on Wormhole, and make sure Bonesaw is contained and didn’t release anything before she was taken down.” We both turned to walk to the back of the Uther where Amy sat by the open loading ramp, hidden by the cloud of bugs around her that she had been using to resupply my superbugs during the fight.

“Thank you again for your help, Panacea.” Dragon said as we entered the loading area. “We couldn’t have done this without Skitter and yourself.”

“I keep telling people, I am not Panacea anymore,” the tired voice emerged from the cloud. I noticed I was still losing contact with bugs inside the cloud; this had been happening throughout the fight as she broke down bugs for materials or adjusted them, but I didn’t feel anything new coming under my control after they disappeared now. Curious, I pulled back most of the cloud so we could see her, almost immediately taking a sharp breath of surprise as she was revealed.

Her old clothes lay at her feet, and she was now covered in a form-fitting slick, leathery black material that shone like chitin. It covered most of her body, ending in hard, clawed hands and feet covering her own. The only gaps were the lower half of her face, her neck and the top of her chest, some holes around her forearms and palms that my bugs could sense where they still covered her arms, and…windows on her thighs and one big circular window over her belly.

What drew the eye almost as much was the beak-like mask covering the top-half of her face, made out of the same material. It had small goggle-like lenses built in and a small beak over her nose, looking like a cross between a plague doctor’s mask and a bird mask. Streaming from the back of it were long black strands that at first I thought was just her hair, dyed black, but seemed too thick to be hair.

Finally, the most obvious part of the costume was the roiling mass of tentacles streaming from her back. They looked like typical octopus tentacles, but I couldn’t tell how many there were and didn’t see any suction cups on them. Their surface was also dark and glittering, making me think they had a sort of chitin covering like the rest of the costume.

Overall, it gave a very different image than her old costume. It looked…dangerous.

The exposed neck and belly still had me immediately thinking about how vulnerable that made her and how impractical it was, but…my mouth was dry and I couldn’t find it in me to complain about what I was seeing.

“Instead,” Amy spoke, pulling my attention back to her face, where she had a smug smirk; she knew exactly what she was doing. “You can call me, Lilith.” Then the costume rippled as it stretched to close over the belly and thigh windows, and the mask and top of the costume stretched down to meet, sealing completely. Amy - no, Lilith now then - turned and strode toward the open back of the craft, her hips swaying as the tentacles above them began fusing together and thinning out, becoming bat-like wings.

Then she jumped.

Dragon and I stood silently, staring after her for a minute, before Dragon spoke.

“So. I heard you two are dating now?”

I gulped.



The long awaited (by me), Amy rebrand. Hope you all liked it.
And thank you to Pendragoon, FirstSelector and Caleb for their feedback on this chapter.

Chapter 16: PHO Interlude


A friendly citizen checked for updates on latest news on PHO.


After some requests, I have decided to make a PHO interlude. First time doing one and I don't know much about forums so there may be some errors. let me know if you spot any.
Also hammered this out kind of fast because it was frustrating me and I got sick of fiddling with it. So...again, let me know about any errors.

Chapter Text

Chapter 16 - PHO Interlude

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♦ Topic: Undersiders' Give PRT Ultimatum??

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion (Public Board)

Brocktonite03 (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Posted On Jun 18th 2011:

Damn, anyone else see this ?

A friend just sent me the video. They couldn't get close enough to hear what was being said, but the Undersiders just rode up to PRT headquarters, talked to the heroes and the mayor for a bit, killed someone, and then walked away. What!?

(Showing page 4 of 20)


Replied On Jun 18th 2011:

i cant believe they just let them go after that


Replied On Jun 18th 2011:

Did you see though, that kid is the one who shot the guy first. what do you think that was about?


Replied On Jun 18th 2011:

Does it matter who shot him first? That villain girl shot him after. Also, hello? THEY'RE STILL VILLAINS

►Char (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

If you don't live here, you can't talk. The villains have been taking care of this city better than any of the heroes have been the past month.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

And did you see that f*cking thing they were riding? Would you want to fight that? What are you expecting the heroes to do?


Replied On Jun 19th 2011:


►XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

Did you all see that other girl with the Undersiders? The one not in costume? I think that was Panacea! Whats she doin there with them? I heard she'd gone missing. Think they kidnapped her?

►White Fairy (Veteran Member) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

@XxVoid_CowboyxX You probably wouldn't know this, since you're not actually in the city, but Panacea has been doing some healing in Skitter's territory the last few days. And if you look close, after the gunfire you can see her heal Skitter there in the video. Looks like she's joined up.

►Rage_Pterodactyl (Unverified Pterodactyl)

Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

sh*t do you think that huge thing was her? i always thought it was too good to be true that she was just a "healer"

capes are never that good

please say the Undersiders aren't going to become the new Slaughterhouse Nine.


Replied On Jun 19th 2011:

Wow, I wonder what else she can do.

End of Page. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 6 ... 18 , 19 , 20

♦ Topic: Cape Family Drama?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Teams ► New Wave

Washed-Up-89 (Original Poster) (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Posted On Jun 20th 2011:

sh*t, I was on the boardwalk earlier and you would believe what I saw. There was a couple girls walking down the street and I didn't think much of it until f*cking Brandish and Glory Girl showed up to talk to one of them. It was PANACEA.

I thought hey, maybe they're just checking on her.

They were not.

Check this out.

I followed Panacea after then I got this shot too.


Wonder if thats what the fight was about?

(Showing page 2 of 3)

►Tree-in-the-Forrest (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 20th 2011:

I knew Brandish was kind of a bitch, but she's hom*ophobic too?


Replied On Jun 20th 2011:

Did none of you see the thread in the BB discussion forum? She's with the Undersiders now. Thats what they're arguing about obviously.

You can even see Skitter showing up at the end on the rooftops there. Not to mention all the bugs.


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Then why did GG run off? If PanPan turned villain thats one thing, but I bet Brandy just drove her off because she was mad over PanPan being pan. (or just gay, couldn't resist the joke)

Now can we focus on the important thing?

Like how cute that kiss was!

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

@ Shadelight is right! Shame she plays for the other team, but it was kinda cute

That girl shes with does look familiar though.


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Damnit, Void, stop agreeing with me!

►Judge (Moderator)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Gonna give you a warning now Void. No speculating on identities, even if she isn't a cape. Capes deserve some privacy too.

Same goes for you too @Washed-Up-89. Filming the argument with Brandish might be alright since she was in costume and using powers, but following Panacea after gets you a warning. Capes deserve some privacy too.


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Did anyone catch what Brandish said though? I think I heard her call Panacea "Regent" at one point. isn't that one of the Undersiders? You think Panacea is Mastered? That might explain a lot.

►TiredAvian (Brockton Bay Refugee)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Oh please, Regent can be weird but do you think he'd really Master the famous Healer and risk the target that would put on him, just to send her on a cute date with her new girlfriend?

And anyway, his power doesn't work like that.

►StickofWheat (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I don't know, I have a friend who lives in his territory that has heard some scary rumors about what's been happening to some of the small gangs there...

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Claims of human mastering aren't to be made lightly. This is currently under investigation now, so we'll be asking the Moderators to lock this thread now.

End of Page. 1 , 2, 3

♦ Topic: Slaughterhouse Slaughtered

In: Boards ► News ► Events ► America

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)

Posted On Jun 21st 2011:

Well. It's finally happened. As of today, the Slaughterhouse Nine are finished. They were taken down earlier today in Boston with combined effort of the Guild and the Undersiders. Specifically Dragon and Skitter.

Thats right. The first S class threat to be completely dealt with was taken down by the famous Dragon and the up and coming infamous Warlord of Brockton Bay, Skitter.

I don't have many details on how this alliance came about, but the fact the Guild is willing to work with Villains sets a dangerous precedent in my opinion. It could be considered part of the usual Truce against S-Class, except it looks like Skitter and Dragon tracked them there. This wasn't a spontaneous Truce.

Anyway, now for what you're all here for. The details.

7:24AM today, Siberian is seen attacking West Boston alongside the new S9 members, Hookwolf, Night Hag, and Skinslip. You can find my post on the new members here.

7:40AM; Dragon's forces engage them.

7:45AM; a swarm of bugs appears to join the fight, at the same time a swarm also attack South Boston, locating the rest of the Nine where they were travelling in disguise. More Dragon suits quickly show up carrying some giant bugs too.

7:48AM; Night Hag got blasted by one of the Dragon suits and no sign of her after that. Siberian disappeared (reports claim she is dead, but don't say how). Hookwolf and Skinslip got picked up by their new teleporter, Wormhole. You can find my thread on what happened to him here.

7:57AM; the fight is over. Hookwolf was mulched. Bonesaw got eaten by a bug. Jack got eat be a LOT of bugs. Skinslip got erased. Damsel got sliced up. Candyman got swarmed and Wormhole was thrown into a wall and swarmed.

Last two might still be alive from the videos I've seen, but it's up in the air. Main thing though? Jack Slash and Bonesaw are dead! Siberian probably is too, and any members still alive are in custody. The Nine are finished!

(Showing page 1 of 11)

►KingofChaos (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Yessss! Ding dong, the witch is dead! They're finally finished!

Wonder what other S-classes the dynamic duo are going after next? Think Nilbog is next on the chopping block?

►Coppertortoise Builder

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I lost family to those f*ckers. Glad someone finally put a stop to them. What was that Eldritch looking thing I saw flying down from one of the Dragon suits after the fight by the way? It was in the background of one of the shots on the news.

Another cape helping out? I hope so.

Whoever they are, awesome costume.


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I am happy as the next guy the Nine are gone, but are we just going to ignore how they were taken down? TWO capes took down NINE that are considered an S class threat!

And one is a villain. Is no one else freaked out by that? If these two could take them out, then they are S-Class too aren't they? And where did those giant bugs come from?


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I don't know about everyone else, but I don't really care who took them out. I'm just glad the roving band of serial killers are gone. is that really so bad?

Anyway, one of them was DRAGON, who we all know as a good hero cape who has been helping all over North America for years and is trusted enough to be managing the Birdcage.

Skitter is more questionable, but if you've been following the news from Brockton then you'd know she really isn't that bad.

►Baronheit (Brockton Bay Refugee)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Not that bad? She cut out Lung's eyes! She choked heroes with bugs! She can control huge swarms at a time and kill people without even being in the same room. We didn't even see her in the videos of the fight with the Nine, but she stripped Jack's flesh from his bones with some kind of flying piranha!

And now she has those huge bugs; there is no way I'm going back to brockton now. She was terrifying before, but now that city may as well be condemned. Not to mention the rumors I heard about those bugs being made by a Mastered Panacea. What else can she make? I think we're just trading one S-Class for another. brockton may as well be a new Elisburg.

►BrushJouster (Veteran member)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

You're overreacting. Okay... maybe not about how terrifying they are, but they haven't actually done much that bad. Lung was a villain and there wasn't much other way to keep him down. Same with the Slaughterhouse. Are you seriously mad that they pulled out all the stops to kill them? I think Jack deserved worse, honestly.

►SecondStart (At Ground Zero: Brockton Bay)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

And if those weird bugs really are Panacea and she joined the Undersiders?

I for one, welcome our new Insect Overladies!

►MasqueradeAnalyst (Unverified Cape)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I agree with Sean. I'm just glad we don't have to worry about the Slaughterhouse showing up in some city anymore and massacring everyone. That so bad?

I say, hopefully the Endbringers are next. Then maybe the world can finally get out of crisis mode for a little and we can finally relax again.

Think the Undersiders are taking applications?

►Zillagoth (Banned)

Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

I wonder if Panpan makes stuff like that for her private time with her new girlfriend...

- User banned for this post


Replied On Jun 21st 2011:

Wormhole is actually from my town. I don't know what they did to him, but he would NEVER join the S9 willingly. I hope he's alright.

End of Page. 1, 2 , 3 ... 9 , 10 , 11

♦ Private message from Tree-in-the-Forrest:

MadJester: hey there. heard you could get me an in with a certain bug and her new friend?

Tree-in-the-Forrest: I don’t know who you are and I don’t know what you’re talking about. How’d you find my account?

MadJester: us carnival folk have our ways. so what do you say to a meet up?

Tree-in-the-Forrest *New Message*: Look. I’m busy, and I don’t have time to meet up with crazies. Whatever you’re trying, you’re going to have to find someone else to help you out, alright?

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, nearly bending full over the backrest to crack my back before looking back at the screen. Wasn’t going to be that easy huh?

Guess I needed to find myself a new in. Undersiders were the new biggest gang in the city. Maybe the only gang left aside from the PRT. And now it looked like they had Panacea too.

And with what she could do, was there even a choice?

I picked up my cup of tea and took another sip. Now, how to approach them…

Chapter 17: Boston Tea Parties


Taylor attends to a few meetings.


Sorry for the delay again! I had more time to relax now that my job was done, but it seems I had more relaxing to do than I thought. Also I have been helping doing some editing for some other Worm authors. Busy busy. This one is also a little less edited because my own editor has been busy too!
Considering starting another story myself too, so follow if you're interested!
Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter Text


June 21, 2011

I stood impatiently in the back of the Uther as Dragon brought it down to the scene of the fight. I knew the fight was over, and my remaining clone bugs could see that the fight was over, but it still bothered me that Am- Lilith had gone ahead alone. She was support; the noncombatant. Her job was to prepare me and my bugs for the fight. She wasn't supposed to rush ahead.

As soon as the Uther set down I jumped out the back before the ramp had even deployed, dropping the last few feet. I hurried over to where Lilith was stepping away from the Gorillapede, ignoring Defiant standing guard over the surviving villains and trying not to look at the remains of the people strewn about the street. She had prioritised the Gorillapede as soon as she got here, rightly so. We needed to verify Bonesaw was contained before anything else, and her lack of concern told me everything was fine. I could sense that she had at least repaired the damage to its spine. The bug was still heavily injured, but it was stable. The rest would have to wait.

Lilith had just reached Wormhole when I caught up to her, the wings gone and unfurled back into a halo of tentacles. It was important to check the ex-hero was down, as even a moment's chance could let him escape. But that wasn't my focus right now.

"Broken bones. Heavy internal bleeding. Ruptured organs. Punctured lung. Control frame like Bonesaw's other minions; laced through all his bones and entwined with his nervous system." Lilith continued her analysis of Wormhole, muttering to herself with a hand on his wrist. "Some sort of bomb set to destroy his heart if the frame is disabled. I could disconnect it safely, but it would take too long. Better to stabilise him and keep him sedated for now."

"A- Lilith," I began, almost slipping up in my irritation. "Why didn't you wait for me? What if there was still danger here?"

"We both know the fight is already over, Skitter," she replied, her hand still on Wormhole, healing him. "I'm sick of staying behind, and some of these people might not have had time to wait. Wormhole might have already been dead, and I needed to check if Bonesaw left behind any lingering 'problems'. I already found and fixed two."

I sighed and backed off, not really able to argue with that. I was still worried, but she was right.

"If it weren't for his injuries, Wormhole might have even been back up already," Lilith continued. "Bonesaw upgraded their immune system and gave them more resistance to poisons and-" We both realised the problem at the same time.


Lilith started turning toward the voice before I could stop her.

"Sugar." My bugs felt him pushing himself back to his feet, the poison from the Damocles beetle being rejected by his enhanced immune system.

"Candyman." The magician twirled his baton as he returned to his feet, smiling at Lilith. I kept my gaze away from him and turned my clone bugs away as well just in case, but I felt Lilith and Armsmaster both freeze up. However his power worked, it must have bypassed Armsmaster's contingencies.

I saw Lilith’s tentacles begin writhing and Armsmaster tighten his grip on his halberd and activate its cloud of nanothorns as both turned toward me in one motion. Taking a step back as they advanced on me, I quickly tapped into my swarm and brought them all to bear on Candyman.

The magician stumbled back, closing his mouth as the bugs battered him but his hold remained on the heroes. The two heroes wordlessly started charging me. Armsmaster only made it a few steps before his armor seemed to visibly lock up, but Lilith kept coming. I brought part of my swarm down in a sheet to block them off as I ran. I wasn’t sure what Lilith’s new suit was capable of, but her touch was enough that I couldn’t afford to get near.

While I evaded, I kept my focus on Candyman as the swarm assaulted him. The piranhants had been pulled back after their job was done with Jack to avoid frightening the citizens, but if I could get him to take just a few more steps back-


As he stepped in range I had one of the disabled Brute beetles surge forward on it’s crippled legs and lash out with a razor sharp forelimb, shearing through the magician’s reinforced body. Immediately, Lilith dropped like a puppet with their strings cut. I breathed a sigh of relief and pulled my bugs back as I stopped running. I hadn’t been sure if his influence would continue after his death. We got lucky.

I had the Brute beetle crawl forward and begin eating Candyman’s body, along with part of the swarm, as Lilith got back on her feet and Armsmaster’s armor started moving again. Another part went to verify the rest of the Nine were down for the count; I wasn’t taking any more chances.

“Are you okay, Lilith?” I cautiously approached her as she was getting her senses back. She seemed to be herself again, but I couldn’t be sure yet if it was an act.

“Skitter?” she asked, dazed. “What happened?” Her costume shivered and rippled, the tentacles on her back merging and splitting again.

“Candyman,” I replied simply, putting a hand over her shoulders to help her up.

She groaned softly, righting herself and looking back at the cloud of bugs hiding his body.

"So, what was that about being able to take care of yourself?" I snarked. I knew I was being harsh, but I had been worried and I couldn't help myself.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "Anything else I could have handled. I just...wasn't ready for him."

"Yes, you weren't," I agreed firmly. "But you need to be. I'm not going to stop you from going in the field if you want, but you need to be careful."

"I know. I'm sorry." The bottom half of her mask melted away so I could see the shy smile on her face as she looked up at me. "I will be." She leaned up to kiss my masked cheek, then turned away to go back to checking on the wounded.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment, not sure what to do with myself after that. She seemed to take my admonishment seriously, but I wasn't expecting... that reaction.

As Lilith went to check on the man who had tackled Wormhole, I looked over to Armsmaster. Dragon had just caught up and put a hand on his shoulder as he stood, staring down at the cloud hiding Candyman. He always looked stiff, but his posture now made me think he was annoyed and embarrassed that Candyman got the better of him. With our past, I couldn’t really bring myself to feel much sympathy.

This was my victory, not his. He helped, but Dragon and I had done the majority of the work. We had destroyed the Slaughterhouse Nine. And if Dinah's predictions were right, and Jack had been stopped before he did whatever he was set to do, we had delayed the apocalypse. It was still coming, but we would have more time to prepare.

We would have to check with Dinah to see how the predictions had changed, but...later. I didn't want to bother her again so soon.

My bugs sensed a small group of people moving closer. The police had already set up roadblocks sealing off this area, but these individuals moved right through. And with their strangely armored or skin tight outfits, they were no doubt Heroes.

Not to mention, one was flying and the rest weren’t traveling naturally either.

I gathered my surviving bugs and turned to watch the street that I could sense them approaching down. I didn't expect a fight, but I was going to be prepared just in case. Dragon must have seen them coming, as she turned Armsmaster to face that way as well and moved to stand with me. Soon enough, the others came into view.

The first was their flier, a man in a full black armored costume and helmet with no visible eye holes or gaps. I didn’t recognise him; in retrospect I probably should have looked up the Boston Protectorate before we came here, but we didn’t have much advance notice.

The rest arrived on the back of a block of ice shooting down the street. The woman in the light blue crystalline outfine was probably the Shaker controlling it, but the unmasked man in the gleaming white and red outfit was the one who jumped down from it to approach first. Him, I did recognise. Sentinel, the new leader of the Boston Protectorate after Bastion died to Leviathan. One of the few heroes outside New Wave that didn’t bother with a secret identity, leaving his clear asian features visible, not that I remembered what his civilian name was. I think he was a Brute and Blaster though?

“You must be Skitter,” Sentinel said with a friendly smile as he approached, stopping about ten feet away. The friendliness seemed genuine, but he was still smart enough to keep his distance, and the rest of his team were still dismounting behind him. Alongside the ice manipulator was a man in classic army fatigues and a half-mask, and a woman in a purple and white outfit with an X-shaped mask over her face. “And these are Dragon and Defiant I assume? Great to finally meet you in person!”

“In keeping with an S-class threat, the Truce is still in place Sentinel,” Dragon reminded him sternly.

“I know, I know,” he chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “I heard you’ve had some issues with the Brockton Bay Protectorate, but I’m not about to turn on the woman who just saved my city from the Slaughterhouse Nine. We were just on our way to help, but it looks like you wrapped things up before we got here. Thought we’d at least see if you needed help with the clean up.”

It didn’t seem like he was lying, but I knew better than to trust a friendly face. While I appreciated his willingness to help too, we had left the Boston team out of the loop for a reason. Dragon didn’t contact them about the fight until we had already engaged, both to keep them out of the line of fire and so there were less variables. We had a solid plan, and introducing more capes could have ruined it.

“Once Lilith is done checking on some of the wounded we’ll be ready to move on and we can leave the cleanup to you,” I answered, gesturing to where Lilith was finishing with the man who tackled Wormhole. Given she bothered healing him, he must still be alive. That was good to see; if he hadn’t done that Jack might have had a chance to escape. We owed him a lot.

“Lilith?” he looked past me at Lilith, curiously. “Healers are rare, I didn’t know you had a new cape capable of that kind of thing. Handy to have. Thank you for your help too, Lilith.” He turned his winning smile on her too, but she just stared back impassively as she healed a woman that had been sliced up by a passing Hookwolf. He had probably figured out who she actually was, but was just maintaining the polite fiction of capes. It was hard to tell.

The blond ice manipulator stepped up by Sentinel’s side, glaring past him at us.

“I know they may have helped us out this time, Sentinel, but you still shouldn’t be so genial with them.” She said, snidely. “This is the woman who attacked the Brockton Protectorate and took over their city. The Truce may be in effect until the incident is over, but…that's no reason to have to be polite with criminals.”

My fists tightened as I glared back, opening my mouth to snap back, but Sentinel spoke first.

“Remember your place, Glacier.” He turned to her with a surprisingly stern expression, given his earlier friendliness. “When you’re the leader you can make the decisions, but I’m in charge right now and I would rather make friends than enemies. And, Armstrong seems to agree with me.” Turning back to me, a small smirk returned to his face. “The Director wants to meet with you at the Boston Headquarters to personally thank you.”

My eyes widened in surprise behind my mask. The Director wanted to meet me? My last meeting with a Director hadn’t exactly gone well. I looked back at Lilith, Dragon and Armsmaster. Lilith just stared back for a moment before returning to her healing, and Armsmaster looked to Dragon.

“It should be fine, Skitter.” Dragon spoke. “They won’t risk the Truce, and the Guild will ensure it is enforced as well.” I saw her shoot Armsmaster a side-glance as she said ‘the Guild’.

"I see." I turned back to the Boston heroes. "In that case, I will head there once Lilith is done stabilising everyone she can. I will meet him outside the building. I trust you won't try anything, but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Good to hear!" Sentinel gave me another grin. He was a clear Protectorate poster boy, and it was hard to tell how genuine he actually was about anything; but as long as he didn't try anything I didn't much care. "We'll see to the crowds while you finish up here then."

I just gave him a nod of confirmation and turned back to check on Lilith as Sentinel led his team back to form a perimeter around the area to help the police keep the crowds at bay. By now some ambulances had arrived as well and Lilith was directing them to the injured she had stabilised already. Some with more minor injuries had already been healed completely, but the more major injuries would take more time and effort than we could spare right now so I had told her to just focus on making sure they live.

The only exceptions were Wormhole and the guy that had helped take him down. The civilian Lilith had put more effort into healing, partly because of how injured he was and partly just out of gratitude for putting his life on the line to help. And Wormhole, the control frame complicated things and would need more concentrated effort to remove. For now she had just stabilised him and made sure he wouldn't wake up, but we would have to come back for him later.

Soon enough though, she was done. For better or worse, the civilians that were injured in the attack and actually still alive were few, so it didn't take her too long to finish. Before Dragon could offer us another ride in the Uther, I had already called down Atlas so Lilith and I could mount up. As we flew off and disappeared into my swarm cloud, I left one clone bug behind to keep an eye on things.

A short time later, I flew down from my swarm around the corner from where I sensed Armstrong waiting outside the Boston headquarters. There were a few troopers with him; enough so he didn't seem too trusting, but not enough that he came off as threatening. Clever.

I turned the corner and slowly approached them, seeing Director Armstrong in person for the first time. He was an older, dark-skinned man with a receding white hairline, a couple inches shorter than me, and his uniform was a bit tight around the middle. Overall not very impressive looking, but his thick, furrowed brow and narrow chin gave him an angry look that conflicted with what I had heard of him.

He didn’t need to look impressive however. The four troopers who raised their guns at my approach did that for him.

“Stand down, she is here under a truce!” Armstrong growled at the troopers before turning back to me. “Apologies for that. They’re a little on edge right now, as you can imagine.”

“The Slaughterhouse coming to town will do that,” I snarked, my bugs chittering disguising my voice.

“Or the cape strong enough to take them out showing up…” I heard one of the troopers grumble before his partner kicked him in the leg to shut him up.

Armstrong coughed a moment, embarrassed, before continuing. “Anyways, I am glad you were willing to meet with me. I did want to thank you for your work here.” I stared a bit in surprise and crossed my arms as he hit his stride in his speech. “Whatever your position may be and whatever history you may have with the PRT, you took down an S-class threat that has been terrorising our country for decades. I can not ignore that. For that, I sincerely thank you.”

“Dragon was the one who tracked them down, so I hope you show her the same gratitude, if not more.” I did appreciate his gratitude, but I wasn’t really sure how to respond to it. Like he said, I’d never been on good terms with the PRT, so having a director talk to me like that…

“We are always grateful for the aid of Dragon and the Guild,” he said, waving off my comment, “but they are our allies and as heroes we all have an obligation to fight the likes of the Slaughterhouse Nine. But you are…” His mouth twitched in a frown as he visibly struggled to find a diplomatic thing to say. “...the self-styled new authority in Brockton Bay. You had no obligation to come to Boston to fight the Nine.”

The bugs covering my frame chittered in annoyance as I processed that comment. No obligation? I guess I didn’t, but even still…

“I had just as much obligation as you,” I replied. “Heroes, Villains, Vigilantes and Rogues. We all have an obligation to fight people like the Nine. They don’t care who you are, they will come after you all the same; and capes get their attention even more than anyone else. So it’s on us to fight back. They might have left my city, but they attacked it all the same and I wasn’t about to let them walk away so they can rebuild their strength for another go. Plus, I am assuming the PRT knows by now, but a precog said that Jack was going to bring about an apocalypse in a couple years, and no one can ignore that.”

The troopers shuffled uncomfortably at that, glancing at Armstrong who seemed caught off guard by my reply as well. I guess the lower ranks hadn’t heard about that. Well, I didn’t see much point in hiding it anyway.

“I’m glad you think so, but not many would agree,” Armstrong said in reply, smiling at me a little. “There was another reason I asked you here as well, actually.” I tensed up and took a step back, looking around for any trouble, but he just continued without any reaction. “You may have heard, but Director Piggot and I will be switching places. She has already resigned her position in Brockton Bay and will be moving here once I’ve had time to finish a few things up. I will be moving to take over the Brockton office in about a week.”

I let myself relax a bit, though he wouldn’t notice any difference. “So, the PRT decided to follow through on our request? I can honestly say I didn’t expect that.”

“Let's just say, you made a ‘compelling’ argument,” Armstrong said, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “Opinions were split, but in the end the PRT didn’t want a war. There has been talk of making Brockton another Quarantine Site like Gallup, Flint or Ellisburg, but for now they’re taking a ‘wait and see’ approach. Like you said, your group hasn’t done too much bad yet, and you helped against Leviathan and the Slaughterhouse Nine. Now that you’ve helped finish them off too, things are looking good for you.”

“Looking good?” My voice chittered in astonishment. “You said there was talk of Quarantine ? I know the government considered condemning the city before, but there are still a lot of people living there!”

“There were a lot of people living in Gallup and Flint before they were evacuated and Quarantined after villains took them over too,” he answered solemnly. “Officially, the PRT’s stance is that we don’t cooperate with villains outside of Truce scenarios. But unofficially, I have been ordered to just fly the flag, and lead the local team in putting down any other criminals we find but avoiding pushing against your team as long as you play by the rules.”

I tilted my head, staring skeptically down at the Director. “Is the PRT really that willing to turn a blind eye to villains taking over a city?”

He nodded and chuckled softly, his lips pulling back in a small, amused smile. “No, I don’t think they can, you’re right. I can only wish my daughter grows up to be as clever as you; though obviously…not in the same profession.”

I looked down at the ground, thinking back. “When I was little, I wanted so badly to be a cape. To have the power to protect the people I loved. Now that I know what it’s like? And what it takes to become a cape? I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I hope your daughter becomes a teacher instead.”

“Thank you,” Armstrong chuckled more at that, before sighing. “I can’t imagine what drove you to the position you’re in now; and I won’t ask. The most I can do now, is to help make things easier on both of us. As I said, my orders right now are to play ball as long as you do the same, but I can’t guarantee they won’t send someone else with different orders. And not as Director.”

“Thank you…for the warning,” I answered, sincerely. After my experience with Piggot I never expected to meet a PRT Director who seemed so…reasonable.

“As I said, I want to make things easier for both of us,” he said again. “In keeping with that, if you have any problems with the PRT, or the Protectorate, or their people in Brockton once I become Director, I want you to talk to me first so we can come to some agreement before you retaliate and let things spiral out of control. Do we have a deal?” Armstrong extended his hand to me.

“I think I can do that.” I hesitated a moment, before walking forward and grasping his hand. His heavy brow furrowed further in confusion as he felt the hard chitin of what had looked like my gloved hand. “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Director.” My voice chittered out, as I didn’t bother disguising it anymore. “I look forward to working with you.” Before he could react I pulled back the bugs concealing my clone bug, then released his hand before extending its wings and lifting off into the sky. I saw the troopers raising their guns behind me, but none of them fired and Armstrong quickly waved them down.

I liked him.

Back at my real body, I refocused on my real surroundings as I held Amy in front of me on Atlas, slowly descending to a rooftop elsewhere in the city. I had one more meeting lined up for tonight. My bugs could sense the other attendees already waiting.

As the roof came into view I could see the gathering with my own eyes. A long table, neatly arranged in the center of the rooftop, with three groups around it. At the head of the table sat a short man in a white business suit, with an intricate mask of wood and metal. Behind one shoulder stood a blond woman in a yellow gown with a masquerade mask studded with gemstones, and behind his other shoulder perfectly parallel to the woman stood a man in a black suit with a black and white face mask like a mannequin. Accord and his Ambassadors.

On the left side of the table were seven people standing or sitting in a haphazard fashion; wearing costumes that bristled with blades, spikes and spines. They even managed to wear the trophies of their defeated enemies without looking primitive; teeth, eyes, desiccated body parts and bones were worked into their costumes. In the middle sat a tall, lanky woman, with her hair tied up in a high ponytail. Her mask and armor had an Asian style to it, though the costume was studded and trimmed with a number of wickedly barbed blades. Like the rest of her group, she had a few trophies; three bleached skulls strung to one another and hanging around one shoulder. The Butcher and her Teeth.

Lastly, and most innocuous, at the right side of the table sat an average looking man with frizzy brown hair and a lab coat. He hadn’t even bothered with a mask. That must be Blasto, but behind him stood another pair of men in suits that looked like Ambassadors. One with a green dress shirt and copper lizard mask, and the other with a blue dress shirt and a black mask that had star designs painted on it. Were Blasto and Accord in a temporary alliance? I had sensed him in Accord’s territory when I contacted them for this meeting.

Atlas came in for a landing on the far side of the roof, past the empty side of the table, and I quickly hopped down before turning to help Lilith down after me. Once we were both back on solid ground I quickly took the waiting seat across from Accord; Amy and Atlas taking their positions behind me as we had arranged ahead of time. Lisa had told me about Accord's quirks before, and there was no point making an enemy of him if I didn't need to.

"My apologies for the short notice, Accord," I said, "I hadn't originally planned on being in Boston today."

I could see his hand tense on the head of his cane at the reminder before it slowly relaxed. "Thank you," he replied evenly, despite his apparent annoyance. "Normally I wouldn't agree to a meeting on short notice like this either, but you did do us all a favor with the Slaughterhouse Nine, and you notified me to arrange this as soon as you were able. That...does make up for some of it." I wanted to place some bugs on him to track his tells like I did for most people - it was almost subconscious at this point - but I had to actively hold myself back. With his power he would definitely notice, and he wouldn’t take kindly to it.

“Now, mind telling us what this is about?” Blasto spoke up, leaning on the table and prompting a quick glare from Accord. A very temporary alliance. At least the shifting brows for the glare showed me just how expressive his mask could be.

“You can probably guess,” I began, “but I called this meeting to lay out terms with all of you.” I set my hands on the table, carefully spaced. “You’ve no doubt heard, but I have laid claim to Brockton Bay.”

“What about the other Undersiders, and the Travelers?” Accord asked. He wasn’t curious; his calm and even tone barely even made it sound like a question. He knew the answer, but was just asking for propriety’s sake.

“The other Undersiders work for me, and the Travelers are working with us for now, but either they will be officially joining the Undersiders or leaving the city soon.” I answered, staring each of the other members of the meeting down in turn. Blasto was a Tinker and didn't seem to have any gear with him, but Accord was a strategic Thinker and this was his building. Between him and the Butcher, they were the real threats. My swarm still circled above, but there was no guarantee I would win if this turned into a fight. But even still, I couldn’t show fear. “Either way, Brockton Bay is mine.”

“This is Boston,” the Butcher stated simply, staring me down. Despite the clear aggression in her eyes, each word came out carefully pronounced, almost like a struggle. I knew fourteen minds raged behind those eyes, most of them killers. It was a miracle she was even able to sit here, talking.

"I think what the Butcher means is," Blasto said, rolling his eyes and ignoring how the Butcher glared at him in response, "get to the point. Why should we care?"

"This may be Boston, I know-" I looked between Blasto and the Butcher, Accord obviously knowing what I was going to say anyway. "-but I know you're wondering whether I plan to expand here, and I know you're wondering if the lack of other gangs in Brockton means you can expand there, so I thought I'd arrange this to lay things out for you. Brockton is mine. I don't plan on expanding to Boston, so as long as you don't come to Brockton I have no problem with any of you. I know the Teeth at least came from Brockton originally, so I guess I'm just saying…don't come back."

The Butcher turned their fiery gaze back to me and slowly got to their feet. "We don't take orders," they growled out in that strange, stilted tone. "You can't kill me. I go to Brockton. You die." Then she turned and walked away from the table before vanishing with a small pop. My bugs sensed her reappearing in the alley next to the building with a louder bang and a burst of heat.

The rest of the Teeth quickly followed after; a couple jeering at us before they all made their way down to the alley in their own ways. One shooting forth clones he used like stepping stones, another jumping down and skipping between small translucent barriers, and another partially turning into some kind of beast before just jumping straight down. They were strong capes. I was glad it didn't come to a fight now, but it looks like it might later. I couldn't be sure if that had been an active threat or just a declaration that she could, but I would be ready.

"Well, Butcher is as friendly as ever," Blasto snorted. "Don't think any of us expected that to go any better. Anyway, I'm in no condition right now to be declaring war, thanks to a visit from some nazis fleeing your city. Thanks for that by the way. Either way, you don't need to worry about me. I am curious about those big bugs of yours though. Did your new friend there make those for you?" He pointed behind me, to Lilith. "Or was it Panacea? I heard she is with you now and I always wond-" He cut off at the faint sound of creaking wood, casually turning to look back over his shoulder. "Yes, Accord?" At his comment I suddenly realised what the sound was. The straining wood of Accord's cane.

The knuckles on Accord's tanned hand gripping the cane had gone white with the force he gripped it as Blasto spoke, and I could see how tense he had become, practically shaking with barely concealed rage. Given they were constant rivals from what I'd heard, Blasto must have known that the casual way he talked and sat there pissed Accord off. Did he not care or was he actively trying to upset him?

"You can discuss her resources in a separate meeting," Accord gritted out, slowly trying to calm himself again. "I expected as much of the meeting anyway. Negotiating with the Butcher is almost always fruitless, and you never shut up."

"What do you think of the deal?" I asked carefully. I had almost started the sentence with 'and', before realising that might set him off too. I had to be careful with someone like him.

"I think I can agree to this much for now." He nodded respectfully, seeming to have calmed down a bit. "I might have some business I wish to conduct in the Bay in the future, but I will come to you first to discuss it when the time comes. Is this acceptable?"

"I was going to suggest the same thing myself," I agreed. "Sometimes business takes us beyond our normal territories, like this encounter with the Nine did for me, here. If either of you need to come to Brockton in the future, you can feel free, but I want you to check with me first. Any business in Brockton goes through me."

"This is acceptable," Accord replied. "Likewise, if you have any business in Boston, you come to me first."

I glanced at Blasto, who just shrugged and nodded to the two Ambassadors behind him, before turning back to Accord. "Agreed then. I have a couple last things to finish up with the heroes regarding the battle earlier, then we will be returning to our city. It was a pleasure to meet you both, and I am glad we could come to an agreement."

"Likewise to you as well," Accord nodded to me and stood. "I had not expected things to go so smoothly."

"Yeah, same," Blasto said simply, continuing to lounge in his chair. The small smile he had as Accord tensed up again, I knew he was doing this on purpose.

Before Blasto could push him further, I quickly stood as well and gave Accord a respectful nod before climbing back aboard Atlas and extending a hand to help Lilith climb up behind me. Then we took off, leaving the two supervillains behind us. I was at least able to confirm with my bugs as we flew away, that Accord didn't proceed to kill Blasto, instead just speed walking toward the stairs. He had more restraint than I had expected from what Tattletale had told me.

"Do you think they'll actually stick to their word?" Lilith asked over the wind as we flew, her mouth distractingly close to my ear.

"The Butcher, unfortunately yes," I replied sarcastically. "The other two, also yes. Accord is too organised to want a fight when he can just negotiate, and as Blasto said he doesn't have the resources right now. Accord was the one we were really there to talk to anyway."

"But…they're villains?" She said, unsure. "How can you trust them?"

"We're all 'villains', Lilith." I snickered a little. "Anyway, it's not that I trust them to stick to their word, so much as I just trust them to do what's in their nature. The Butcher is aggressive, and I'm almost surprised they didn't just attack during the meeting. Accord likes things orderly and would rather talk. Blasto is cautious and smart enough to realise he wouldn't win on his own."

"I think I get it," Lilith answered, thoughtfully.

"If Blasto does ask to meet with you, to talk about the bugs you made me, do you want to?" I asked.

"I'm…not sure. I'd have to think about it." She did sound very unsure about that one.

I knew this was still all new to her; she used to despise villains, and now she was one. It was a lot to get used to, so this time I just left her to her thoughts and focused on guiding Atlas.

Dragon had agreed to fly us back to Brockton now that the mission was done so that we didn't have to hike our larger bugs across the countryside. She was waiting back at the scene of the battle with Armsmaster and the Brute bugs and Gorillapede to avoid scaring the civilians. Most of the injured had been picked up by paramedics by now, but they were also still going to keep Wormhole there a little longer so that Lilith could remove his control frame before we left. So that's where we headed.

It was good to have a moment alone with my thoughts after everything that had happened though. We had killed the Slaughterhouse Nine. The most feared group of capes on the continent, who had been terrorising people for decades. Including the untouchable Siberian. My bugs had eaten Jack Slash.

I was filled with a strange co*cktail of nausea and pride. The worst part was that he didn't even taste that bad.

And I had killed someone. Multiple people. Jack Slash. Bonesaw. Candyman. Manton. All dead with my power.

The strange thing was…I didn't even feel that bad? But that in itself made me feel bad. Because…wasn't I supposed to? I had killed them. Ended their lives. I knew they were horrible people, but they were still people.Even Jack must have had parents. And Bonesaw hadn't even hit puberty yet! Could I really condemn her? Though given what she did to Brian…

I didn't even realise I had been shaking until I felt Amy's arms tighten around me a little more; turning from just a secure grip into more of a hug. She probably didn't even know what was wrong, just assuming it was nerves after meeting the villains. But that barely fazed me anymore, honestly.

Still, I was grateful. It was good to know I wasn't alone right now. I hadn't known Amy as long as the rest of the Undersiders, but I still felt like I could depend on her now. I reached up to grip her arm around me with my own, returning the comfort. It was enough to let me put things out of my mind again, for a little longer. Soon we would be heading home, and I could break down there, but not yet.

Soon enough, the battleground came into view again; easily identifiable by the cordoned off streets and the mini-kaiju that was the Gorillapede, just visible over some of the buildings. I brought Atlas in for a landing near the Uther, where I had gathered most of my bugs for the return trip. Someone had also thoughtfully brought Wormhole nearby on a stretcher; with one brave paramedic even still keeping a vigil over him.

Dragon and Armsmaster approached as we dismounted. Lilith just side-eyed them before walking over to check on Wormhole, leaving them to me.

"How did the meeting with Armstrong go?" Dragon asked as they stopped in front of me.

"Better than expected, I admit," I answered sheepishly.

"I thought as much," she nodded. "Armstrong is a good man. Still, that's good to hear. Are you ready to head back then?"

"As soon as Lilith is ready," I answered, glancing back at my partner.

"Well, since we have a moment…" Armsmaster spoke up, pulling my attention to him. His tone sounded…nervous. Awkward. "There was something I wanted to talk to you about."

That drew my attention even more; I narrowed my eyes behind my mask, checking the positions of my bugs and seeing what were still in condition to fight. "And what's that?"

"I wanted to…apologise."


I froze up, stunned. That was the one thing I never expected to hear from him.

"I hold some blame for everything you've been through," he continued. He was clearly tense, shooting the occasional glance at Dragon. Did she put him up to this? "While I still think your plan to infiltrate the Undersiders was… not a good one, I could have handled things better. You needed support, and I turned my back on you. If I had helped more, or done something differently… you might not have had as much trouble these past few months. As for how I behaved in the battle against Leviathan…" he trailed off, his head dipping a bit. "There is no excuse for it. I let my ego get the better of me. I thought, if there were no distractions, I could beat him myself. I got people killed. I almost got you killed. And in the end, you had to save me." He raised his head again and firmly focused his gaze on me again. "But I've been trying to do better. This isn't me trying to escape my past. This is me trying to make up for it. I'm devoting myself to helping Dragon stop groups like the Nine. Not for glory, but to help. I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness but… I hope you will forgive me."

With his speech finally finished, the silence stretched. I had been too stunned to comment during it, and now that it was done I still wasn't sure what to say. When I was little I had looked up to him, but that had all fallen away when I realised he was just looking out for himself. Armsmaster had taken credit for Lung, not to help me but to just bolster his own career. Then he turned his back on me. Even sacrificing me against Leviathan.

But now he was here, apologising and laying himself bare. Owning up to what he did. Armsmaster - no, Defiant - was actually serious about this.

"Thank you…Defiant. I don't know what to say," I admitted. I had to acknowledge though, he really did seem to have changed. "I don't know if I can forgive you yet, but…it's good to hear that you're trying. I used to look up to you when I was younger; if you keep this up I might be able to say that with pride again."

“Thank you,” he nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

“Defiant had told me much of your past,” Dragon spoke up again. “I’ve been trying to help him see what he did wrong, and I’ve been wanting to talk to you about everything for some time now. I wanted to give you another chance to be a hero but…you are a hard person to find, and now you seem to be doing well enough on your own.” She smiled at me. “Thank you again for all your help here. Without you, I’m not sure we would have been able to keep them contained and stop them all. We owe you one. I can’t speak for the PRT or the Protectorate, but you can count the Guild as an ally.” She winced a bit before adding, “though, if the PRT does order me to come after you, I’m not sure I will be able to object without help.” She glanced at Defiant for a moment before finishing with, “but I won’t make it easy for them!”

I couldn’t help but snicker a little at the mischievous glint in the older woman’s eye. “Thanks, I appreciate the thought. We’ll keep that in mind.”

Before anyone could say anything further, we were all interrupted by a disturbing squelch from the side. We turned to find a sort of mechanical skeleton pushing itself out of Wormhole’s body. His costume had been largely cut away to give Lilith more access, and to allow the machinery to be removed. As it was pushed free of his flesh, the paramedic stepped forward to take it, slowly lifting it away and setting it to the side as it came free.

“I shielded his heart from the bomb and disabled it,” Lilith said as we walked over to watch her finish. “The difficult part now is just…removing the last of the control frame in his head…” her words were quiet and unfocused, not even looking at us as she was locked onto Wormhole, all of her attention on her work.

The flesh re-sealed behind the machinery as it was lifted free of his body. As we watched the frame around his ribcage, including a lump of hardened bone that likely contained the bomb, pulled free of his chest. The trail of metal continued up his neck, likely parts that were connected to his spine, and then finally…the flesh of his face peeled away in a horrific display as thin bands of metal and trails of wires slipped free from holes in his skull. I couldn’t imagine what Amy must have had to do to keep him alive while she did all of this, but once again the flesh slipped back into place as the holes in his skull sealed and the paramedic lifted the last of the metal and wires free.

Lilith sighed deeply in clear relief as she finally relaxed. “Well…that was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do with my power. Bonesaw certainly doesn’t make things easy.”

“So he is…safe then?” Dragon asked.

“All the damage from the fight is healed, and every bit of machinery and foreign chemicals have been removed aside from my own tranquilizers,” Lilith answered wearily. “As far as I can tell he should be back to normal now. I can wake him up as soon as we’re ready.” As she spoke, the paramedic brought over a blanket to lay over Wormhole now that the ‘surgery’ was done to cover their decency.

“Wake him up then,” I said, looking down at the man. I don't know what he might normally look like, but right now, after everything he had been through, he was gaunt. He had messy, stringy brown hair trailing down just past his jaw, and a thick goatee. He needed his rest after everything he had been through, but we needed to know if he would be a threat.

Lilith looked at me for a moment before just saying, “Okay,” and touching his arm.

His eyes flew up and he shot up immediately, breathing heavily and looking around fearfully. "W-What happened? What's happening? Is it over?" He was shaking, his arms wrapping around himself as he looked around.

The paramedic stepped forward first - brave, I should really learn their name - to comfort him. "It's alright, it's over. You're safe now." They didn't touch him, their hands hovering over his skin. Afraid he would lash out? They must have a lot of experience helping victims.

"Oh god…" Wormhole muttered, dropping his face in his hands. "What did I do, what did I do…they're all dead…"

"It wasn't you," Lilith said softly. "It was Bonesaw's controls. Jack, it's what he does. He forces people to go against their principles. Break rules. Do horrific things. But he's dead now. They all are. You're safe."

"My team…" he looked between all of us, despairing. "Did any of them…?"

"No, I'm sorry," Dragon answered, sympathy clear in her eyes. "They didn't make it."

“I didn’t think so… I remember…” He trailed off, staring into space for a moment before looking back to all of us. “Who are you?” Then he looked right at me. “You’re Skitter. Jack talked about you. New Warlord of Brockton Bay.”

“We’re the ones who saved you,” Lilith told him, staring down at him.

“You…” Wormhole turned to her. “Are you the one who… took it out?” When she nodded in response he let out a small sigh. “What happens now?”

“We can take you home?” Dragon said. “Or turn you over to the PRT. You were Mastered, so I can assure they won’t hold you responsible for your time with the Slaughterhouse Nine, and they have good therapists who can help.”

“No,” Wormhole shook his head. “I can’t go back. Everyone… I can't face them after what I did. The PRT will make me be a hero again. But I… I can’t. I can’t go back to that right now. I… don’t know what to do.” He looked back at Lilith, then me. “Can I… go with you? I just… need somewhere to stay. Away from all of this.” His words were hesitant, halting. I could see the haunted look in his eyes, and it reminded me of how Brian had looked.

Dragon opened her mouth to reply, but I beat her to the punch.

“Yes. You can come with us.” I replied to him firmly, before turning to look at Dragon and Defiant.

Dragon looked back at me for a moment, clearly debating what to say before simply sighing and answering, “Alright. Load him on and we can get you all back to Brockton.”

“Thank you,” Wormhole sighed, then the paramedic started wheeling him onto the Uther for us.

It was over. We beat the Nine, and made it out the other side. I hadn’t even been there in person for the fight, but I felt the exhaustion bone deep. I was ready to go.


We were finally home. It had been a trying day, and I knew it had worn on Taylor. The Slaughterhouse Nine needed to be stopped, and even if Taylor didn't regret what she had to do, I knew she was still beating herself up about it. That she had to meet with the heroes and villains after didn't make things any easier. It was admirable she was able to keep her composure during it all though.

Now that it was over and we had some time to relax, I wanted to be there for her but... there was something I needed to do first. A lot of my custom bug creations had taken a beating during the fight. Half of the Brute bugs were dead, and most of the Clones were as well. Jack had even managed to kill a few of the Damocles beetles somehow. Luckily the Gorillapede had survived, but even it had been heavily injured.

I told Taylor I wanted to heal some of our bugs before we settled in, to make sure the survivors were stable, and I had left almost as soon as we set down. But in truth, I had done most of that as soon as the battle was over. There was still some healing that could be done but…that wasn't why I had left.

I approached Gorillapede in his den where he was resting and laid my hand against his side. He was still badly hurt and I would need more mass to repair his severed limbs and fix his spine, but that wasn’t my focus right now. I could feel his entire biology spread out beneath my hand; his two hearts, his decentralised nervous system, his three stomachs. Everything.

And nestled there in his second stomach was something that could ruin the new life I had built here. I couldn’t feel her fully, because she was separate from the Gorillapede himself, but I could sense her heartbeat against the preservative tranquilizers that made up the fluid in that stomach. I could feel the small movements as she stirred in her sleep.

Bonesaw. Why did you join the Nine? Can I save you like I did Wormhole?

Chapter 18: Dinner Time


Taylor introduces Amy to dad.


Been a bit. Had a weird month. Have a chapter :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


June 21, 2011

As Amy ran off to check on the Gorillapede and other bugs, I focused on checking on my territory first. It was barely dinner time and I was already exhausted from the day. Fighting the Nine. Dealing with the PRT and Boston Villains. I was getting good at putting forward the act of a strong leader and cape, but it wore on me.

I sent Lisa a message saying we were successful and letting her know about Wormhole and asked if she could find him a place to stay, while directing him to the spare bunks in my hideout in the meantime. While I was at it I checked in with Charlotte, Sierra and Forrest, my new lieutenant. He had stepped up since his help in my fight with Mannequin and was helping manage things now. I knew from my bug senses that nothing major had happened while we were gone, but the finer details got hazy when I was spread out too far.

Forrest did mention someone had tried to contact him on PHO about a meeting but he brushed them off. It was a little suspicious, but I did almost wish he had accepted so I could get it in the open. But we couldn't just meet with any random person that messaged them online. Either way I'd have to keep my eyes peeled. Figuratively.

Luckily, they told me there hadn't been any other issues aside from that, so I just used my Clone bugs to check in with the construction teams, food distributors and some of the larger families while I just headed back to the hideout. I spent a few minutes talking to the orphans and making sure they were alright, before heading to the second floor. My 'throne room'. I was still sitting there when Amy finally returned.

"Hey, Charlotte made some chicken stir fry for everyone and told me to bring you some?" Amy was still in her 'Lilith' costume, but the mask and hair tendrils were gone, just leaving her usual frizzy brown hair and freckles. At the moment however, I was a little more distracted by the big plate of food she brought in with her. She had a bit of an awkward smile on her face when she came in, but it turned into more of an amused smirk as she saw where my focus was, since my own mask was off as well.

With my eyes following the food in her hand, I didn't quite realised what she was planning until I suddenly felt her weight settle in my lap, making me let out a little eep of surprise and prompting a giggle from my lap's new occupant. I blushed, unsure how to respond so I just put an arm around her waist to steady her and reached for one of the forks on the plate with my other hand to start eating. I saw her shoot me a smile before just grabbing the other to join me in eating in silence for a little while.

"So…" Amy finally spoke after a few minutes. "You… told 'Defiant' I was your girlfriend…?" Her voice rose in a slight squeak at the end.

I winced and looked away, partly out of embarrassment and partly out of shame at not asking her first. "Sorry, it was just spur of the moment. I didn't really think about it bef-"

"No!" I felt her hand on my shoulder as she exclaimed and I looked back at her mousey face as she stared back, open-mouthed. "I'm not mad or anything," she reassured me, "I was just… surprised. I wasn't sure you really… felt that way, or wanted that after I um… changed you back. I mean I do! If you want. But I just… didn't think you would…" Her voice grew more halting and she trailed off nervously.

I blushed a little again, reminded of her clear interest in me. I still wasn't sure what to do about it, and definitely wasn't used to it, but I couldn't bring myself to discourage it either. And if what I said to Defiant meant anything, I might have even been encouraging it. I hoped it wasn't just that I liked the attention, but I couldn't say for sure.

"Well I'm willing to give it a shot at least," I admitted, and that much was true. I wasn't sure of my reasons, but I refused to just lead her on for my own ends. Even if I wasn't sure I liked her that way.

"So we're officially… girlfriends, then?" She looked up at me, hope clear in her wide brown eyes. How could anyone ever say no to that, boggled my mind.

"Yeah," I smiled back at her and held her a little tighter. Her new 'costume' was hard, but somehow had a comfortable give to it too, like tire rubber. "I think I'd like that." Her eyes shined as her mouth split in a wide grin. After a moment her grin fell away as her lips came together again and she cautiously leaned a little closer, almost questioningly. I knew what she wanted and decided to give her it.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers in a gentle kiss. I felt her hum lightly in response and start slowly moving her lips against mine, and I hesitantly responded in kind. It felt natural, and I instinctively held her closer as we continued kissing. Her lips were warm and soft, and I found myself eager for more. Her mouth opened and I quietly gasped, feeling a little tingle as her tongue snaked into my mouth and I pressed my tongue forward in turn. It felt strange, but good too.

As we kissed my hands seemed to move on their own, sliding down her slick costumed back around the swirling tentacles and tracing the shape of her hips. I could feel her own hands tracing a similar path in reverse, stroking up my sides; one moving to twine in my hair as the other moved across my chest, seeming to try, and fail, to find a way under my costume.

I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but Amy finally pulled back and took a breath, leaving me almost disappointed as I blinked down at her, dazed, my arms twined around her back, half tempted to pull her in again.

“Eheh, sorry.” Amy giggled nervously, smiling dumbly up at me. “I wasn’t expecting you to get so… into it. Almost lost myself. Didn’t want to um… do something we’d regret.”

“W-What do you mean?” I blushed, thinking of what things we might do we’d regret.

“My… power,” she mumbled. “I need to make sure to keep it under control when we’re… touching.”

Right. That.

"Sorry, sorry!" I leaned back a bit but she quickly waved me off.

"No it's my fault," Amy insisted. "I need to learn to control myself. Even in um… unexpected situations." She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder, making sure it was just resting on costume and not skin.

"You know I do trust you though, right?" I asked, rubbing her back, disappointed I couldn't stroke her hair right now. It was nice and soft. "I know I've said it before, but I know that if you… did accidentally do something, you'd be able to fix it. So I'm not worried." When she didn't reply after a moment I changed the subject, trying to bring us back to a lighter topic. "Did you um… enjoy it though?"

I heard her snicker before replying, "Definitely. I should be asking you that, though." She tilted her head to smirk up at me playfully. "What happened to 'I'm not interested in girls', miss 'totally straight girl'? Calling me your girlfriend and now this?"

"H-Hey!" I felt my face grow warm as I floundered for a reply. "That was that and this is this. It was just kissing! Kissing doesn't have anything to do with being straight or gay. And you're the one who came in here and sat in my lap!" At that reminder, I looked around for the plate she brought, worried it might have fallen during our… distraction, only to find it held safely to the side on one of her costume's tentacles.

"Yeah, well, that's cause I know what I want…" she mumbled, her smirk slipping a little as her thoughts clearly took a darker turn.

I sighed and just hugged her tighter against me. "I do want this. I just…"

"Don't want want this…?" She finished the sentence for me.


"You did like the kissing though?" Amy's tone seemed a little confused, which made sense because-

"Yes," I answered, my face heating up again as I looked away. "I-I did. And I do like you too. I'm just not really attracted to… girls, the same way."

"Well, I'll take what I can get for now then." Amy smiled at me before leaning in again, and I did the same.

Her lips were very soft.

Some time later we finally separated again. I never would have expected Amy to be so… active, before I really met her. Not that I had much room to talk there.

My clone bugs had finally finished checking in with all my teams of workers and the major families and everything was progressing smoothly. I directed some teams toward more intact buildings we could use that just needed cleaning, or pointed out unstable floors in buildings they had been working on, but other than that they were doing fairly well on their own. I did send a message to Tattletale with a request for more food and construction supplies though.

Once everything was done, I suggested we spend the night at my dad's house. It was strange, thinking of it as his instead of mine, but it really wasn't anymore. Amy was nervous about meeting him more officially, and as my girlfriend but… I wanted to, and she agreed.

So she went to put on more normal clothes under her Lilith… costume… symbiote… - I still needed to ask her about that - while I called Atlas and grabbed a normal outfit to change into when we arrived.

I set Forrest to keep an eye on Wormhole while we were gone, and message me immediately if there were any problems. He had been controlled mechanically by Bonesaw, so there shouldn't be any problems, but he had still spent some time as part of the Slaughterhouse and that didn't just go away overnight. To be extra sure I even set a Clone bug to watch nearby just in case. I didn't want to take any chances.

Once Amy was ready, we met outside in costume and climbed aboard Atlas. He was as excited to see us as ever, jittering on the spot like a happy dog, making me worried he might bowl us over. But he just licked us a little as we approached before obediently lowering himself for us to climb on. I sat in front and gave him some idle scratches on his neck while Amy wrapped her arms around me as she took her place behind me again.

I was worried it would feel constricting, but it was more reassuring than anything. As we flew I noticed her tentacles had fanned out behind us as wings for extra lift. I really needed to ask her about that, but right now I needed to focus on guiding Atlas so we didn't fall. Having a sentient flying Beetle was nice, but still not exactly easy.

With no major crisis looming at the moment, I could take a bit of time to just enjoy the flight, watching all the buildings and people pass below us; all the old brick and mortar buildings mixed amongst the towering glass and concrete or steel monoliths. Though, none of the glass had been replaced yet, since Shatterbird, so most of those skyscrapers still looked more like hollowed out husks.

The smaller buildings had fared better, since the old stone buildings only had glass for their few windows and the water from Leviathan couldn't exactly knock them over so easily. My own lair had been one of these older, squat stone buildings. Technically newer since Coil's refurbishments, but its frame had started as one of these.

I was kind of glad my lair hadn't ended up as some skyscraper, and not just because it didn't suffer as much to the Slaughterhouse. I was already enough of a Supervillain without living at the top of some shining tower in the city's downtown. I liked my humble three story lair that probably used to be a small apartment complex or shop.

It will help as a reminder too. I tried not to think of capes as better than anyone else, but regular people often still looked to us for guidance, whether we liked it or not. It was going to be our responsibility to rebuild this city. I was barely sixteen, and already there was that much on my shoulders.

That's why I needed nights like tonight. Just Amy and I, going to see my dad and just… being regular teenagers for a night.

Once we landed my horse sized flying Beetle and changed out of our cape costumes, of course. Which we did, as soon as we found a clear enough space a couple blocks from my dad's house. For Amy, it was apparently as simple as commanding her symbiote thing to just retract into a baseball sized blob and flattening it over her upper back under her t-shirt. It was a bit more involved for me however, as she had to obediently turn around as I stripped out of the close-fitting spidersilk outfit and changed into a more normal outfit of a grey blouse and loose jeans.

With the topic having come up again, I decided to finally broach the question as I turned back to her.

"So I've been meaning to ask. What is that exactly?" I gestured to the thing lurking on her back, just out of sight, as she turned back to me.

"Oh, him?" She asked, a small tentacle snaking out over her shoulder for her to pat like an affectionate kitten. "Well, I told you after the fight earlier that I'm sick of staying on the back line. He helps even the playing field. I can be a Brute or a Mover or even a Blaster."

"But what is he?" I asked again. "I can't sense it at all."

"Well, he's not a bug, for starters." Amy laughed a little. "He is… well I guess he is whatever I want him to be, really. I gave him a nervous system to make it easier to control him, and to give him a little independence when I'm not controlling him directly, but as for the rest of his biology, I kind of just change it as needed. It's mostly just raw biomass with a nervous system. I've made the 'skin' very dense and reinforced it with every technique I've seen, and I give it the required muscles whenever I form tentacles or wings, but it doesn't really have much else as far as bone, muscle or organs. He's simple enough that he doesn't mind, and I'll probably give him some basic muscles and organs for motility and sensing so he can wander around while we sleep."

"So you just made some kind of… slime, symbiote, creature, to serve as armor and extra limbs for yourself?" I clarified.

"Well, basically," she nodded awkwardly. I could tell she was getting a little self-conscious at my judgment, so I smiled to put her at ease.

"That was a really good idea," I praised her, walking over to put an arm around her shoulder once I stowed my costume. "I'm glad you're getting more comfortable at using your power."

"Thanks." She smiled back, clearly relieved at the positive response. I guess she was worried I might be bothered by it, but I wasn't sure why given everything she had already made for me.

I brought my arm down from her shoulder and carefully and deliberately took her bare hand in mine. I had heard people joke on the PHO forums about 'lewd handholding' but with Amy it really did have an extra layer of intimacy. By holding hands I was showing how much I trusted her and laying myself bare in a very real way with her power.

Her smile did grow wider and a little shy as I took her hand. She of all people knew exactly what it meant.

No further words needed, I began leading her back to my dad's house. It was a short walk, but now that we were in civvies, we could rest a little easier. In a city once full of nazis, maybe I should have been a little more worried about walking down the street holding hands with a girl, but my bugs gave me an extra layer of security and I knew there wasn't anyone nearby paying us much attention.


As we approached Taylor's house, I got more and more nervous. I had never really had friends introduce me to their parents, not to mention a boyfriend, let alone a girlfriend. But soon enough Taylor was turning down the path to a small, rough looking house. I could feel my heart speeding up a little as she guided me over a broken step to the door. She paused for a moment in front of the door, raising her hand as if to knock before just taking out a key and unlocking and walking in.

"Hey dad, you home?" Taylor called out.

"Hey kiddo!" I heard him shout back, but we didn't even have our shoes off before he had walked over and appeared in the doorway to the entrance hall. "How was work today? Do anything interesting?" He glanced over as he noticed me there, before turning back to Taylor with a knowing stare.

"I- Well we um-," Taylor stammered, clearly not sure how to respond to that. It was obvious from his tone that he already knew.

"Hi mister Hebert," I stepped forward, trying to take the pressure off her. "I'm Amy. I don't think we have um, officially met yet."

Taylor's dad turned to me with a playful smirk. Uh oh. "Ah right, Amy. Nice to officially meet you too, and you can just call me Danny. Not that I would easily forget our last meeting when you told me I had five years until my kidney failed, before saving me."

"I um, right, I did do that." Now I was the one stammering. "Sorry, that was rude of me, um-"

"Dad, stop teasing my girlfriend!" Taylor suddenly shouted, and I felt my heart racing again. Announcing that already?

"Your…?" Finally, Danny was the one on the back foot, looking between the two of us in surprise as I cringed back awkwardly.

"Ugh, this isn't how I planned for this to go," I heard Taylor grumble. "Could we just… go sit down, and talk?"

"Right uh… sorry Taylor." And he did sound sorry, seeming embarrassed about having made things awkward. "I was just going to make dinner. Should I make enough for three…?"

"Yes, thank you." Taylor smiled, relieved, and he returned it nervously before heading for the kitchen.

"Well, off to a great start," I chuckled anxiously. Taylor just sighed and took my arm to lead me into the living room so we could sit on the couch.

"Sorry about that," She said. "He caught me off guard with his first question. I should have known he would have seen what we did on the news."

"It's alright Taylor," I tried to reassure her, cuddling against her side a bit. "It was going to come out one way or another anyway. At least now all our cards are on the table. And well… you've had a lot going on today, to put it lightly. No surprise you slipped up there."

Taylor sighed and leaned into my cuddling a bit, resting her cheek on my head. Her whole biology bloomed in my mind again, but I was expecting it so I tried to just shove it aside and listen to her for now.

"I guess you're right…" she mumbled.

"I have been wanting to ask," I began, cautiously, "with everything that happened earlier… how are you doing?"

"I…" she paused for a moment, tensing up. I could tell she was getting ready to lie, to get defensive and say she was fine, then she just sighed again and I felt the tension leave her. "Not great," she admitted. "I know they needed to be stopped but… I killed four people earlier. Through everything that has happened; joining the Undersiders, fighting the ABB, Leviathan, the Merchants, the Empire, Coil, fighting the Nine the first time… I never killed anyone. They were true monsters, barely people. But they were still people. They had families. Whole lives. Bonesaw, for everything she has done, hadn't even hit puberty yet. She was just a kid."

I felt a twist in my gut at the mention of Bonesaw. I wanted so badly to tell Taylor about her. To ask her what I should do. But she didn't need more stress right now, and… I needed to figure out for myself what I was doing first. I needed to see if she was even able to be saved before I worried Taylor with it.

"You did what you had to, Taylor," I said instead. "If you didn't, Dragon or Armsmaster would have. Don’t think about the lives you ended, but the lives you saved! You tried to spare Candyman and he nearly made me kill you. Jack was apparently going to cause an apocalypse if he lived, Siberian killed Hero, not to mention my fingers…" I mumbled the last part, flexing my shortened fingers as my mind went back to that harrowing chase. I shook it off and tried to focus back on Taylor. "The point is, they aren’t the kind of people you could stop any other way, and you did save Wormhole. You did the best you could. Better than anyone else could have.”

"You're right," she said quietly. "I know you're right. It's just… convincing myself is the hard part. The worst part is I… don't regret it. I don't actually feel bad about killing Jack, or Candyman, or Manton. Not even Bonesaw. But that's what's eating me up. Shouldn't I? I feel worse about not feeling bad for killing them than I actually feel about killing them!" Her tone had picked up, becoming almost pleading, but still low enough that her dad hopefully couldn't hear from the kitchen.

"I don't know if I'm the best person to answer that, really," I admitted. "My whole life I've been told villains are all evil and I should do everything I can to be the good little healer. You're the one who's been telling me that things are more complicated than that. A month ago I would have said you shouldn't kill them no matter what. Even a week ago I might have said you should still feel terrible about it, but… I don't know if even this is that simple. I've tossed around the word 'monster' a lot in my life, mostly referring to myself. But these people? These were true monsters." I was going to leave it at that, before another thought came to mind. "Do you remember Mouse Protector?"

Taylor lifted her head again to give me a confused look. "Um, yes? Everyone has heard of her. One of the first Wards. Went independent. The first real joke hero. Even got her own cartoon. What about her?"

"I killed her," I said simply. It seemed the easiest way to lead into this was to be as blunt as possible.

"You what!?" She nearly shouted, shooting a glance toward the kitchen before looking back to me again, confused.

"Bonesaw," I started with, to clarify, "you know her hybrid creation things, like Hack Job? Hatchet Face and Oni Lee? Well, she made one with Mouse Protector and a rival from her city, Ravager, that she called Murder Rat. I…" The memories of that fight wore on me. Made me question if leaving Bonesaw alive was worth it. If she was worth saving. And what happened to Mouse Protector… "Bonesaw had Murder Rat attack me as part of her test, to try to make me kill her. I ended up just paralysing her, and Mark killed her out of mercy. I wasn't the one who dealt the finishing blow but… I should have. I was the one who told Mark she was beyond saving.

“I did kill another of her hybrids though, personally, made from a pair of regenerators. At the time I felt terrible for all of it, but… looking back the only thing I might have done differently would be to actually kill Murder Rat myself. It was a mercy. I might have been able to reconstruct their individual bodies from what DNA was left, but their brains were meshed together too. They were in constant agony and there was no real way to recover who they were.” I took a careful breath and held her closer. “So I guess my point is just… not even killing is black and white. Sometimes it’s necessary and sometimes it’s a mercy. You don’t have to feel bad for doing what’s right.”

As I finished talking, Taylor rested her head on mine again, hugging me close to her and I sank into her arms. Knowing it wasn't the time for it, I tried to ignore her firm body against my own and just enjoy the hug. We stayed like that for a while, just holding each other silently before she finally replied.

“Thanks Amy. I don’t know what I’d do without you…” she whispered in my ear, causing a shiver to go down my spine.

“That’s my line,” I giggled back. “If it weren’t for you, I-... I’d…” My mind went to just where I might have actually been if it hadn’t been for her, and my smile slowly started fading, before we were distracted by a shout from the kitchen.

“Girls, dinner’s ready!” Danny called, and we both tensed up on reflex. I felt Taylor squeeze my arm lightly and I looked up to see her smiling gently down at me.

“It’s alright. Are you ready?” she asked softly.

“Yeah,” I replied, giving her a small smile back and pushing the dark thoughts away again. “Let’s go.” They didn’t matter, because she was here. We did have each other, and neither of us was going anywhere. Well, except the kitchen. To meet her dad.

Okay, I was probably ready.

Taylor reluctantly let me go so she could stand, taking my arm to help me up after her and leading me to the kitchen where her dad was laying out plates of spaghetti. Nothing gourmet or fancy, just noodles with tomato sauce and ground beef and probably some seasoning. It smelled good at least.

I sat down next to Taylor, across from Danny and picked up a fork to start eating, not sure who should start the conversation. What was there to talk about? I wasn't sure how any of this was supposed to go!

I heard a slight clatter as Danny set his fork down again. It looked like he had been about to start eating but reconsidered, as he looked at both of us intently.

"Before anything else, I just want to say this, girls." Danny gave us both a genuine smile. "I'm proud of you for what you did today. Both of you. I'm sorry about teasing you over it. You're… growing up a lot faster than I ever hoped for, Taylor. I keep worrying about you and wanting to protect you but you can already take care of yourself, can’t you? I was mad that you rushed off after them without saying a word to me, but I know these things are part of being a cape. I'm just… glad you made it home safely. However else you might feel about it, you did a good thing today. Don't forget that."

I stared at Danny after that, amazed. I had never had a parent who could say things like this. He wasn't even my dad but I still felt… touched. I felt like I made a difference to someone that mattered.

"Thanks dad," I heard Taylor say, her voice wavering a little. I glanced over to see her wiping at her eyes with her sleeve before looking at her dad with her wide, cute smile. "I'll… try to let you know first, next time." I didn't want to interrupt their personal moment, so I reached under the table and just squeezed her arm a little in support.

"I'd appreciate that," he said back, with a nervous chuckle. "And I'd say 'let's hope there isn't a next time', but with Brockton Bay that would just be tempting fate."

We both had a small laugh at that in return and Taylor just replied with a simple, "Yeah," before things fell quiet again.

After a beat of awkward silence, we all started to return to our dinners. I was beginning to realise, despite their leadership positions and my own job working with people…none of us were really very social, were we?

Danny was the one to break the silence again after a minute.

"So, I'm guessing you two didn't just stop in for a normal visit today?" He began, diplomatically. "Sorry if I ruined your carefully planned introductions when you got here. Would you like to start again?" He really was a union rep, wasn't he?

"Eheh, alright." I cleared my throat, trying to recenter myself to try again. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Hebert, I'm Amy."

"And she is, um…" Taylor paused nervously as she put her hand over mine, her body blooming in my mind again and showing me just how anxious she was, "my girlfriend."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Amy." Danny smiled softly again. "You seem like a great girl, and you really seem to make my daughter happy. Despite everything that's going on, I think she's doing better than she has in years, and I think some of that is because of you. I know I haven't been doing well for her myself lately so…I want to thank you for that."

"That's-" my eyes widened a bit, caught off guard, but in a much better way than last time. Had I really helped that much? I felt Taylor squeeze my hand a little and glanced over to see her eyes getting a little watery, and tried not to let mine follow suit. "T-Thank you, mis-...Danny. I do think she's done much more for me than I have for her. As much as I am trying to leave my old life behind, I know you probably know I was Panacea. And… I'll just say, New Wave weren't as great as we made things seem. Taylor has been more supportive of me than they ever were."

"I am sorry to hear that Amy, but I'm glad you found a place you feel more welcome at least," Danny answered softly. "And I know we only really just met but… as long as you're dating my daughter, you can consider this place your home too. I never would have expected New Wave of being hom*ophobic, but you don’t have to worry about any judgement here. Annette would never forgive me if I got upset over something like this,” he chuckled, before hurriedly correcting himself with, “not that I would have anyway! I don’t have any problem with it; I did even wonder a few times over the years if Taylor might be… different. Good to finally know, and at least with this I don’t have to worry about becoming a grandfather sooner than planned!"

“W-Wait, I’m not gay!” Taylor sputtered, quickly pulling her hand back.

I’d be more exasperated and hurt over that, if my mind wasn’t still reeling from the rollercoaster Danny’s words had taken me on. The warm feeling of his acceptance, to the awkwardness of him assuming the problem I had with New Wave was them being hom*ophobic -not that Carol would have been too impressed if she knew-, to the idea that with my powers, kids weren’t exactly off the table. I was a little busy going red in the face and burying it in my hand as Danny turned to Taylor in confusion.

“Didn’t you say you were… girlfriends?” He asked.

“W-Well I… I guess we are um…”

“We’re… working it out,” I cut in, trying to save Taylor from pushing her existential crisis any further right now.

"I… see?" Danny replied, clearly not understanding. "Well, whatever you decide, I will support you. No matter what, you're my child, Taylor. Remember that." Then he looked at me with a sly grin. "And as long as you're with her, you may as well be too. You let me know if you need anything too, Amy."

"I-I will, sir!" I stumbled the words out, thrown off again by the parental support.

"Danny," he corrected, then with a mischievous glint in his eyes he added, "Or dad."

"Right. Sorry… Danny."

No way was I calling him dad. That would be way too weird.

… at least for now.


Well, things could have gone worse. I was at least glad dad seemed to like Amy, although I could have done without all the teasing.

By the time we finished eating, Amy and I were already about ready for bed. It had been a long and exhausting day, and we were both dead tired. We did manage to stay up a little longer to watch a movie with my dad, to give him a little more time to get to know Amy, but she was already falling asleep against my shoulder by the end of it.

"I think we're going to turn in for the night," I told dad as the movie finished, my arm over the dozing Amy's shoulders.

“Yeah, your girl there looks pretty out of it, and you’re not looking much better.” He chuckled, as I blushed at him calling Amy my ‘girl’. “So, should I get some extra blankets out for her, or did you have something else in mind for sleeping arrangements?”

"I-I know where the blankets are if we need them!" I stammered out, embarrassed, as I got to my feet, carefully lifting Amy with me. She started to stir and I was about to wake her enough to walk to my room, before I realised how light she felt and got an idea.

I brought my right arm down under her legs, and then lifted her up in a bridal carry, holding her to my chest. It was a little difficult, but she didn't feel anywhere near as heavy as I expected. Then I remembered, Amy had said she had given me some minor enhancements when she healed me shortly after she came to stay with me. Including increasing my muscle efficiency. I had just never really used it until now.

Which just made it click that… after about a week, the first thing I used the new strength she gave me for, was to bridal carry her. My blush deepened a little and I turned to head for the stairs to carry Amy to my room. As I tried to escape, I heard dad call after me.

"And just remember kiddo, try not to make too much noise tonight. My room is just down the hall!"

I groaned as I increased my pace up the stairs. I didn't know why I never expected so much teasing, but at least he was supportive of me. Of… us. I remembered what Amy had said about her family and looked down at her sleeping, freckled face. It didn't have the same draw for me as when she had changed me, but it was still undeniably cute. I knew that it wasn't her sexuality that Amy's family didn't support, like dad had assumed, but I still couldn't imagine how Carol could have treated the girl in my arms like she did.

I finally reached my room and carefully set her on my bed. I already knew we would be sharing it, like we did most nights now, but I hadn't wanted to admit it to dad. He would just assume we were… doing things. That I was… gay.

Which I wasn't. Right?

I pulled out a pair of pajamas and started getting changed as I thought about it. It had come up a few times today, and I kept denying it. I wasn't! I was never interested in girls like that. I was interested in strong guys, like Brian.

But… I was dating Amy now. We made out for a while just earlier today and I did enjoy it. I touched my lips softly as I stared down at her, asleep in my bed, remembering how it felt. It was… good. But that would feel the same way with a guy too though, wouldn't it? They both had lips and kissed just the same.

I sighed and carefully extracted the blanket from under my girlfriend so I could lay down with her and pull it over the both of us.

I had never really been close with a boy. Even with Brian, since joining the Undersiders, I was arguably closer with Lisa than with him. Though that was partly out of shyness because he was a boy and I was attracted to him. I never had that problem with Lisa, even with her skintight suit.

That then brought to mind Amy's new costume, and the windows she had in it; showing off her soft belly and thighs, before she covered them up. I knew she had been trying to show off for me. I could be oblivious sometimes, I knew, but I wasn't stupid.

And I liked it, I had to admit. Maybe not the look but… the fact she did it for me. No one had ever shown that kind of interest in me before. Except Greg, but he was… Greg.

It felt nice to be wanted like that for once. Even if I didn't return the feeling the same way, it made me want to take a chance. If Lisa had felt that way about me, would I have done the same for her?

I looked over at Amy, laying next to me in the bed, sleeping; her soft, warm body so close to mine. I remembered sleeping like this with Emma before, when we were younger. We had stopped sharing a bed at sleepovers a year or two before she ended up leaving me; she said it was because we were getting older and we needed to be 'independent'. I always wondered if that was the real reason or not.

Instinctively, I moved closer to Amy, putting an arm over her and cuddling against her back. I didn't care how it might look or what it might make her think, I just needed to be close to her right now. I needed to feel needed. She wanted me, and so I wanted her.

But… even without that, I had to admit there was something more. The comforting warmth of her body against mine. The feel of her lips when we kissed. The way her freckles scrunched up when she was mad. How my taller body was able to curl around hers perfectly. That shy but eager look she gave me when she was trying to make me look at her…

As I pressed against her back and rested my face in the crook of her neck, enjoying her warmth and the sweet and tangy scent of her filling my nose, I couldn’t help but think.

Maybe I was a little gay.

And really? I was okay with that.


I know some people might have some problems with how I am portraying some things here, but some of this is taken from my own experiences so just... remember people deal with things differently, and this is just how I am interpreting things with her.

Chapter 19: Bad(?) Influences


Amy talks with a new friend and Lisa is not happy about it.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


June 22, 2011

We left early the next morning, as Danny was getting ready to leave for work himself.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Amy," Danny said, and I had to suppress a wince as he suddenly shook my hand and I tried to smile back. "And take care of my daughter you hear?"

I heard Taylor grumble behind me, but I ignored it as I got another idea, tightening my hold on his hand.

"Actually, Danny… I'm sure Taylor wants to make sure you're safe too, so, would you mind if I helped with that?" I asked hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Danny replied, his brow furrowing questioningly. "I'd say you don't need to worry about me, but that would sound a little weak after I was kidnapped last week, eheh..." he chuckled nervously.

"Well, you probably know I'm a healer, but… I can actually do a lot more. I'm a full biokinetic." I clarified. "I can reshape any biological material I'm touching." It was reassuring when he gave our clasped hands a look, but didn't pull away.

"I see." He nodded carefully, considering. "So you're offering to do what, exactly?"

"When I healed you the other day I did just leave it at healing your kidneys. I can do a lot more. I could reverse some of the signs of aging in you and make you as fit as you were at the peak of your youth. More fit even." I started to smile a little more naturally, beginning to gush a little as I saw him seeming to actually be interested as I listed the possibilities. "I could make your muscles run more efficiently, and divert lactic acid build up so you don't get tired as easily, providing more strength for less mass. I could also change your bone and skin structure to more of a crystalline lattice and mesh to make them lighter and more durable; that would give me room to make your skin a little more dense and practically bulletproof too! Cheetahs have an interesting, almost springlike ligament structure to their legs I could probably replicate too, plus their fast-twitch muscle fibers. And-"

"Woah, woah, Amy, that's alright." He interrupted my rambling with a chuckle. "I really appreciate the offer. I'm not looking to become a cape myself, but I'm not gonna turn down some tune-ups. I can't have Taylor worrying about me, and I wouldn't mind not having the aches and pains of old age creeping up on me every time I bend over to pick something up. You can make any changes you think would help, but make it quick. I don't want to be late for work."

"Really?" I exclaimed, staring up at him in shock. Even with everything we had talked about yesterday, and me offering now, I hadn't expected him to accept it so casually and readily. He barely knew me! Did he not realise what I was capable of?

"Yeah, of course," Danny said easily. "I trust you. If I didn't, do you think I would have let you spend the night in my daughter's room with her?" He smirked at me playfully.

"Dad, really?" Taylor groaned again.

"What?" He looked past me at her. "I'm just telling the truth, kiddo."

"A-Alright," I mumbled and got to work. Like he said, no time for major changes so I stuck to the more immediate ones for now. I made a small virus to go through his system and repair some of the telomere degradation in his cells, then got to work quickly reversing some of the effects of stress and inactivity on his body. I could see him already standing a little straighter as I fixed some of his muscle atrophy and made them more efficient like I promised.

He didn't have too much extra fat for me to draw on, being quite thin like his daughter, but I took what I could and what excess material I had after adjusting the structure of his bones to be lighter and more durable. I left out the Cheetah adaptations and other ideas I had for now, and just did the general enhancements and tune ups like he asked. I could save the rest for later.

It took me about five minutes and I could see he was getting a little antsy at standing there for so long, even if the new sensations of the changes I was making were distracting him some; I saw him flexing his free hand and staring at it in wonder as I worked. Finally, I finished up the last change I was making for now and released his hand.

"There, how do you feel?" I asked.

"Wow, I feel better than I have in years!" He laughed. "Thank you Amy, you really meant what you said about putting me back to the peak of my youth." He turned to a mirror hanging in the entrance hall, tilting his head back and forth as he admired the changes, taking off his glasses after a few seconds of it. "I think my grey hairs are all gone, and I barely see any wrinkles anymore. My eyesight is even better without the glasses too, though I might miss them."

"I can change it back if you want?" I quickly offered, but he just waved me off.

"No no, I'll get used to it. Better in the long run, especially after Shatterbird showed me the dangers of having glass on my face all the time." Looking back to me, he gave me a familiar, wide smile I remembered seeing on Taylor on the rare occasion. "Really, thank you so much Amy. If only Annette could see us now." With a small, sad chuckle, he went back to pick up his bag. "Anyway, I better get going. Gotta give your tune ups a trial run. Looking forward to seeing what everyone at work has to say!" A last parting wave and he hurried out to his car, moving visibly quicker and smoother than before, inspiring a small swell of pride in me at my work.

“Thanks Amy,” I heard from beside me as an arm settled over my shoulders, startling me for a moment. Right, how did I forget about Taylor amidst all that? “I know working on people like that might still be a bit much for you, but it is a bit of a weight off my mind. Maybe I should make him a spider silk vest too…”

“Oh, uh, it… doesn't really bother me as much anymore," I answered. At her questioningly glance I clarified, "It's still always a little nerve-racking having that control over someone's body," and I was grateful her arm was resting on the back of my shirt and not touching skin right now, "after… what happened, but I didn't even touch his brain. Just improvements to his body. It's more than I did before, but it's not much different than making bugs for you. People know what I can do now, so this much isn't a big deal. I can make some improvements for you later if you want?" I saw her glance down at her body and immediately got worried and tried to correct myself. "I-I mean not that you need improvements or anything! You're perfect as you are, I just mean I can-"

"Amy," Taylor said suddenly, snapping me out of my spiral. I looked up to see a small smirk as she looked down at me. "I get it. I'd like that. I even have some ideas already. But we should get back to my territory now.” She paused as though considering and I saw her smirk twitch a little before- “You can explore my body later."

As my eyes shot wide at her words she shot me a wink and they somehow went even wider, before she quickly looked away, leaving me flushed. It felt like it came out of nowhere and caught me off guard so much.

"B-But we should get back to my territory!" Taylor quickly changed the subject, her usual nervous self coming back. "I can still check on them from here, but it's good to be seen there with everything that's been happening. They need to know I'm still around. So we should…go do that. Then we have to help with the Travelers later. If we keep them waiting much longer they might cause some problems."

"Right, yes," I replied intelligently. "That. We should do that." As my mind went to what Taylor had told me about Noelle and what I would need to do, the flush quickly faded from my cheeks. Especially when I remembered what I was keeping from her as well.

"I have some ideas for that, that I want to test on Gorillapede before we go there anyway," I added. That should buy me enough time to check on my prisoner.

"Alright, let's get going then." She smiled at me again before carefully reaching down to take my hand. She did it more slowly than normal since we weren't wearing gloves and she didn't want to surprise me. The fact she did it at all though was always a nice gesture. A show of her trust in me.

I smiled back and we went to retrieve Atlas and Taylor’s costume from where we left them a couple blocks away.

Once more, I stood before my creation, hesitating at what I was about to do. But this time, less at the idea of creating or altering, and more at the idea of what was inside. What I had already put there and was about to unearth.

I reached out and put my hand on the Gorillapede's side, letting its unnatural biology fill my mind as I focused on its second stomach. No movement, just the slight stirrings of sleep. Good, she was still out.

The first thing I did was to alter the bug’s brain slightly to interfere with the signals it sent Taylor. Nothing so much as to cause her any trouble but just enough it didn’t register to her power for a little while. I didn’t want her to know what I was doing here just yet.

Next, I slowly warped the flesh between the stomach and the side of the giant bug; forming an intestine-like channel that slowly pushed the girl out. Resealing the stomach and reshaping the channel to close it behind her, I soon had her head and shoulders poking out the side of my giant pet.

The tranquilisers should still be keeping her out, but not wanting to risk anything I quickly put my hand on her head, putting her under my control. Even with all her modifications, she wasn’t going to be making a move without my say so. It was good I did, because I could already sense her body starting to purge the tranquilizer.

But speaking of her modifications, it was time for them to go. Her body was roughly seventy percent mechanical or modified, and she was far too dangerous to leave that way. If I was going to be keeping her here, there was no way I was leaving a tinker with their gadgets.

I spent the next few minutes tracking down every piece of machinery and having the flesh push it out like a splinter until there was a pile of prosthetics, mesh filament and machinery lying on the ground next to me; I had to disarm an alarming amount of plagues weaved throughout in the process too. I used some excess material from Gorillapede to fill in the blanks, reforming flesh to match her, replacing the machinery. I could have left her as just a head, sustained by the Gorillapede’s body. She would be safer without limbs too, but… I couldn’t do that. Whatever else she was, she was still a kid. That was part of why I was doing all of this to begin with, and maybe with a normal human body for her age she would remember that herself.

When it was finally done, I took a steadying breath, cleared the tranquilisers from her system, and then…woke her up. It wasn't immediate. She slowly blinked awake, taking in her surroundings before seeing me and smiling. I was wearing my new ‘costume’, but with the mask gone so she still recognised me quickly.

"Amelia, you're here!" She said cheerily. "Did you finally decide to join up?"

"No Bo-...Riley," I corrected myself. I had looked into her history and her real name. I knew what Jack made her do and how he broke her. I needed to help remind her who she was. "Jack is dead, and we captured you. The Slaughterhouse Nine are finished."

"What?" Her face twitched and she let out an unhinged giggle. "No one can catch Jack, and you're not the first one to think you have, either!" She laughed again, before her situation finally sunk in and she flexed her new, fully human limbs. "Even if you have caught me, he'll be here soon. You can't hold me for long. I'm impressed you managed to change me so much though! It'll take a lot of work to put everything back and resupply my plagues, but still. You did it! You're using your power!"

"I am," I replied evenly. Everything she had done, and everything she had put me through, kept flashing through my mind but I had to try to maintain my calm. I couldn't let it break through. Just to be sure I wouldn't do something on impulse, I took my hand off her head again and let it fall to my side, my symbiote flowing back down to reglove my hand. She wouldn't be getting out as she was anyways. "But I'm still not using them the way you and Jack wanted me to, Riley. I'm using them for Skitter. That's how we managed to stop you, don't you remember? The fight? The bugs swarming Jack before my creature here caught you?"

"I…" Her face twisted as my words jogged her memory. "I-It's a trick. He must have got away after! He'll come for me, you'll see!" She yelled her denial. I knew it wouldn't be so easy to break through to her. It would take time, but I had to start somewhere.

I picked up a folding chair from the corner and brought it over so I could sit down in front of the girl.

“He won’t be coming back. I saw what was left of him myself, though I know you won’t believe me yet.” Before she could reply, I continued. "But that's not why I came to talk to you."

"Then why did you?" She frowned, curiously.

"Well I have a… project I'm going to be working on later for Skitter and I thought my… little sister might want to help offer advice?" As uncomfortable as it made me, I thought appealing to her desire for family might help her bond with me in place of Jack.

"Your…?" Her eyes lit up, and I knew my theory was right. She grinned and started jabbering eagerly. "Of course! I'd love to help! What's the project, big sister?"

I tried to conceal my wince as I replied, "Well the Travelers have another member named Noelle, who's power is broken somehow; like a Case 53, but a lot worse. Apparently her team got their powers from taking some vials-"

"Oh, vial capes!" Bo- Riley cut in. "We've run into a few of those." Between my 'sister' comment, and the new subject touching on her 'art', she was much more talkative now. "Their Pollentia always do seem a little different than natural triggers. For one thing, unlike a natural trigger they don't even have a Pollentia until they drink the thing."

"Corona Pollentia," I nodded, remembering the term from my early research into anatomy and capes after I got my powers. "That's the lobe of our brain where our powers come from right? The signature of parahumans; I've seen it in all the capes I've examined. A few non-capes too like you said, but it's always smaller in them."

"Dormant, yeah," she answered eagerly. "A sign of someone who can trigger but hasn't. I've got to see it expand a few times when I've caused triggers in people that had it."

"Right…" I tried (and failed) not to let that bother me, focusing on my questions instead. "So I know what the Corona Pollentia is and that there is another lobe called the Gemma, but I don't really know much about how they work. I was hoping you could tell me about them so I can try to help the Travelers' member. How much do you know?"

She smiled widely. "Oh lots. To start with, they always form differently depending on what sort of abilities the cape has. Just knowing what sort of powers someone has, I can sometimes predict the shape and location of the lobes! So first, tell me about this girl Noelle, what sort of powers she has, how she got her vial, everything."

And, not having anything to lose with her trapped down here, I did.

After Riley's lecture on parahuman brains and Case 53 anatomy (that had me feeling a little uncomfortable) I was at least feeling a little more confident about fixing the poor girl. Riley and Noelle both.

Once we were done talking, I had to 'lock up' Riley again, which she seemed surprisingly okay with. She still seemed confident Jack would come for her, but I knew that would fade with time. I just had to wait.

Since I had stripped all her gadgets and things away and locked them up, I decided not to sedate her as heavily this time. I wanted her to have time to think about things on her own, so I had Gorillapede absorb her back into his second stomach and lowered the tranquiliser levels, just chaining her to the wall of his gut with fleshy ropes. If she was unconscious all the time and barely aware of time passing she would never have time to get over Jack.

As bad as it sounded, time in solitary would do her good.

With that done, I cleaned up the bug's 'den' and gave Taylor back her control of Gorillapede, but kept its insides blurred from her. I wasn't ready for her to find out just yet. Hoping she hadn't decided to check on me yet, I had my symbiote flow back over the top half of my face into my beak-like mask, and started making my way back the couple blocks to her headquarters.

On the way I saw a few of the clone bugs around, talking to people or just patrolling. Some might not be able to distinguish the real Skitter from the clones, but as their creator and her… girlfriend (the word still filled me with butterflies), I could easily tell the difference. I still needed to replenish their numbers after the fight with the Nine, though. It looked like almost all the ones left were out and about in her territory right now.

Eventually I found the real Skitter, talking with Charlotte, Sierra and Forrest down the street from her hideout.

"I'll see about getting more food delivered, and make sure to include some fruit and those cheese and cracker snacks the kids like," Taylor was telling them. Despite having subtle differences from the clones, she was still clearly stiff; all her movements clear and purposeful, and her mask made her always appear to be staring into the distance. So different from how she had been earlier. Here, she was ‘Skitter’ again. "You were saying we needed more supplies for the construction teams too, Sierra? Nails and plywood I think?"

"Yeah," she answered, glancing at me as I approached and sparing me a nod before focusing back on Taylor. "They've made good progress on the rebuilding, but some of the plywood interiors rotted from the flooding and need replacing. Same with some supporting walls. Most of the brick and cement is fine, but we need more wood and insulation, and nails and screws and stuff to install it."

"Alright," Taylor’s gaze didn’t shift at all when Sierra glanced over, and I was disappointed I couldn't read her expression through her mask. Despite that, I knew she had seen me coming before any of the rest with her sixth sense. That’s just how she was. "Get a full list of specifically what they need and the amounts and deliver it to one of my bug clones hanging around and I'll have them send it off to Tattletale's people to order it all in." She turned to Forrest before finishing with, "same with the food. A little easier with that since I don't have to worry about getting just the right screws or wood sizes, but still good to know the exact numbers. We've been getting more people in lately and I don't want to order too little food."

Forrest smiled at her under his bristling beard. "I was thinking, since things are calming down, we could maybe have a block party too. Order a little extra food, some big roasts and lots of burgers and steaks. Set up some grills and just have a feast in the street. Would be good to help lift spirits after everything that has happened."

It was pretty bold of him to make a suggestion like that; it was Skitter's money he was suggesting spending, and just to help lift spirits with a party. Even with how good Skitter was to her people, a lot still looked at her with fear and trepidation. I didn't know him well and had only talked to him a few times since I'd been here, but it said a lot about Forrest that he was willing to make a suggestion like that so casually.

"That's a good idea," Taylor answered, to my surprise. Though maybe I should have expected it with what I knew of her now too. "Add whatever we need for that to the list of food to order and we can see about setting that up soon." She glanced at me as she said more cheerfully, "it would be good to throw a party and have some fun around here for once, don't you think Lilith?"

"Oh," I froze for a second at suddenly being addressed. "Yeah, it would," I managed to get out, stiffly.

Charlotte chuckled and shoved me lightly. "Come on, I think you both need to lighten up a bit. You could use the time to relax as much as the rest of us. And maybe with all your other business done, you could finally get back to helping me watch the kids too, huh?" Her gaze hardened suddenly.

What happened to the respect this girl used to have for me? When we first met she was somewhere between fearful and in awe of 'Panacea'. Now, with my new scary villain persona she is shoving me and practically ordering me around? With my symbiote costume I could have resisted the push, but I'd been too surprised. And now I nearly found myself wilting under her stern gaze.

What happened?

And why wasn't I really that bothered by it?

"Fine, fine," I finally answered, my lip quirking up into a small smile. "It would be nice. And I'll help you out with the kids again soon."

"I'm guessing you're ready to take a shot at Noelle now though, if you're here?" Taylor asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded back. "We can head over when you're ready. Don't worry though Charlotte, I will help you out later."

"You better!"

I snickered a little at that, somehow feeling pretty relaxed with these people despite everything. After waiting a couple minutes as Taylor gave a few more orders and wrapped up her little meeting, she called over Atlas and we both climbed aboard to head to Tattletale's base.

This, I was a little more nervous about.

A short time later we were walking through the halls of Lisa's bond-villain base, with Atlas clacking along behind us. Though my symbiote's clawed feet made their own comforting clicky sounds against the concrete floor as well.

Normally Atlas wouldn't have come in with us, but Taylor said he might be needed. Which…didn't help my nerves much. Taylor had told me about Noelle but I hadn't seen her yet myself. It couldn't be that bad…right?

When we reached the main chamber, the first thing I noticed was Bitch's dogs. Only one was looking monstrous, but she had about three others with her and they were surprisingly well behaved. If it weren't for the monstrous one I might have missed they were there at all.

A few others had beaten us here. Genesis and Oliver of course, since they seemed to spend most of their time here. Trickster was next to them. I was surprised to see he was out, but Genesis must have convinced him to behave. Sundancer was here as well, standing a little apart. As for the Undersiders, other than Bitch only Regent was here. Tattletale must have been working on something in another room, given it was her base.

Taylor immediately started heading for Bitch and Regent, so I just tagged along. They both looked up as we approached, but Bitch's gaze locked on me moments after.

"You're the healer, right?" She asked suddenly. Maybe she didn't recognise me in the new costume?

"Uh, I was?" I answered intelligently. Taylor and Regent just chose to watch our exchange silently, to my despair.

"Huh?" Bitch scowled at me. "Well, can you heal or not?"

"It's like watching a car crash…" Regent muttered. We both glared at him and he just put his hands up in surrender and stepped back.

"I can." I said, turning back to Bitch. "Why?"

She just nodded, satisfied, then pointed at the monstrous dog and asked, "Can you heal dogs?"

And suddenly I understood. Immediately stepping into my more professional role, I stepped over to start checking on the dog, though it was hard to tell anything just by looking at the hulking mass of flesh and bone. Especially since I remembered something about the real dog being buried inside. Being closer now, I noticed one of the other dogs wasn't a dog at all but a… wolf? I put it out of my mind to question later.

"Yes, I can. What's wrong with it?" I asked, opening a gap in my glove so I could put my hand on the monster's side. My memory was right. Just pure muscle and bone on the outside. I could barely feel the real dog, cocooned inside, like Riley in the Gorillapede.


"Fog?" What did that mean?

She frowned at me again, but I was beginning to think that was just her default expression.

"The Empire cape, Fog," Taylor stepped in, clarifying. "She ended up in his area during a fight and he hurt her somehow. Got inside her."

I winced. I'd seen some of his victims before. Not good stuff.

"I'm surprised she's still alive," I said, honestly, scratching the monster dog behind its ears. "His victims don't last long. I should be able to help though, but I'll need you to shrink her down again. I need to touch the real dog inside.”

"My power keeps them healthy," Bitch answered. "Couldn't fix it, but it keeps her alive." She seemed to hesitate, as I didn't notice any change in the dog.

"I'll be quick once it's gone," I tried to reassure her, smiling faintly.

"You sure you can?" She just asked.


She stared at me for a few more seconds, then I felt the strange dead-ish flesh start sloughing off the dog. I could have done this myself to access it, but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. I didn't really know what her problem was, but Bitch was volatile. I had to go at her pace.

It took a minute or two, but finally there was just a small terrier standing in a pile of quickly rotting flesh. She was missing an eye and an ear as well, but those looked like old wounds.

Stepping forward I quickly knelt down and put a hand on her back. She flinched back at me rushing forward, but Bitch just clicked her tongue and told her to “Stay” and the dog froze. I tried to pet her calmingly, embarrassed at scaring her like that. I hadn’t expected that from the creature that had been a killing machine twice my weight just a minute ago.

Recognising that kind of behaviour and thinking about the old wounds, I glanced up at the angry girl glaring at me, trying to keep my voice even as I spoke.

"Where did she get these… other wounds?"

Bitch growled. "Not from me! Her old owners abused her. I take care of my dogs."

"Sorry, sorry!" I said hurriedly, focusing back on the dog and continuing my checkup. Definite internal damage from Fog. Burst blood vessels and corroded organs, like the other victims I'd seen. "I didn't mean it," I continued. "Do you want me to fix those too?"

"Sure you didn't," she snorted. "But… yeah, if you can. Thanks."

I tried not to be surprised by the brief actual gratitude and got started. First, the extensive internal damage. It was a little tricky tracking down every damaged blood vessel, but at least they weren't hard to fix when I found them. It was relatively minor damage, just spread throughout the entire organism.

It took a few minutes, but soon enough it was done. As I worked the dog seemed to visibly perk up and start taking deeper breaths. The lungs had been the worst affected, which made sense. With that finished, it was on to the more superficial.

I put a hand in the quickly decaying flesh from its monster form, trying to grab some as extra material before it became too decayed to be usable. It was harder to work with dead material, and the deader it was the harder it was.

Flowing the material up the dog's side, (which caused another shudder of discomfort from the poor thing, but it obediently stayed still), I began shaping it into a new eye to match the still working one. The thought crossed my mind to use my power to calm her, but even here I didn't want to touch the brain for something so unnecessary.

I moved my hand up its cheek, petting it as I deadened the nerves in the area so it wouldn't feel me reshaping the long out of use socket into usability again, before inserting the new eye, reconnecting it to the newly refreshed blood vessel and ocular nerves.

When I moved my hand away, she was blinking in confusion and looking around, her depth perception restored for the first time in who knew how long. She looked up at her owner, yipping happily, and I knew Bitch had been telling the truth about taking care of them.

To finish things off, I used the last of the excess material to replace the missing chunk of her left ear, again using its opposite for reference. I could go off the genetic blueprint, but it was always just easier having a reference when fixing part of a set.

As I finally pulled my hand back, the little dog shook her head from the strange sensations sinking in, making her short ears and hair flop about a little, before she ran back to Bitch. The girl in question smiled for the first time in my memory, and she knelt down to hug her dog as it jumped into her arms. The bulldog and black labrador that were with them came over to sniff curiously at their suddenly more lively companion.

"Angelica, you're alright…!"

So that was the dog's name. I had so many memories of happy families reuniting after a life threatening problem had been washed away by my hands, and it was so long since I'd really found myself enjoying it. I had heard real doctors sometimes had similar problems. Even now, it was deadened compared to what it should be, I knew, but something about the normally stern girl smiling and hugging her dog still made me smile. It reminded me of how healing the people in Taylor's territory had renewed my sense of satisfaction in my work.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I looked up to find the girl in question looking down at me, her expression hidden behind her mask.

"Thanks Amy."

"It was a simple thing," I replied, trying to brush off the praise as usual, despite how good it was to hear from her.

"Simple or not-," the words from Bitch pulled my attention back to her, as she stared at me flatly. "-I owe you. You're not as bad as I thought. You didn’t do anything else to her right?"

“Of course not!” Somehow, this backhanded comment from Bitch almost made me feel better than Taylor's thanks. Even having barely met her, I could tell she wasn’t the type to give praise easily.

“Alright, everyone ready for the meeting now?” I heard Tattletale call out from the head of the room, making me look around and realise that the rest of the Travelers and Undersiders had arrived while I was working on Angelica.

There were a few awkward back and forth looks before everyone followed her out of the main room and down a hall. It was a different meeting room than last time; big enough to fit both teams, plus me. I was happy to see Bitch's dogs trotting along behind her as she filed in with us.

Everyone took their seats around the table in the nice comfortable office chairs (at least Coil didn't skimp on comfort), the two teams on opposite sides in a clear divide. I was wondering if Taylor or Lisa would sit at the head of the table, but neither did.

Once they were seated, some took off their masks, seemingly uncaring about secret identities here. I knew teammates generally didn't care, but I was a little surprised to see it between the two teams. Knowing mine was an open secret, I had the symbiote peel back from my head as well. Taylor glanced at me and then followed suit, taking off her mask. I hoped she didn't do it because of me. She still had something to lose.

"So," Trickster began, speaking up from where he sat in the middle of his team. He had taken off his red facemask, revealing his light brown skin and distinctive hooked nose. He was younger than I'd thought. "Jess convinced me to listen to you. She said you actually are going to try to help Noelle. And given none of us have heard from Coil, I guess that commotion at the PRT headquarters might have been the real thing. If he is dead though, you had better hope your plan here works, or we will be coming for you."

"Well, it will work better than whatever Coil wasn't trying," Tattletale snarked.

"Well, we'll never know will we?" Trickster shot back. "You know, since you killed him?"

"Enough," Taylor cut through their bickering, to my relief. "We want to help, so let us help. Lisa's analysis and Amy's abilities are the best chance you're going to get. Alright?"

"Fine," Trickster sighed. "So what's the plan?"

"First, Amy," Taylor turned to me. "You said you were working on some ideas earlier. What did you have in mind?"

I tensed up a little as everyone looked at me, before slowly letting out my breath and trying to talk it through.

"Well, I was thinking about it. How powers typically form. The roles the Pollentia and Gemma play. Where case 53s come from and what happened with her vial. Obviously not drinking her whole vial caused some problem, so maybe the Gemma didn't form correctly, since it is the part that more directly helps control the powers."

"And you just thought of this all on your own?" Tattletale asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yeah?" I said simply. Did she know? I swallowed my fears and continued. "I have worked on a lot of capes over the years after all. I avoided the brain, but I still noticed that all their Pollentia were different, so the shape probably correlates with the power. Anyway, my idea is, since Oliver and Noelle took the same vial, I could look him over first for reference, if he is okay with it?" I looked to the weirdly pretty blond boy in question, and he just gave an awkward nod.

“Yeah, if it will help I’m fine with that.” Oliver said.

"Thanks, it will help a lot," I told him. "I'll try to separate her from the monstrous part to start with, to make things easier, and then try to work on fixing her power from there. The rest of you will just need to keep the clones off me then." Realising it sounded like I was giving orders, I quickly backpedaled. "I-If that's okay?"

"Sounds like a good plan, Amy," Taylor told me, putting a hand on my arm. The reassurance helped me relax a bit until another voice cut in.

"I can help with Noelle too," Grue spoke up, his rough voice breaking through my calm. "I can borrow Panacea's power. I can't help with the more complicated part, but I can focus on cutting off the monster bits while she works on the girl's brain?"

It was a good plan, even if his use of my old name annoyed me.

"That could work," Taylor agreed. "With both of you working on her it should make things go faster and save the rest of us some trouble."

"Hmm, while all this planning is reassuring me you're actually thinking of following through," Trickster spoke up again, "I don't think it will be as easy as you're thinking."

"Why not?" Bitch asked, straight forward as always.

"Because," Ballistic replied, his condescending tone making it sound like it should be obvious, "even if Noelle wants this, the monster bits don't. She's been having trouble staying in control and might end up fighting back, even if the girl inside wants the help."

Taylor sighed. "Yeah, I thought so. Tattletale told me that might be a problem, so that brings us to the next part of the plan, where the rest of us come in." She leaned forward. "While Lilith and Grue do their jobs, the rest of us will have to keep her pinned and keep the clones off them. So here is what I have in mind…"

As Taylor started to lay out what everyone else will be doing, I noticed Tattletale was still staring at me. I had a sinking feeling that I wouldn't like what she saw.

As the meeting came to a close and people started preparing for the trial ahead, Tattletale made straight for me.

"Sorry Skitter," she said, smiling at my girlfriend as she grabbed my arm in vice grip. "Mind if I steal your girl for a little bit? I have some last minute ideas that could help."

Taylor, help?

"Sure-" f*ck, "-I need to talk with Rachel about her part anyway. I'll see you two in a bit? Thanks again for this, Amy." Taylor squeezed my hand again, and then she was gone.

I had to hold back a whimper as Tattletale dragged me off to a smaller side room, closing the door behind us. I remembered my first encounter with the Thinker. How she was the one who set me on this path and ruined my life. Despite the knowledge my power could end her in an instant, I was afraid. I couldn't lose all of this. Not again.

The room she'd pulled me into looked like some kind of office. Another luxurious chair behind a big desk with multiple monitors on it. Big whiteboards full of various scribblings covered the walls, like some kind of conspiracy theorist's wet dream.

"Amy, look at me," she snapped, literally snapping her fingers as she tried to pull me from my distraction. At that moment she reminded me of Carol. "What did you do?"

"You're going to have to be more specific," I hissed back, my anger at the position she was putting me in again reaching its peak.

"I know you didn't come up with all that yourself," she glared at me through her mask. "None of the others noticed, but I know you've never thought about brains that much with all your complexes."

"What are you implying, then…?" I glared back. I wasn't going to be the one to say it.

"Bonesaw!" She shouted, throwing her hands up. "Those were Bonesaw’s words. And you only heard about Noelle recently, so when did you-” She stopped dead, her eyes widening. “She’s still alive.” I was busted. “You’re keeping her alive somewhere!? Why? Where?” I didn’t even get to open my mouth before she groaned and put her face in her hands. “The Gorillapede, of course. You had it eat her, but if she is still alive and we don’t know it she’s probably still in there.”

“I know what I’m doing!” I finally managed to get a word in while her face was turned away.

“No you don’t, Amy!” She snapped back, turning her glare on me again. “Bonesaw is dangerous. Jack has been twisting her for years; it’ll take more than a few friendly words to turn her around. She’s more likely to corrupt you than you are to fix her, and she knows it; Jack made sure of that.”

“You don’t know that,” I said, firmly. “From what I’ve seen of you, you’re the one more likely to twist someone, not her. You may be worried about me turning into Bonesaw, but I’m just as worried about you turning into Jack, or worse, my mother.” That made her flinch back for a moment, before she nearly snarled at me.

“I thought your crush on Taylor was cute at the start.” The menace faded from her voice, leaving it cold. “When you messed with her head, I was a little worried, but it was innocent enough and there was no serious change, so I just laughed it off. But I underestimated you, and things have just got worse. You’re too dependent on her. I don’t know what you’re going to do next, because not even you know, and that worries me. This stuff with Bonesaw just makes things worse. And she doesn’t even know, does she?”

“You can’t tell her!”

“You’re right, I can’t.”

“Plea-, wait what?” My panic stopped dead as I processed her words. “You won’t?”

“No,” she sighed. “This stuff with Noelle is too important, and I can’t have her distracted. That’s the main reason I didn’t just out your little secret during the meeting. Everyone needs to be focused to get this done, including you.” She crossed her arms and stared me in the eye. “The other reason is… if I tell her, things are going to turn bad for everyone. You’re going to do it, and soon, after tonight. If you don’t, then I will.”

“I…” I licked my lips, my mouth dry. “I can-”

“I know perfectly well what you could do to me, Amy,” she interrupted. “Better than you do. But you know what Taylor would do if you did. And if you really go too far and use your power to get her on your side, I have ways to deal with that too. For both our sakes, let's hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Tattletale turned and walked past me to the door.

“Sorry to throw you off like this when we need you focused, but I knew if I didn’t you would have spent the entire time wondering if I knew. I thought it would be better to get my cards on the table.” She said, her voice softening a bit. “I do like you Amy, despite what I said. There is still a chance for you to make things right, and I think you really can be good for Taylor. But if you don’t set things right, and I think you’re a danger to her…I will end things myself, one way or another." There was a pause for that to sink in before she finished, “I’ll keep the others busy and give you a few minutes to cool off. Remember what I said before, Amy. Think hard about what you want.”

Then she was gone, and I was left alone with my thoughts.


Sorry for the delay.
And thank you to Pendragoon as always, and to MorDrakka for their feedback.

Chapter 20: She's a Monster


Amy helps her girlfriend fix a problem.


I'm back bitch.
Also, thanks to Pendragoon, Mordrakka and Shadelight for giving this chapter a look over.

Chapter Text


June 22, 2011

It was nice, finally getting to talk to Rachel again, one on one. It had been a while; I’d been so busy with Amy, and Brian, and Coil, and The Nine, I hadn’t had a chance to see her.

Sure, she wasn’t exactly the best conversation partner, but her bluntness could be refreshing, and she was in a good mood right now. Plus, she was always someone I knew I could rely on, no matter what. If she didn’t like you, she let you know. If she did like you, she was fiercely loyal. And somehow… we had become friends, through everything.

I was glad she’d approached Amy about Angelica too, and I hoped they would talk more after. They could both use more friends.

All that said though, I wasn't expecting how she started our conversation once we were alone.

"You like girls?" She bluntly asked, before I could even say anything.

"What?" I replied intelligently, my brain rebooting. "Well I-... With Amy it's… it's complicated."

"How?" She frowned at me. "Do you or don't you?"

I'd forgotten who I was talking to for a moment. There was no dancing around stuff like this with Rachel. I took a moment to think through what to say before giving my answer; I didn't want to give her any reason to think I was hiding anything.

"I didn't think I was attracted to girls before," I finally said. "It's different with Amy though. She's special to me. I don't know if I'm really attracted to girls in general, but I…" No holding back with her, Taylor. "I want her."I flushed a little at the admission, but it was Rachel. I knew she wouldn't judge me for it.

"Huh." Rachel grunted simply, nodding. "I think I get it."

"Really?" I blinked in surprise, taken aback. I knew she wouldn't have a problem with it, but I wasn't expecting her to really understand.

"Yeah," She answered casually, turning away to pet Angelica. "You like each other. If she's yours, I'll keep an eye on her for you then, make sure she's safe."

"Oh. Thanks Rachel." This was going better than I expected.

She shrugged. "She healed Angelica, so she's good in my book. Thinks she's too good for us, which kinda pisses me off, but I've seen dogs like her before. Little yappy bitches that act like they're bigger than they are. Long as you show them you're not gonna put up with their sh*t, they can be alright though."

“R-Right,” I stammered, not sure how to respond to that. She was more insightful than I expected, even if her analogy was a little… strange. “Uh, speaking of keeping her safe though, we should talk about what I need you to do while Amy is working on Noelle.”

With that, I managed to segue back into the tactics discussion I had planned.


June 22, 2011

When I finally rejoined everyone, they all turned. Tattletale was watching me with narrowed eyes, as if she was waiting for me to snap, which wasn't too surprising after our talk; but Bitch was staring at me too, with that usual blank glare. I thought she'd warmed up after I helped her dog, but maybe not?

Even the Travellers fixed me with their unwanted attention, as if appraising me to see if I was up to the task, and concluding I wasn't. I wasn't too sure myself but… I had to prove them wrong. I had to prove Tattletale wrong. Taylor was watching me too, and I didn't want to let her down more than I already had.

I cleared my throat as I stopped next to the waiting group, nervously trying to get the attention I already had before asking, "Is everyone ready?"

"I think so?" Taylor looked over the others, getting a few wary nods in response. "Alright. I'll call in the last of the bugs I need and we can head over then. I hope everyone knows their part; if what I've heard is true, this can get out of hand easily. We need to be focused." She spoke in the firm, confident tone she used when she was Skitter. She wasn't my awkward girlfriend right now; she was Skitter, Master Supervillain. It gave me a small shiver, and I couldn't tell if it came from fear or something else.

As if to punctuate the statement, Taylor pulled her mask down over her face again, then she patted Atlas' snout and turned to head off down the hallway with him on her heels, seemingly expecting everyone else to follow. And follow they did.

I could also see bugs trailing after, everywhere through the facility; crawling and flying along the walls and ceiling. The remaining couple Brute beetles were even coming out of their den elsewhere in the base and stomping through wide hallways to meet up with Atlas, their sort of commander. Everyone seemingly tried to ignore it, but I could tell they were unsettled. I just smirked, knowing now that this was a sign of something good, not bad. Taylor was in the zone. She was ready.

I let my symbiote flow over my head and close the other gaps over my body and, other than Genesis who was staying behind to prepare her projection, we all trailed down the hallway after Taylor before emerging into the main chamber. Finally, she stopped outside a massive vault door set in the wall. I had seen it sitting here to the side before and assumed it was where Coil had stored some Tinkertech machinery he bought or something. Was this where they actually kept Noelle? Was this necessary?

I was beginning to think all of their preparation hadn't been an exaggeration.

"Alright," Taylor began once we arrived, "Remember, Trickster will try to keep Noelle calm while Lilith, Grue and Oliver work on her, but we're not too sure how well it will work so everyone needs to be ready for things to go sideways. Everyone remembers their roles?" After a round of nods, she waved to Tattletale where she stood to the side near a panel in the wall. "Okay, open it then."

I could feel the tension in the air as the massive door slid open, and a second slid open behind that, moments after. A wave of hot air spilled out, filled with a stench of rotting meat and blood. Not one I was too unfamiliar with from a few bad cases at the hospital, but still not a smell I enjoyed.

Apart from the smell, the hot, moist air felt familiar. Paired with a faint panting sound I could hear, I finally remembered, from my few experiences with dogs and other animals. Breath, just on a larger scale than I had ever experienced. The chamber itself was a massive concrete box, with steel girders set along the walls and ceiling in a lattice. It was clear this room was built to sustain a beating. From the inside it seemed. My worry grew.

The far end of the room was dark, but the source of the breath soon became apparent as it stepped a little closer. What I thought was just the back wall had actually been the silhouette of a massive creature. My subject.

"Noelle," Trickster stepped forward first.

"Krouse, I'm so hungry," came the moaned reply from the approaching titan. A mass of flesh and limbs; some humanlike with fingers and a thumb shaped from blistered red flesh, others smooth brown tissues forming whiplike tentacles or thick trunks ending in some strange combination of claw and hoof. It was hard to tell what was being used to stand and what was just hanging unused, the way the flesh seemed to flow. Protruding from it was a series of chimeric heads as well; half bovine, half canine abominations with dark green fur and scales, bearing wide rictus grins of blocky teeth. There were other heads too, varying in origin and style, but all hungry.

"I know, but we're here to help," Trickster tried to reassure her, waving us closer as he spoke. "We have an idea that might help you. Remember the healer we heard about, Panacea? Coil said he couldn't get her to help, but things changed and she's here now. She thinks she might be able to do something." At my old name I shuffled a little closer, not bothering to correct them this time. I could tell it wasn't the time for it.

"Where is Coil? They haven't been feeding me Krouse. I can smell them and I'm so hungry." She groaned again, and though the words seemed to echo from the multiple mouths, the main source finally drew my eye. I almost hadn't noticed, but amidst the mass of flesh the emaciated torso of a girl emerged near the top. Long, stringy brown hair framed a horribly pale face with sunken eyes. Though it looked small compared to the mass beneath it, I could tell the torso itself was stretched inhumanly tall as well.

This was my patient.

Trickster turned to glare back at the Undersiders behind us. He'd gone without the mask, maybe to help Noelle recognise him, and his eyes were piercing.

"Bullsh*t…" I heard Tattletale mumble behind us. "I've been feeding her, constantly!"

He frowned, but didn't say anything in reply before turning back to his hulking teammate.

"We'll get you something right after this, but you need to focus now." He continued trying to placate her, approaching cautiously. Grue, Oliver and I followed behind him, with the others taking up the rear but keeping their distance. "They can help you. This might finally be over."

"Over…?" The echoes faded away as a more normal sounding voice managed to break through with a sad, pleading tone. "Really? You… think they can actually help?"

"Yes!" He said firmly. I would almost believe it, if I hadn't heard the way he kept talking to Taylor before. He was at least a good liar.

"I… I can try. To focus. But you know what happens when people touch me." She sounded sad and resigned. I'd been briefed on what to expect; as well as being uncontrollably hungry, she somehow made warped clones of whatever touched her. That's part of what everyone else was here for. I had my own job to focus on.

"We know, Noelle," I spoke up, trying to get her attention. "We're ready for it." I'd dealt with dangerous patients before, and one important part was to not surprise them. I needed her to be aware of me before I started working. "We'll do what we can, but we need your help too. I need you to do your best to keep it under control."

Trickster side-eyed me as I broke into the conversation, but I just ignored him, keeping my eyes on Noelle. Even among my past patients, the most dangerous I had to deal with was Uncle Neil, delirious from pain with a piece of metal stuck through his gut after a fight with Hookwolf. Super strength and lashing out in agony were a bad combination.

Second place was Miss Militia. Traumatic flashbacks during surgery combined with being able to summon guns at will wasn't good either.

Neither compared with this.

As Trickster continued trying to keep her calm, I carefully approached along with Grue and Oliver, a bulbous red face with a yawning beak looming before me. I shared a nervous look with Grue's blank skull mask and I saw his oily darkness starting to spill out around my feet, then I drew back my suit from my hand and placed it in a groove next to the strange face protruding from the flesh. The moment I touched her, I could feel a ripple go through her body, and I knew things were about to get difficult.

I tried to put it out of my mind and focus on my job; the others would handle any 'complications'. Plus, something else had come when I touched her. The flood of information I got when I touched anyone, but on an entire other level.

Her biology was a mess. A strange mash of different blueprints slammed together in a kaleidoscope of flesh. There were multiple different circulatory and respiratory systems all weaved around each other, totally separate, with their own sets of hearts and lungs. For better or worse I could tell the digestive systems were fairly cohesive, with all of the mouths leading to one huge multi-chambered stomach. That was about the only part that made sense though, with all the stretches of superdense raw formless flesh, gaps in her I couldn't even sense, and all the different pieces forming from seemingly nothing… capes could be strange, but this went beyond anything I'd imagined.

But I was getting distracted again. I could already sense Grue starting his own work, trying to dismantle the hulking mass before us with my borrowed power, so I needed to get started on mine. I shoved aside all the contradictory information my power was feeding me about her lower, centaur body, and tried to focus on the girl rising out of the top. Even there, her body was warped and stretched beyond normal, but I could at least see the girl she used to be buried within.

I pushed further past that, I needed to focus on her brain. That was my job this time, despite how opposed I had been to it for so long. Her power was broken and I was the only one who could fix it.

With everything else, I was surprised by how… normal, her brain was. There wasn’t much standout to it beyond a normal human brain. However, that included Pollentia and Gemma. As in, she had none. There was something that could have been an aborted Gemma, since there was a lobe in the rough location Bones- Riley told me to look, but it was almost… shriveled. The material was still alive and intact, but it was malformed and underdeveloped for what it should have been. As for the Pollentia though, there was no-

The body under my hand shifted and stepped forward, knocking me back and almost throwing me to the ground before I caught myself.

"Ugggh, you said they were here to help, Krouse!" Noelle's voice rang out again, with that eerie echo. Angrier now.

"They are, you just need to be patient," Trickster tried to reassure her, but I could see him taking a step back himself.

"It hurtsss," she groaned, her body shaking and limbs flicking erratically. "I don't feel any better, and whatever they're doing hurts!"

Looking back to her lower half, it did seem… smaller. There were chunks of flesh on the ground that Grue must have taken off while I was focused on her brain, but I had told him to deaden the nerves first. She shouldn't be feeling any pain from it, unless he wasn't able to do that fine work with my power, or something with her power was causing it…

"What are you doing?" Trickster snapped. I was confused at first until I saw he was glaring at us as he said it.

"We're trying!" I snapped back. "This isn't exactly a normal case."

A warbling roar came from the many mouths of Noelle's lower half, then I saw it shudder before the beaked mouth beside me vomited something onto the ground.

"Ahh, it's happening again!" Noelle shrieked, her human arms clapping their hands to her head and pulling at her stringy hair.

A figure rose out of the vomit, naked and dripping with slimy bile. They were pudgy, with a mane of frizzy brown hair, a twisted hole in place of a nose and wide, shovel-like hands, but I was still able to recognise them. It was me.

“Co-” she coughed and spat out a ball of slime. I heard another mouth vomiting something behind me, but I was too transfixed to turn and see what it was. “Cowardly bitch!” my clone finished, sneering at me. “Selfish coward. Don’t care about anyone but yourself.” Her arms started stretching as her upper half grew wider and thicker, like a gorilla’s I stepped back as she advanced on me, not sure what to do.


“You don’t deserve Taylor,” her voice deepened into a guttural growl as her jaw thickened and her teeth grew out. “Just using her to replace Vicky, cause you’re too much of a-”

She jerked back with a cry of pain as something hit her in the side with a fleshy squelch. I heard a whistling crack before she jerked back a few more times, and I could see spurts of blood shooting out where the objects impacted her. Glancing back to the others, I saw Ballistic with his hand outstretched. He must have been using his power to gun her down with something, but she was still standing.

Something cold swept over me from behind, and everything went dark. I looked around, but everything was black and empty. Grue? But why would he-

Something struck me across the back and drove me to the ground. I struggled to breathe and stretched out small tentacles from my symbiote to try to feel my surroundings. As soon as they touched a thick figure in front of me I piled them all into shoving them away. Then, before I could even get up, the darkness cleared and I saw my clone looming over me again.

The sounds rushed back; my clone screaming, Noelle yelling and stomping as Trickster tried to calm her down, and a tearing sound from behind me. Concerned, I quickly glanced back to see Atlas tossing a man’s torso away, while the bleeding stump of the lower half fell to the ground. Naked and dark-skinned. A Grue clone? But I didn’t see the real one?

My clone growled again, drawing my attention back to her as she swung at me with a huge clawed hand, and I just barely had my symbiote condense the tentacles into a thick plate before she struck, stressing the muscles of my arms as I used them to brace against the shield. My symbiote stretched and tore from the impact, then I heard the whistling again, followed by more fleshy impacts and my clone’s cry of rage..

“Cowering and letting others fight your battles!” She roared, reaching down for me. “Just like al-” Something much bigger hit her this time and bore her to the ground. It wasn’t an object this time, but a massive, four-legged monster, with familiar protrusions of bone and exposed muscle.

“Thanks Angelica,” I smiled nervously at the help as Bitch’s dog mauled my clone in front of me. She fought back, her arms shifting into sort of spiked tentacles to drive into the dog, but she was on the back foot and I saw another one of the dogs coming to help. She was handled for the moment, and I still had a job to do.

I jumped back to my feet, letting the shield morph back into an aurora of tentacles around me to warn me of any attacks. I had to focus and let the others handle everything else. Bitch’s other dogs and a couple Brute bugs were coming to finish off my clone and start holding down Noelle as she started lashing out. One of her mouths opened in a shout of pain or rage, and I saw a mannequin appear in it. It took me a second to realise it was one of the ones Trickster had prepared for his power, as Grue came running over from the other group, covered in mucus. Had she-?

Focus. I stepped back to grab Oliver’s hand where he had backed up during the fighting and hurried back to Noelle’s side as Grue got there.

“Keep going!” I shouted to Grue as I slapped my hand back on the mound of flesh and her strange biology blossomed in my head again.. “You have to try to disable her while they have her pinned before things get out of control!”

“I’ll try,” he grumbled back, his deep voice distorted by his helmet making it hard to tell if he was annoyed at my orders or just determined not to get taken down again.

"Krouse, stop them!" The girl cried, and I just had to hope Trickster kept his head and wouldn't listen.

I dove back into her head, scouring her brain for other strange things. She was overly aggressive and starving. Why? As I looked, I saw her brain and the rest of her body was flooded with adrenaline and other chemicals I'd seen in other aggressive patients. Especially addicts. The adrenaline made sense, considering the fight, but was it what caused it?

I traced the signals prompting the release of that and the other chemicals, which strangely led away from the brain and down to-

What is that?

My eyes went wide with shock and I almost lost my grip as Noelle struggled against the Brutes holding her down and nearly threw me off.

Buried in the top part of her lower half, near one of the parts that caused my power to blank out, was what seemed like a second brain. It sort of made sense considering the extra parts on her body needed something to control them, but this brain didn't have a motor cortex. It almost seemed more like what I remembered of the Pollentia of different capes I'd seen but… engorged way past what was normal.

I compared it to what I could see of Oliver's Pollentia since he was still holding my hand, and received another surprise when it took me a few seconds to find his. His Pollentia was shriveled and nearly nonexistent like Noelle's Gemma was, but his Gemma was well developed.

I was beginning to see the problem.

I could still see Grue dissolving the connections between parts of her lower half, so I got to work too, now that I found a starting point.

But as soon as I started dissolving the Pollentia, she began to scream.

"NO NO NO NO, STOP!" Her voice tore through the vault from her many mouths, screeching at an ear-piercing frequency.

My vision flickered and suddenly my sense of her anatomy was gone and I was standing several feet away from her, with Oliver in front of me.

"What the f*ck did you just do?" Trickster stomped up to me and grabbed one of my symbiote's tentacles to pull me closer. "You're supposed to be helping her!"

"I am! " I snapped back and shrunk the tentacle to easily slip it out of his grab as another slapped him. "If you would just back off and let me!"

"She's in pain, you said she'd be fine!" He snarled down at me, his hand twitching on his cane as though he wanted to hit me with it.

"I said she should be, but her anatomy doesn't work how it should," I pressed back, standing my ground. "There were no pain receptors where I was working. The thing didn't even have any nerves that connected it to her normal brain!"

"If you want Noelle fixed, you have to trust us." An unexpected voice spoke up behind me, and I turned to find Skitter there in place of Grue. "And if you try to feed me to your girlfriend again I’ll have my swarm turn you into biomass for mine."

The screaming spiked into a roar, drowning out any possible replies, followed by a crash as Angelica landed on her back beside us. Thankfully she jumped to her feet again pretty quick but it drew my attention back to Noelle, to see her throwing off the other dogs, Brute bugs, and tearing at a strange crawling tentacle creature I presumed was Genesis.

She lost the battle against her power and was fighting back. Things were about to get harder.

I rushed back toward her, seeing Grue do the same from the back line again where he had probably been swapped for Skitter. Before we could get there I heard the sound of vomiting again… from many mouths.

Another pair of humanoid figures rose from the bile, alongside a couple larger masses of flesh. Strange-

The brute bugs.

The giant, warped beetles with gnashing jaws and huge crab claws charged their counterparts with a horrible screeching sound. This left my and Grue's clones to come after their counterparts too, alongside Noelle herself.

I spared a glance for Grue's clone to see a gaunt man with his lower jaw sunken into his upper jaw and squishing his face. He had two massively stretched out arms, ending in balls of darkness around his hands that were dragging along the ground, leaving trenches carved out of the concrete.

"Ameeelliiaaa~!" My own clone rushed me, her naked, bone thin body on display in a way I would normally be self conscious about were we not in mortal danger. I knew what my touch could do, and while my first clone's power seemed different, I wasn't going to assume this one's would be.

"Don't let her touch your skin!" I shouted, as Trickster and I jumped back. To my dismay, Taylor stepped forward instead, baton at the ready. "Skitter!?"

"My suit covers my whole body, I can handle her," Taylor replied evenly as she used the baton to block a hand that grasped at her face.

"Think so~?" My clone crooned, her grin stretching almost to her ears, her teeth and eyes almost three times bigger than they should be.

Then I saw the baton begin changing; softening and shifting to a dark red color, like-

"Taylor watch out!" I called, right before the warped baton was replaced with Trickster's cane. Taylor still jumped back, as I saw Trickster stomp on the writhing, fleshy snake that used to be Taylor's baton.

"Oops, guess I'm not what you expected, A-Meel-ee-aaa?" My clone crooned again, through her too big teeth. "You were never what other people thought either though, right? The saintly healer, who actually hated her job and wished she could just turn this whining man into a meatball. The dutiful daughter, who knew her mother hated her and was just doing anything she could to earn love." One of her legs suddenly buckled, but she just twisted it around and kept walking as we kept our distance. What were the others doing? The dogs were keeping Noelle busy, one Brute bug was still fighting it's clone and the other was dead, it's clone charging the others who were fighting it now, and- "The caring sister who really just wanted to fu- "

"Shut up!" I screamed and charged her, closing my suit over my hands again and hoping the organic tentacles I shot out to seize her wrists would be immune to her power.

"Oho, did I hit a nerve!" She cackled and suddenly I couldn't feel the tips of the tentacles on her anymore. I saw them turning to stone and quickly cut off the end of where I could feel. "Don't like me spilling your secrets, A-Meel-ee-aaa?" She jerked her hands and the remains of the now stone tentacles on her crumbled. "Then how about I tell them about your new secret? The little guest you brought back from-"

I lashed out again in a panic, fusing a few tentacles into a chitin sickle to slash across her chest. I lost feeling in part of the blade, but it hadn’t touched her long enough for much effect. I had to stop her from talking.

She hissed at me, her stretched grin turning to a grotesque frown as she cried, “You bitch!” and lunged at me.

I ducked under her grasping hand, then saw Taylor step in and kick out my clone’s leg while she was unbalanced.

“Of course, her new girlfriend, the infamous villain.” My clone sneered up at her. “Just another way she betra-”

“Trickster, swap her,” Taylor ordered, evenly. Instantly, my clone disappeared and was replaced with another mannequin. Worried what she’d say to the group at the back, I snapped my head over, only to see a cloud of bugs around where the mannequin was. I saw the cloud turning to stone, but it was just burying my clone, and it was clear Taylor had her handled.

“Lilith, stay focused on Noelle; you’re the only one who can stop this now.” Taylor spoke firmly, her gaze fixed on the writhing mass of flesh. “Don’t worry about the clones, we’ll keep them off you.” She turned to look at Trickster. “Right?” There was a brief pause before he reluctantly nodded.

“...Right.” It was clear he hated to agree, but didn’t see any other option. “Do what you can for her. But if she doesn’t make it through this, then neither-”

“Trickster!” Taylor snapped, cutting him off.

“f*ck, fine.” He growled. “Just do it.”

Taylor nodded to me, and I rushed back toward Noelle, leaving them to watch my back. It was a struggle, with Noelle fighting back so much now, but her new batch of clones were all dead and the dogs along with the remaining Brute bug were back on her, so I was able to slip past the gnashing mouth and slap my hand to her side again.

Instantly I slipped back into working on her; there was no more time to analyze or deliberate. I didn't know where Grue was, but I could see the seams where he had been trying to split off her lower half. Some pieces had already been shaved off, and others had been weakened considerably, though they were already filling in and healing.

Her Pollentia. I needed to finish disabling it. Without a functioning Gemma, her Pollentia was running out of control.

"Oliver, I need you!" I called out, and got an answering, "Right here!" before I heard running footsteps and felt a warm hand grab my free one. Another self-conscious thing I had to shove aside for now.

"Alright, keep her still," I ordered the others firmly. This was the crucial moment, and after last time I knew she wouldn't like it. Or her power wouldn't; however this worked.

As the affirmative rang out from the others, I focused on my power and began dissolving Noelle's warped Pollentia. Her screeching, echoing roars filled the room again, but I put them out of my mind. I wasn't sure what the effects of lacking a Pollentia would be, so I got to work relocating the resources from her previous one even as it was dissolving, reforming a more appropriately sized one in her brain where Oliver's was in his.

His was underdeveloped, so I aimed for a sort of middle ground between what I could see of theirs. They bore some similarities, so I built on those and tried to extrapolate what it should be like. I could hear her roaring in pain and felt her struggling against the dogs and giant bugs holding her down, but I pushed through. Even when a sudden jolt from her nearly threw me off, I quickly reshaped the flesh my hand was against into a handle and kept a tight grip on her, keeping my feet.

As her Pollentia faded away under my power I could see the repairs her power had been working on her lower half slow, and finally stop. Then, without her power supporting it, it almost seemed to begin collapsing. I felt a ripple as another hand slapped against her body elsewhere, and the collapse sped up. Grue was back. Together we began peeling away the layers of extra flesh from the central body now that her and her power weren’t fighting back as much.

We had the advantage now, and things went quickly from there. I heard one more clone spatter to the ground covered in bile, but it was torn up by a dog before it could do anything. As Noelle shrank the others were able to contain her easier and more were free to deal with clones and the like. I wasn’t even sure who it had been a clone of, too focused on Noelle.

Soon enough I was having to step closer as the flesh fell away, to get to the near catatonic girl in the middle. Once most was gone, Grue stepped away to leave the last part to me; giving her a more normal body being harder than he was able to do. Or maybe more than he was comfortable with, given what I would have to shape.

Her lower body had been totally warped, so I needed to convert some of the excess flesh into a more normal pair of legs and lower half as the rest fell away. Even her upper half had been stretched a little beyond normal, but that was easier to deal with; just pulling things back and turning some of the excess into compact fat stores to make up for her gaunt appearance and help shore up her poor nutrition.

Oliver tried to pull away as the naked girl formed before him, but I held his hand tight. I still needed him. Even with her Pollentia back to normal proportions, I could still feel her flesh bubbling as her power tried to make a new copy of me. She hadn’t always been some massive abomination with multiple mouths, but the Travellers had said she had been copying things since before that. Even if she wouldn’t be puking it out, I could already sense her power generating more excess flesh near her shoulder and trying to shape it into something.

I moved my hand there and took the new flesh it was producing, breaking it down for my own ends and pushing it up her neck to sink into and through her skull. I needed to reconstruct her Gemma to give her more control over her power. The source of powers may be beyond me, and how exactly Gemma functioned was too, but Bonesaw told me that they were what gave parahumans a level of control. When the Gemma was removed, powers went wild. I didn’t ask for any details on how she knew; I could guess.

It stood to reason that if Oliver and Noelle got their powers from the same vial, and both involved molding flesh in some way, then his Gemma might be a good model to use for hers; so I got to work.

This was harder than anything I had done before, but I needed to do it right. Everyone was counting on me. Taylor was counting on me.

And Trickster was still looming over my shoulder.

As I worked, carefully molding the Gemma and tweaking it until I couldn’t feel her body bubbling anymore, everything around me gradually went quiet. Sounds of my allies struggling stopped, and I sensed Noelle losing consciousness beneath my hands. It was finally done.

The fight was over. Now I just had to hope what I did worked.

Trickster stepped forward with a blanket he had prepared and draped it over the unconscious girl to cover her nudity, then picked her up in his arms. I finally released Oliver and nearly fell over, my legs feeling like jelly. As Oliver stepped away, flexing his hand that I must’ve been squeezing without noticing, I felt an arm slip around my back to steady me. My first thought, dizzy as I was, was that it was Vicky, supporting me like always. Then I remembered and looked back.

Taylor stood there, looking down at me. Even with her mask obscuring her face, I knew the concerned expression she would be wearing; worried for me. Vicky was gone. Taylor was all I had now. That first time we met in the bank, I never thought we’d end up here. I never thought I’d be able to read these sorts of emotions from that unsettling insect mask, especially toward me.

She started leading me back out of the room as everyone else collected themselves and checked on each other after the battle. I saw Bitch petting her dogs as the excess flesh slowly sloughed off them. All four were accounted for, so they made it out okay it seemed.

Catching me looking, Bitch turned to stare back at me. Her face still had that impassive, almost angry expression, but she gave me a nod I took to be approving before focusing back on her dogs.

Turning to the other side I caught Tattletale watching me too, but when I saw her with a similar expression to Bitch’s, I knew it meant something worse.

I ducked my head and kept walking with Taylor, until we were out of Noelle’s vault home. Most of the others followed us out, and Trickster quickly turned to carry Noelle off somewhere else; probably an infirmary of some kind to have her checked over. Either because he didn’t trust me or because he expected some side effects, which was fair.

As we walked, Taylor said something to the others before leading me off into a room to the side. I wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on though, still too out of it after everything that had happened. I couldn’t tell if it was the stress, the fight, or overexerting my power somehow, but I was exhausted.

Taylor eased me into a chair and stepped back. I blinked up at her confused, to see her staring down at me with her arms crossed. Suddenly, she struck me as a little less ‘concerned’. Then she reached up and peeled her mask off, revealing a sweat slicked face with brows furrowed.

“Amy… what secret was that clone talking about? What ‘guest’ did you bring back?”

Suddenly, I was wide awake and more aware than I had been in a long time.

Chapter 21: Trust


Taylor and Amy each meet a different guest.


Merry Christmas

Chapter Text


June 22, 2011

I stared down at Amy sternly as she blinked herself back to full consciousness. I felt guilty ambushing her like this after everything she just went through, but if this was what I thought, it couldn’t wait.

“W-What?” Amy mumbled. “Guest?” Her eyes flicked around the small locker room I’d dragged her into, trying to find some sort of distraction. My worry increased.

“Amy,” I said firmly, drawing her attention back to me. “The clones are designed to protect Noelle. They’re warped versions of us that prey on our weaknesses. They have all our knowledge, but they can easily lie to turn us against each other too; so if that’s the case, you just have to tell me.” I fixed my eyes on hers, reddened with exhaustion over her flushed and sweaty face. My guilt deepened, but I needed to know. “The clone said you brought a guest back from somewhere, and I can only think of one place we went recently. Was she lying?”

“Taylor, I…” I saw her gulp and lick her lips nervously, searching for words, and my certainty grew. “No,” she sighed finally, ducking her head. “She wasn’t.”

I knew it.

“Why!?” I shouted. I’d sensed her doing something strange with Gorillapede since we got back, but it was distorted by her power and I couldn’t fully read it. I had my suspicions, but… “You of all people know how dangerous she is, how could you bring her back! And without telling me!?” I worried for a moment people might hear my shouting, but a quick check with my power made sure no one was close enough to overhear, other than-

“I… I’m sorry!” She suddenly cried, turning back to me. “I had to!”

“Had to?” I shot back, the bugs in my suit buzzing more rapidly as I offloaded my emotions to avoid lashing out at the lockers around me. “Don’t you remember what she did? She cut my head open. She attacked your house. She turned Grue into-” I choked as the memories came back; Grue splayed out over the inside of that freezer like a spiderweb of flesh.

“Do you think she chose to be like that?” Amy answered, her voice dropping low. “I looked her up before we went after them. Jack kidnapped her from her home after torturing her family, like he made her try to do to me. When she was six. ” She looked up at me, her eyes wide and pleading. “When I was at the edge you gave me a second chance. I had to do the same for her.”

“Amy,” I leaned over her, trying not to raise my voice at her, despite how unreasonable she was being. Even still, I felt my swarm seeping forth and surrounding us in a dark cloud, showing my anger for me. “She is well past the edge. Way beyond second chances.”

“She’s just a kid, Taylor!”

“A kid that takes people apart for fun!” I groaned out, like explaining something to a child. “She is psychotic. She doesn't even see anything wrong with what she does, Amy.”

“Exactly, so we need to teach her,” she begged. “Taylor, I… I need to try to save her. Because… that’s what could have happened to me. What almost did happen to me. I need to save her, to prove that I can be saved too.”

“Amy, you…” I sighed, my anger fading some. I was worried it was something like this. “It’s not the same. You didn’t fall to-”

“I could have, Taylor!” She snarled, cutting me off. “I was so close. Jack, you… you were never alone with him. He gets into your head; tells you just what you need to hear. After Bonesaw and what happened with Vicky… I had nothing left. Jack caught me and… I almost did it. He almost got me, like he did her. She’s just a kid, Taylor. He took her and twisted her into what she is, but we might be able to bring her back.”

“What about Grue, or Wormhole?” I asked. “What do you expect me to say to them after what she did?”

“I don’t know but… we have to try. Remember how you felt when you thought you killed her before? Even you said she was just a kid.”

“I did. And you let me believe I’d killed her!” I turned away and leaned against the locker, not sure what to say. I couldn’t just let this go. The image of Grue flashed through my head again. The sound of her saw cutting into my skull.

The image of Dinah came to my mind next. Another little girl taken by a villain to twist for their own ends because of their power. But Dinah was used in a different way. She wasn’t there as long, and wasn’t corrupted the same way. If he had her a few more years, and made her work for him instead of as a slave… would I have felt the same?

“Even if I agreed to this… you went behind my back,” I said finally. “Why didn’t you come to me first? Why did you keep this from me?” I turned back to glare at her again. “You said I gave you another chance, but this is how you’re using it? I trusted you.”

Amy jerked back as if slapped, but I didn’t waver this time.

“I wanted to make sure it was even possible first. To see if I could fix her myself before telling you. And I wasn’t… sure you’d agree,” she choked out, looking away.

“Of course not! That’s the prob-” I cut myself off and took a deep breath. Crossing my arms, I steeled myself and said, “Take me to her.”

"I-" Amy began, looking back at me like she was getting ready to argue, before deflating. "Alright…"

I gave her a satisfied nod and slipped my mask back on before going for the door. When I wrenched it open I was unsurprised to find Lisa standing there, waiting. I'd sensed her eavesdropping earlier, but…

"How long have you known?" I asked. There was no keeping secrets from her, so she probably knew before I did.

"Just figured it out before we took on Noelle, I swear," she answered, stepping back and putting up her hands. "If she didn't tell you now, I would have. Promise." Lisa put a hand over her heart as she promised, before steeling her expression and saying, "And I want to come with you to see her."

I sighed and nodded. "I thought so. I was going to ask you to come anyway."

"She's coming too?" Amy cut in, looking between us with a frown. I felt like it would have been a full blown glare if I hadn't just broken her spirit some. She was protective of Bonesaw for some reason I still didn't fully understand, and she didn't trust Lisa yet.

"I might have been willing to go with just us, Amy, but you're making it hard to trust you right now," I answered, glaring back from behind my mask. "I need her there for insurance."

Amy winced and ducked her head a bit, chastened. "Alright, I get it…"

It was like scolding a dog that misbehaved; it hurt, but it had to be done.

… Rachel was really getting to me.

"Before we go, Taylor," Lisa put a hand on my arm to get my attention again. "We need to debrief everyone on Noelle first."

"Right," I nodded, sighing. We were still so busy. How did I end up in charge of all of this?

I led them both back down the hall to the main chamber, where the rest of the Undersiders and Travelers other than Trickster and Noelle herself (them having left to have her checked at the infirmary) were waiting outside the vault, probably wanting some air after that horrorshow.

"Alright, thanks for your help everyone!" I called out, feeling a little awkward and not sure how to start this. "We did good. It looks like the plan worked, and we all made it through with little to no injuries. Could have been a lot worse." I looked back at my dispirited helper. "Amy, what's your verdict?"

"Oh! Uh…" She glanced up at everyone, seemingly surprised at being called upon. I hadn't wanted to, but we needed her judgment. "Right, well, I managed to get her body back to normal, obviously, but we'll have to wait and see if it sticks. No one really knows how powers work, especially for case 53s, but I did what I could for her. Her power was out of control and warping her with the extra mass it was supposed to be generating for the clones from what I could tell. Her Pollentia wasn't even in her brain. I tried to stabilise things but… we'll just have to see."

"And for those of us who don't speak Healer?" Alec asked snidely.

Amy rolled her eyes. "She should be fine but someone will have to watch her and make sure she eats right, and I'll have to check on her in a few days."

"Awesome, thanks." Alec answered. "Can we go home then? I need to take three showers to get rid of that 'rotten meat' smell."

"You can go." I stepped up again. "Thanks for the help, Regent. Everyone can go back to their territories now, but I'll want a couple Travelers to stay and watch Noelle with Trickster. Oliver and Genesis I assume?" They were the ones who were here the most after a-

"I'll stay for the night," Ballistic spoke up. The bulky man in armor walked over. "You'll need some real firepower just in case things go wrong."

Genesis glared at him from her wheelchair, but didn't dispute him.

"Thanks," I replied. "I have something I need to take care of, but I'll send some clones over to your territories to help keep an eye on things while you're here."

"Creepy, but sure." He chuckled awkwardly. "Not sure why you even need us anymore." Then he turned to head to the infirmary, with Genesis rolling after him.

That seemed to get some people thinking and left things on a bit of a sour note so I just tried to wrap things up quickly from there, telling everyone to keep in touch before leaving with Amy and Lisa. Lisa grabbed a driver for us and led us to the garage while I sent Atlas on ahead, since the three of us wouldn't fit on him.

The drive wasn't long but it felt like it was, since we had to sit in silence due to the presence of the driver. We couldn't let anything on Bonesaw slip to anyone. Not yet. Not until I decided what to do.

Soon enough we arrived at the abandoned garage I had the Gorillapede stored in. Where Amy was keeping Bonesaw in secret.

We left the driver in the car outside to drive Lisa back when we were done, before heading in. I gave Atlas a reassuring pat where he waited by the door as well. It still felt strange treating him like a pet rather than just part of my swarm. One of the better things Amy had done.

And then we stepped into the garage, where I saw the pile of mechanical parts lying in the corner opposite Gorillapede; the reminder of her new mistake. I had sensed the parts before after she pulled them out, but I had just thought she was taking out what was left that the big bug couldn't digest and hadn’t looked closer. At least she had the foresight to disarm her at least.

"I'll… bring her out to talk then?" Amy asked, hesitantly.

"Do it," I answered, and Lisa nodded firmly.

Amy stepped forward and put her hand against the Gorillapede’s side, and I saw its chitin ripple unnaturally. Moments later, it bulged outward before extruding the head and shoulders of a small blond girl. She looked different than Bonesaw as I’d seen her before; the carefully kept ringlets in her hair undone and hanging damp, her hair and bare skin slick with some unknown fluids Amy had filled her pocket of the Gorillapede with. Then Amy shifted her hand to the girl’s shoulder and she blinked the fluids away, coming back to full consciousness and reminding me of who this girl was.

“Amelia, you’re back!” Bonesaw said with a wide smile. “And you brought Skitter and Tattletale with you!”

“And still no Jack,” Amy answered her firmly. I saw Bonesaw’s face twitch a little, but she kept her smile. She must still be trying to believe Jack was alive.

“Weird it’s taking him so long, but I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” Bonesaw said with forced confidence.

“You know that’s not true,” Lisa said, stepping forward. “You don’t want to accept it, because you’ve shaped your life around his. You don’t know what you’d do with him gone, but you know even he couldn’t have survived what you saw.”

“Well you’re right about one thing, I know Jack,” Bonesaw laughed. “And I know how you work. You’re trying to get in my head. I wonder what I’d see if I got into yours.”

I shuddered internally, but tried not to let it show, the memory of her saw buzzing in my head again.

“I never got to finish with you either, Skitter!” she continued. “I’m still really curious how your brain works. Mind giving me back my tools so we could find out?”

“You’re not getting anything from us, Bonesaw,” I shot back. “And you’re not going anywhere.”

“But you won’t kill me either, will you?” she asked sweetly, already seeming confident in my answer. “You’ve never really murdered someone, have you? Any time you have gone lethal, it’s only because you thought you had to, but with me stuck here, I’m harmless. That would just be execution!”

“I don’t have to kill you.” I replied, trying to skirt around her argument. “We could keep you here forever if we have to. Like Amy said, no one is coming for you. I killed Jack. Maybe it wasn’t murder, but I felt my bugs eat every part of him. He’s gone.”

“He can’t be gone,” Bonesaw said, with a slightly unhinged laugh. “He can’t die. Do you know how long he’s been around for and what he’s survived. Nothing has got him before, and nothing will!”

“All it takes is one.” Lisa said simply. I expected a mischievous grin on her face before I looked over to find her surprisingly solemn. “You’ve had a hard life, haven’t you?”

“Of course not!” Bonesaw snickered. “Jack’s been good to me!”

“”Has he?” Lisa continued. “He killed your family. Worse, he-”

“JACK IS MY FAMILY!” Bonesaw shrieked.

“Was.” Amy spoke up. “He’s gone now, Riley. He killed your first family, and now we’ve killed him. You’re alone again, and I’m sorry for that, but we can help you rebuild again? You wanted to be my sister, now, maybe-”

“Amy, stop,” I cut in. This was too soon. I wasn’t getting into this right now, not before I decided what to do. “Put her back in, that’s enough for now.”

“But-” Amy began.

“What, don’t want to talk more?” Bonesaw snarled, struggling against the bug guts she was bound in.

“Riley, stop.” Lisa looked at her sternly. “Be a good girl now.”

I saw Bonesaw freeze up in response to that, staring at Lisa in shock for a moment. Long enough for Amy to send her back into the Gorillapede and shut it behind her. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Even helpless like that she had a way of unsettling me.

“Well, that could have gone better.” I turned back to the other two once Bonesaw was gone. “Amy does seem to have done a good enough job disabling her though,” I gave Amy an acknowledging nod, “so…she’s right about one thing. I don’t want to just kill her here. We have her contained, so it would just be an execution.” I sighed. “I guess you’ll get your chance to try to talk to her.” A hopeful smile started on Amy’s face, so I quickly clarified, “But! Lisa or I have to be there anytime you visit her. I don’t want you here with her alone. I don’t want anyone coming here alone.”

“That’s… fair enough,” Amy answered reluctantly.

“If we aren’t killing her, what are we going to do then?” Lisa asked. “The others won’t like this, Brian especially. You know that. And if the PRT hear about this too…”

“I know, I know,” I sighed. It was a difficult situation. She was right, but what else could I do? “I’m not keeping this from the others. They deserve to know. I’m not gonna drop this on them now, not after today. They deserve some rest. But tomorrow, we’re telling them.” That seemed to make Amy nervous, but she would just have to deal. I still wasn’t happy with her for keeping this from me.

“Alright,” Lisa gave me a satisfied nod. “We all wrapped up here then? I should get back and check on the Travellers and make sure Trickster isn’t doing anything stupid.”

“Yeah, we’ll head back to my territory,” I answered. “Thanks for the help Lisa.”

“Of course, no way I was missing out on this,” she smirked and winked, before spinning around and strutting out of the garage toward her waiting car.

I followed her out, heading for Atlas, and Amy trailed after me wordlessly. She seemed resigned to what was happening, but I couldn’t get a good read on her beyond that. I knew I was being harsh, and I did feel bad for it, but she lied to me! I put my trust in her, and I couldn’t forgive this so easily. So I didn't care if she was angry or feeling like a kicked puppy. I wasn't about to just let this go.


That could have gone better, but it also could have gone worse. Riley was still alive, and so was I. After Taylor exploded when I told her what I did, I had no idea what she was going to do. I felt like dirt. Would she ever forgive me? I didn’t know. Did I even deserve it? Was this just one more time I ruined the best thing I had going for me and drove everyone away?

The flight home was even quieter than the drive here.

I rode behind Taylor again, but this time I was hesitant to even touch her. Before I knew her, the quiet ‘bug girl’ in the black costume calling down plagues had been a cold, terrifying force. Unreadable. In the bank, even after I started messing with her power she just held a knife to my throat. Then after Leviathan, even when I saw her face and threatened her, she just stared back defiantly, barely showing the fear I knew she felt and just raging at me despite lying there helpless. I had been a bitch then, and I betrayed her now.

As time went on she became more distant, and frightening of a figure. The new leader of the Undersiders; once a group of small-time thieves, now a force to be reckoned with, fighting against the PRT and the Slaughterhouse Nine. And she made them that.

Then that night came, almost two weeks ago now. That last night with Jack. She finally dropped some of her walls for me, and spoke to me earnestly. Offered me a way out. And I took it. Then I finally got to know the desperate, awkward girl behind the mask. Not the literal mask, but the figurative one she even wore after Leviathan, beneath her real one.

It felt like that was all gone now though, and we were back to how things were before. She was back to the cold warlord I knew her as when the Slaughterhouse were here. Unreadable. Were we flying back home so we could talk things through in privacy? Was she going to kill me for this where no one could see now that she didn’t need me anymore? Something else? Was she angry, sad, afraid, what?

I had no idea. All I could do was hold on and wait.

Eventually Atlas came to a landing down the street from the lair, and Taylor hopped off. She didn’t stop to give me a hand down this time, just silently walking back to the lair. I climbed off on my own and just watched her go, unsure if she wanted me to follow, but she didn’t say anything. She gave no sign.

I stood there, unsure. Atlas gave me a curious lick before following after his master. I debated if I should do the same, before deciding I needed a walk to clear my head. As tired as I was after dealing with Noelle and then Riley, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand any more of that awkward silence. So with that I shifted my symbiote-suit back into a dense plate on my back under my shirt, returning to my civilian clothes before turning and walking away.

It was almost night, but there were still some people on the street, feeling safer with Taylor watching them. I knew she would still be watching me too. As I walked, everyone else seemed to watch me too. They recognised me and must have been wondering what I was doing here alone. It occurred to me that my whole time outside in her territory I was always with her, Sierra, Charlotte, or the kids. This was the first time I was really alone, and it made them curious. Still, out of politeness or fear, no one approached me, just friendly waves and leaving me to my business.

After a while of random wandering, I wasn’t on the main streets of the Boardwalk anymore, and the roads were smaller and the people more sparse. I don’t know if that should have made me more or less surprised, when someone chose that moment to finally approach me.

“You must be the ever-renowned Panacea.” Their voice had a playful drawl to it as they approached, but I struggled to pin down anything solid about their appearance. Shoulder length blond hair, but with a red streak through the middle of it. Plain jeans, but with a threadbare tie-dyed shirt under a striped black and white jacket and sunglasses. Even their facial features were too androgynous for me to even pin down their gender or age.

“Or do you prefer Amy Dallon?” they continued as I watched them, curious and wary. “Or Lilith now?”

It finally clicked with me. Their strange outfit, vague features, and the confident grace they approached me with, despite knowing who I was.


They smiled, before leaning forward in a deep, mocking bow. “At your service.”

A Helping Hand - manicMagician - Parahumans Series (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.